to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
We have projectIds longer than 5 characters eg. (33445567) and some of them use a dash in between eg. (123-4567).
We want to be able to write those identifiers. The problem is that the application changes them as follows:
-I write 33445567 but the application change it to 33445-67
-I write 123-4567 but the application change it to 123 -4567 (with spaces before the dash)
I guess this issue is related to Segment keys and I just need 1 row in the Segmented Keys table.
How can I remove the segmentId 2 ?
How can I change the segmentId 1 to 30 in length and without separator ?
Any ideas?
To be able to remove/change segment keys, you would need to remove the already set values:
Here both the set values and the "<New>" must be removed:
At that point you would be able to change the segmentKey.
As far as I can remember I have not come across this before, we recommend getting in contact with the ERP support team for your market.
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