User Profile
Eirik Morken - Proplan AS
I was hoping that I would not need to create an idea for this as it is obviously an overlooked field in the API when it was implemented. The ability to set an exchangerate works perfectly fine in POST /controller/api/v2/customerinvoice and /controller/api/v2/customerDebitNote, but is missing in /controller/api/v2/customerCreditNote. These are sibling endpoints doing the same operation in the same window, and should show the same information. Reference case:
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The fields for Project and Project Task for the Project Accounting Module is not a part of the API as for now. We would very much like to be able to choose these, as in the GUI, using the InventoryReceipt and InventoryIssue POST and PUT end-points. It is available in GET.
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Any developments/plans here? The overlooked field is still missing 🙂
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Ah, ok, so just available in get and not post.
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Ah, thanks! Seems like there was a combination that was not tried. Perhaps remove the ProjectCD field from the SalesOrderDto and ProjectTaskCD field from the SalesOrderLineDto to avoid future confusion?
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Greetings 🙂 We are attempting to create a sales order with stock items in combination with the Project Accounting module using the following endpoint: POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder (POST-json at bottom of post) However there comes no Project on the order. If I use the default "project" instead of "projectCD" with the internal ID project number I am able to get this error message that suggests that project is in but not the task. "message": "Error: Inserting 'Sales order line' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\n'Project task' cannot be empty.\r\n"
} I am not able to get the task in at all. Not with projectTaskCD with GUI ID and not projectTask with internal task ID or GUI ID. There is of course also the issue that we can't set the sub-account in the same post because it is always overridden by the item settings, but this can at least in a worst case scenario be solved by an additional PUT afterwards. Any suggestions or ideas? {
"projectCD": {
"value": "00002"
"lines": [
"subaccount": [
"segmentId": 1,
"segmentValue": "13"
"operation": "Insert",
"lineNbr": {
"value": 1
"inventoryNumber": {
"value": "0S3565"
"warehouse": {
"value": "L"
"projectTaskCD": {
"value": "100"
"quantity": {
"value": 1
"unitPrice": {
"value": 1
"orderType": {
"value": "SO"
"date": {
"value": "2022-11-07T13:51:01.913Z"
"customer": {
"value": "30020"
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9 Kudos
Det hadde vært en veldig god funksjonalitet å faktisk kunne se hvilket valg man velger i fakturaflyten. Da valgene "alle godkjennere med denn..." og "alle godkjennere med denn..." ikke er så lett å skille mellom 😁
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Then it probably is caused by a test run I triggered requesting a new token! Thank you for the clarification of invalidation 🙂
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Greetings 😁 For about a month or two now I have been having issues with some integrations that gets their token invalidated mid-run for no apparent reason. For example this is from a run yesterday posting to JournalTransactionV2, failing at post 530 of 550, and all remaining attempts fail. Response: { "statusCode": 401, "headers": { "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains", "ipp-request-id": "f886bdd5-9833-4259-a81f-e1d28c516659", "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked", "Date": "Mon, 13 Jun 2022 15:17:42 GMT", "Server": "Apache/2.4.25,(Debian)", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Length": "184" }, "body": { "ExceptionType": "IPPException", "ExceptionMessage": "Invalid Token", "ExceptionFaultCode": "12010", "ExceptionMessageID": "12010_04b903ba-5dc2-41f5-b21e-b20ab1d5ec3b", "ExceptionDetails": "" } } I realize I could rewrite all the integrations to ask for a new token if this happens, but I feel like the token system should not be this fragile. There may be a deeper issue that should be resolved, or it may be all my fault for some unknown reason 😁
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Fortsatt like aktuelt og er en svært viktig del av historikken for kunder som benytter seg av denne e-post funksjonaliteten.
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Hi Magnus! We talked about this problem a long time ago in a meeting 10.01.2022. Any update on the addition of this field in the API as it is an obvious missing field that was overlooked in implementation?
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Hi 🙂 Using endpoint: Out of 450 posts in a row with some degree of parallel posting to journal transactions 1 failed with the following error message. "body": {
"message": "VismaId: 0942ef6b-a2d7-4094-92a1-7cb6eb38111a. Error creating journal transaction. Error: Another process has added 'Batch'. Try again."
} Does this mean that there is a risk of journal transaction posting failing if we don't queue them one by one?
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We would like the exchange rate field to be exposed in the v2/customerCreditNote endpoint This is already exposed in both v2/customerinvoice and v2/customerDebitNote endpoints. This case therefore seems more like a forgotten field in the process of implementing v2/customerCreditNote as its twin endpoints has this field. I would at least expect the same fields available in all these three endpoints.
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Greetings 😁 We are trying to create customer invoices and creditnotes with the currency set in a third party system. This works perfectly fine in the /controller/api/v2/customerinvoice endpoint as we simply use the "exchangeRate": {
"value": 0
}, However this field is not available in the "twinarea" /controller/api/v2/customerCreditNote Is this some sort overlooked field? As I believe the invoice and creditnote endpoints should be close to identical as possible, and should have no problems setting the exchange rate on creditnotes.
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Hi 🙂 When we are in the GUI we are able to change the supplier in the purchase order as long as we set the PO to "On hold". However there seems to have been added a manual block for changing the PO supplier in the API. We recieve the error message attached. I realize that there is a risk of causing a difference in the supplier on the PO and the supplier on the invoice, if the invoice is already created before the PO i changed. However, is there any special reasoning behind this? We would very much like to be able to change this, as the users could set the wrong supplier in their system the first time and would like to be able change it as it could be a long time until they recieve an invoice.
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Greetings 😁 We would like to expose the AP Subaccount field (APInvoice.APSubID) under "Financial Details" in "Bills and Adjustments" (AP301000) in the SupplierInvoice endpoints /controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/{invoiceNumber} This field is being used to route invoices to the correct approver in Approval and it is therefore crucial for us to the able to access this field to prevent a lot of manual processes for our customer. This field is not available in the Supplier endpoints either so we are not able to "cheat" the field into having the desired value by resetting the supplier in the invoice.
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Hi 🙂 Has there been any updates in this case?
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I get the same error message. It could be a client issue if you get a standard project X when choosing a new item in the GUI. I do however have the same standard project in the Project accounting preferences.
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Greetings 😁 We are trying to use the /controller/api/v1/purchaseorder/{purchaseOrderNumber} endpoint to update a line on a Purchase Order. We try to use this simple example: {
"description": {
"value": "1 HRS a 890,00"
"lines": [
{"project": {
"value": "X"
"operation": "Update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 1
"inventory": {
"value": "99"
} And we get the error message : {
"message": "Error: Updating 'Purchase order line' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nError: 'Project' cannot be empty.\r\n"
} This is kind of understandable as when you change the InventoryItem in the GUI the project is removed and set to null. The problem is however that I can't find any way to change the inventory item. You cant do it in two seperate PUTs (inventory item first and then project) as the first will fail, and if you try to do both in the same PUT like this: {
"description": {
"value": "1 HRS a 890,00"
"lines": [
"operation": "Update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 1
"inventory": {
"value": "99"
"lineDescription": {
"value": "LN502685/03 - Man hours 50% overtimee"
"orderQty": {
"value": 1.0
"unitCost": {
"value": 890.0
"project": {
"value": "X"
"operation": "Update",
"lineNumber": {
"value": 1
} Then the line with the inventory will be ignored. How do you suggest we can solve this? Is the Update operation not able to be used with inventory and we have to insert and delete instead?
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Greetings 😁 When using a put on any subaccount e.g. through controller/api/v1/customerinvoice/{invoiceNumber} there seems to be no apparent way of setting just some of the segments of a sub-account. Lets say we have three segments 1,2 and 3. Which already exist with standard values 123, 000 and 0. Is there any way to use the API to set segment 2 and 3 to a specific value without touching the already existing value of 123 in segment 1? When we only specify segment 2 and 3 in the PUT the segment 1 gets set to null/blank, which is not what we want 🙂 It seems to be an unnecessary complex operation to extract the existing values we want to keep and then combine them with the new values in order to successfully set a sub-account.
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The issue is not setting up the Hook-URI in the subscription, but rather that there is not recieved any HTTP call to the endpoint from Visma. We have tested this and it works when we switch the long Azure http with a shorter one to any source . Which means that probably there is some failure when the POST happens from the Visma API to the longer http.
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The notifications are not recieved. Adding the Hook-URI to the subscription gives no error messages. I have tested sending a HTTP POST from to my azure endpoint and that works perfectly so it is not the recieving end that is not working.
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Hello 😁 When setting up Subscriptions through POST /resources/v1/subscription there seems to be a limit to the maximum number of characters allowed in the HookUri address of about 100 characters. We are using Azure Logic Apps for creating some integrations and the HTTP POST URL to those Logic Apps seems to be above the current limit. It has a length of 227 characters and if we try to enter this as the HookUri it gets ignored. Would it be possible to increase the maximum length of this HookUri? To e.g. 256 characters?
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I discovered the problem. If you try to set project as "X" (or any other value that is a project) as well as setting the subaccount the PUT will set the subaccount to the system default value. (This is also the case in the GUI, as the subaccounts get reset when you change the project on the line. The problem is that there is no way of ordering the setting of project value first in the code. I tried to put it both the project change before and after, but the subaccount got set to default both times. I guess the temporary solution (until/if a fix will be implemented) will be to always PUT the subaccount after touching the project values. 😁
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My inputs are still getting ignored even though all the settings seems OK. Could you post a copy of your complete PUT code so that I can test your code directly and only change the subaccount values to match my needs to verify whether or not it is a issue with my code.
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And even with the change to "subaccount" the result stays the same, it still does nothing.
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Then it seems you have a mistake in the Swagger documetnation on the PUT and POST of PO: /controller/api/v1/purchaseorder/{purchaseOrderNumber} /controller/api/v1/purchaseorder
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Greeting 😁 I am currently trying to use the /controller/api/v1/purchaseorder/{purchaseOrderNumber} endpoint to add lines to a PO. When I try to add a specific value to the sub-account on the line it seems to ignore whatever value exist in the PUT for subaccount and simply use the default from the inventoryitem, or if no inventoryitem, the default overall. The subaccount exists in both GL203000 and CS203000, and I am perfectly able to change it and set it manually in the UI. The following code works for all fields except subAccount: {"lines": [
"lineNumber": {
"value": 2
"sub": [
"segmentId": 1,
"segmentId": 2,
"segmentId": 3,
"segmentId": 4,
"lineDescription": {
"value": "test4"
"uom": {
"value": "STK"
"project": {
"value": "X"
"hold": {
"value": true
"date": {
"value": "2021-05-28T09:17:54.307Z"
} Any assistance will be greatly appreciated 😀
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Seems like you need to create better response routines for recieving ETAs, even though the developers are very busy the partners need to have something to say to the customer other than: "We are still awaiting a response". A "We are currently working on it" or "This is still in our backlog, expected start of problem fix in 2-3 years" is still way better 😁.
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Activity Feed for Eirik Morken - Proplan AS
- Kudoed Prosjekt på utlegg via mobil App for Marianne R E. 27-03-2023 10:33
- Kudoed Tekst i bankavstemming for Tore Reisvaag Johannessen. 28-02-2023 11:58
- Kudoed Event: Inventory_changed for TellusIT. 19-12-2022 14:50
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 09-12-2022 12:09
- Posted Missing exchangerate in Customer Creditnote? on Ideas in Developers 08-12-2022 16:19
- Posted Expose Project and Project Task in Inventory Transactions on Ideas in Developers 08-12-2022 16:15
- Posted Sv: Missing exchangerate in Customer Creditnote? on Forum in Developers 22-11-2022 16:39
- Posted Sv: ProjectCD and ProjectTaskCD not responding? on Forum in Developers 10-11-2022 09:57
- Posted Sv: ProjectCD and ProjectTaskCD not responding? on Forum in Developers 08-11-2022 12:57
- Posted ProjectCD and ProjectTaskCD not responding? on Forum in Developers 07-11-2022 16:05
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 04-07-2022 09:56
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 23-06-2022 08:37
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 22-06-2022 15:34
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 22-06-2022 11:30
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 22-06-2022 11:05
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 22-06-2022 10:55
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 22-06-2022 10:51
- Got a Kudo for Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten. 22-06-2022 10:49
- Posted Å faktisk kunne se hva man velger i fakturaflyten on Idéer i Approval. 22-06-2022 10:48
- Posted Re: Token sometimes gets invalidated mid-run on Forum in Developers 14-06-2022 14:43