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All integrations getting 403 / 401 response suddenly

by zunnu

Our token refreshed are suddenly getting 403 / 401 responses in Finland.

I have lately seen many posts about the same issue but no solution about whats causing it.
These integrations are using the new authentication method and have been working for many months now. Currently all requests are stuck on refreshing the token..


by andreasaulin

We got the response back that our ip was blocked because of suspected DDOS. As with you, the same integration had been running for months and no significant change in volume. You should contact Visma and ask them to check if your IP is blocked as well. There must be a new firewall rule that is a bit agressive.

by Suzdar Ibrahim

Hi Zunnu,


The status pages seems to be operational according to 


However If you would like us to check on your client specific I suggest taking contact with your respective country. For Finland you can contact this email