Hi apologies for the late reply, I couldn't post to the forum. I setup an app registration isv_xlconnect in the developer portal, it's Native app with PKCE and OpenID Connect. Then use this code with IdentityModel to get the cookie: var options = new OidcClientOptions() { Authority = "https://connect.visma.com", ClientId = "isv_xlconnect", Scope = "openid email profile offline_access", RedirectUri = "http://localhost:8888/callback/" }; That all works fine, it returns a webtoken. But the call to the api abobe fail with the message. One thing I can see is that the applictation regsitration I made in the dev portal uses as https://connect.visma.com authority, while the api uses https://signin.visma.net/ when I click authorize on the Swagger Docs. Could that be the issue?
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