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HR Core Business 2019-05 EN

18-04-2019 16:19 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Employees with Employment Start Date in the future from Self Service reversed


To prepare for future functionality allowing employees with an Employment Start Date in the future to be edited in Self Service, they were imported with a start date equaling the editing date on which the employee was created.

Thus, it was possible to edit these employees with this start date in Self Service even before employment commenced. Until the Employment Start Date was reached and the employee transitioned to the associated Employed status, the employment terminated status was forwarded to other parties with an Employment End Date equaling the editing date in Self Service, as retrieved from HR Core. This functionality was reversed because it caused a lot of problems in actual practice.


For customers who experienced problems with this, the data was corrected to the old input date. The employment status is no longer Employment terminated before the employee starts employment. Employees who are entered in Self Service with a future date are transmitted to HR Core the old way once again.

Resolved notifications

Collective leave 2018 not deducted for new employee (change 1174518)


An employee started employment for the first time in November 2018. It was expected that the collective leave days would be deducted based on his work schedule. However, this did not occur.

The relevant employee started employment on November 19, and the collective leave for 2019 was created on that same date.

The collective leave days were deducted correctly for another employee whose Employment Start Date was October 15.

The collective leave days that were entered last year are no longer in the system, which means they were not allocated to employees starting employment.


The employee started employment after the collective leave for 2019 was created, causing the collective leave days for 2018 to be moved to history. This process for clearing old definitions for collective leave has been modified. As a result, collective leave days are no longer moved to history after one year. 

Your action

No action is required.

Organization structure history unavailable (change 1298321)


When opening the organization structure on a specific date in the past, an unexpected error report was displayed: OU with code 60001358 refers to parent OU with code 60001352 as per 10/03/2017.

The relevant parent Organization Unit (OU) was not valid until 11/08/2018, however, so the reference pointed to a non-existent OU.


The date data for the organization units has been corrected, so the reference to the child organization unit has the same start date as the parent organization unit. 

Your action

No action is required.

Remaining leave not always updated (change 1234723)


The remaining leave was not updated automatically for employees who had only registered the statutory leave and/or supplementary leave on December 31, 2018.


The remaining leave was not updated automatically if leave was taken on December 31. The remaining leave was corrected after another withdrawal or recalculation.

The programming was modified so that the remaining leave is updated correctly immediately when leave is taken on 31 December only.

Your action

No action is required.

Publishing Date : 4/18/2019

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