I set the DomesticServicesDeductible property value to false so that not need the type of work, but I get another error "message": "VismaId: 1f0790c7-eb2b-47be-a880-e7457062134b. Error creating document. Operation parameter: value 0 - 0 is not valid for this type of request.", Do you know which property incorrect? below is my json: { "PaymentMethodId": { "Value": "01" }, "CreditTermsId": null, "CurrencyId": { "Value": "SEK" }, "CustomerRefNumber": null, "CashDiscountDate": { "Value": "2022-01-20T00:00:00" }, "DocumentDueDate": { "Value": "2022-01-20T00:00:00" }, "ExternalReference": null, "CustomerProject": { "Value": "00148" }, "ExchangeRate": { }, "DomesticServicesDeductibleDocument": { "Value": false }, "RotRutDetails": { "DistributedAutomaticaly": { "Value": true }, "Type": { "Value": "Rut" }, "Appartment": null, "Estate": null, "OrganizationNbr": null, "Distribution": null }, "PaymentReference": null, "Contact": null, "Project": { "Value": "00148" }, "TaxDetailLines": [], "InvoiceLines": [ { "DiscountCode": null, "DomesticServicesDeductible": { "Value": false }, "ItemType": { "Value": "Service" }, "TypeOfWork": {}, "TaskId": { "Value": "779847" }, "CreatedDate": null, "StartDate": { "Value": "2021-10-07T00:00:00" }, "EndDate": { "Value": "2022-05-11T00:00:00" }, "Operation": { "Value": "Insert" }, "InventoryNumber": { "Value": null }, "LineNumber": null, "Description": { "Value": "200 - 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