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Release notes HR Core Business 2022-11 EN

20-10-2022 16:37
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1. Transferring parental leave


Parents are entitled to parental leave until their child’s 8th birthday. As of August 2022, an employee may take 9 weeks of paid parental leave up to one year after their child’s birth. If an employee does not use all their paid parental leave, they will still be entitled to their unused hours in the form of unpaid parental leave. This is because parents are entitled to a maximum of 26 weeks of parental leave: 9 weeks of partially paid parental leave and 17 weeks of unpaid parental leave. This means that unused paid parental leave must be converted into unpaid leave in HR Core Business. 


As of release 2022-11, HR Core Business will automatically determine whether an employee who requests parental leave has expired paid parental leave and/or whether this should be converted into unpaid parental leave. This ensures that users no longer have to make their own calculations. The leave overview shows you how many hours of paid and unpaid parental leave an employee has left and when these hours expire. This makes it easy to check how much parental leave an employee can request. 

If an employee’s paid and unpaid parental leave have both expired and they try to request parental leave for the same child, the system will not process their application. 


No action is required. HR Core Business will automatically determine whether an employee who requests parental leave has expired paid parental leave and/or whether this should be converted into unpaid parental leave. 

Please note: if no value has been entered for the parental leave type Parental leave entitlement based on child, paid leave will not automatically be converted into unpaid leave.

2.  Having parental leave automatically deducted

As of release 2022-11, it is possible to have parental leave automatically deducted. Statutory and non-statutory leave can also be deducted automatically. This means organizations no longer have to make their own parental leave calculations or determine which type of parental leave employees are entitled to. The system will do this automatically if you enter the right value under Parental leave entitlement based on child in HR Core Business. 

How to Set It Up

If you want to use automatic parental leave deduction, you need to adjust a number of settings in HR Core Business. Please follow the instructions below.

Settings > Leave > Leave policy
  • You must assign different levels of priority to the parental leave types Parental leave (paid 1 and 2) and Parental leave (unpaid).
    When an employee submits a leave request, the leave type with the highest priority will be deducted first.
  • For parental leave to be automatically deducted, you must also add the leave type Parental leave (automatic) to the leave policy. Please use the following settings for this leave type: 
    • Leave entitlement = 0 hours
    • Priority = 99 (not relevant for this leave type)
    • Parental leave entitlement based on child = Automatisch OSV
      OSV = OuderSchapsVerlof: Automatisch OSV = Automatic parental leave
    • Maximum negative = 0

If the value Automatisch OSV is entered, the system will use this leave type to deduct the leave types for which a value is defined under Parental leave entitlement based on child

Please note: if no value has been entered for the parental leave type Parental leave entitlement based on child, parental leave will not automatically be deducted. This functionality is only applied to leave types for which a value has been entered in this field. 

In Practice

An employee can submit a leave request using the leave type Parental leave (automatic) in HR Self Service or directly in HR Core Business. The system will then use the priority values and expiration dates to determine which leave type to deduct first. If the highest-priority leave balance is zero, the system will automatically deduct leave with a lower priority level. 


  • Use the instructions above to set up automatic parental leave deduction in HR Core Business. 
  • Set up the leave type Parental leave (automatic) for the relevant processes in Self Service. 

Modified and Improved

3.  WAO/WIA registration cannot be removed


The WAO/WIA registration screen had the following mandatory fields:

  • 7606 WAO/WIA class
  • 7607 Reason for claiming benefit

This made it impossible to remove an incorrectly filled out WAO/WIA screen. The problem has been resolved by making these fields optional.


Employee > Illness > WAO/WIA registration 

As of release 2022-11, every field in the WAO/WIA registration screen is optional, making it possible to remove values from the fields. Everything else still works the same way.


If employees have been incorrectly recorded with a WAO/WIA registration, you can now clear these fields in the WAO/WIA screen. You can do this by clearing the individual fields or by clicking the Clear button.

4.  RVM redelivery renamed to Redelivery RVM

As of this release, the menu option RVM redelivery and the RVM redelivery screen have been renamed to Redelivery RVM


Management > Data exchange > Redelivery RVM

The menu option and the screen itself have been renamed, but everything else still works the same way.


No action is required. 

Solved Messages

5.  Desired source date type not included in list (change 3733800)


Settings > Active signaling > Define signal

Alternative names for data elements were not included in the list for the Source date type field. 


The list for the Source date type field showed the official name of the data elements instead of the alternative names that had been assigned to these elements.
As of this release, the list also shows the alternative name (if an alternative name has been assigned).

Alternative names can be assigned under Settings > Recording > Alternative names.


No action is required.

6.  Self Service – Changes in Self Service not being exported to HR Core Business (3786931)


A few weeks ago, an error in our program caused an issue with processing Self Service changes. Changes in Self Service were no longer exported to HR Core Business. As a short-term solution, we quickly reversed the IKV modification that caused the error so that the changes in Self Service could be processed.


We have modified the November release to eliminate this error. 


No action is required.

7.  Deleting a child’s data from Self Service (3842585)


A child’s data can be removed from HR Core Business using Self Service. However, if additional parental leave has already been registered for the child, the child’s data cannot be removed. Users should receive a notification to let them know their request could not be processed. 


We have added a notification informing the user that the child’s data cannot be removed because additional parental leave has been registered for the child. This ensures that users are aware that their change has not been processed. 


If you are unable to remove a child’s data at your organization, you must first remove any additional parental leave. Once this has been removed, the child’s data can be removed as well. 

8.  Unable to see blocked collective holiday when opening leave request (3901430)


Users who opened a leave request for a blocked collective holiday were not able to see that this day was blocked.


As of this release, users who open a leave request for a blocked collective holiday will see a check mark next to the Collective leave blocked field. User will also be able to use the new Unblock leave button at the bottom right of the screen to unblock these days. Clicking on this will reallocate collective leave according to the employee’s work schedule.  


No action is required.


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