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HR Core Business 2021-12 EN V3

18-11-2021 22:09 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
  • 0 Antwoorden
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  • 316 Weergaven

In this version ...

Changed in version 3

The topic Manually start automatic interfaces that was added in version 2 to the Notifications, has been removed again.


Salary slips to external party

The Salary slips and annual statements via File API interface, goes live on 1-1-2022. You can purchase this service in consultation with Visma | YouServe. If agreements have been made about this, Visma | Youserve will activate this service for your organization. Once we have done this, you can enable the interface in the application yourself via Settings > Data exchange > Interfaces > Pay slips and annual statements to File API. Note that you have to do this for each company separately.

See also the topic Salary slips to third parties in the November release notes.

Modified and Improved

Change frequency HRCB API Retrieve User names & Ping ID


The process for retrieving the user names & Ping ID in HR Core Business ran daily at 11:20 am.
Steps in the process:

  1. Get user names and save them.
  2. Retrieve the Ping IDs of employees who are employed and have a username but no Ping ID.
  3. For all future employees without a username and Ping ID:
    Get the Ping ID. This is done by temporarily retrieving the missing user names and then the Ping ID; the username is not saved.


To prevent delays in this process, we adjusted the frequency of this process on 1-11-2021 through extra maintenance. Instead of once a day at 11.20 am, the process now runs every 4 hours.

The new schedule runs as follows:

07:20 11:20 15:20 19:20 23:20 03:20

and then start again at 7:20 am.


No action is required.

Improved My tasks on the Youforce desktop


We have found that the task list on the desktop of Youforce was very slow and didn't always show all tasks or signals from HR Core.


From this release we have improved the task list on the Youforce desktop and ensured that you see all signals and tasks when you log in to Youforce.


No action is required.

Solved Messages

Reports - Day changes in Management Information sometimes not correct (3007114)


We found that some declarations of day changes were not properly passed on to Management Information (MI). For example, a day change of 30 km has been entered and later an additional declaration of another 30 km is entered with the same date as the previous change. In HR Core Business you see two declarations with a total of 60 km, but in the reports of Management Information you only saw one day change of 30 km. As a result, the information in the reports was incomplete.


As of November 13 2021, this problem has been solved. The relevant changes to the day changes have been resubmitted to (MI) Management Information Reports from 1 June, so that the incomplete information has been supplemented with the correct day changes.


No action is required. The correct information will appear in the Management Information reports when you recreate the relevant report.

Performance leave overview in Self Service (2847622)


Consulting the leave overview in Self Service was often hampered by slow performance. Consulting the Annual Schedule in HR Core Business could also take an unnecessarily long time.


We have adjusted the software so that the leave overview in Self Service and the Annual schedule in HR Core Business now appear faster.


No action is required.

Publishing Date : 11/24/2021

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