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Release notes HR Core Business 2022-08 EN

21-07-2022 14:55
  • 0 Antwoorden
  • 0 kudos
  • 303 Weergaven

Modified and Improved

1.  Functioning of the Delete personal data GDPR screen improved


When deleting an employee, the screen Delete personal data GDPR was not automatically refreshed and the employee(s) just deleted were still visible in the list. To refresh the screen, you had to restart it from the menu or use the navigation pad at the top of the screen. 


Workflows > Outflow > Delete personal data GDPR

As of this release, the screen will automatically refresh when you delete employees. 


No action is required.

Solved Messages

2.  Incorrect values list in MI (3550937)


Settings > Recording > Values list 

Certain values from a values list were not properly transmitted to Management Information (MI), leading to the inadequate reporting of changes in some cases. 

This occurred when a values list that exists at customer level was modified at company level. A value was then added at company level and later removed. This removal was not transmitted, so that MI continued to operate on the basis of the old data. 


This has been resolved. The system now transmits the removal of a value from a value list to MI so that the correct data can be reported. 


No action is required. 

3.  Learning - (modules) and API - In service date and out of service date are the same date (3535581)


If you go to the Employment screen and enter the value Out of service in the field Employment indication, the system automatically enters a date for the data element Planned last date of employment (10520479). This date is the same as the reference date on which the value is entered (= Out of service date) minus 1 day. 

If you report an employee out of service on the same day that the employee was due to enter service (a so-called 'no-show employee'), then the field Planned last date of employment is also entered automatically. However, this can cause problems in other back-end systems due to the fact the employee was never actually employed.


If you report a no-show employee as out of service on the same day that they were to enter service, a date will no longer be entered for Planned last date of employment, (10520479) leaving the field empty.


No action is required.

4.  No figures shown in employer statement (2876407)


The relevant figures were sometimes missing when an employer statement was created. This occurred when the employer statement was accessed through HR Self Service and was set up in HR Core Business.


If you have entered the employer statement bases in HR Core Business and you retrieve these data elements in the employer statement from HR Self Service, the correct amounts will be displayed from now on.


No action is required.


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