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Can't delete token - HTTP 404

by guidol

I am not able to remove a previously issues token using


Chrome DevTools shows a call to


by Yıldırım

by guidol

I don't think it should be necessary to call the API for a token revocation. What if I am a regular user wanting to delete the authorization? How to revoke it in that case? For now I am trying to diagnose the problem of this issue by seeing if removing the token makes any difference.

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎14-12-2023 16:42 by Yıldırım VISMA )

There are 2 sides, 

A) Customer / Tenant
B) ISV / Integration owner


If you're asking about, 
"A" would like to revoke the access depending on your application type, the person can do that via App Store. 


"B" if you'd like to remove an access token, then the token revocation is the way or alternatively you can also delete your secret, so integration won't be able to generate a token. 

Developer Portal.jpg


by guidol

Thanks, this would be an A case indeed. However, I see no apps registered for either of the two companies there while I do have an active access token.

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎15-12-2023 10:25 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hi, then I assume your application is "interactive" type. In that case, user can remove as following, 


1) Login to and go to the top right corner > My Details

Start page.jpg

then scroll down to "Authorized Applications" sections to "Remove"
Account settings.jpg


by guidol

Yes, there it can be deleted indeed. I still wonder why the original screen gives the HTTP 404 error instead of a regular error message.

by Yıldırım

Hi Guido, that's the same for me, unfortunately I don't have information why it doesn't load atm. 


by guidol

No problem. You have been very helpful as always. You have quite a lot of knowledge on these subjects... This question was inspired by the problems I am facing on this topic that isn't getting anywhere at the moment. I hoped deleting the old token would help, but unfortunately it doesn't work.

by Yıldırım

Many thanks, Guido ! Would you be able to share some details via so maybe we can figure it out? Would be great if you could share the following info. 

1) Print screen from Developer Portal > Your Application Details (where we can see its client_ID, type, enabled options etc)

2) Print screen from Integrations part (So that we can see what are the integrations & granted scopes ) whether they're approved. 

3)company name & ID that you're trying to integrate with

4) Email of the user that granted access to your integration. 

Thanks !