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Kjetil Ringstad

Lots of timeouts from the API now

by Kjetil Ringstad

Hi guys

Lots of timeouts and 502s now from several endpoints.

Can you please look into it?


by Yıldırım

Hello Kjetil, 

is the situation better now or performance is still poorer than expected ? 

Accepted solution
Kjetil Ringstad

As far as we can see it's better now, thank you.

Thanks for the information Kjetil.

Kjetil Ringstad

by Kjetil Ringstad

Thank you.

Looks like it's related to shipments. between 0930 and 10:00 today

GET /controller/api/v1/shipment/{shipmentNbr}

POST /controller/api/v1/shipment/{shipmentNumber}/action/confirmShipment



Kjetil Ringstad

by Kjetil Ringstad (Updated ‎08-12-2021 13:43 by Kjetil Ringstad PARTNER )

The timeouts are still happening sporadically on the same endpoints. latest at 10:45, 11:07, 12:18,12:25 , companyId 2693113

Hello, there have been some big transactions made by the other integrations, so that may have affected the performance during the mentioned timeline. Currently, we don't see any performance issues. Please let us know if timeouts are occurring more frequently than usual (e.g. 5 to 10 retries in a short period). Thanks.

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎08-12-2021 16:48 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hello Kjetil, 


could you possibly share the list of endpoints that you've received the errors, time-range, and companyID/s ? 


we're seeing that there have been some issues during the midnight which should've been resolved at 02:45 due to <>

2021-12-08 10_36_47-Window.jpg

by Magnus Johnsen


As far as I can see in the logs we do not see any issues or deviations from service time at the moment.

There was an issue during the night, but it looks like it got resolved at around 2:20.

Do you happen to have any timestamps as examples? 

Thank you.