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Errors accessing Logistics Module and editing Stock Items

by Anonymous



We are trying to post stock items to a sandbox account and get following error.


Error: Inserting 'Stock item' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nThe class you have selected cannot be assigned to a non-stock item, because the Stock item check box is selected for this class in the Item classes window. Select another item class which is designated to group non-stock items.\r\nError: 'VAT category' cannot be empty.\r\nError: 'Base unit' cannot be empty.\r\nError: 'Sales unit' cannot be empty.\r\nError: 'Purchase unit' cannot be empty.\r\n"}’ -


There is also no where in the UI where we can access Stock-items, only Non-stock items.

Lastly we also get this error but there is nowhere in the UI where we can find how to setup the wizard for Logistics module.

"Error: Inserting 'Sales order' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nBefore you can create a new sales order, your administrator needs to log in to the system and run the setup wizard for the Logistics module\r\n” 

Thanks in advance.


by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎20-09-2021 11:12 by Magnus Johnsen VISMA )


Regarding the logisticts wizard, please contact the ERP support/ your partner service: 
Contacting Visma Partner Service / ERP Support

To be able to reach the "non-stock items" and "stock items", you can either set the screenId in the URL to:
Non-stock: IN2020PL

Stock: IN2025PL

Or in the menu got to Inventory, you might need to click "Show the full menu" and then on respective type:

2021-09-20 10_58_28-Sales orders - Brave.png


Regarding the item class, in the screen for item class(ScreenId=IN201000) you can see if a class is allowed to be applied to a stock item or a non-stock item:

2021-09-20 11_05_13-Item classes - Brave.png

You can also retrieve the inventoryClass via the API, please have a look at Swagger:

2021-09-20 Integrations Documentation - Brave.png


Swagger example response for /controller/api/v1/inventory/itemclass/{itemClassNumber}:

  "type": "NonStockItem",
  "attributes": [
      "attributeId": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "sortOrder": 0,
      "required": true,
      "attributeType": "Text",
      "defaultValue": "string",
      "details": [
          "id": "string",
          "description": "string"
  "id": "string",
  "description": "string"


Not applicable

by Anonymous




Hi again,

So it turned out the Logistic module wasnt activated for our account, we received help and that is all sorted out now.

I followed your directions and this is quite a bugger for which we can not find the reason why.

1. We are sending in a StockItem to Class 9 and as Class 9 is checkmarked for Stockitem in Item Class settings.
This is the payload:

{"inventoryNumber": {"value": "YXPPPLUSDL"}, "description": {"value": "Care+ for Professional+ Device, 1 year"}, "status": {"value": "Active"}, "type": {"value": "StockItem"}, "defaultPrice": {"value": 0}, "itemClass": {"value": "09"}, "postingClass": {"value": "09"}, "currencyID": {"value": "SEK"}}'

The class you have selected cannot be assigned to a non-stock item, because the Stock item check box is selected for this class in the Item classes window. Select another item class which is designated to group non-stock items.\\r\\n
Error: \'VAT category\' cannot be empty.\\r\\n
Error: \'Base unit\' cannot be empty.\\r\\n
Error: \'Sales unit\' cannot be empty.\\r\\n
Error: \'Purchase unit\' cannot be empty.\\r\\n"}'



2. The error is contradictory. "The class you have selected cannot be assigned to a non-stock item". But the payload consists of a StockItem, where does it get non-stock item from?



Accepted solution

by Yıldırım

Hello Azadeh,


Swagger > POST Inventory > DTO Model >  DtoValueOfInventoryType



please send "FinishedGoodItem" for the  "type": {"value": "xxx"} and try again. 

Not applicable

by Anonymous

Thanks alot Yildirim, that did the trick!


by Yıldırım

That's great ! Glad to hear Azadeh 😊