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Release notes HR Core Business 2022-10 EN V2

22-09-2022 16:55 (Bijgewerkt op 29-09-2022)
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In this version

Changed in version 2

In this version we have added the following topic: Extra individual rights suddenly shown in recent years (change 3786540).


1.  New screen Parental Leave correction company collective labor agreement (company CLA)


As of August 2, 2022, parental leave (OSV) has been split into two parts: Paid and Unpaid parental leave. In HR Core Business, we had taken this change into account and a parental leave type had already been set up with the data elements OSV factor and Age Limit Parental Leave. These elements have been in use for (unpaid) Parental Leave as of release 2022-08.

By adjusting the parental leave in August 2022, the value for unpaid parental leave changed from 26 to 17 weeks. You can record this at the company level in the HR Steering Data screen. 


For clients who have been using HR Core business for some time, the data elements OSV factor and Age limit include values filled in at the company CLA level. This is a level between employee and company. To calculate parental leave, the system still uses the data at the company CLA level because in the hierarchy this is the first level above the employee. This means that if, for example, in the HR Steering Data screen at OSV factor the value 17 is entered at the company level, while at the company CLA level it still contains the value 26, the calculation of parental leave entitlement is made based on 26 weeks.


In order for the system to correctly calculate parental leave entitlement, it is necessary to remove the incorrect values of the OSV factor and age limit that are still present in the database. To enable this, the new Parental leave correction company CLA screen is available in HR Core Business as of this release. 


Settings > Leave > Parental leave correction company CLA


  • Select the correct Reference Date.
    This is the date from when you want to terminate the data.
  • If there are multiple company CLAs, select the appropriate company CLA.
  • Open the Parental Leave correction company CLA screen.
  • Terminate the values of the OSV Factor (unpaid) and Age limit parental leave (unpaid) fields by clearing them. 
  • Click Save.

You can use the Mutation report (extended) to check whether the values of these fields are actually cleared as of the reference date. 

  • In the menu, go to Reports > Recording > Mutation Report (extended).
  • In the Target Level field, select Company and then select the Target Group: this is the company for which you want to create the report.
  • If necessary, adjust the remaining fields and click Show selection criteria.
  • At Data collections, select the Company CLA collection in the Selected field.
  • At Data elements (GE) and wage components (LC), add the data elements Age limit parental leave (unpaid) (Company CLA) and OSV factor (unpaid) (Company CLA) in the Selected field.
  • Click Create report.
  • Go to My Reports and open the newly created Mutation report (extended).
    Here you can see that for the selected target group and company CLA the abovementioned data elements have been terminated and have the status Inactive.


If there are still old values at the company CLA level at OSV Factor (unpaid) and/or Age limit parental leave (unpaid), ensure that these values are terminated by completing the steps listed above.

Solved messages

2. Extra individual rights suddenly shown in recent years (change 3786540)


Some employees suddenly showed old individual rights after release 2022-09. As a result, these employees suddenly had a long queue of individual rights. These had been entered in previous years. However, the balance shown was correct, as these rights may have already been included in the transferred balance. It was only a presentation error. 


As of release 2022-10, only the individual rights that have been granted in the current leave year are visible.


No action is required.


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