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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 9.04.0 - 05.07.2022

by Yıldırım
Release Notes Documentation

Allocation for purchase receipt with lot/serial numbers

Earlier, you got an error message when adding a purchase order or purchase order lines to a receipt with the POST/action and if Lot/serial class had the Automatically generate next option unchecked and when received.
This has now been fixed.

The field KitItem not exposed in the Inventory DTO

Earlier, the field KitItem was not exposed in the Inventory DTO. This has now been fixed.

Cost property added to customerInvoice, customerDebitNote, customerCreditNote and customerOverdueCharge lines

The GET and GET range customerInvoice, customerDebitNote, customerCreditNote and customerOverdueCharge now include Cost property for the lines. This value reflects the total cost for the line in the base currency, when the document is released. This enables you to calculate profit and margin for the line, when compared with the line’s Amount.

Due dates for breaking changes

Release Notes Documentation Due

Breaking change on Branch endpoint

The following flags on the Branch endpoint will be set to false by default, starting from 13th of September 2022:
 - expandAddress
 - expandContact
 - expandCurrency
 - expandVatZone
 - expandLedger
 - expandIndustryCode
 - expandDeliveryAddress
 - expandDeliveryContact
 - expandDefaultCountry
Sep 13, 2022

Planned removal of Sales Order API endpoints

A number of Sales Order API endpoints will be removed as a part of the transition to the next generation ERP.

The following API endpoints will be removed:
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}/rotrut
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}/commissions
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{saleOrderNumber}/action/cancelSalesOrder
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{salesOrderNumber}/action/reopenSalesOrder
PUT /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderType}/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic
PUT /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderNbr}
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorderbasic
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder/{saleOrderNumber}/action/cancelSalesOrder
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder/{salesOrderNumber}/action/reopenSalesOrder

All functionality currently missing in the new Sales Order Service API will be added before these endpoints are removed. The list of affected endpoints will also be extended, so pay attention to future updates.

For more information on how to use the ERP Sales Order Service, please visit:

Swagger for
Jun 01, 202