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Brukertips i Visma.net Expense

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Godkjenningsflyten i Visma.net Approval kan settes opp på mange forskjellige måter. Den kan variere for hver tjeneste, f.eks Expense og Time.
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08-02-2017 21:56 (Sist oppdatert 03-01-2023)
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I Visma.net Approval er det nå mulighet til å gjøre noen endringer på en reise med feil
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18-03-2016 01:03 (Sist oppdatert 03-01-2023)
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Godkjenningsflyt i Visma.net Approval ferdig satt opp hvis dere ønsker godkjenning av "leder". 
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01-11-2019 15:23 (Sist oppdatert 03-01-2023)
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Listegodkjenning i Visma.net Approval. Angi at Per godkjenner Pål. Godkjenning uten bruk av kostnadsbærer / leder. Person til person godk.
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09-07-2015 23:33 (Sist oppdatert 03-01-2023)
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Oppsett av en arbeidsflyt hvor avdelingsleder godkjenner sin avdeling, sjef godkjenner avdelingsledere og lønningskontoret godkjenner deretter alle reiser (faglig).
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07-05-2014 22:04 (Sist oppdatert 02-06-2021)
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Hvordan opprette en arbeidsflyt hvor leder godkjenner alle oppgaver, og lønningsansvarlig godkjenner oppgavene til leder.
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15-10-2013 24:44 (Sist oppdatert 13-05-2021)
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Hvordan opprette en arbeidsflyt hvor avdelingsleder godkjenner sin avdeling (og leder godkjenner oppgavene til avdelingsledere).
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14-10-2013 19:34 (Sist oppdatert 13-05-2021)
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Hvordan opprette en arbeidsflyt der avdelingsleder skal godkjenne alt, men ved beløp over 10 000 kr skal også lønningsansvarlig godkjenne.
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15-10-2013 24:43 (Sist oppdatert 13-05-2021)
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Dersom en godkjenner skal være borte i en periode, så kan du registrere en vikar for godkjenneren i Visma.net Approval.I dette brukertipset skal vi forklare hvordan du kan bruke funksjonen "Vikarer" i Visma.net Approval.
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17-10-2017 10:34 (Sist oppdatert 11-05-2021)
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Expense, Time og Absence bruker Approval for godkjenning av reiseregninger, utleggsrefusjoner, fraværssøknader (ferie) og timelister.
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09-07-2015 21:00 (Sist oppdatert 11-05-2021)
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En godkjenner kan godkjenne reiser og utlegg fra mobiltelefonen. Se hvordan her.
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03-04-2019 12:50 (Sist oppdatert 11-06-2020)
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Hvordan opprette ansatte i expense?   Denne guiden vil være til hjelp for dere som brukes expense som en aleneløsning (uten integrasjon mot ERP eller lønnssystem). Dersom dere bruker expense mot et lønnssystem settes de ansatte opp der, dette gjelder blandt annet Payroll, Visma Lønn, Huldt og Lillevik Lønn og Enterprise HRM.   For å legge til ansatte i Expense gå til Visma.net Expense | Innstillinger | Ansatte og grupper | Ansatte.   Klikk så legg til ansatt:    Til slutt er det bare å legge inn informasjon om den ansatte. Boksen "Aktiv" må være huket av for at den ansatte skal få tilgang, informasjon som MÅ være oppgitt er markert med rød stjerne, dette er fornavn, etternavn, e-post (ekstremt viktig at den er riktig) og Ansatt ID. Dersom arbeidsflyt i approval er satt med "basert på kostnadsbærer" bør også kostnadsbærer legges til på den ansatte inne under fanen Tilleggsinformasjon.  
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06-03-2020 16:31
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide. If you have the standard package of Visma.net Payroll you can place a manager to approve all expense requirements for Expense, absences and hours.  Expectations This function is only available for the users of the standard pack of Visma.net Payroll The manager of the firm has to be the first to create an active account Attach manager to employee To attach manager to an employee you got to click on the actual employee on the banner Employees and thereafter go to the banner Roles and general details. At the bottom of this page you will see a banner called Manager where you can get a drop down list of people that you can chose as managers (given that these prerequisites are satisfied).    Once you have chosen a manager from the drop down list and saved, the manager will automatically be given the following roles: Absence Manager Time sheet Manager Absence approver Time sheet approver Expense approver With Absence and Time sheet Manager roles the user will be able to see his/her employees in the Calendar.    Additionally, the user will be able to register and edit both absences and time sheets on behalf of the employees.    Workflow in Approval Once a manager is associated with an employee in Employees an automatic configuration of workflow in Approval will appear based on the manager being the approver for the employees.  In the case that there is no workflow in Approval, it should automatically be established a workflow for every service (Absence, Time sheet and Expense).  The workflow is built up with the use of the setting based on approval rights for the employees and the role which is chosen is called C3D3 Manager Approval Role. The manager that is associated with the employees is the one with this role.    In the case that you wish to edit the workflow, or add a couple extra steps where the payroll executive approves, this can be done by clicking Add steps and choose User list I have given thereafter you can add users of payroll executive with a general rule:           Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:16 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  There is two ways to approve travel expenses, vacation and absences: Through app on your mobile device. Download the app Visma Manager in App Store for Apple devices or in Google Play for Android devices. Once it is downloaded you can sign in with the same username and password that you use to connect with in the web browser. If you are having technical difficulties signing in, Click here.   Through our web browser on this link. You will be redirected to a window with an icon called Approval. Click on Approval to get access to the approval functions. Read more about how to approve vacation, absences and time sheet here.     Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:16 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide. If a picture or an expense ticket is locked in Attach, it means that the travel ticket or the expense is attached to Visma.net Expense already. If you look at the ticket line, there will be a small padlock on the right side of the line.   If you wish to edit the picture/receipt inside Visma Attach you have to remove the attachment with the travel ticket in Visma.net Expense. You can read more about this, here.    Once the travel ticket is deleted, the padlock on the receipt will be removed. Once the padlock is removed, you should be able to click on the receipt and do the changes or edits you wish to complete.      Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:10 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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Det har kommet en funksjon i Visma.net Approval for at reiseregningene kan bli godkjent automatisk.
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14-04-2016 21:00
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Godkjenning skjer i tjenesten Visma.net Approval. Dere velger selv hvordan "flyten" skal være. Normalt godkjenner først leder, så lønningskontoret.
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20-01-2016 21:52 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2017)
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Du kan nå sette opp en alternativ godkjenner hvis du har en ansatt som skal godkjennes av en annen leder enn den som ligger i kostnadsbærerhierarkiet.
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05-10-2015 22:07
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Etter at en reise er godkjent så kan det være behov for å se hvem som har godkjent reisen.
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09-09-2014 17:42
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Forklaring til feltene "Alle godkjennere må godkjenne for å fullføre dette steget" og "Arbeidsflyten vil feile dersom ingen godkjennere blir funnet"
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05-05-2014 21:46
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