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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.78.0 - 04.01.2022

by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎10-01-2022 15:47 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Release notes


Extended CustomerCreditNote endpoint to support SendToAutoInvoice functionality

There is a new endpoint "api/v1/customerCreditNote/{creditNoteNumber}/action/sendToAutoInvoice" to support the created SendToAutoinvoice functionality.

Extended Customerinvoice endpoint to support SendToAutoinvoice functionality

There is a new endpoint "api/v1/customerinvoice/{customerInvoiceNumbe}/action/sendToAutoInvoice" to support the created SendToAutoinvoice functionality.

Extended CustomerDebitNote endpoint to support SendToAutoInvoice functionality

There is a new endpoint "api/v1/customerDebitNote/{debitNoteNumber}/action/sendToAutoInvoice" to support the created SendToAutoinvoice functionality.

References are not listed  under PurcaseOrder > Purchase Receipts Tab when PurchaseOrders connected to the Purchase Receipts by using the Purchase Receipt Endpoint in API

Purchase order link and purchase receipt have been fixed and set behind a feature toggle.
(Currently, this is in Beta Testing phase, therefore, not available in every company. Fix will be available for every Financials company in 11.01.2022)

Not possible to specify PEPPOL information in Location endpoint in API

Earlier, there was no reference to PEPPOL scheme information in the Location endpoint for GET, PUT, POST operations. This has now been fixed.