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Release notes HR Core Business 2022-05 EN

21-04-2022 15:36
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  • 296 Weergaven


Time for activating person level has been extended

Settings > Data exchange > Raet HR links

When the person level has been activated through Raet HR links, a conversion takes place. Previously this only happened at 5.30 pm. As of this release a check for any required conversions is performed every 10 minutes to ensure multiple conversions can be enabled in a single evening. Approximately 40 conversion runs are now possible between 5.30 pm and 11.00 pm. 

Modified and Improved

Procedure regarding removed employees has been modified in view of Ping IDs


Sometimes an employee that had been created in HR Core Business and immediately removed again was still passed on to the Portal through the V3 link and provided with a username and a Ping ID. HR Core Business retrieves usernames and Ping IDs from the Portal every 4 hours and stores these. This process cannot be completed when an employee has been removed from HR Core Business. This means that other processes where usernames and Ping IDs are concerned are blocked as well. That is why the procedure for retrieval and storage in HR Core Business has been modified.


As of release 2022-04 the procedure for retrieval and storage of Ping IDs had been modified and it can be checked whether an employee is still available in HR Core Business. If the employee is not available, he/she will be skipped and the usernames and Ping IDs of other employees are retrieved.


No action is required. 

Raet HR links screen has been renamed to HR links


Settings > Data exchange > HR links

As of this release the name of the Raet HR links menu item and screen has been changed to HR links.

Person report has been expanded


The Person report now includes additional personal information to facilitate checks. 


Reports > Check > Person report

As of the 2022-05 release the Date of birth, Social Security Number and Employee type columns have been added to the Person report. The Person report now contains the following information:

  • Type (P for Person, E for Employee)
  • Person code
  • Person name
  • Company
  • Employee code
  • Employee name
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security Number (BSN)
  • UPI
  • Identity
  • Ping ID
  • Username
  • Employee type
  • Employed
  • Not employed
  • Organizational unit
  • Contract sequence number

This report can also be used if your organization does not use the person level. More information can be found in the Online Help through the Person report topic. 

Solved Messages 

Importing list of values failed (3321525) 


When importing a list of values through an administration, a file containing more than 60,000 lines was not accepted. 


The solution was released on 16 March 2022 through additional maintenance.

RVM redistribution screen response is slow (3273245)


It took a long time before data was displayed on the RVM redistribution screen. 


As of this release the screen’s responsiveness has been improved. 

Modification of WAZO end date (3309267)


When maternity leave is entered in HR Self Service, the WAZO end date field in HR Core Business is automatically populated with the date of the first working day -1 day. This is how it is described in the Online Help.

However, if the date of maternity leave was modified in HR Self Service when the actual delivery date was known and the first working day changed, the date specified in the WAZO end date field in HR Core Business was not automatically changed to reflect this. 


HR Core Business has been modified to ensure that when the date of maternity leave is changed in HR Self Service the date shown in the WAZO end date field is always automatically changed to the date of the first working day -1 day. 

When maternity leave is manually entered and/or changed in HR Core Business, the date in the WAZO end date field must also be specified manually.

When sick leave or a child is manually removed, the data in HR Core Business and HR Self Service are not synchronized (3401761)


When manually removing sick leave or a child, the data were not properly synchronized and the removed sick leave or child remained visible in HR Self Service.


This has been resolved. When sick leave or a child is manually removed, the data in HR Self Service are updated. The process of data exchange with HR Self Service has not been modified. The modified data are passed on to HR Self Service during the overnight export process.


No action is required.

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