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1 Kudo
Thank you, Marten.
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I'm using this POST to create a sales order and I want to inform supplierId for a few items. When I try to do it I receive an error. Consulting Visma Swagger for V3, I found this: To be able to send supplierId, I need to inform purchaseToOrder too. My problem here is that for some items I receive this error message: "Only non-stock items for which 'Require receipt' and 'Require shipment' are selected can have purchase order source". I couldn't find a way to check if "Require Receipt" and "Require Shipment" are checked. How I can do this? Do we have some endpoint or property on Inventory endpoint (V1 or V3) that allow us to validate it? I need a way to check if my inventory item have both checked and will accept my purchaseOrderSource.
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Thank you for taking the time to help me. But the type of the payment needs to be set as CreditNote (in the UI is CreditMemo). The only row should be the invoice matched against the credit note. This is the way our customer does in Visma but for some reason in the API is not possible. I need to have the same result using the API. Please don't mind the amounts cause is just an example. But when I try to send the type as credit note I got the message: "Error creating payment. Cannot create a Payment of type 'CreditNote' or 'VoidPayment'"}" But in the swagger we have that option: Could it be a bug in the API?
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This is the result that I was expecting in Visma: The reference number is the credit note number. And the invoice is referenced in one line of the payment. The type of the payment is CreditMemo. Not sure why I'm not able to do that using the API.
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I'm trying to create a payment for the credit note, and not the credit note itself
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Hi I'm trying to create a payment of type credit memo in Visma using this endpoint in the API: api/v1/customerPayment/ My body: { "referenceNumber": {"Value":"103446"}, "type":{"Value":"CreditNote"}, "applicationDate":{"Value":"2024-02-11T00:00:00"}, "paymentRef":null, "customer":{"Value":"10003"}, "paymentAmount":{"Value":225.0}, "paymentLines":[{ "operation":"Insert", "documentType":{ "Value":"Invoice"}, "refNbr":{"Value":"103445"}, "amountPaid":{"Value":225.0} }]} But I'm having this error response: {"message":"VismaId: 35795f9d-7de5-47ec-ac62-c472309c7b32. Error creating payment. Cannot create a Payment of type 'CreditNote' or 'VoidPayment'"} It's possible to create the same payment in the UI. Am I missing something?
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Hi I'm having a problem when creating credit notes. For example: When I send some line with discountPercent 20.0 and discountAmountInCurrency -52.2 the line on the credit note is created with -20.0 and -52.2 . I'd like the percentage to be positive. Is there a business rule on the API for that? Example of line: { "operation": "Insert", "description": { "value": "" }, "quantity": { "value": 1.0 }, "unitPriceInCurrency": { "value": 271.0 }, "accountNumber": { "value": "3011" }, "uom": { "value": "ST" }, "discountPercent": { "value": 20.0 }, "discountAmountInCurrency": { "value": -54.2 }, "subaccount": [ { "segmentId": 1, "segmentValue": "60" }, { "segmentId": 2, "segmentValue": "10231" }, { "segmentId": 3, "segmentValue": "2" } ] }
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That was causing the issue. Thank you!
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Hi I'm having an error when trying to insert a customer invoice on Visma API. The whole json is really long so I will share the part that matters the most for me, the invoice line that is causing the issue: { "operation":"Insert", "inventoryNumber":{ "value":"1" }, "description":{ "value":"Servicebil" }, "quantity":{ "value":62.0 }, "unitPriceInCurrency":{ "value":8.5 }, "accountNumber":{ "value":"3011" }, "uom":{ "value":"KM" }, "subaccount":[ { "segmentId":1, "segmentValue":"20" }, { "segmentId":2, "segmentValue":"10598" }, { "segmentId":3, "segmentValue":"2" } ] }{ "operation":"Insert", "inventoryNumber":{ "value":"1" }, "description":{ "value":"Servicebil" }, "quantity":{ "value":62.0 }, "unitPriceInCurrency":{ "value":8.5 }, "accountNumber":{ "value":"3011" }, "uom":{ "value":"KM" }, "subaccount":[ { "segmentId":1, "segmentValue":"20" }, { "segmentId":2, "segmentValue":"10598" }, { "segmentId":3, "segmentValue":"2" } ] } The error response from the API: {"message":"Error: Inserting 'Customer transactions' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nError: UoM 'KM' cannot be found in the system.\r\n"} So I made a request to the unitofmeasure endpoint to check if exists, and it does. The same behavior is happening with the UoM ST and I. Any idea what could be happening?
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I tried to create the invoice using the UI and I had an error just after typing the customer number. The error was caused by one space on the customer's postal code. After removing the space I could create the invoice using the API. Thank you for your help, Magnus!
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Hi I'm posting the following invoice to the API: { "invoiceLines": [ { "operation": "Insert", "inventoryNumber": { "value": "086L0767-TH" }, "quantity": { "value": 1 }, "uom": { "value": "STK" } } ], "sendToAutoInvoice": { "value": false }, "customerNumber": { "value": "00033" }, "documentDate": { "value": "2023-03-23" }, "invoiceText": { "value": "test" } } URL: I'm getting this error: { "message": "VismaId: 59d0f756-c85f-4b87-b0d9-cf4bbe2b54ca. Object reference not set to an instance of an object." } According to the documentation these would be the required values to create the customer invoice. I also tried to send an invoice number but I got the same message.
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I was using the swagger to get the token. That was the problem. You made me realize that. After generating the token with postman with the oAuth2 flow I was able to complete my 10 requests. Thank you for your support.
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Hey I am facing an error when trying to get 10.000 registers in the endpoint CustomerSalesPrice in Visma API. Considering that the API endpoint supports 1.000 per page I would need to make 10 requests in order to get all the data I need. Even with me paginating the results (increasing the pageNumber) the API does not seem to recognize that it is a different request, falling into this rule below. And here's the error description in the community An important fact is that I'm developing in Brasil. My coworker from Sweden that is using the same company and parameters is not having this issue. I've tested using our Sweden VPN but I had the same error. Would someone know to inform if Visma has some kind of block based in the geolocation? Or how could I solve that? Thank you
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Activity Feed for alexandreveeck
- Got a Kudo for Re: Only non-stock items for which 'Require receipt' and 'Require shipment' are selected can have pu. 15-05-2024 11:42
- Posted Re: Only non-stock items for which 'Require receipt' and 'Require shipment' are selected can have pu on Forum in Developers 15-05-2024 02:38
- Posted Only non-stock items for which 'Require receipt' and 'Require shipment' are selected can have purcha on Forum in Developers 14-05-2024 15:29
- Posted Sv: Error when creating a payment for credit note on Forum in Developers 16-02-2024 18:59
- Posted Sv: Error when creating a payment for credit note on Forum in Developers 15-02-2024 13:45
- Posted Sv: Error when creating a payment for credit note on Forum in Developers 15-02-2024 12:53
- Posted Error when creating a payment for credit note on Forum in Developers 14-02-2024 17:47
- Kudoed Re: Negative discountPercent when creating credit notes for Yıldırım. 14-02-2024 17:36
- Posted Negative discountPercent when creating credit notes on Forum in Developers 06-09-2023 19:13
- Posted Re: Error when inserting customer invoice: UoM 'KM' cannot be found in the system on Forum in Developers 24-04-2023 13:51
- Posted Error when inserting customer invoice: UoM 'KM' cannot be found in the system on Forum in Developers 21-04-2023 18:21
- Posted Re: Error creating customer invoice: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on Forum in Developers 24-03-2023 17:15
- Posted Error creating customer invoice: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on Forum in Developers 23-03-2023 16:01
- Posted Re: Same request made too many times on Forum in Developers 08-12-2022 17:38
- Posted Same request made too many times on Forum in Developers 08-12-2022 15:19