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HR Core Business 2020-07 EN

18-06-2020 22:20 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Feedback on our application


From the April release, we will ask you for feedback on our application through a closed question. With this you can let us know what you think of specific functionalities and whether they meet your needs. In order to better interpret the information that has now been obtained, we will ask your feedback about certain processes in the coming months by asking a few specific questions.


If you choose a user group, we will ask you to indicate by a number to what extent you would recommend HR Core / Payroll Business to others and you can also explain your answer. We will also ask a similar question after completing a process. Questions are only asked for a specific period of time for that specific functionality. Depending on the period, a question will never be asked to you more than twice and your answers will remain anonymous.

Your action

If you receive a question about the use of the application, we ask you to answer it as much as possible, so that we know better what you think of certain processes and screens. This allows us to improve functionalities in a more targeted manner.


Automatic entry of Unique Personal ID (UPI) with employee code


Unique persons must be identifiable in interface applications, including Medical Leave Management and Talent Management. That is why in future the use of a Unique Personal ID (UPI) will be mandatory. This allows you to link employees with the same UPI within a customer and in the future deliver them to the Visma | Raet applications as one person.

To ensure entry of the UPI is as easy as possible, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field can be auto-populated with the employee code.

  • If automatic generation of the employee code is opted for, this code can now also be used as UPI and the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field in the Employees screen can be auto-populated.
  • If employee codes are used that are not automatically generated, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field can be auto-populated with the already available employee code. Refer to Updating Unique Personal ID (UPI) of existing employees


Settings > Recording > Parameters employee code

The Parameters employee code screen (where is specified whether the employee code should be generated and assigned automatically when creating a new employee) now includes the Auto-populate UPI  option. When this option is enabled, the system will also populate the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field with the automatically generated employee code.

Your action

If this new feature is to be used, the data in the Parameters employee code screen must have been specified as described above. 

Updating Unique Personal ID (UPI) of existing employees


When creating a new employee, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field can be auto-populated with the employee code. To ensure the employee code can be used as UPI with existing employees so it need not be specified manually, an option is now available to auto-populate the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field with the employee code.


Employee > Employee > Employees

As of this release the Update UPI  field is included in the Employees screen. This field is used to ensure the system populates the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field with the employee code where an existing employee is concerned. This is done as follows:

Set the Update UPI  field to Yes.
The Unique Personal ID (UPI) field then becomes read only.

Click Save and refresh the screen.
The Unique Personal ID (UPI) field now contains the employee code and is no longer read only.
The Update UPI  field is cleared as the field has been updated.

During the update the system checks if the UPI is unique to the client. Where an equal UPI is concerned, the employee must have the same last name and date of birth. If this is not the case, an error message will be displayed.

Note: when the UPI is updated with the employee code through the Update UPI  field and is next overwritten manually, the overwritten value applies. 

Your action

No action is required.

New Integration elements screen


The specified expense policy is necessary for the link with Mobile Expense in order to indicate which expense policy applies to an employee. No additional feature in HR Core Business is required.

As more data is expected to be required in the future for the various links without an additional feature in HR Core Business, a separate screen has been created for registering such employee data.


Settings > Recording > List of values

As of 1-1-2020 the Expense policy list of values has been added to the Element field in the List of values screen. It can be used to define expense policies that can be assigned to an employee through the Integration elements screen.

Employee > Contract > Integration elements

As of 1-1-2020 the Integration elements screen has been added to the Contract menu. Through this screen the correct expense policy for an employee can be specified in the Expense policy field for integration with Mobile Expense. The available values to choose from are registered in the Expense policy list of values as described above.

Your action

In order to use the new feature, the list of values must be created and the correct value must be assigned to the employees concerned as described above.

Solved Message

Error message when importing branches of organizational units has been modified (change 1914674)


When importing branches for organizational units, the error message Specified start date is before the employee’s employment date was displayed.

This was due to the fact that the branch was linked to an organizational unit that did not yet exist on the effective date. However, the text of the error message suggested that it concerned employees.


The error message is a general message that is displayed when data is linked to an element that does not yet exist on the effective date. As of this release the text has been modified as follows:

Specified start date (yyyy/mm/dd) is before the date (yyyy/mm/dd) of the element to be linked.

Note: this message is now also included in the Self Service failure report.

Your action

No action is required.

Publishing Date : 6/18/2020

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