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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.79.0 - 11.01.2022

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎12-01-2022 16:00 by Yıldırım VISMA )
Release Notes Documentation

Breaking change on Currency endpoint

The PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods are deprecated and will be removed on January 11th, 2022.
Start using the new methods under v2/currencyRate.

Improved performance in GET Purchase Order Endpoint

GET Purchase Order Endpoint has been optimized for better performance.


Due dates for breaking changes:

Release Notes Documentation Due

Breaking change on JournalTransaction endpoint

 The POST methods /api/v2/journaltransaction/{journalTransactionNumber}/attachment and /api/v2/journaltransaction/{journalTransactionNumber}/{lineNumber}/attachment are deprecated and will be removed on February 28th 2022. Start using the new methods:
 - POST /api/v2/journaltransaction/module/{module}/{journalTransactionNumber}/attachment
 - POST /api/v2/journaltransaction/module/{module}/{journalTransactionNumber}/{lineNumber}/attachment
Feb 28, 2022

Breaking changes on Budget endpoint

From January 18th 2022, the following breaking changes will be committed on GET method of the Budget endpoint:
 - 'Branch' and 'Ledger' filters will become mandatory. Now they are specified to be mandatory by documentation, but it is not enforced by implementation.
 - 'FinancialYear' filter will become mandatory
 - Now, the branch filter requires being specified either by branch full name (example: BranchID - BranchName), either by branch ID surrounded by quotation marks. It will be simplified to require the branch ID without any other marks.
Jan 18, 2022