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Error 429 Too Many Calls

by SlootweR (Updated ‎30-03-2021 10:46 by Yıldırım VISMA )

De nieuwe test conversie omgeving geeft een ERROR 429, wat aangeeft dat we te veel calls afvuren naar de API. Bij de vorige omgeving is deze limit verhoogt.

Graag nu ook verhogen, daar we incomplete data ontvangen.


Company id is 3248675

Company HSL test conversie 01




by Yıldırım (Updated ‎24-03-2021 11:51 by Yıldırım VISMA )



Since the platform is international, the language of this community is English.  Regarding 429 HTTP Response, please review the following article Why am I receiving "HTTP 429 - Too many request / throttling" response from API ?




by SlootweR

The new test conversion enviroment gives an ERROR 429, which indicate to many calls. With the prior enviroment this limit was raised to fix this issue. Please also raise the limit in this enviroment. We are getting incomplete data


Company id is 3248675

Company HSL test conversie 01

by Yıldırım



These limits cannot be individually increased / decreased, please review the article for the details of the currently applied policies and find out what is reflecting your current case.  
Why am I receiving "HTTP 429 - Too many request / throttling" response from API ?


by SlootweR

Sorry, but we are not sending more than 500 request an hour...  Not by far....

by Yıldırım

In this case please email including your API_ClientID hence the team can investigate this by looking into the logs to see your API transactions.


by SlootweR

With the Company code we are trying to access should be clear with the API_ClientID we are using. Not sure but I think it is 838682


For your reference, Company ID = 2917584 had NO problems, but Company ID = 3248675 is giving the error 

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎24-03-2021 15:38 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Financials Company ID has no connection with your API Client ID therefore one cannot understand or pick your API Client ID by looking the Company ID that you sent transaction via the API.

API Throttling is applied per API Client Type as it's stated in the articles, 

1) Visma.Net Integrations - API Client Types & Configuration 
2) Why am I receiving "HTTP 429 - Too many request / throttling" response from API ?
3) Background Information on API Client & Token & Financials User & Company

- if you have a Test Type API Client then, 
a token generated with "X " API Client ID has 1 Hour / 500 requests per company (ipp-company-id)


- if you have a "Live" - Production Type API Client then,
a token generated with "Y" API Client ID has 1 Hour / 15000 requests per company (ipp-company-id)

If you believe you've not reached out to throttling threshold, please contact by specifying your API identity. (API CLIENT ID that is used to generate a token. & API requests made with that token to the specific company)