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Help ERP Sales Order Service v1.0.8.15 available in production

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎22-10-2021 12:39 by Yıldırım VISMA )

We have introduced a new endpoint ‘Inventory’ from where you will be able to GET quantities in warehouses and/or warehouse location for items.


Please note that in warehouse quantities ‘quantityAvailableForShipment’ and ‘quantityAvailable’ contain quantities that are assigned on warehouse level, but not on location level (for example an allocated sales order). Therefore, the sum of these quantities for the locations, isn’t necessarily the same as the quantities for the warehouse since allocations are done on warehouse level.


You are able to filter on:

  • Specific item, several items or all items
  • Specific warehouse, several warehouses or all warehouses
  • If needed, expand to get the warehouse location quantities


Current version now support:

  • Create a sales order of order type SO (or own order type using SO as template) containing header information and non-stock or stock lines
  • Orders in the currency of the company’s base currency
  • VAT calculation support on both document and line level
  • Unit price, including sales price lists and default prices (not including discounts codes)
  • Account and subaccounts
  • Notes on lines and document level
  • Inventory endpoint for getting inventory availability


Current planned upcoming versions (changes might occur)

  • Filter on attributes and last modified date in Inventory endpoint
  • Orders in different currencies
  • Full discount hierarchy support on document and line level
  • Customer prices: own endpoint for price calculation, possibility to get end price(price for customer and item after discounts)
  • Support for different order types (IN order type, CS order type etc)
  • Update existing sales order


For more information regarding getting started with nextGen service: ERP Sales Order API, please visit the getting started community post, and please give us your feedback here by adding a comment.

