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Urgent: update regarding Connect Authentication

by AliMKhan (Updated ‎24-05-2024 12:15 by AliMKhan VISMA )



As mentioned many times earlier, VNI authentication method will have its End of life on 1st of June 2024.


This is an urgent notice for all ISVs and partners with integrations in 

We have previously informed all partners and ISVs to migrate their existing integrations to using the new authentication method through Connect.


As the June 1st deadline approaches, we still detect traffic from integrations that have not migrated to the new authentication method. 


Important to know that starting from the deadline, we will initiate throttling of these integrations. This means that we will start limiting the number of calls per hour per integration. During June we will gradually decrease the limit and allow less calls per hour. 


Additionally, starting mid-June, we will cease to issue new access tokens for these integrations. 


Please ensure your customers are making the necessary transitions in time.