Mijn Communities

Self Service May 2021 EN

05-05-2021 15:34 (Bijgewerkt op 02-02-2022)
  • 0 Antwoorden
  • 0 kudos
  • 263 Weergaven


Improved filtering in Workflow definition overview (change 498602)

In Settings/ Workflow definition overview, on the Active, Completed, and Authorisations columns the filtering results will match exactly the filled value.




Errors when clicking on Save and Back on ESS Autorisatie (change - 2503343)

In Beheer/Autorisatie/ESS Autorisatie two issues were solved:

  • When filtering/sorting the content in a tab and switching to another tab, no error is being thrown and the operation can be done successfully. 



  • When editing a row in a tab, and then clicking on 'Opslaan en terug', the user can return successfully to the previous tab.




GF_GEBWRB function on forms (change 2641323)

When using a form with the function GF_GEBWRB for managers, the system will retrieve the active contract with the lowest contract follow number. This means that the information of the contract - with no end date or with an end date in the future -, will be shown in the form.


Publishing Date : 5/12/2021

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