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User tips for users of Visma.Net Expense

28-06-2019 10:05 (Sist oppdatert 12-08-2019)
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  • 8216 Visninger
Expense User guide.PNG
In this article you will find all the relevant user tips for customers of Visma.Net Expense. We therefore recommend you to save this site as a favorite in your web browser, to ease the process of finding answers to questions you have regarding Visma.Net Expense. The videos linked in the article will be in Norwegian, but all user guides below will be in English. 

Get started with Visma.net Expense


Click here to register on our online tutoring with Visma.net Expense (Lectured March 7th, 2019)


New users of Visma.net: If this is your first time registering with Visma.net Expense, we have sent you an account activation e-mail with the title Welcome to Visma.net

Click here to get started


Existing users of Visma.net: If it would happen that you already have an existing user with Visma.net, with either us or some other company, we have sent you an e-mail explaining how your roles have been changed. This e-mail will have the title your Visma.net-roles have been changed

Click here to get started





Sign in | Visma.net 

Change Password

Change username

Forgot your password?

Signed in on Visma.net Expense, but can't find expense

Error message Your user is not registered in expense





Explanation of the status icons

Status and outline of travelling expenses - Video

Registration of travelling expenses - Video

Registration of trips abroad

Change of Payors

Registration of expense 

How to delete an expense ticket

Cancelling an expense ticket sent for approval

Change of travel expenses or other expenses - Video



Register Mileage - Video

Registration of travelling expenses with Mileage





Get started with Visma Attach

Picture/Bill is locked in Attach

Wrong username/password with login on App





Approval of travel expense, hours and absences

How to setup/change endorsement

How do I approve?





We always strive to give you customers an excellent customer service and support, to maintain your happiness. Therefore, we wish to inform you and your colleagues, that whenever you need anything at all, call us, whether it is about technical issues or application guidance we will gladly help on either. You can reach us in the chat box at the bottom right corner or send an e-mail to skysupport@visma.com. We are available between 08:00-16:30 Mon-Fri and we will respond as fast as possible!


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