to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
We are using Salesorder API Customer update to update our local customer base. In this new version there is no modifieddate fiield, so gow we know if a customer has been updated?
Hi, I think this is what we need, thanks a lot. Whats the whole address to call api?
Hi Jukka, unfortunately this field is not available. If you need to update customers based on changes, you can use Visma net generic API or use webhooks. Let us know if this answers your question.
Hi, Do I have riht address?, got answer :{StatusCode: 302, ReasonPhrase: 'Found : Moved Temporarily', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:{ Connection: close Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache Location:}}
You should use to get the right result. Can you try this?
Now we got {"error":"invalid_scope"} using vismanet_erp_interactive_api:read?
Hi Jukka, Is the scope added to you app? You should enable the scope AND use it in the authorization request to be able to use it.
Where do I do that? I have only tried this:
Hm this should work, in this case I suggest to seek advice from your country specific support. They can guide you in more in depth detail
Still no luck with this. I was told to add ERP Service API to my applications, which I did, and it is approved. Now, when trying to read customer, I'm getting Bad Request trying to connect - using same params as with salesorder api except scope. Any ideas?
Hello - not very successfull : {"ExceptionType":"IPPException","ExceptionMessage":"Invalid audience","ExceptionFaultCode":"12010","ExceptionMessageID":"12010_926a11a2-7e91-41fa-8e89-d7924529aaaa","ExceptionDetails":""}
Actually it is StatusCode: 401, ReasonPhrase: 'Unauthorized'. Do I need some other login than the one we use when sending Salos Orders?
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