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As mentioned many times earlier, VNI authentication method will have its End of life on 1st of June 2024.
This is an urgent notice for all ISVs and partners with integrations in
We have previously informed all partners and ISVs to migrate their existing integrations to using the new authentication method through Connect.
As the June 1st deadline approaches, we still detect traffic from integrations that have not migrated to the new authentication method.
Important to know that starting from the deadline, we will initiate throttling of these integrations. This means that we will start limiting the number of calls per hour per integration. During June we will gradually decrease the limit and allow less calls per hour.
Additionally, starting mid-June, we will cease to issue new access tokens for these integrations.
Please ensure your customers are making the necessary transitions in time.
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Status page has been updated. We should be fully operational without hiccups for the API.
It would be nice to get some feedback from the ISV's side.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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We are aware of the challenges and troubleshooting the issue. Follow the status here:
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We are closely monitoring and stabilizing the environment. There was a config change which took effect between 0859 and 0913.
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Thank you for the feedback. It still not 100% and we are looking into it. Please follow the update here:
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It was a temporary glitch. Up and running again from 0757. Can you guys confirm?
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This also affects the API:
We are investigating the problem.
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1 Kudo
Pro tip for ISVs: Subscribe to webhook notification from so that you can automate your integration. Here is how to do it:
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1 Kudo
You can find the swagger documentation here:
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We have done some major performance improvements on GET InventoryTransfer endpoint in Tuesdays version.
It should fetch bigger datasets much faster.
Please provide feedback on the improvements.
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1 Kudo
You now have the possibility to filter on warehouse on the inventorytransfer endpoint:
Release notes 9.41 This should help on getting more in-point data in your use case. We are also working on improving this endpoint on a general level and the improvement will come in a couple of weeks.
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The issue seems to have been on one of the IIS server that was handling API calls. For some reason it was not able to connect to the cache, whilst other servers were able to connect at the same time. We suspect that there were too many connections open on that server for some reason. At the moment everything is looking normal and we will monitor the status closely.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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The issue seems to have been on one of the IIS server that was handling API calls. For some reason it was not able to connect to the cache, whilst other servers were able to connect at the same time. We suspect that there were too many connections open on that server for some reason. At the moment everything is looking normal and we will monitor the status closely.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Due to an error found in the improvement of Inventory endpoint, we have to disable the feature which was to be introduced in 8.91.
This means:
- Performance improvement is not in effect
- Enforcement of pagesize of 5000 is not in effect.
We are working on a patch for this, and further information will be communicated when available.
We apologize for the inconvenience. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: The issue has been fixed [Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.91.1- 07.04.2022
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Sorry for the late reply.
1) As mentioned earlier by Roy, we are working on improving our endpoints, so they can respond faster and deliver more specific information instead of everything as of now. One example of this work is the neXtGen SalesOrderService which includes v3/salesorder, v3/inventory and v3/customer
More info about it can be found here: Getting started with the first neXtGen service: ERP Sales Order API
2) As you are mentioning, we are running in a multi tenant environment with shared resources, and we have to have in place some measurements to ensure the quality of the service. That is the reasoning behind having a concurrency policy. We have not landed on a number yet, but it will most likely be a percentage of the resources available in the environment.
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This week, for the first time in a long time, we will have some down time when upgrading to the next version. More info here:
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This throttling or rate-limiting policy will reject the next request and give it a 429 response if there are already X_number_of_requests in progress from the client on a company.
The response will contain the header "x-rate-limit-policy: ConcurrentRequestsLimitPolicy” to tell the client which exact policy was violated. The server will not send a retry-after or similar header, since the server will not know how long it takes before the current requests are finished executing.
This is why the client itself needs to keep track of its requests. The client should have a counter for concurrent requests.
It needs to be increased on every new request sent and decreased on every response received.
The counter should be in "shared" storage if the client exists as several instances.
This way, the client will know if it is allowed to issue the next request; when counter < X_number_of_requests.
We are still gathering data to best determine how many concurrent calls we should be allowed. The X_number_of_requests variable will be clearly communicated beforehand.
We do not support queueing requests, other than what is standard for web servers. Neither will we implement it for the normal flow, where the purpose is a request/response pattern. Such queueing of requests would soon result in timeout errors on the clients, since they would have to wait for the responses.
However, we are working on a way to call the APIs with a special header to indicate that the entire request will be persisted in a storage or queue and will respond immediately with 202-Accepted, while the actual invocation is done as a background task. There will be a webhook notification when a response is available.
This approach is suitable for clients that do not need to wait for a response in order to continue its flow, or for clients that need to carry out an operation via the API that will take a while. This work is in progress and is expected to be delivered in Q1/22.
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Earlier, there was no control on company level, and in the scenario where several developers were working on different companies but using the same "TEST" type "API Client", they got throttled after 500 calls per hour.
This has now been changed, and you will not be throttled if you are calling different companies.
The new policy is 500 calls per hour / per company. The overall throttling policy document has also been updated to reflect this:
Why am I receiving "HTTP 429 - Too many request / throttling" response from API ?
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1 Kudo
We are on it:
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On 13/10, we enabled the possibility to subscribe to webhook notifications when ERP is under maintenance / upgrading.
Here is the announcement and how to set it up.
Since that time, we have had 3 upgrades.
We would like to get some feedback if ISV's have started to consume these notifications or not.
Has this been helpful in automating your integration and informing your customers about maintenance/upgrades?
Thank you in advance.
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- Categories:
Was anyone able to try this out? Feedback?
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1 Kudo
@Trygve Storrønningen1
Thank you for your feedback. We will add current version( ), next version (8.26.x) and the time when the maintenance will be completed in the message. Stay tuned.
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Just double checking, you are using the overridenumberseries on v2 of customerinvoice right?
From release notes:
Override number series for POST CustomerInvoice V2 You are now able to override the number series of a customer invoice by specifying the field overrideNumberSeries=true when creating a customer invoice. This functionality has to be enabled in the Number series (CS201010) window by selecting option Allow manual numbering on imports. You also can specify a longer customer invoice number when using overrideNumberSeries than what is specified in number series for customer invoice. This option is only available for V2 of the customer invoice endpoint.
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Our system is using datetime datatype from sql to store date and time information. This type has a precision of 3.33 milliseconds(see Microsoft documentation: It doesn't offer a 3 digits milliseconds precision.
In practice it will accept only the values having the following pattern: ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff0’, ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff3’, ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff7’. Any value not following this pattern will be rounded to the nearest value that can be represented by datetime. Please be aware of this restriction when sending datetime parameters through API. This restriction will not cause any issues regarding data integrity. The millisecond precision is important when using ‘LastModifiedDateTime’ parameter for data synchronization.
For example if you request for data changed since ‘2020-07-22T13:47:02.531’ there will be retrieved data changed since ‘2020-07-22T13:47:02.530’. Then you might end up in a situation of getting some data you already have. This data should be treated as changed data by your system which will replace the old one with the new one. If you request for data changed since ‘2020-07-22T13:47:02.532’ there will be retrieved data changed since ‘2020-07-22T13:47:02.533’. Even though you think you might lose data it will not happen because there is no entry in the database having ‘2020-07-22T13:47:02.532’ as last modified datetime.
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1 Kudo
As communicated before the summer, we will be enforcing throttling to ensure performance and quality for the API.
The upper limit for the number of calls will be 15000 calls per hour per integration per company for Production(live) type of API clients.
This will be done on 14th of September 2020.
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- Tags:
- api
- throttling
Couple of things:
maxPagesize has been increased from 100 to 500 on all endpoints. Swagger documentation will be updated in the next release to reflect this.
We will introduce pagination on purchaseReceipt and purchaseReceiptBasic endpoint for 8.25. Enforcement of pagination will be in future versions.
Following endpoints will have enforced paging for 8.25:
/api/v1/cashsale /api/v1/country /api/v1/customerCreditNote /api/v1/customerCreditWriteOff /api/v1/customerDebitNote /api/v1/customerOverdueCharge /api/v1/customerSalesPrice /api/v1/deferralCode /api/v1/employee /api/v1/GeneralLedgerTransactions /api/v1/inventoryadjustment /api/v1/inventoryissue /api/v1/inventoryReceipt /api/v1/inventoryTransfer /api/v1/location /api/v1/payment /api/v1/projectbasic /api/v1/purchaseorderbasic /api/v1/salesordertype /api/v1/supplierPayment /api/v1/vatZone
To align maxPagesize for all endpoints, the payment endpoints (customerPayment, supplierPayment and Payment) will have their maxPagesize decreased from 5000 to 500 for 8.25
We would also like to stress that the maxPagesize variable must not be hard coded as it can be changed without notification, based on our monitoring.
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4 Kudos
This is an update on Announcement - Data center migration for ERP As you can see at the status page, we have now established a production environment in AWS and have moved all customers, demo and presentation data to AWS.
At 12.00 CEST today(26/07/2020), we will open up ERP to all customers and partners. This is before the maintenance window is completed.
If you have the possibility to test your solutions / integrations today, we would be grateful.
We will monitor and follow up during the day, and we expect a peak in activity when we switch the environment live to all customers and partners. This is according to plan.
We will monitor this thread during the day, so if you have any feedback, please let us know.
Thank you for your help and understanding.
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Activity Feed for AliMKhan
- Posted Urgent: update regarding Connect Authentication on News in Developers 24-05-2024 12:13
- Posted Re: 5520 on Forum in Developers 27-10-2023 08:10
- Posted Svar: 5520 on Forum in Developers 25-10-2023 17:13
- Posted Re: 5520 on Forum in Developers 25-10-2023 10:17
- Kudoed Re: 5520 for andreasaulin. 24-10-2023 08:45
- Posted Re: 5520 on Forum in Developers 24-10-2023 08:29
- Posted Re: 5520 on Forum in Developers 24-10-2023 08:02
- Posted Re: 5520 on Forum in Developers 23-10-2023 08:45
- Got a Kudo for Re: Visma.Net Azure Migration Date (Oct 21, 2023 00:00 - Oct 23, 2023 08:00 CET). 19-10-2023 16:59
- Posted Re: Visma.Net Azure Migration Date (Oct 21, 2023 00:00 - Oct 23, 2023 08:00 CET) on News in Developers 16-10-2023 15:57
- Got a Kudo for Sv: Timeouts from the InventoryTransfer endpoint. 29-06-2023 11:36
- Posted Sv: Timeouts from the InventoryTransfer endpoint on Forum in Developers 28-06-2023 15:19
- Got a Kudo for Sv: Timeouts from the InventoryTransfer endpoint. 20-06-2023 14:17
- Posted Re: Timeouts from the InventoryTransfer endpoint on Forum in Developers 08-06-2023 14:52
- Posted Sv: Timeouts from the InventoryTransfer endpoint on Forum in Developers 24-04-2023 10:27
- Posted Re: Urgent - Connection to cache service failed on Forum in Developers 17-03-2023 10:03
- Posted Re: urgent, all API calls returns 500 - internal server error on Forum in Developers 17-03-2023 10:03
- Kudoed Re: Known issue: ERP Sales order API v3 - Available quantities not updated for Joni Wolff. 13-02-2023 10:03
- Kudoed Ønsker du en sentral posisjon på Visma Tech Festival? for Anonymous. 28-06-2022 09:09
- Kudoed Regarding Incident with invalidated tokens 1/6-2022 for Magnus Johnsen. 02-06-2022 10:24