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  Swagger documentation The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints: Recruiting API   Endpoints Candidates Post candidate The endpoint Post candidate allows to send a candidate to be hired in the core system. This method returns the processId to check the status. POST https://api.youserve.nl/recruiting/v1.0/candidates There are 2 ways of calling this endpoint, with or without attachments. With attachments The header Content-Type should be: multipart/related; boundary="A100x"; (The boundary is the one you choose). The total size of the request (all files and request body) is up to 100MB and the allowed file types are pdf, docx, txt, jpg, jpeg and png. Files cannot be empty. The body should be splitted by sections, being the first one a json section with the candidate data as in the request without attachments. For each attachment, there will be 2 sections: json section: name of the file --A100x Content-ID: <content> Content-Type: application/json { "Description":"contract.pdf" } file section: content of the file --A100x Content-ID: <content> Content-Type: application/pdf %PDF-1.7 %·¾¬ª 1 0 obj <<  (this example is not complete) Process status After the candidate is posted to the API, the process can be followed with the status endpoint. The status of a process could be Pending, InProgress, WaitingOnValicare (if it is configured), Completed or Failed. Replace the ProcessId in the URL with the  processId  from the previous API call. GET https://api.youserve.nl/recruiting/v1.0/candidates/{ProcessId}   Checking the status of the hire is needed, because failed hires won’t be automatically reprocessed. It is necessary to correct the problem and send them again. Also it is possible to get a list of processes, filtering by status, created after and created before. GET https://api.youserve.nl/recruiting/v1.0/candidates/status GET https://api.youserve.nl/recruiting/v1.0/candidates/status?status=Completed GET https://api.youserve.nl/recruiting/v1.0/candidates/status?createdAfter=2021-09-01&createdBefore=2021-09-12   Vacancies DRAFT ⚠️ This is a draft endpoint. Vacancy data cannot be exposed at this moment. Please reach out to our community for more info.    GET vacancies The endpoint GET vacancies gives a list of vacancies of the tenant. This endpoint is available only with mock data for the sandbox tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/recruiting/v1.0/vacancies   Postman collection and environment As attachment you can find a zip file with the collection and the environment.    
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Overview of all IAM endpoints including Swagger.
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28-01-2022 17:07 (Bijgewerkt op 18-06-2024)
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  Swagger documentation The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints: WFM API Endpoints Classifications The endpoint returns a list of all classifications. GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/classifications   The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB; system  - The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. client  - The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer company  - The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for The company code is returned as part of the company type   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business shortName short name of classification       fullName full name of the item       level Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level).       validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A   Companies The endpoint GET companies gives a list of company versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/companies    Retrieve 1 company by adding the id of the company: GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/companies/<id>    Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range: GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/companies?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z . Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id identifier of the company     mutkey shortName short name of the company     company code fullName full name of the company     company name validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted           Cost centers The endpoint returns a list of all cost centers. GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/costcenters   The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB; system  - The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. client  - The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer company  - The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for The company code is returned as part of the company type   Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range: GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/costcenters?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z . Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business shortName short name of cost center       fullName full name of the cost center       level Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level).       validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted           Employments The employee endpoint returns information about the employments registered in HRCB ("Medewerker > Contract").   https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/employments   Retrieve 1 employment by adding the id of the employment. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/employments/<id>    Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/employments?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id Employment id 12459897 49 Contract mutkey personCode The unique id assigned to the employee 32789 10519680 Persoon nummer personId The globally unique id assigned to an employee 12345678 7014 Uniek Persoonlijk ID (UPI) employeeCode The code of the employee or employment 12345 22 Medewerker code contractCode Code of the contract 1 91 Contract id costAllocation Deprecated use costCenter instead       dischargeDate The end date or discharge date of the employee. This is always an "up to and including" date. The field will always be in the response, even if the field is not filled. 2018-12-31 10520479 Geplande laatste datum indienst note: calculated field: [Geplande laatste datum indienst] = [Datum uitdienst] - 1 day   Datum uitdienst = fieldnr 40 hireDate Date of hire for the employment 2017-05-01 39 Datum in dienst originalHireDate The first hire date or original hire date of an employee within the organization. This date is important for the tenure or working anniversary of an employee 2010-10-01 308 Datum in dienst organisatie Enddate Enddate of contract 2022-12-31 7226 Afloopdatum company (deprecated)  (deprecated) Unique identifier of company the where contract is concluded 001 18 Bedrijfscode companyCode Unique identifier of company the where contract is concluded 001 18 Bedrijfscode location The location of where the employment is being performed 789 75 Vestiging site The location at which the employment is being fulfilled Vestiging 1 7449 Werklocatie costCenter The cost center under which the employment is registered 012 53 Kostenplaats classification Cost allocation of the employment 123 474 Classifiecatiekenmerk 1 employmentType Code of the employment type 4 7393 Type medewerker jobProfile The job profile code 9909 DEV 97 Functie organizationUnit The organization unit id 1234567 ZKH 6000 Mutkey organisatorische eenheid employmentIndicator Indicator if employee is in or out of service 1 = In service, 2 = Out of service 38 Dienstverband indicatie emailAddresses Business email address   Business b.user@example.com 7212 E-mailadres phoneNumbers List of phone numbers and types Business +3188 345 67 89 7374 Telefoonnummer intern workingAmount Working amount of the employment. amountOfWork: numeric value representing the work amount 40   465 Uren periode periodOfwork: indicates the period for which amountOfWork and unitOfWork are defined Week FourWeeks Month Quarter 463 Dagen/uren per Week Maand validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. False       Employment types The endpoint returns a list of all employment types. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/employmenttypes    The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB; system  - The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. client  - The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer company  - The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for The company code is returned as part of the company type   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business shortName short name of employment type 001     fullName full name of the employment type Internship     level Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). Client     validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted             Jobprofiles GET jobprofiles The jobProfiles endpoint returns information about the job profiles (Dutch: "Functie informatie") registered.   https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/jobprofiles   Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/jobprofiles?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id Unique identifier of Jobprofile     mutkey of jobprofile shortName Code or short name of the Job Profile SE 97 Functie code fullName Name or full title of the Job Profile Software Engineer 5 97 Functie omschrijving jobTitle Job title description Senior Software Developer 932 Visitekaartje validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A   Leaves Returns a list of all leaves for the tenant specified in the request header consisting of: https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leaves    Retrieve 1 item by adding the id of the leave. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leaves/<id>     Retrieve all leaves from 1 person: https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leaves?personCode=<personcode>   Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leaves?from=2022-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2022-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Note: When person layer is enabled in HRCore Business, the PersonId is equal to PersonCode.   Property Description Example HR Core Business   id Technical and unique ID of the sickness registration. This unique ID is generated by the core system and can not be changed by a user. 12345678 49 -  leave mutkey   employmentId Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. 001 49 - Key of the contract   personCode The Id of a unique person within a tenant. 10056832 10519680 - Persoonscode   leaveRequestDate Represents the date the leave was requested. 2022-04-01 Request date / Datum aanvraag   leaveStartDate Represents the startdate of the leave. 2022-07-01   Starting date / Begindatum   leaveEndDate Represents the enddate of the leave. 2022-07-02    End date / Einddatum   leaveDuration  Number of leavehours.  16 Leave (Units) / Verlof(eenheden)   leaveTypeId Represents the code of a type of leave. All leavetypes can be retrieved in the endpoint leavetypes.   10000100 Type of leave / Verlofsoort   leaveReason Represents the code of a reason of leave. All leavereasons can be retrieved in the endpoint leavereasons   10000195 Leave reason / Reden verlof   leaveTypeOfSettlement Represents if the leavehours should be deducted from the balance or not 1 = Settle / Verrekenen 2 = Do not settle / Niet verrekenen 1 Type of settlement / Soort verrekening   leaveRequestStatus Represents the status of the leave request: granted, denied, etc 1 = Approved / Goedgekeurd 2 = To be approved / Te fiatteren 3 = Rejected  / Afgewezen 1 Status leave request / Status verlofaanvraag   validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the sickness record in the core system. False         LeaveBalances Returns a list of all available leave balances based on leave module in HR Core Business. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalances   Leave balance in HR Core Business   Retrieve 1 leave balance by adding the id of the item. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalances/<id>    Retrieve leave balance for 1 person: https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalances?personid=<personid>   Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalances?from=2022-10-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2022-10-02T09:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping  Property Description Example HR Core Business (technical number) id Technical and unique ID of the leave balance.  This unique ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. 35148458 n/a personId The Id of a unique person within a tenant. This field refers to the Id in the endpoint Persons. 1000 Unique Person ID (7014) employmentId Technical and unique ID of the employment or contract This field refers to the Id in the endpoint Employments. 35148469 Key of the contract (49) companyCode Reference to company of the employee 500 CompanyCode employeeCode Reference to the employee 1000 EmployeeCode (22) leaveBalanceDetails yearBeginDate: Begin date of the leave entitlement 2022-01-01 n/a (configuration HRCB) yearEndDate: End date of the leave entitlement 2022-12-31 n/a (configuration HRCB) expirationDate: Date of expiration of the entitlement. The leave hours are canceled after this date 2023-07-01 n/a (configuration HRCB) leaveTypeId: This field refers to the shortName in the endpoint LeaveTypes. 10004750 n/a (configuration HRCB) basicRights: The leave entitlements (in hours) granted per leave type. 160,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) ageRelatedLeaveHours: The leave entitlements (in hours) per leave type based on age and AOW age together. 8,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) yearsOfServiceRelatedHours: The leave entitlements (in hours) per leave type based on years of service. 8,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) additionalIndiviualRights: The extra rights granted (per hour) individually per leave type. 32,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) transferredRights: The transferred entitlements (per hour) per leave type. 8,99 n/a (configuration HRCB) hoursTakenNotSettled: The sum of the booked leave per leave type with status is "Approved" and "not to be settled". Hours are not substracted from the balance. 4,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) hoursTaken: The sum of the booked leave per leave type with status is "Approved".  24,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) balance: Total of leave balance for given leave type.  160,00 n/a (configuration HRCB) validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 Reference date (peildatum) validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record (9999-12-31). 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 n/a isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. False n/a       LeaveBalancesPayroll Returns a list of all available leave balances based on payroll calculations for the tenant. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalancespayroll   Retrieve 1 LeaveBalancesPayroll by adding the id of the item. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalancespayroll/<id>    Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavebalancespayroll?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping  Property Description Example HR Core Business id Unique ID of the leave entitlements.  This unique ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. 2359055420217 Combined field of: [EmployeeId] +  [Payroll year] + [Payroll period] Example: EmployeeId= 23590554 Payroll Year = 2021 Payroll Period = 7 ID = 23590554202107 personId The Id of a unique person within a tenant. 10056832 7014 - Unique Person ID employeeID Unique technical ID of the employee 23590554 EmployeeId employmentId Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. 001 49 - Key of the contract companyCode Reference to company of the employee 001 CompanyCode employeeCode Reference to the employee T0120 EmployeeCode payrollYear Year of the monthly or 4-weekly payroll calculation 2021 PayrollYear payrollPeriod Period of the monthly or 4-weekly payroll calculation  7 PayrollPeriod   leaveBalanceLegalHoliday Leave balance for regular leave as calculated by the payroll 138,40 leaveBalanceLegalHoliday payroll element = 10524591 leaveBalanceAboveLegal Leave balance for regular leave as calculated by the payroll 41,02 leaveBalanceAboveLegal payroll element = 10524590 leaveBalanceTVT Leave balance for "time for time" calculated by the payroll 24,00 LeaveBalanceTVT payroll element = 10524137 leaveBalanceATV Leave balance for "Reduction of working hours" calculated by the payroll 48,00 LeaveBalanceAtv payroll element = 10524136     Leave types The endpoint returns a list of all leave types. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavetypes   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business shortName Short name of leave type 123     fullName full name of leave type Leave     level Indicates the level in HRCore Business where the item is configured: system, client, company. company     companyCode   If level is "company" then the         validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. False         Leave reasons The endpoint returns a list of all leave reasons. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/leavereasons   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business shortName Short name of leave reason 123     fullName full name of leave reason compassionate leave     level Indicates the level in HRCore Business where the item is configured: system, client, company. company     companyCode   If level is "company" then the         validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. False             Locations The endpoint returns a list of all locations. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/locations   The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB; system  - The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. client  - The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer company  - The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for The company code is returned as part of the company type   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business shortName Short name of location AMS     fullName full name of location Amsterdam     level Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). Client     validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the sickness record in the core system. False         Maternityleaves Returns a list of all maternity leaves for the tenant specified in the request header consisting of: https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/maternityleaves   Retrieve 1 maternity leave by adding the id of the item. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/maternityleaves/<id>    Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/maternityleaves?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id Technical and unique ID of the maternity registration. This unique ID is generated by the core system and can not be changed by a user. 12345678 7593 - Mutkey of the maternity isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. False   personId The Id of a unique person within a tenant. 10056832 7014 - Unique Person ID employmentId Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. 001 49 - Key of the contract startDate The first date of the sickness case. 2010-10-01 7594 - Begindatum verlof / WAZO firstWorkingDay The first day the employee appears at his work after the maturity leave period. 2010-10-04 7596 - eerste werkdag     Organization Units The organizationUnits endpoint returns information about the organization structures registered in Youforce, including:  Hierarchical information OrganizationUnit types Management information https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/organizationunits   Retrieve 1 item by adding the id of the item. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/organizationunits/<id>    Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/organizationunits?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id Unique id of the organization unit 12345678 N/A Mutkey organisatorische eendheid shortName Code or short name of the Organization Unit PD 548 Code organisatorische eenheid fullName Name or full title of the Organization Unit Product Development 549 Naam organisatorische eenheid parentOrgUnit Code of the parent organization unit PD_EU 6000 Bovenliggende organisatorische eenheid organizationUnitType Type of organization unit Divisie 7475 Type organisatorische eenheid manager Unique id of the manager 1234567 N/A Mutkey medewerker managerPersonCode deprecated       managerPersonId The globally unique id assigned to an the management employee 12345678 10519680 Persoon nummer Corresponds with: Endpoint: Person, Property: personCode validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The date from which the record is no longer valid. Will contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 2020-05-01   9999-12-31 N/A  N/A isDeleted           Organization unit types The endpoint returns a list of all organization unit types: https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/organizationunittypes    The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB; system  - The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. client  - The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer company  - The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for The company code is returned as part of the company type   Data mapping   Property Description Example HR Core Business HR Core Beaufort Data type shortName Short name of item AMS         string fullName full name of the item Amsterdam         string level Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). Client         string validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum N/A N/A YYYY-MM-DD ISO 8601 validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A N/A N/A YYYY-MM-DD ISO 8601 isDeleted                 Persons The endpoint persons gives a list of all persons (HRCore Business: "Medewerker > Persoon")) of the tenant. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/persons   Retrieve 1 person by adding the id of the employee. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/persons/<id>     Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/persons?from=2022-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2022-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id The globally unique id assigned to an employee 12345678 7014 Uniek Persoonlijk ID (UPI) personCode The unique id assigned to the employee 32789 10519680 Persoon nummer initials The initials of the employee A.B. 25 Voorletters firstNames The official given names of the employee Amy Beatrice 51 Voornamen knownAs The name which is used by the employee as first name Amy 165 Roepnaam lastNameAtBirth The last name at birth of the employee. Also known as the family name Vries 24 Achternaam lastNameAtBirthPrefix The prefix of the employee's last name at birth de 26 Voorvoegsels lastName The last name used by the employee at present de Vries - van Eijck 524 Opgemaakte naam aanhef The value is determined by the setting in nameAssembleOrder lastNamePrefix (not recommended to use this field. This field is the same as lastNameAtBirthPrefix) The prefix of the employee's last name at birth de 26 Voorvoegsels nameAssembleOrder Code of the assemble order used by the core system for the last name. Values: 0 = Partner's name + own last name 1 = Own last name only 2 = Partner's name only 3 = Own last name + partner's name 4 = Compound surname 3 28 Eigennaam code identity Identity field Johnson@email.com 7013 Identity partnerName The last name of the employee's partner Eijck 27 Naam Partner partnerNamePrefix The prefix of the partner's last name Van 166 Voorvoegsels Partner titlePrefix Formal title prefix drs. 94 Titel voor titleSuffix Formal title suffix Msc 95 Titel na gender Gender of the employee 2 36 Geslacht (0) Not known (1) Male (2) Female (9) Not applicable dateOfBirth Date of Birth 1986-02-12 35 geboorte datum deceased This field indicates if an employee is deceased when false the property is not returned true 10302568 Datum overlijden validFrom The date from which the record is valid 2020-04-01 N/A Peildatum validUntil The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. 9999-12-31 2020-05-01 N/A N/A isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. False     phoneNumbers List of phone numbers and types Home +3188 123 45 67 7376 Telefoonnummer privé Mobile +316 12 34 56 78 7377 Telefoonnummer mobiel emailAddresses Private email addresses of the employee Private p.user@example.com 7213 E-mailadres privé Addresses List of addresses   type Home street Kerkstraat 391 Straat houseNumber 1 392 Huisnummer houseNumberAddition C 393 Huisnummer toevoeging additionalAddressLine 2nd floor 8099  Locatie omschrijving postalCode 1234 AB 394 Postcode city Amersfoort 395 Woonplaats country NL 34 Woonland   type Postal street Poststraat 7572 Straat (postadres) houseNumber 1 7573 Huisnummer (postadres) houseNumberAddition A 7574 Huisnummer toev (postadres) additionalAddressLine 2nd floor 8100 Locatie omschrijving (postadres) postalCode 1234 AB 7575 Postcode (postadres) city Amersfoort 7576 Plaats (postadres) country NL 7571 Land (postadres)   Sickleaves Returns a list of all sick leaves for the tenant specified in the request header consisting of: https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/sickleaves    Retrieve 1 item by adding the id of the sickleave. https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/sickleaves/<id>     Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/sickleaves?from=2022-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2022-01-01T14:00:00.000Z Format:  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ   Data mapping Property Description Example HR Core Business id Technical and unique ID of the sickness registration. This unique ID is generated by the core system and can not be changed by a user. 12345678 7471 - Key of the sickness isDeleted Provide the active/inactive status of the sickness record in the core system. False   personId The Id of a unique person within a tenant. 10056832 7014 - Unique Person ID employmentId Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. 001 49 - Key of the contract startDate The first date of the sickness case. 2010-10-01 7206 - Eerste verzuimdag expectedRecoveryDate The expected recovery date. 2010-10-04 7443 - Verwachte hersteldatum sicknessType Type of sickness.   1 = Sick 2 = Illness due to pregnancy 3 = Organ donation 5 = Occupational accident 9 = Accident fault by third parties   in Dutch: 1 = Ziek 2 = Ziekte door zwangerschap 3 = Orgaandonatie 5 = Bedrijfsongeval 9 = Ongeval schuld derden 5 7107 - Soort Ziekte recoveryDate The recovery date is defined as the first day the employee appears at his work after a sickness period. 2010-10-05 7207 - Eerste werkdag safetynetCase Reason of Safetynet case   N/A partial recovery startDate illnessPercentage 2010-10-05 80 7464 - Ziektepercentage therapeutic period startDate endDate workingAmount workingPercentage 2010-10-07 2010-10-10 16 40  7089 - Arbeidstherapiepercentage      
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30-01-2022 21:22 (Bijgewerkt op 29-04-2024)
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Endpoints: File API: [GET] getFile The endpoint GET getFile gives tenants data in a zip (with multiple CSVs inside) or a single CSV file to a reference date. Data in CSVs are defined in the HRCB application. Data are stored periodically (once a day at 05:00 AM see also disclaimer), by our scheduler since the first introduction of the referred tenant. A name of the file is defined as "{date}_{tenantId}_{language}" in zip files (2022-05-13_123456_EN.zip) and as "{date}_{tenantId}_{language}_{groupName}" in CSV files (2022-05-13_123456_EN_Company_basic.csv). Response content type is based on the type of file: zip: application/x-zip-compressed CSV: application/octet-stream    If the file does not exist, it returns 404 (NotFound). This endpoint has required and optional query parameters. If the required parameter is missing, it returns 400 (BadRequest). Parameter Description Required/ Optional Example Language Defines the language of the file. Supported languages:  EN NL Required EN Group Defines an exact type of the file and returns a CSV file. The content of a group is defined in HRCB application. When the group parameter is not set, then the endpoint returns a zip file that contains CSV files. Optional Company   Examples: Each request needs to have an "Authorization" value in the headers. https://api.youserve.nl/yds/file?language=en https://api.youserve.nl/file?language=en&group=Company   Client Header: The application needs to be authorized by the corresponding Tenant (HR Core Client) in order to consume the API. This is ensured by a header parameter 'x-raet-tenant-id' and the value is a tenant id that customer requests data for.   Escaping within CSV file - escape double quote character " to "" (two times double quote) - enclose the whole field value with double quote character " in these cases:    -- escaping of double quote occurred    -- field contains delimiter (character | in our case)    -- field starts or ends with a whitespace character    -- field contains newline (any of CR LF characters)   example: field one|"escaped field due to character "" present"|field three|"field with | pipe character"|"  leading and trailing whitespaces  "|no whitespaces   Time slices or Actual data With our API for BI business product we have two different content files. Depending on your choice you get one of those types Timelines  If history data is necessary you select for the timelines option. History data of max 4 years are made available Start and end date is mentioned for the whole slice of the selected elements  Whenever there is a change in the selected fields a new time slice is created with a start and end date Actual data This file contains only actual data that is active on moment of creation of the file. Selected fields have their own start and end date. When onboarding on this product and there is a need for more than 4 years of history please be advised to do an service request as this is a paid service of ours.   Disclaimer: For the time being, due to it is a newly launched product. Endpoint can be accessed throughout the day and triggers the most actual state of configuration and data instead of one file made ready once a day on 5 AM, so that the configuration settings can be tested by our users
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08-07-2022 13:09 (Bijgewerkt op 16-04-2024)
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This article shows all available endpoints for the Onboarding API. 
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15-04-2024 16:59 (Bijgewerkt op 15-04-2024)
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Description of MLM API endpoints and swagger page.
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31-01-2022 11:14 (Bijgewerkt op 27-03-2024)
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Swagger documentation The following swagger pages gives an overview of the endpoint: IAM User endpoint  User endpoint   The user endpoint supports the retrieval of users and gives the ability to set the email address as identity for a user. The next methods are supported as part of the users endpoint. https://api.youserve.nl/iam/v1.0/users GET Allows retrieving a single employee based on employeeId for the tenant specified in the request header. https://api.youserve.nl/iam/v1.0/users(employeeId=12345) Supports the following parameter as part of the resource path: employeeId - The unique id assigned to an employee. This value is available in the Employees endpoint with the property PersonCode. Returns a 200 OK when successful PATCH Allows to update or set an email address as identity for a specific user based on employeeId  (PersonCode in Employees endpoint) for the tenant specified in the request header. https://api.youserve.nl/iam/v1.0/users(employeeId=12345)/identity Supports the following parameter as part of its request body: id- email address of the employee which is to be used for SSO { "id": "user@customer.com" } Returns a 204 No content when successful Visibility of the change in Youforce portal Please note that updating the identity through this endpoint will update the identity in the Youforce authentication system will NOT show the values in Youforce portal Our authentication system is not running on the same service as the portal UI. The synchronization is just one way: Changes done in the authentication system direct will not reflect in the Youforce portal UI Changes done in this UI will reflect in the authentication system Datamapping Parameters Description Example Data type employeeId The unique id assigned to the employee by the HR Core 12345 string id User id of the employee used in the Youforce authentication system HR Core Business: (NL) PING Identiteit (elementnr. 10523564) c7e230db-2a7f-4ef0-ad1d-9d30e7d94a2f string sourceId Username of the user in the Youforce portal.  HR Core Business: (NL) Gebruikersnaam (elementnr. 61) XX123456 string identityId UPN/Identity in the customer authentication system that takes care of authentication HR Core Business: (NL) Identity (elementnr. 7013) user@customer.com string
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29-04-2022 12:31 (Bijgewerkt op 20-01-2023)
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  Swagger documentation The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints: Payroll API   Endpoints Employees Full load or initial load To get the list of employee basic data of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employees   Incremental load To get the list of employee basic data of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included. Also it is possible to include the changedUntil parameter. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employees?changedAfter=2020-05-19   Get employee by Id It is also possible to retrieve the data of a specific employee. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employees/13161246   Employee benefits Full load or initial load To get the list of employee benefits of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeBenefits   Incremental load To get the list of employee benefits of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeBenefits?changedAfter=2020-05-19   Employee fixed payments Full load or initial load To get the list of employee fixed payments of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeFixedPayments   Incremental load To get the list of employee fixed payments of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included: GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeFixedPayments?changedAfter=2020-05-19   Employee one-off payments Full load or initial load To get the list of employee one off payments of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeOneOffPayments   Incremental load To get the list of employee one off payments of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included. GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeOneOffPayments?changedAfter=2020-05-19   File upload POST employees/{employeeId}/paylips Endpoint for uploading a payslip to the Personal File System of Visma Raet. The endpoint returns a  ticketId  . The document will be uploaded using the type of document provided in the request, or setting a type of document by default for that customer. If this document type is not provided, then the default ovSalaris is used. The API will automatically upload the file to the Personal File System. This is an asynchronized process with an automatic retry mechanism in case the file systems is not available. The retry mechanism will try to upload the file in a maximum of 6 hours. After this period the file will be rejected with a message. Also if the file is too big (maximum 4 Mb) or isn’t a PDF file, the upload will be rejected.   GET payslips/{ticketId}/status Endpoint for getting the status of the uploaded file. The endpoint will return the status of the file. After the file is processed successfully the status Complete is returned.   Postman collection and environment As attachment you can find a zip file with the collection and the environment.  
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28-01-2022 11:25 (Bijgewerkt op 17-03-2022)
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  Swagger documentation The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints: Learning API Endpoints Employees GET employees The endpoint GET employees gives a list of employees with the personal and employment details of an employee. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees    GET employee by id The endpoint GET employee by id gives a list of the versions of the employee with the given id, including the personal and employment details of the employee. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees/1    GET employee by person code The endpoint GET employee by person code gives a list of the versions of the employee with the given person code, including the personal and employment details of the employee. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees?personcode=1001  Users GET users The endpoint GET users return user information for a single employee. For the User Identity is relevant for consumers who want to implement the Single Sign-On solution of Visma Raet. GET https://http://api.youserve.nl/learning/v0.1/users(employeeId=1005) Organization units GET organizationUnits The endpoint GET organizationUnits gives the organization structure of the tenant. It is possible to include filters by changedAfter and changeUntil parameters. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits??changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17    GET organizationUnit by id The endpoint GET organizationUnits by id gives the versions of the organizational unit with the given id. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits/1   GET organizationUnit by short name The endpoint GET organizationUnit by short name gives the versions of the organizational unit with the given short name. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits?shortName=OrgUnit1   GET roleAssignments The endpoint GET roleAssignments gives a list persons “who” are responsible in “which” Role for a specific part of the organization. It is possible to include filters by changedAfter and changeUntil parameters. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/roleassignments GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/roleassignments?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17 Job profiles GET jobProfiles The endpoint GET jobProfiles gives a list of job profiles of the tenant details of an employee. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobProfiles Companies GET companies The endpoint GET companies gives a list of company versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/companies GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/companies?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET company by code and validAt The endpoint GET company by code and valid at gives the version of the company with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/companies/1000?validat=2020-10-01 Contract types GET contractTypes The endpoint GET contractTypes gives a list of contract type versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/contractTypes GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/contractTypes?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17    GET contractType by code and validAt The endpoint GET contractType by code and valid at gives the version of the contract type with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/contractTypes/1000?validat=2020-10-01 Employment types GET employmentTypes The endpoint GET employmentTypes gives a list of employment type versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employmentTypes GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employmentTypes?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET employmentType by code and validAt The endpoint GET employmentType by code and valid at gives the version of the employment type with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employmentTypes/0001?validat=2020-10-01 Cost centers GET costCenters The endpoint GET costCenters gives a list of cost centers versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/costCenters GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/costCenters?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET costCenter by code and validAt The endpoint GET costCenter by code and valid at gives the version of the cost center with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/costCenters/03?validat=2020-10-01 Classifications GET classifications The endpoint GET classifications gives a list of classifications versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/classifications GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/classifications?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET classification by code and validAt The endpoint GET classification by code and valid at gives the version of the classification with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/classifications/0001?validat=2020-10-01 Locations GET locations The endpoint GET locations gives a list of locations versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/locations GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/locations?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET location by code and validAt The endpoint GET location by code and valid at gives the version of the location with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/locations/1001?validat=2020-10-01 Salary scales GET salaryscales The endpoint GET salaryscales gives a list of salaryscales versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/salaryScales GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/salaryScales?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET salaryscale by code and validAt The endpoint GET salaryscale by code and valid at gives the version of the salary scale with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/salaryScales/1001?validat=2020-10-01 Job families GET jobFamilies The endpoint GET jobFamilies gives a list of job family versions of the tenant. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobFamilies GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobFamilies?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17   GET jobFamily by code and validAt The endpoint GET jobFamily by code and valid at gives the version of the job family with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobFamilies/DEV?validat=2020-10-01 File upload POST employees/{personId}/documents/certificate Endpoint for uploading a certificate to the Personal File System of Visma Raet. The endpoint returns a ticketId . The file will be stored in a standard folder for certificates. The name of the folder is “certificaat”. This name cannot be changed by the end-user or the API. POST https://api.youserve.nl/learning/V1.0/api/employees/1/documents/certificate The API will automatically upload the file to the Personal File System. This is an a-synchronized process with an automatic retry mechanism in case the file systems is not available. The retry mechanism will try to upload the file in a maximum of 6 hours. After this period the file will be rejected with a message. Also if the file is too big (maximum 4 Mb) or isn’t a PDF file, the upload will be rejected.   GET documents/{TicketId}/status Endpoint for getting the status of the file upload. The endpoint will return the status of the file. After the file is processed successfully the status Complete is returned. GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees/documents/{{TicketId}}/status Postman collection and environment As attachment you can find a zip file with the collection and the environment.
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28-01-2022 11:24 (Bijgewerkt op 27-01-2022)
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