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Your Visma.net roles has been changed

28-06-2019 10:16 (Sist oppdatert 27-06-2019)
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  • 1583 Visninger
This usertip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide. 

In the case that you at some point, have been or still are a registered user of Visma.net Expense, you have been sent an email, explaining what your roles in Visma.net have changed to. The title of the email is Your Visma.net roles has been changed. 


sample 2.PNG


This email is sent for informational purposes only. The next time you sign into Visma.net, your new roles should be updated and ready to use accordingly.


If the case is that it has been a long time since you last logged into Visma.net and you forgot your password, you can click here for guidance on how to recover your account. The username of your account will be the same as the email address you received this email on. 


Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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