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We have the same problem at our customers. This needs to be solved asap! What's the status?
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Ok, we found the problem. That customer didn't have the chechbox to allow direct updates. The issue is solved.
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Hi Our customer have a problem creating CustomerCreditNotes with newly created subaccount segment values. Segment values that were created earlier seems to work fine. Example: ipp-request-id: ce113dfe-fd39-42f2-9faa-5352646e867c All lines on the creditnote have the same subaccount values: "subaccount": [
"segmentId": 1,
"segmentValue": "20"
"segmentId": 2,
"segmentValue": "00263922"
"segmentId": 3,
"segmentValue": "0000"
"segmentId": 4,
"segmentValue": "000"
], All of these values can be found both in Visma client and in Swagger. {
"segmentId": 1,
"valueId": "20",
"description": "Felsökning",
"publicId": "aef43879-14e2-4534-a6a2-3e4b90b7a85f",
"active": true,
"timeStamp": "AAAAAAM612Q=",
"lastModified": "2021-04-01T14:50:28.67"
} {
"segmentId": 2,
"valueId": "00263922",
"description": "Surbrunnsgatan 53",
"active": true,
"timeStamp": "AAAAAEvWPmc=",
"lastModified": "2022-12-20T15:22:43.227"
} {
"segmentId": 3,
"valueId": "0000",
"description": "Ingen",
"publicId": "41201060-959d-4db3-b78a-1354d7730f88",
"active": true,
"timeStamp": "AAAAACOOsw8=",
"lastModified": "2022-02-14T13:18:04.357"
} {
"segmentId": 4,
"valueId": "000",
"description": "Ingen",
"publicId": "812d0c2b-cb59-4148-94e8-e76bc48be922",
"active": true,
"timeStamp": "AAAAAAO1Ohw=",
"lastModified": "2021-04-08T15:26:40.903"
} And here is the response we get when trying to create the creditnote: {
"message": "Error: Inserting 'Customer transactions' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nError: 'Subaccount' is not found.\r\n"
} The issue is most likely caused by segment 2 00263922 that was created yeaterday. Please advise how we can avoid having this issue. Thank you in advance!
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Hi POST controller/api/v1/customerinvoice/{invoiceNumber}/attachment still does not work. RESPONSE: {StatusCode: 403, ReasonPhrase: 'Forbidden', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionResponseContent, Headers: { Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:43:12 GMT Server: Nginx Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains Content-Length: 199 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 }} 3a8cddc5-7619-461f-839e-facfd801dcf3
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PUT SalesOrder POST SalesOrder/Action/CreateShipment
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Hi We noticed that many of our customers started to get "You don't have permission to access this resource" error when accessing API. It seems that GET requests work but not POST/PUT. Please advise on how to handle this problem. Here is the response we get from API: <html><head>
<title>403 Forbidden</title>
<p>You don't have permission to access this resource.</p>
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Hi It was just the BadRequest code that we received from the API despite the data was valid and correct. But I think we have found a solution now. We used to create shipments in two steps - first create it for the whole sales order and then update it with the data we wanted to have. And it is on the update request we got the errors. But when we added a pause for 15 seconds between the create and update calls all the problems have disappeared! Now we know that!
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Hi We are having problems with the integration at one of our customers when we try to update the newly created shipments. The problem is that sometimes we get the BadRequest response from the API. We do not really see any pattern in that and do not understand why some calls go in fine and some fail (today we had 25 calls and 6 of them failed). The data we send in the failed calls is possible to send in Swagger and than everything works. We tried to implement the retry-logic and resend the data 3 times with 5 seconds interval but all calls get the BadRequest anyways. Any ideas what it can mean and how we could debug it? The example of data we send: {
"shipmentDetailLines": [
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 1
"shippedQty": {
"value": 1.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;1"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 3
"shippedQty": {
"value": 1.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;1"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 4
"shippedQty": {
"value": 1.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;1"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 5
"shippedQty": {
"value": 2.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;2"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 6
"shippedQty": {
"value": 2.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;2"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 7
"shippedQty": {
"value": 2.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;2"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 8
"shippedQty": {
"value": 2.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;2"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 9
"shippedQty": {
"value": 2.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;2"
"operation": "update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 10
"shippedQty": {
"value": 1.0
"note": {
"value": "00370730254645533012;000000000001377243;1"
"shipmentPackageLines": [
"operation": "Insert",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 0
"boxId": {
"value": "100"
"description": {
"value": "ShippingLabel"
"trackingNumber": {
"value": "00370730254645533012"
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Our customers are also affected by this problem.
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We will do as you suggested as it was our initial idea too. Thank you for help!
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When we make a post request (in Postman or directly in Swagger) to the SupplierInvoice endpoint ( with the invoice containing ca 1000 lines (attached JSON).
It takes 5-7 minutes to create the invoice.
We have similar solutions that post similar invoices in less than 2 minutes to other companies.
Is there a way to reduce the response time when creating invoices?
Is there a difference in response time between Test and Prod companies? What could be the reason the response time can differ so much between companies?
What could we do differently to make the request go faster?
Thank you!
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- Categories:
We've noticed that createdDateTime filter does not seem to work on CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints.
For example, when run a GET query with parameters
lastModifiedDateTime: 2021-02-19 (tomorrow's date)
lastModifiedDateTimeCondition: >
we get no results as expected.
But if we run the GET query with createdDateTime filter instead
createdDateTime: 2021-02-19 (tomorrow's date)
createdDateTimeCondition: >
we get all the invoices like there is no filter at all
"metadata": {
"totalCount": 999,
"maxPageSize": 1000
The issue is reproducible in Swagger at least on the CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints.
We tested the same filter parameters on the Customer endpoint and there is worked as expected.
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- Categories:
Yes, indeed the customer had it on in one of the companies and we only need to send the total amount in the API call. Thank you for the explanations!
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Here is an example from production. Invoice has 1 line Here is the related Purchase Receipt. It was created manually in the client. I tried creating a new invoice with the same PR line in the client and I got the same result:
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We noticed that sometimes we get Total Amount is 0 when adding Purchase Receipt lines to Supplier Invoice. It happens often but not always. And it happens when invoices created both via API and in the client and seems to depend on Purchase Receipt.
Example JSON:
"documentType": {
"value": "Invoice"
"hold": {
"value": true
"supplierReference": {
"value": "20200929-001"
"supplierNumber": {
"value": "50005"
"addPOReceiptLines": [
"poReceiptNumber": {
"value": "00185"
"poReceiptLineNumber": {
"value": 1
Apparently there is some logic behind. Could you please explain us what we should do?
Thank you!
This is how it looks when Total Amount is 0 and invoice is created via API (it is only possible to create a parked invoice but it is impossible to remove the Hold afterwards due to missing total amount)
This is how it looks when Total Amount is 0 and invoice is created in the client (it is not possible to save the invoice without Hold checkbox)
And this is how it looks when invoice was created via API with another Purchase Receipt line:
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- Categories:
1 Kudo
We think it'd great if it was possible to find a Supplier Invoices by Supplier Number and SupplierReference.
Both fields are required in and their combination is unique.
This would greatly improve that usability of this API endpoint, reduce the amount of calls one needs to make to extract this information and would allow for simpler integration architectures.
Thank you
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See more ideas labeled with:
1 Kudo
Hi The problem: Today it is possible to create Supplier Invoices with the connected Purchase Receipt lines via API. However, if the Purchase Receipt line was already attached to another invoice the API will return an error like "The PO Receipt Line with order number 005092 and line number 136 doesn't exist in the look-up table". This problem does not exist in the client because you add Purchase Receipt lines to the invoices via the look-up table view and only Purchase Receipt lines that are possible to use are shown there. There is no way to make such look-up via API. Proposal: Either to expose the look-up table in the API or perhaps to introduce a new field on the Purchase Receipt lines like "Non Invoice Quantity" or similar so it is possible to see that the Purchase Receipt line is already used anywhere else or not. Like you have it in the look up table: Thank you
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Hi Below you can find the request details. But my question is not about why the error occurs - it is clear, because the purchase receipt line is already attached to another invoice. The question is how we can see that the purchase receipt line is already attached to another invoice BEFORE we send it to API. URL: supplierInvoice/201682 StatuseCode: 400 BadRequest Response Body: {"message":"Error updating supplier invoice. The PO Receipt Line with order number 006332 and line number 1 doesn't exist in the look-up table."} ipp-request-id: 5fa62ffc-f025-4d2d-a449-9baa03a997ef JSON: {"documentType":{"value":"Invoice"},"hold":{"value":true},"addPOReceiptLines":[{"poReceiptNumber":{"value":"006331"},"poReceiptLineNumber":{"value":2}},{"poReceiptNumber":{"value":"006331"},"poReceiptLineNumber":{"value":3}},{"poReceiptNumber":{"value":"006332"},"poReceiptLineNumber":{"value":1}}]}
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Hi We are trying to create Customer Invoices by attaching Purchase Receipt lines to the invoices. The problem is that when a Purchase Receipt line is already attached to another invoice we get errors like "The PO Receipt Line with order number 005092 and line number 136 doesn't exist in the look-up table". We you do the same in the client such Purchase Receipt lines just do not appear in the look-up table, and on those that do appear there you can see the original quantity as well as the quantity attached to other invoices. We would like to do a similar control via API but we are not sure is it is possible. The Purchase Receipt lines do not appear to have the Invoiced Quantity field and the look-up table seems not to be available in the API. Do you maybe have any other suggestions on how we can se that it is not possible to attach the invoice receipt line to the customer invoice? Thank you
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Hi After we talked last week I added some delays to the integration and it seemed to have a positive effect, the errors disappeared. However, today we have experienced them again on some requests that failed even when retried three times with a 5 second delay. We got also many other errors like "The column name '[FeaturesSet].[B2CServiceAutoInvoice]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[JournalVoucher]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[SeveraIntegration]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[VatAdjustment]' is invalid.\r\n" but we reported them in another ticket. Maybe these issues are related as they look like coming directly from the database.
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Hi We got also a lot of these errors today. The company id is 1709598. The problems occurred on /salesordеr/ and /purchaseorder/ on GET, POST and UPDATE requests but not all of them. Some fresh examples: --------------------------------------------------------- URL: PUT purchaseorder/001865 StatuseCode: 500 InternalServerError Response Body: {"message":"VismaId: 46f02591-79d3-4c2b-9c4d-6fa8dadf1103. The column name '[FeaturesSet].[B2CServiceAutoInvoice]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[JournalVoucher]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[SeveraIntegration]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[VatAdjustment]' is invalid.\r\n"} ipp-request-id: 2c9b7937-908c-4b32-9d32-db9859bf0240 JSON: {"Lines":[{"Operation":"update","LineNumber":{"Value":4},"UnitCost":{"Value":324.96},"Promised":{"Value":"2020-10-02T00:00:00"}}]} ------------------------------------------ URL: salesorder/005796/action/createShipment StatuseCode: 500 InternalServerError Response Body: {"message":"VismaId: 5ed9f850-a979-442d-a5a7-8e149481e5f9. Error creating shipment. The column name '[FeaturesSet].[B2CServiceAutoInvoice]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[JournalVoucher]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[SeveraIntegration]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[VatAdjustment]' is invalid.\r\n"} ipp-request-id: 952d6f08-7b40-47b4-ab8a-bc65e0528a86 JSON: {"OrderType":"SO","ShipmentDate":"2020-09-10T09:11:34.4071514+02:00","ShipmentWarehouse":"1"} -------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: GET salesorder/SO/005725 StatuseCode: 500 InternalServerError Response Body: {"message":"VismaId: bfda5e29-6401-4e6b-9edb-df0909d65f8f. The column name '[FeaturesSet].[B2CServiceAutoInvoice]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[JournalVoucher]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[SeveraIntegration]' is invalid.\r\nThe column name '[FeaturesSet].[VatAdjustment]' is invalid.\r\n"} ipp-request-id: 51950238-0fca-4145-ad55-799f688fdf50
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Hi. 1. We have tried to implement the retry logic on this type of errors and it seems that it works without errors on the second attempt. We didn't had so many confirmed cases like this yet but we have seen some. 2. Here is one ipp-request-id of the request that failed: 982270da-854d-4a9e-ae9a-d7107bf7d6a8 We have now seen this behavior in both Prod and Test companies.
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Hi We had 5 more occurencies again this Saturday. One of the requests: URL: /purchasereceipt/ StatuseCode: 500 InternalServerError Response Body: {"message":"VismaId: e25b7e95-83df-485c-a524-0aad32581790. Error creating purchase receipt. Error: The transaction has been silently rolled back before a database update operation."} JSON: {
"Lines": [{
"Operation": "insert",
"LineType": {
"Value": "GoodsForDropShip"
"InventoryId": {
"Value": "32225"
"ReceiptQty": {
"Value": 2.0
"UnitCost": {
"Value": 56.96
"PoOrderType": {
"Value": "DropShip"
"PoOrderNbr": {
"Value": "002982"
"PoOrderLineNbr": {
"Value": 1
}, {
"Operation": "insert",
"LineType": {
"Value": "GoodsForDropShip"
"InventoryId": {
"Value": "548153"
"ReceiptQty": {
"Value": 10.0
"UnitCost": {
"Value": 71.73
"PoOrderType": {
"Value": "DropShip"
"PoOrderNbr": {
"Value": "002982"
"PoOrderLineNbr": {
"Value": 3
"ReceiptType": {
"Value": "PoReceipt"
"Hold": {
"Value": false
"Date": {
"Value": "2020-08-28T00:00:00"
"SupplierId": {
"Value": "50005"
"LocationId": {
"Value": "C0014245"
"SupplierRef": {
"Value": "76388826"
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Hi Today we didn't get any errors but yesterday we had 8 occurrences. We don't think it is data related problem since sometimes similar requests work flawlessly and sometimes nothing can get through. Here is the information about the requests and responses: 1. URL: POST /controller/api/v1/PurchaseReceipt/ 2. Status Code: we didn't record it but it was a not successful code 3. Response Body: {"message":"VismaId: 207f9f82-3225-43bb-bd32-8982eff00fd3. Error creating purchase receipt. Error: The transaction has been silently rolled back before a database update operation."} 4. JSON (not exactly this code but identical structure with different values): JSON: {
"Lines": [{
"Operation": "insert",
"LineType": {
"Value": "GoodsForDropShip"
"InventoryId": {
"Value": "547636"
"ReceiptQty": {
"Value": 1.0
"UnitCost": {
"Value": 2500.0
"PoOrderType": {
"Value": "DropShip"
"PoOrderNbr": {
"Value": "000107"
"PoOrderLineNbr": {
"Value": 1
"ReceiptType": {
"Value": "PoReceipt"
"Hold": {
"Value": false
"Date": {
"Value": "2020-08-13T00:00:00"
"SupplierId": {
"Value": "50005"
"LocationId": {
"Value": "C0013949"
"SupplierRef": {
"Value": "76268670"
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2 Kudos
Hi We have build some integrations between SF and VN. Usually it was synchronization of customers, products and import of customers invoices and journal transactions into VN.
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Hi We are getting the error messages "The transaction has been silently rolled back before a database update operation" when trying to create PurchaseReceipts via API once a day in the morning. Sometimes it works without problems but today it's the second time this week when all our requests failed. Could you please advise on how to avoid it? Thank you
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Hi Could you please also explain the error messages like: - The transaction has been silently rolled back before a database update operation. - A task was canceled. Is this also cases when we need to retry our requests? Thank you
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Hi We get these error several times a week I would say. No, we do not have the retry mechanism but this is what we were thinking about. Is it safe to just resend the same request in case of IPPException or should we check that the object from the failed request was not created in Visma? We have a default timeout limit of 100 seconds per request. Speaking about timeouts, we also get 408 Request Time-out from time to time.
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Hi We periodically get IPPException as answers from API when making requests creating shipments and orders. We do not see any pattern in why it happens and do not think it is data-related. Out of 20 requests 3-4 might fail which is a lot. We are using Azure functions to make the requests so most probably they are done simultaneously in parallel. Can this be the cause? Is there a limit of how many parallel calls is allowed to make? Is there anything else we can do to avoid it? The exception message that we get: {"ExceptionType":"IPPException","ExceptionMessage":"","ExceptionFaultCode":"5102","ExceptionMessageID":"5102_c3ec5015-d452-47a1-b4ce-abd222b0fe24","ExceptionDetails":""}
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2 Kudos
Hej again With suggestions from other forum we found out that there was no problem with the VBS config but we needed to have a section specifying .Net Framework 4.8 It could be either <system.web> <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.8" /> </system.web> or <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.8"/></startup> Having this in the config solved the problem.
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Activity Feed for andretvard
- Posted Svar: Internal Server error: Connection to cache service failed on Forum in Developers 27-03-2023 16:50
- Kudoed Re: Urgent - Connection to cache service failed for KonsultVn. 27-03-2023 16:44
- Posted Svar: 'Subaccount' is not found on CustomerCreditNote - despite all segments exist on Forum in Developers 20-12-2022 16:12
- Posted 'Subaccount' is not found on CustomerCreditNote - despite all segments exist on Forum in Developers 20-12-2022 15:48
- Posted Svar: "You don't have permission to access this resource" when accessing API on Forum in Developers 31-08-2022 08:48
- Posted Svar: "You don't have permission to access this resource" when accessing API on Forum in Developers 30-08-2022 15:33
- Posted "You don't have permission to access this resource" when accessing API on Forum in Developers 30-08-2022 15:01
- Posted Svar: Occasional BadRequest when updating Shipment on Forum in Developers 06-07-2022 10:42
- Posted Occasional BadRequest when updating Shipment on Forum in Developers 05-07-2022 13:17
- Posted Svar: Processing Exception while reading ODP response on Forum in Developers 01-06-2022 09:19
- Got a Kudo for Svar: Problem accessing VBS in VB 15. 04-04-2022 15:21
- Got a Kudo for Svar: Problem accessing VBS in VB 15. 28-09-2021 11:12
- Got a Kudo for Make possible to see if it is possible to attach the Purchase Receipt line to Supplier Invoice. 30-06-2021 11:29
- Posted Svar: Posting Supplier invoices with large number of lines on Forum in Developers 25-02-2021 13:53
- Posted Posting Supplier invoices with large number of lines on Forum in Developers 24-02-2021 17:15
- Posted createdDateTime filter does not seem to work on CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints on Forum in Developers 18-02-2021 12:15
- Tagged createdDateTime filter does not seem to work on CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints on Forum in Developers 18-02-2021 12:15
- Tagged createdDateTime filter does not seem to work on CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints on Forum in Developers 18-02-2021 12:15
- Got a Kudo for New filters of SupplierNumber and SupplierReference on Supplier Invoice endpoint. 11-11-2020 11:20
- Got a Kudo for Problem accessing VBS in VB 15. 06-11-2020 18:46