Release Notes
Introducing new filtering possilibities
Introduce new filtering in the endpoints: GET v1/PurchaseOrder, GET v1/PurchaseOrderBasic ==> "orderDate", "deliveryDate" and "branch" . GET v1/shipment ==> "shipmentType" and "shipmentDate" GET v1/purchasereceipt, GET v2/purchasereceipt and GET v1/purchaseReceiptBasic ==> "receiptDate", "dueDate", "finPeriod" and "branch " |
Re-enabled behavior to edit an voided prebooking via API & UI
When pre-booked document has been voided, now possible again to re-introduce and continue with this document as it would be an new document inserted. Available when updating an invoice line from the voided document. (UI or API)
Functionality was temporarily disabled, while an issue was found impacting scenarios in combination of manually calculated VAT amounts, pre-booking, and split line. This has now been fixed. |
API - Due dates for breaking changes
Release Notes
Planned removal of Sales Order API endpoints
We plan to be functionally complete by Q1-2025 (31st of March 2025), end of life date for the endpoints will be announced in February 2025.
A number of Sales Order API endpoints will be removed as a part of the transition to the next generation ERP.
The following API endpoints will be removed: GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderNbr} GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr} GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}/rotrut GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}/commissions POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder POST/controller/api/v1/salesorder/{saleOrderNumber}/action/cancelSalesOrder POST/controller/api/v1/salesorder/{salesOrderNumber}/action/reopenSalesOrder PUT /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderNbr} GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderNbr} GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderType}/{orderNbr} GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic POST /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic PUT /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderNbr} POST /controller/api/v2/salesorderbasic POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder/{saleOrderNumber}/action/cancelSalesOrder POST/controller/api/v2/salesorder/{salesOrderNumber}/action/reopenSalesOrder
All functionality currently missing in the new Sales Order Service API will be added before these endpoints are removed. The list of affected endpoints might also be extended, so pay attention to future updates.
For more information on how to use the ERP Sales Order Service, please visit:
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