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Mark for PO in v3

by JohanFriedrichsen

Prior to v3 when an orderline was Marked for PO the corresponding source was automatically picked up from the inventory item. The same thing happens when an order line is manually marked in the UI. In v3 the source is a mandatory which requires the integration to know more information that is actually already in the system.


Is this intended?


by Oskar Jansson

The change is intentional, and this article, "How to Mark for PO in SalesOrder v3", provides some clarification on how this feature is transitioning from v1 to v3.

If this does not answer your question, please let us know.

by Oskar Jansson


I will check with the development team to find out if this change in functionality is intentional. I will keep you updated once I have more information.

Thank you for your input!