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Release notes HR Core Business 2022-04 EN

28-03-2022 13:54
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  • 425 Weergaven


Improved screens and menus coming soon


In the next months we will improve a number of screens of HR Core and Payroll Business:

  • Over the years, some screens have become overcrowded.
  • The grouping of data in some screens no longer makes sense.
  • In order to be able to support the ever-changing legislation, in some screens a clearer distinction is needed between employee and contract data.
  • In addition, we want to improve the quality of the payroll and pension declarations through linkage checks on the data entered.


In the upcoming releases you will encounter new screens for:

  • Employee data - e.g. personal details, address, marital status
  • Identity - BSN (Citizen Service Number), proof of identity, UPI
  • Employment relationship - employed, employee type, leave employment
  • Calculation of payroll taxes and premiums
  • Tax data

These screens can be found separately in the menu, but you can also see them in series, for example when hiring new employees via the inflow/outflow menu.


Working with the new screens will be more intuitive and therefore more pleasant, you don't have to prepare for that.

Keep the following in mind: if the administrative processes in your organization are tightly set, then some details may need to be updated.


Activating person level without Product Development support


As of the April release the person level can be activated by the user. 


Settings > Data exchange > Raet HR links

Activating or deactivating the person level:

  • Select Person level at Link.
  • When the Person level active option is selected, the person level is activated for the current client.
    When the Person level active option is selected and next deselected, the person level is deactivated for the current client. Employees and persons are no longer synchronized when this option has been deselected.

The following steps must at least be performed before activating the person level:

  • Create the Proposed UPI report. Reports > Check > Proposed UPI.
    If the Proposed UPI report contains inconsistencies in view of current data, these must be resolved first. The Conflict / Errors column should not contain any exclamation marks.
  • If there are employees with multiple dates of birth, the correct date should be determined and entered throughout.
  • Ensure the unique personal identification has been specified in the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field in the Employee screen of all employees. For example by importing an Excel basic document.

Activating person level
The initial conversion starts at 5.30 pm and takes approximately 10 minutes. A maximum of 40 conversions can be enabled in a single evening. This means a conversion run can be started 40 times between 5.30 pm and 11.00 pm. When the conversion has been completed, a processing report is generated and stored at Shared reports.

No errors in processing report
When the processing report does not contain any errors, processing has been completed and no further action is required. The report that can be generated using Check > Person report shows which persons have been created and which employees are linked to them. This can also be ascertained through the Person screen.

Processing report contains errors
When the processing report contains errors, use the Proposed UPI report to determine why the employees have not been converted and resolve the problem.
Reinitiate the conversion: deselect the Person level active option and click Save. Reselect the option and again click Save.


When the person level of your organization is to be activated, follow the above steps and consult the Online Help for more information on the Proposed UPI report and inconsistencies therein.

Processing report of person level conversion

When the person level has been activated (as client and/or consultant) using Raet HR links, the conversion starts as of 05.30 pm. How much time the conversion takes depends on the number of employees of a client. The conversion of clients with a maximum of 5000 employees takes approximately one hour.

When the conversion has been completed, the processing report is stored at Shared reports.
Note: this report is visible at client level. Select the client without the company in the navigation path at the top of the screen.

  • If the first tab in this report is empty, all employees with a UPI are linked to a person.
  • If the first tab in this report contains employees, they could not be linked to a person because, for example, there are two employees with the same UPI but with different last names. 


If the first tab in the processing report contains employees, the Proposed UPI report must be generated to consult the remarks included therein.

Correct the employees concerned and deactivate and reactivate the Person level active option as described above. The conversion starts again after 5.30 pm and the missing persons will be created. A new processing report will be generated when the conversion has been completed. 

Modified and Improved

Person screen has been expanded


Employee > Person > Person

The Person screen has been expanded with all data elements that are synchronized at person level. It shows which person data belongs to the person and corrections can be made. Take the reference date into account: the changed person data is synchronized with the linked employees as of the specified reference date.
Some elements cannot be modified:

  • Person code [10519680]
  • Unique Personal ID (UPI) [7014]
  • PING identity [10523564]
  • Formatted name [146]

Such data elements/person data can be modified through the linked employees.

Social Security Number [10000018] and Identity [7013] cannot be modified at employee level either. These elements are stored at the person level and are not resynchronized if empty. The data available at the person is shown at employee level. If Social Security Number [10000018] and Identity [7013] have to be modified, these must be modified at person level. The modified data is then synchronized with the linked employees.

All the elements can be viewed through the person level and the detail screen can be clicked to see which employees are linked to the selected person. 

Reports > Check > Person report

A Person report can be created for an overview of all persons and linked employees in the whole organization.


No action is required.

Person report has been expanded


Reports > Check > Person report

As of the April release the Person report includes an additional column with the username of employees. Username is not a data element that is synchronized with the person. It is only registered at the employee level but can be useful to gain insight into the usernames that have been created. 

The report shows which employees are linked to a person and other information that may be useful. 
The Person report contains the following information:

  • Type (P for Person, E for Employee)
  • Person code
  • Person name
  • Company
  • Employee code
  • Employee name
  • UPI
  • Identity
  • Ping ID
  • Username
  • Employed
  • Not employed
  • Organizational unit
  • Contract sequence number

This report can also be used if your organization does not use the person level. More information can be found in the Online Help through the Person report topic. 


No action is required.

Free fields screen – registration at multiple levels


In the screen for creating free fields a free field can be applied at multiple levels.


Settings > Recording > Free fields

The Free fields screen now includes the following options:

  • Expanded levels
    This option can be used to determine at what level a value has been specified in the free field; this is automatically visible at another/higher level, such as client or company. When a free field is created at client and employee level and a value has been specified at client level, that value will by default be displayed in the screen for all underlying employees. When an employee requires another value, that value can be specified at employee level. This mechanism works the same as it does with regular fields/data elements.
  • Employee, Contract or Other
    When the free field is to be registered at contract level, select Contract.
    When the free field is to be registered at employee level, select Employee.
    Select Other when the free field does not apply to the contract or employee level.

Modifying free fields
Some free field data can be modified, depending on the situation. If no data type has been selected when creating a free field, this can be done at a later time. Once a data type has been selected and saved, it cannot be modified anymore.

Where the expanded levels and selection of Employee, Contract or Other are concerned, these can only be modified when the free field has not yet been used (i.e. no changes have been registered). 


No action is required.


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