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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 10.07.0 - 02-07-2024

by Oliver O´Kane


Release Notes


GET purchaseReceipt V2 - endpoint is missing poOrderLineNbr-field in result

Earlier, poOrderLineNbr was missing from GET purchaseReceipt V2. This has now been fixed

Previously, GET - /controller/api/v1/inventory API has been retrieving the "warehouseID" with trailing spaces in WarehouseDetails [] array. This has now been corrected.

Previously, GET - /controller/api/v1/inventory API has been retrieving the "warehouseID" with trailing spaces in WarehouseDetails [] array. This has now been corrected.

Can´t select active warehouse when create shipment in salesorder screenID=SO301000

Earlier, when sales order with multible warehouses was created by POST salesorderV1- or V2-endpoints , there was not possible to choose the active warehouse when createing shipment in salesorder screenID=SO301000. This has now been fixed.


API - Due dates for breaking changes

Release Notes



Planned removal of VNI authentication method

As mentioned many times earlier, VNI authentication method had its End of life on 1st of June 2024.

This is an urgent notice for all ISVs and partners with integrations in

We have previously informed all partners and ISVs to migrate their existing integrations to using the new authentication method through Connect.

As from June 1st deadline is reached it is important to know that starting from the deadline, we will initiate throttling of these integrations. This means that we will start limiting the number of calls per hour per integration. During June we will gradually decrease the limit and allow less calls per hour.
Additionally, starting mid-June, we will cease to issue new access tokens for these integrations.

More information for ISVs on how to migrate existing integrations and\or setup new integrations can be found in the international developer community:

Jun 01, 2024

Planned removal of Sales Order API endpoints

We plan to be functionally complete by Q4-2024 (31st of December 2024), thus new due date being end of Q1-2025(31st of March 2025). If any change would occur for this, we will announce that as soon as possible,

A number of Sales Order API endpoints will be removed as a part of the transition to the next generation ERP.

The following API endpoints will be removed:
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}/rotrut
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderType}/{orderNbr}/commissions
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{saleOrderNumber}/action/cancelSalesOrder
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{salesOrderNumber}/action/reopenSalesOrder
PUT /controller/api/v1/salesorder/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderType}/{orderNbr}
GET /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic
POST /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic
PUT /controller/api/v1/salesorderbasic/{orderNbr}
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorderbasic
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder/{saleOrderNumber}/action/cancelSalesOrder
POST /controller/api/v2/salesorder/{salesOrderNumber}/action/reopenSalesOrder

All functionality currently missing in the new Sales Order Service API will be added before these endpoints are removed. The list of affected endpoints will also be extended, so pay attention to future updates.

For more information on how to use the ERP Sales Order Service, please visit:

Swagger for

Mar 31, 2025