Hi, I'm getting the same error with this body and i can't see anything wrong with the customer number sequence. It is possible to create the payment in the UI. "message": "VismaId: 7e72a23f-5cb7-4853-895c-51c08010bc2b. Error creating payment Error: Inserting 'Customer payment' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nLast reference number customers\r\n" { "branch": { "Value": "1" }, "currency": { "Value": "SEK" }, "customer": { "Value": "10089" }, "type": { "Value": "Payment" }, "paymentRef": { "Value": "Reglering" }, "cashAccount": { "Value": "1973" }, "paymentMethod": { "Value": "03" }, "applicationDate": { "Value": "2023-10-13T00:00:00.000Z" }, "paymentAmount": { "Value": 87603.75 }, "paymentLines": [{ "refNbr": { "Value": "1902396" }, "documentType": { "Value": "Invoice" }, "amountPaid": { "Value": 87603.75 }, "crossRate": { "Value": 1.000000 }, "operation": "Insert" } ] }
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