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[SWE] Recording of webinar and important changes

by Christian Sandell (Updated ‎17-08-2023 14:20 by Christian Sandell VISMA )
This message was sent to Swedish ISVs as a follow up from the last Webinar about the Developer Portal:

The recording of the webinar held in December about the Visma App Store and Developer portal is now available in Plusport (the service you accessed when attending the certification) in the section " ERP - Integrations Webinar". 

Some important information regarding API:

Reminder breaking changes Sales Order:

As communicated last year, we will start deprecating SalesOrder endpoints (v1/v2) which means if you are using these endpoints you will have to migrate to SalesOrder Service API. Previously communicated date has now been moved to 31/12 2024. Please always follow the latest updates in the release notes for updates on time plans.
Close down of VNI
Later this year, we will close down the current authentication with VNI for the more secure Connect through Developer Portal. You can also find more resources about the Developer portal in the Startup guide. Exact date will be communicated in the Developer Community but please start the work now. Update: Due date is set to Dec 31, 2023.
Shortly, we will inform customers about the Visma App Store so they are aware of how it works when you as ISV prepare for the migration.