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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.63.0 - 31.08.2021

by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎01-09-2021 19:26 by Yıldırım VISMA )


Release Notes

Additional fields included in Employee endpoint on GET operations

There are new fields: Employee class, Branch, Calendar, Employee login, and Work group ID available on the Employee endpoint for the following operations:
- GET /api/v1/employee/{employeeCd}
- GET /api/v1/employee

DiscountAmount omitted when posting to V2/CustomerInvoice after version 8.56

Earlier, the option Manual discount on sales invoice lines (AR301000) was not set correctly when posting to the V2/CustomerInvoice endpoint. This has now been fixed.

"createdDateTime" and "createdDateTimeCondition" not working via GET CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints

Earlier, the parameters "createdDateTime" and "createdDateTimeCondition" were not working via the GET CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints. This has now been fixed.