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  I denne vejledning finder du en samlet oversigt over alle webinarer, som Visma Enterprise har lavet til Visma Outsourcing.    Ønsker du at besøge et andet produkt-områdes webinar bibliotek, kan dette gøres nedenfor: My Visma - Webinar bibliotek Visma Løn - Webinar bibliotek Visma Løn Finans - Webinar bibliotek Visma HR - Webinar bibliotek   Se vores nyeste webinar her: Juridiske indspark: Ferie og barsel  På dette webinar gennemgår vi de vigtigste regler og centrale begreber inden for ferie og barsel. Vi vil også komme ind på nylige domme og kommentere på udviklingen inden for området. Du vil få en god indføring i grundlæggende arbejdsret og blive godt klædt på til at forholde dig til nye arbejdsretlige spørgsmål og problemstillinger. Hent præsentationen her.   Juridiske indspark: Løngennemsigtighed På dette webinar har vi fokus på de grundlæggende begreber inden for løngennemsigtighed og ligebehandling. Der gives en status på det nye løngennemsigtighedsdirektiv, og de mest centrale begreber og elementer i den kommende lovgivning vil blive fremhævet. Du vil som deltager på dette webinar opnå indsigt i, hvordan man som virksomhed kan forberede sig på at leve op til de nye regler. Hent præsentationen her.   Se vores øvrige webinarer her: Sådan registrerer I arbejdstid i My Visma og Visma HR På webinaret får du en live demonstration af de nye funktioner, der gør det muligt at registrere arbejdstid i My Visma og Visma HR via Self Service. Ved at benytte funktionerne kan din virksomhed leve op til det nye lovkrav om tidsregistrering, der træder i kraft 1. juli 2024. Vi viser dig, hvordan du tilpasser systemet, så din virksomhed kan tage funktionen "Arbejdstid" i brug. Hent præsentation. Overhold det nye lovkrav om tidsregistrering med My Visma og Visma HR På webinaret får du introduceret de nye funktioner, der gør det muligt at tidsregistrere i My Visma og Visma HR via Self Service, så din virksomhed kan leve op til det nye lovkrav om tidsregistrering, der træder i kraft 1. juli 2024. Du bliver også guidet i, hvordan I tager de nye funktioner i brug, og hvordan I forbereder jer.   Customer Portal: Introduktion til ny kundeportal Den 2. april 2024 lancerer vi Visma Enterprises nye kundeportal, Customer Portal, der gør det endnu nemmere for dig at være kunde hos os. På dette webinar får du en overskuelig gennemgang af den nye kundeportal, hvad det betyder for dig, og hvordan du bruger den, samt hvilken betydning det har ift. Community.   Webinar om tidsregistrering: Bliv klar til de nye lovkrav Den 23. januar er det vedtaget, at lovkravet om tidsregistrering træder i kraft d. 1. juli 2024. På dette webinar får du en overskuelig gennemgang af den nye tidsregistreringslov af vores dygtigste folk inden for jura, HR og strategi.   Introduktion til ny beregning af feriepenge På dette webinar, får du en introduktion til ny beregning af feriepenge på aktive medarbejdere og hvilken betydning det får for dig som bruger, for dine medarbejdere og for din virksomheds feriepenge hensættelser. Hent præsentation   Outsourcing - Slut på året 2023 På dette webinar, vil vi bl.a. gennemgå: Nyheder og aktuelle emner Tips til sidste lønkørsel i 2023 Afskaffelse af store bededag eIndkomst Nye satser 2024 Slut på ferieafholdelsesåret Og meget mere...   Hvad er der sket siden sidst i Visma Outsourcing? 26.10.2023 På dette webinar, kan du høre mere om: Nyheder og aktuelle emner Afskaffelse af store bededag TIN-nummer Ferieafholdelse inden 31/12 - Herunder varsling   Hvad er der sket siden sidst i Visma Outsourcing? 26.06.2023 På dette webinar, kan du høre mere om: Nyheder og aktuelle emner Genopfriskning af regler for forskudsferie Udskydelse af A-skat og AM-bidrag   Outsourcing - Tips og tricks På dette webinar gennemgår vi tips og tricks omkring nedenstående emner: Vejledning til oprettelse af databehandleraftaler, OS02 aftaler samt tjek af leverencekvitteringer Udvidet afvigelsesliste bestilling heraf og fordelene derved   Outsourcing - Slut på året 2022 På dette webinar vil vi gennemgå nedenstående emner: Nyt i 2022 Årskørsel  Tidsfrister  eIndkomst 2023  Nye satser 2023  Ferie ved årsskiftet  Tips & tricks   Spørg om: ny hosting af Visma Løn I denne spørgesession deler Mille Lohmann, Commercial Director, samt Nikolaj Weber, Data Protection Manager & Information Security Officer, vores overvejelser i valget af ny hostingleverandør. Sessionen er målrettet de it-sikkerhedsansvarlige som fx Data Protection Officers eller lignende roller.   Outsourcing - Forskudsferie På dette webinar genopfrisker vi reglerne omkring forskudsferie og giver Vismas bud på "Best practice". Vi vil fortælle om: Forskudsferie som begreb Forskudsferie ifgl. loven Skriftlig aftale Best practice ifgl. Visma   Outsourcing - Gennemsnitsberegning af feriepenge På webinaret vil vi introducere dig til den kommende ændring af beregning af feriepenge ifm. fratrædelser. Hvad er baggrunden for at det ændres og hvad bliver ændret i Visma Løn. Vi vil fortælle om: Hvad bliver ændret og hvorfor Gennemsnitsberegning af feriepenge ifm. fratrædelser Hvornår træder det i kraft Fratrædelser i overgangsperiode Efterbetalinger og korrektioner Tildelt forskudsferie ifm. fratrædelse Bogføring af hensættelser på feriepenge Rapporten Ny ferielov Ferieregnskab   mit.dk - mitBasic og nyt siden sidst Vi byder dig velkommen til endnu et webinar inden selve overgangen til mit.dk. Denne gang sætter vi bl.a. fokus på nyt siden sidste webinar samt mitBasic: Hvad kan I bruge mitBasic til? Hvad skal du være opmærksom på? Hvordan fungerer mitBasic i praksis? Hvordan kommer medarbejderne på? Hvad er deadline for overgangen fra print til mitBasic?   Sådan beregner du den ferieberettigede løn Oplever du at det kan være svært at beregne eller afstemme den ferieberettigede løn, især hvis medarbejderne har afholdt ferie? Så er dette webinar lige noget for dig! På dette webinar fortæller vi dig om, og gennemgår "beregningsreglerne".   Information om mit.dk Fra den 5. juni 2022 vil jeres medarbejdere modtage deres lønseddel i mit.dk. Webinaret er for dig, der gerne vil informeres om de nye muligheder, og det du skal være opmærksom på i denne sammenhæng.   Outsourcing - Årsskifte Nu hvor 2021 nærmer sig sin afslutning, vil vi gerne informere dig om, hvilke lønopgaver som du kan forvente at vi varetager, i forbindelse med årsskiftet. Derudover vil der være nogle punkter vedrørende den nye Ferielov, samtidig med at vi kigger ind i 2022.   New holiday year English version of the webinar: New holiday year from the 30th september 2021.   Ferielov og nyt ferieår Der er sket meget i løbet af det første år med samtidighedsferie og ny ferielov, og nu er vi lige gået ind i det næste ferieår under den nye ferielov. Det vil vi gerne informe mere om på dette webinar.   Outsourcing svensk løn Deltag på dette webinar og hør lidt om hvem vi er, hvad vi kan tilbyde jer, de mest stillede spørgsmål til ferie/semester og den nye funktionalitet AutoPay.   The new normal - arbejdspolitik anno 2021 Er hjemmearbejde blevet en fast rutine og et ønsket gode for jeres medarbejdere? Hvad stiller det af krav til virksomheden og dig som HR-ansvarlig? Bliv klogere på hjemmearbejdspolitikker og jura anno 2021, når HR-direktør, Anders Andersen, og Legal Advisor, Louise Müller, fortæller, hvordan Visma Enterprise har forholdt sig og hvilke faldgruber, du skal være opmærksom på.   Visma Refusion - et abonnement, der tjener penge for din virksomhed Hvert år udbetales 22 mia. kr. til danske virksomheder i refusion grundet sygdom og barsel. Får I jeres bid af kagen? Hør hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med at indhente de tabte refusionskroner - uden du skal løfte en finger.   Webinar til Outsourcing kunder - 09.04.2021 På dette webinar vil vi bl.a. komme ind på kundetilfredshed (NPS) og fortælle dig hvordan vi planlægger at følge op på de svar vi modtager fra jer. Derudover vil vi også tale ind til den nye ferielov og hvordan vi stadig oplever en masse spørgsmål vedrørende den. Derfor har vi også samlet en række generelle spørgsmål som vi vil gennemgå med jer på dette webinar.   Webinar for Outsourcing customers (English version of the webinar from April 9, 2021) This is an English version of the webinar above. The topics are customer satisfaction (NPS) and the new Holiday Act.   Har du ønsker til nye webinar emner, er du mere end velkommen til at skrive dem i kommentarfeltet. Så tager vi dem op til overvejelse 🙂 
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12-04-2021 12:59 (Senest opdateret 02-10-2024)
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Introduction This guide will be expanded as the functionality for registering working hours in My Visma / Visma HR becomes available.   About the “Working time” features The “Working Hours” function in My Visma/Visma HR can be used to comply with the amendment to the Working Hours Act, which makes it obligatory for employers to register employees' daily working hours as of July 1, 2024.   The concept of working hours in the Working Hours Act is defined as 'The period during which the worker is at work and at the employer's disposal while performing his or her job or tasks'.
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02-07-2024 14:56
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This guide will be expanded as the functionality for registering work time in My Visma / Visma HR becomes available.   This guide describes how to set up and record working hours in My Visma / Visma HR.
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30-05-2024 14:56
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This checklist serves as a guideline and covers the most relevant aspects that you should consider regarding employees' time tracking.   It is important to tailor an employee policy to your specific circumstances to ensure it reflects how you manage time tracking and provides the right help and guidance to your employees.   Why do we have to track time? Provide a brief introduction that explains the background and purpose of time tracking.   What is working time and what is not working time? Review any collective agreements, local agreements, etc., to understand what applies to you. Define what constitutes working hours and what does not to create transparency for employees.   Who should track their working hours? Assess whether you are subject to any exceptions. For example, do you have self-managed employees? If you have self-managed employees, they should be exempt from the registration requirement and instead have an addendum to their employment contract stating this.   Regarding time tracking: How and when? What system(s) do you use for time tracking? Create a guide that describes how employees should track their time, e.g., only deviations from standard hours, at the project level, or the entire working time. Make it clear to employees how often they are expected to register their working hours. Also, describe how you as an employer will follow up on the time tracking, e.g., whether there will be approval or other processes. Also, describe how you as an employer will follow up on the time tracking, for example, whether there will be approval or other actions.   Make it clear what is expected of the employee The employee is expected to follow the guidelines you have set forth in the employee policy. You can require the employee to inform you as the employer if they are approaching a violation of the 48-hour rule or the 11-hour rule. You should clarify the potential employment-related consequences if the employee does not fulfill their obligations. This clarification should be based on a mutual understanding between you as the employer and the employee, ensuring good communication and loyalty between the parties.  
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30-05-2024 14:15
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This guide describes how you create an Absence Calendar and Work plan for Service agency, Employer and Employee.    
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30-05-2024 14:11
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Please see attached guide on case management in our new Customer Portal.
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16-04-2024 14:34
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Vedhæftet finder du guide til håndtering af sager i vores nye kundeportal.
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16-04-2024 14:33
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Please see attached guide on how to log-on our new Customer Portal
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16-04-2024 14:30
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Vedhæftet finder du guide til brug af vores nye kunde portal.
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16-04-2024 14:29
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Vedhæftet finder du guide til brug af Visma Portal.
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05-08-2020 14:41 (Senest opdateret 16-04-2024)
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I denne vejledning finder du en samlet oversigt over alle Visma Enterprises standardbilag. In this instruction, you can find appendix for Visma Enterprise products.
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02-05-2018 13:19 (Senest opdateret 14-06-2023)
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Check of Payment Services delivery receipts 1.      What is a delivery receipt? En delivery receipt is a receipt from MC Payment Services, which shows what payments has been processes and gives information about any mistakes and rejected transfers. 2.      How should I check my delivery receipts? When your payroll and payments have been approved, you should check your delivery receipts. When you use transfer to Nemkonto the receipts can first be checked 4 days prior to the payment date. After each payroll transfers of different payments takes place. There are two types of payments: ‘Fast afregning’ (Fixed payment) ‘Ny afregning’ (New payment)   When they are approved in Visma Løn, you should also check your status on your delivery receipts. Under ‘Rapporter’ and ‘Vis job’ you can see if the above-mentioned jobs have been processed. You should control these receipts in connection to payments to The Bank, SKAT (Tax), ATP, Feriekonto (Holiday account) and any pensions companies. Two types of receipts are formed in Visma Løn: T (Transmission) Comes first V (Validation) Comes afterwards These receipts will be formed a few minutes after the payroll have been approved in Visma Løn, or a ‘Fast afregning’ (Fixed payment) or ‘Ny afregning’ (New payment) has been processed Visma Løn.   Examples of delivery receipts and where do you find them? You should check two types of delivery receipts, which is described below: Transmissionskvittering (Transmission receipt) Means message from MasterCard to you who are Dataleverandør (Data supplier), about MasterCard have received your data from Visma on your behalf. Example of a Transmissionskvittering (Transmission receipt) Valideringskvittering (Validation receipt)/Leverancekvittering (Delivery receipt) Means message from Mastercard to you who are Dataleverandør (Data supplier), about Mastercard is able to validate the sent data. If account number is wrong or the date is to fare in the future, this will be evident from this receipt. Example of Valideringskvittering (Validation receipt) Example of accepted leverancekvittering (Delivery receipt)     Example of rejected leverancekvittering (Delivery receipt)   3.      Where should I log in in order to check the receipts? You need to log in here in order to check and get the receipts https://ft.pbs.dk If you do not remember your user name and password, you can get help by contacting MasterCard Payment Service on the following mail: it-servicedesk@mastercardpaymentservices.com Please note that it is only the Dataleverandører (Data supplier), who can see the delivery receipts. When you are logged in whit your user name and password, you should do the following: click on Hent to download the receipts In the next picture you can limit the date in Oprettelsesdato (Creation date) and klokkeslæt (Time) or you and keep it empty click hereafter on Dine filer (your files) to download receipts   You will be shown all T (Transmission) and V (Validation) receipts within the oprettelsesdato (Creation date):   Click on each receipt which starts with T or V to control them. Remember to print or save the file, because when the file is closed it will be deleted automatically.   4.      What should I do if there are errors in the leverancekvittering (Delivery receipts)? If you experience errors in the leverancekvittering (Delivery receipts), you should contact MasterCard Payment Service: Mail: it-servicedesk@mastercardpaymentservices.com or by phone: +45 80 81 06 65 Monday-Friday kl. 9:00 - 16:00  
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15-05-2023 10:31 (Senest opdateret 15-05-2023)
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Vejledning til hvordan du læser din lønseddel.
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07-03-2018 14:48 (Senest opdateret 19-05-2022)
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Vi har lavet en side på Visma.dk, som løbende bliver opdateret omkring den nye ferielov. Her kan du blive klogere på overgangen fra den gamle ferielov til den nye ferielov.
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21-02-2020 12:03 (Senest opdateret 21-02-2020)
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1. Rapporter Rapporterne vises som udgangspunkt vises i Excel. Enkelte rapporter kan dog også vises i pdf, her vises udvalgte felter, da pdf-formatet har pladsbegrænsninger i forhold til Excel.   Rapportoversigt Når du går ind under ’Rapporter’, kommer du til ’Rapportoversigt’. Som standard vises rapporterne som ikoner, men du kan øverst i højre hjørne skifte mellem visning af ikoner eller på liste.   Rapporter med standardopsætning: Fraværsliste Jubilæer Fødselsdage Medarbejderliste Ansættelser og fratrædelser Lønregistreringsrapport Anciennitet Rapporter med mulighed for at ændre opsætning: Løn, pension og goder Ansættelse Kontaktinformation Uddannelse Du kan vælge hvilken typer rapporter du ønsker at få vist i oversigten, ved at bruge denne dropdownmenu i toppen:     Under hver rapport, kan du se et eller flere små ikoner.     Vær opmærksom på, at alle med rettigheder kan slette virksomhedens egne rapporter. Sådan kan et fuldt overblik se ud:   1.1. Adgang til rapporter Adgangen til rapporter styres på roller og afhængig af adgang til afdelinger. For at have adgang skal man som minimum via rollen have læseadgang på ’Ansættelse’ og ’Medarbejder stamdata’ samt have adgang til den eller de afdelinger, man skal kunne se data for.   Skal der være adgang til rapporterne ’Lønregistreringer’ og ’Fraværsliste’, så skal der også være læseadgang til Fravær og Variable. Kontakt dit kundecenter, hvis du har behov for at ændre på en eller flere roller.   2. Standard eller egen definition Alle rapporterne findes i en standardvisning. Nogle rapporter giver mulighed for at definere, hvordan den skal se ud. Det er: Løn, pension og goder Ansættelse Kontaktinformation Uddannelse Når du klikker på en rapport, får du muligheden for at definere det, du ønsker at se. Det gør du ved at klikke på ’Til/fravælg kolonner’ og derefter klikke de informationer af, du vil have med i rapporten. Udover til/fravalg af bestemte informationer, kan du også sætte filter på.   Herunder er et eksempel fra rapporten ’Ansættelse’, hvor du kan vælge hvilke afdelinger, rapporten skal gælde for. Hvis du ikke vælger nogen, så vil alle afdelinger være med i rapporten. Når du er færdig kan du klikke på ’Hent Excel’ for at se rapporten. Er det en rapport I skal bruge ofte, kan du nederst under ’Gem opsætning’ give den et navn og derefter gemme den. Herefter vil den kunne ses i rapportoversigten.   Vær opmærksom på, at man ikke kan navngive flere rapporter med samme navn. Hvis du vælger et navn til en rapport, der allerede eksisterer, vil der ske én af følgende ting: Hvis det samme navn som en af standardopsætningerne, vil du ikke kunne vælge det. Du vil få en fejlbesked og skal vælge et andet navn. Hvis det er samme navn som en af jeres egne definerede rapporter, vil du få muligheden for at overskrive. Hvis du vælger dette, så vil den gamle rapport blive erstattet af den du er i gang med at gemme. Skal I beholde begge rapporter, skal du vælge et andet navn.      
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07-03-2018 14:15 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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Folketinget har vedtaget en ny Ferielov. Baggrunden for den nye lov er blandt andet, at EU-Kommissionen vurderede, at den gældende danske ferielov grundlæggende er i strid med EU-retten, da alle lønmodtagere ifølge EU’s regler skal have ret til fire ugers betalt ferie om året. De danske regler om forskudt ferie betyder, at nye på arbejdsmarkedet i dag skal vente op til 16 måneder, før de kan holde betalt ferie. Et ferielovsudvalg fik derfor til opgave at komme med et forslag til en ny ferielov, som skulle tage hensyn til Danmarks internationale forpligtelser. Forslaget fra ferielovsudvalget ligger til grund for den nye lov. Den nye ferielov medfører, at nye på arbejdsmarkedet i fremtiden kan afholde betalt ferie allerede i deres første år af deres ansættelse, hvor de med reglerne i dag kunne risikere at skulle vente op til 16 mdr., før de kan holde betalt ferie.   De nuværende regler[1] I Danmark er der i dag forskudt ferie. Det betyder, at lønmodtageren optjener ferie i kalenderåret fra 1. januar til 31. december, men at ferien først kan afholdes fra 1. maj året efter. Der kan dermed gå op til 16 måneder, fra ferien optjenes, til ferien kan afholdes.   De nye regler[2] Med den nye ferieordning optjener og afvikler lønmodtageren sin ferie på samme tid over en periode på 12 måneder (ferieåret). Det betyder fx, at den ferie, der optjenes i februar måned, allerede kan afholdes i marts måned samme år. Lønmodtageren har dog mulighed for at afholde ferien i yderligere 4 måneder, så der er 16 måneder til at afholde ferien i (ferieafholdelsesperioden). Det giver den enkelte øget fleksibilitet til at afholde ferien.   Der vil fortsat være to former for feriebetaling, nemlig ferie med løn og ferietillæg og ferie med ferie-godtgørelse.   For alle lønmodtagere medfører den nye ferieordning, at ferien optjenes løbende i ferieåret fra den 1. september til den 31. august året efter (12 måneder). Med en ny ferieordning vil lønmodtageren – som i dag – optjene 2,08 feriedage om måneden, og der optjenes fortsat ikke ret til betalt ferie i perioder, hvor arbejdsgiver ikke betaler hel eller delvis løn.   Den optjente ferie kan afholdes i ferieafholdelsesperioden fra den 1. september til den 31. december året efter (16 måneder). Den periode, lønmodtageren kan holde sin ferie i, er således sammenfaldende med optjeningsperioden – men fire måneder længere. Det betyder, at ferien kan planlægges mere fleksibelt.   Se eksempel på person, der er ny på arbejdsmarkedet: https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/ny-ferielov-eksempel-1/   Se eksempel på person, der allerede er på arbejdsmarkedet: https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/ny-ferielov-eksempel-2/   Hvordan stiller den nye Ferielov arbejdsgiverne? Den nye Ferielov bibeholder en række af de regler og principper, vi kender fra den eksisterende ferielov. Men ud over indførelsen af samtidighedsferieændrer den på en række områder arbejdsgivernes måde at skulle håndtere ferie på. Herunder har vi listet en række af de regler, der fortsætte uændret, og af ændringerne:   Feriebetaling Den nye ferielov giver fortsat mulighed for enten at give ferie med løn og ferietillæg eller ferie med feriegodtgørelse (udbetaling via Feriekonto eller en feriekortordning). Og grundlaget for beregning af ferietillæg og feriegodtgørelse ændres heller ikke i den nye lov.   Med loven kan arbejdsgiver som noget nyt udstrække en feriekortordning aftalt i én overenskomst, til alle ansatte på samme virksomhed, uanset organiseringsforhold. Arbejdsgiver undgår derved at skulle håndtere feriebetaling på forskellig vis. [3]   I dag skal ferietillægget senest udbetales i takt med, at ferien afholdes, men i praksis udbetales tillægget vanligt én gang årligt med april/maj-lønnen.   Ferietillægget skal fremover udbetales i to portioner i maj og august eller samtidig med, at den dertil svarende ferie begynder.   Afholdelse af ferie Ferie afholdes fortsat med 5 dage om ugen og som udgangspunkt i hele dage. Start- og sluttidspunkt for ferien ændres ikke, og reglerne om sommerferie og øvrig ferie fortsætter også.   Den nye lov ændrer ikke på fristerne for varsling af henholdsvis sommerferie og øvrig ferie, men varslingsfrister kan ikke længere fraviges generelt i en kontrakt; det kan kun ske i den konkrete situation.   Arbejdsgiver og lønmodtager kan aftale, at lønmodtageren holder betalt ferie på forskud. Ferie, der holdes på denne måde, afdrages herefter i takt med, at den optjenes. Fratræder lønmodtageren, inden ferie er ”tilbagebetalt”, kan arbejdsgiver kun modregne sit tilgodehavende i udestående løn.   Desuden indføres et nyt begreb, fondsferiedage, hvorefter nye på arbejdsmarkedet kan få betaling fra fonden for feriedage, lønmodtageren har optjent i 2019, men som er indefrosset på grund af overgangsordningen. Betalingen for disse op til 8,3 feriedage udbetales efter ansøgning, og de vil herefter blive modregnet i den udbetaling, der sker når lønmodtageren når folkepensionsalderen.   Nyt er også, at ferie, der ikke er afholdt på grund af en feriehindring op til ferieafholdelsesperiodens udløb, automatisk overføres til den efterfølgende periode.   Ændret arbejdstid/arbejdsomfang fra optjeningsperiode til udbetalingsperiode De nuværende regler fordrer, at det som udgangspunkt er lønnen på ferieafholdelsestidspunktet (og ikke optjeningsåret), der skal udbetales til lønmodtageren under lønmodtagerens ferie. Undtagelsen er dog Ferielovens § 23 stk. 3, der siger at lønnen skal reguleres, såfremt arbejdstiden/arbejdsomfanget på ferietidspunktet afviger med mere end 20% i forhold til arbejdstiden/arbejdsomfanget i optjeningsåret.   Det er her væsentligt at anføre, at det alene er afvigelsen i arbejdstid/arbejdsomfang, der indgår ved vurderingen af, hvorvidt der skal ske en forholdsmæssig regulering af lønnen på ferieafholdelsestidspunktet. En lønforhøjelse eller lønnedgang har således ingen påvirkning.   Med ændringer i den nye Ferielov forsvinder 20%-reglen. I stedet fremgår det nu, at hvis der sker ændringer i arbejdstid eller -omfang, som kræver et nyt ansættelsesbevis, har lønmodtager ret til løn under ferie, der svarer til arbejdstid/-omfang på optjeningstidspunktet. I disse tilfælde skal den aktuelle løn således altid reguleres, når den udbetales som løn under ferie.   Arbejdsmarkedets parter og kollektive overenskomster Den nye Ferielov træder først i kraft 1. september 2020, idet overgangsordningen dog træder i kraft 1. september 2019 (se nærmere om overgangsordningen herunder). Dette giver arbejdsmarkedets parter tid til at indrette de kollektiver overenskomster efter de nye regler. Derudover giver det tid til at gennemgå og forhandle nye lokalaftaler samt tilrette individuelle ansættelsesaftaler i det omfang, der måtte være behov for dette.   I denne forbindelse skal det også afklares, i hvilket omfang generelle og/eller lokale aftaler om feriefridage og omsorgsdage mv. skal tilpasses de nye regler på ferieområdet.Visma følger spændt dialogen og aftaler om de kollektiver overenskomster samt udviklingen på arbejdsmarkedet i øvrigt, da udfald af beslutninger vil påvirke en stor del af vores kunder. Hertil vil beslutningerne påvirke den nye funktionalitet, som vores lønsystemer skal kunne håndtere.    Overgangsordningen Som nævnt ovenfor indføres der med den nye Ferielov en overgangsordning. Formålet med overgangsordningen er at gøre overgangen fra forskudt ferie til samtidighedsferie så smidig som muligt, at undgå dobbeltdækning, og at tilgodese hensynet til virksomhedernes likviditet.   Overgangsordningen indebærer, at ferie der optjenes i perioden fra 1. september 2019 til 31. august 2020, indefryses og først udbetales til lønmodtageren, når denne har nået folkepensionsalderen eller forlader arbejdsmarkedet.   For at sikre formålet med overgangsordningen oprettes en særlig fond under Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond, som håndterer overgangsordningen. Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond skriver følgende: Ved overgangen til den nye lov får alle lønmodtagere nemlig indefrosset feriepenge for op til 5 ugers ferie i en fond under Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond (LD). De indefrosne feriemidler skal forrentes, ligesom en hvilken som helst anden pensionsopsparing, og bliver udbetalt, når lønmodtageren når folkepensionsalderen eller forlader arbejdsmarkedet. En økonomisk overgangsordning Ved at indefryse feriemidlerne lettes overgangen til den nye ferielov for arbejdsgiverne. Med den nye lov får lønmodtagerne mulighed for at afvikle ferie, så snart den er optjent. Denne samtidighed mellem optjening og afvikling af ferie kan udfordre arbejdsgiverne rent økonomisk. Det er heller ikke hensigtsmæssigt for arbejdsgiverne, hvis lønmodtagerne kan holde dobbelt ferie i overgangsåret fra gammel til ny ferielov. For at undgå at arbejdsgiverne skal udbetale både allerede optjente feriepenge og nye feriepenge inden for samme år, får alle ved overgangen til den nye lov indefrosset deres optjente feriemidler. Lønmodtagernes optjente feriemidler forbliver selvfølgelig lønmodtagernes egne penge. Hver enkelt lønmodtager får en konto i den nye feriemiddelfond under LD, og det bliver fonden, der skal holde styr på lønmodtagernes penge.[4]   Alle arbejdsgivere skal for hver medarbejder opgøre og indberette de feriedage og den feriebetaling, der er optjent i perioden fra 1. september 2019 til 31. august 2020. Feriebetalingen beregnes som 12,5% af lønnen i optjeningsperioden. Oplysningerne skal indberettes til fonden senest 31. december 2020. Hvis oplysningerne allerede er indberettet til FerieKonto eller til en privat feriekasse, vil det dog være FerieKonto eller den private feriekasse, der indberetter oplysningerne.   I det omfang feriebetalingerne er indbetalt til FerieKonto eller en privat feriekasse, vil FerieKon­to/den private feriekasse indbetale feriebetalingerne til fonden. Er pengene ikke indbetalt til FerieKonto/en privat feriekasse, kan arbejdsgiver vælge at beholde indefrosne feriebetalinger i stedet for at indbetale feriebetalingen til fonden. Vælger arbejdsgiver at beholde alle eller en del af feriebetalingen, kan arbejdsgiver efterfølgende på ethvert tidspunkt vælge frivilligt at indbetale én eller flere lønmodtageres tilgodehavende feriebetaling (inkl. indeksregulering) til fonden. Beholder arbejdsgiver feriebetalingen, vil arbejdsgiver få en opkrævning fra fonden, når en lønmodtagers tilgodehavende feriemidler er forfaldet til udbetaling fra fonden.   Hvis man som arbejdsgiver har mulighed for at beholde indefrosne feriebetalinger, skal man overveje fordele og ulemper ved på den ene side at afregne de indefrosne feriebetalinger til fonden ultimo 2020 og på den anden side beholde alle – eller en del af – feriebetalingerne i virksomheden længst muligt. En mulighed er også at vælge en ”afdragsordning”, hvor arbejdsgiver over en årrække indbetaler lønmodtagernes tilgodehavender til fonden.   Kurser i den nye Ferielov En stor del af vores kunder efterspørger vores personalejuridiske kurser, der specifikt klæder dig på hvad angår de nye regler. Flere af de kommende kurser er allerede fuldt bookede, men læs mere om vores kurser og tilmeld dig her: https://kursus.bluegarden.dk/MELE/Event/a587188b-b8e4-e711-80c9-005056bf0147/   Fodnoter [4] https://www.ftf.dk/loen-og-ansaettelse/artikel/ny-ferielov/ [3] https://www.ld.dk/da-DK/Presse/Nyheder/2018/Folketinget-vedtager-ny-ferielov [2] https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/ [1] https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/  
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07-03-2018 13:05 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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The Danish parliament has enacted a new holiday law. The reason for this new law is, among other things, that the EU-Commission have assessed that the current Danish holiday law is fundamentally against the regulations of the EU-court, as all employees according to the EU rules should have the right to four weeks paid vacation per year.  The current Danish rules of staggered holiday (slightly offset), means that today a new member of the labor market would have to wait up to 16 months before they can take any paid holiday. A holiday-law committee was therefore asked to come up with their suggestions for a new holiday law, which should meet the international obligations that Denmark has. These suggestions act as the base of the new holiday law. The new holiday law introduces the possibility that new members of the labor market in the future will be able to take paid holiday within the first year of their employment.   The current holiday rules Today in Denmark we have staggered (slightly offset) holiday. This means that the employed person earns paid holiday per calendar year 1. January to 31. December, but the paid holiday cannot be taken before May 1 st of the next year. As a result of this, up to 16 months can pass from the time the holiday is earned to the time the paid holiday can be taken.  Days is earned in this period.     The new holiday rules With the new holiday law, the employed person will earn and take his/her holiday at the same time in a 12-month period (The holiday year). This means that the holiday earned in February can be taken as soon as March the same year. The employed person will however, have the opportunity to take the earned vacation for an additional 4 months which means that he/she will have 16 months to take the earned holiday (Holiday period). This gives the individual employed person a higher flexibility to take their holiday.     Going forward there will still be two types of holiday payment. Holiday with pay and holiday supplement and holiday with holiday-compensation. For all employed persons the new holiday law will introduce the element that holiday is earned continuously during the holiday year which runs from September 1 st to August 31. The next year (12 months). With the new holiday law, the employed person will earn 2,08 days per month – exactly as they do today – and exactly as before they will not earn the right to paid holiday for periods where their employer does not pay them any salary. The earned holiday can be taken during the “holiday period” which runs from September 1 st to December 31. The next year (16 months). Part of the period where the employees can take their earned holiday is therefore coincident with the earning period – but it is 4 months longer. This makes the holiday planning more flexible.   What does the new law mean to the employer? The new holiday law keeps some of the rules and principles we know from the current holiday law. But apart from the introduction of Same-Time-Holiday it changes some of the ways that the employer handles the holiday. Here below you can find a list of which rules that remain unchanged and which that have been changed:   Holiday payment The new holiday law still provides the opportunity to either give holiday with pay and holiday-supplement or give holiday-compensation (Payment through Holiday account (Feriekonto) or by using a holiday-card-agreement. The calculation of the holiday-supplement and the holiday-compensation will not be changed with the new law.   With the new law the employer will now be able to extract a holiday-card-agreement, agreed upon in a collective agreement, to all employees in the same company regardless of the employee’s organization situation. Thereby the employer can avoid having to handling the holiday payment in various ways.   Today the holiday-supplement should, at the latest, be paid together with the first holiday taken, but in praxis the holiday-supplement is normally paid once a year together with the payroll for April or May. Going forward the holiday-supplement should be paid twice a year in May and in August or together with any taken holiday.   Taking holiday Holiday is still taken as 5 days a week and as whole days as a rule. Start- and end date of the holiday is not changed either and the rules about summer holiday and other holiday also still applies.   The new law does not change the deadlines for notification of the summer holiday and other holiday, but the deadlines can no longer be set aside in general by making a contract; they can only be set aside in the individual concrete situation.   The employer and the employee can agree that the employee can take holiday in advance. Holiday taken in advance is afterwards paid off as it is earned. If the employee is terminated, before the holiday taken in advance have been paid off, the employer can only setoff the balance in their favor in the owed payroll to the same employee.   Further the new term “Foundation-holidays” is introduced, from this foundation new employed persons can get their holiday earned in 2019 paid out. The payment for these max. 8,3 holidays will be paid out by applying for it, and this payment will afterwards be deducted from the payment the employed person where to received when they leave the labor marked to retire.   Another new rule is that holiday which has not be taken as the result of holiday-hindrance will automatically be transferred to the next holiday period.   If your work hours/work load is changed from the time the holiday is earned to the time where the holiday can be taken The current rules demand that it, as a rule, is the salary at the time of taking the holiday (Not the earning time) which should be paid to the employee when any holiday is taken. The exception is however the holiday laws §23 section 3 which states that the salary should be adjusted in case the work hours/work load is changed by more than 20% at the time of taking the holiday compared to the work hours/Work load in the earning period.   It is important to note that it is the change in the work hours/work load alone that is taken into consideration when determining if three would have to be a proportional adjustment of the salary at the time of taking the holiday. Any salary increase or salary deduction will because of this not be taken into consideration.   This 20% rule will disappear when the new holiday law is carried out.  Instead it is now evident that if the work hours or the work load, which would require a new contract, is changed, the employee is entitled to pay during the holiday which matched the work hours and work load at the holiday-earning time.  In these events the current salary should always be adjusted when it is paid as holiday pay.   The labor marked and collective agreements The new holiday law will not become effective until September 1 st 2020, however the transition agreement will become effective on September 1 st 2019 (See more below). This gives the parties of the labor market time to adjust the collective agreements to fit the new rules. At the same time, it gives time to go through and negotiate new local agreements as well as adjusting any individual employment contracts in the extend needed.   In this connection it should also be determined to which extend general and/or local agreements about extra holidays and care days etc. should be amended to fit the new holiday rules. At Visma we are excited to follow the dialog and the collective agreements negotiations including the progress on the labor market in general as the decisions made will have a great impact on many of our customers. Also, because the decisions made will affect the functionalities that our payroll solutions will have to handle.   The transition agreement As mentioned above, a transition agreement will be introduced because of the new holiday law. The idea behind the transition agreement is to make the transition from staggered-holiday (slightly offset) to same-time-holiday as easy as possible, avoid double coverage and to show regard for the companies.   The transition agreement involves that holiday earned from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020 will be “frozen” and not be paid out to the employed person before they leave the labor market to retire.   To ensure the purpose of the transition agreement a special trust fund will be setup within “Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” (The employed persons high priced foundation) who will handle the transition agreement. “Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” (The employed persons high priced foundation) writes the following about the transition agreement:   At the time of the transition to the new holiday law every employed person will get holiday pay for up to 25 days frozen in a fund within “Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. The frozen holiday means will be paid back with interest, as well as any other pension saving and will be paid out when the employed person leaves the labor market to retire.   An economical transition By freezing the holiday funds, the transition is made easier for the employers. With the new holiday law, the employed person will get the opportunity to take holiday as soon as it is earned. This simultaneity between earning and taking holiday can challenge the employer’s economy. At the same time, it would not be appropriate for the employer’s if the employed person would be able to take double holiday in the transition year from the current holiday law to the new. To avoid having the employer’s pay out the already earned holiday and the new earned holiday within the same year, everyone will get their already earned holiday frozen in a fund. The employed person already earned holiday means will of course stay the employed persons own money. Every individual employed person will get an account in the new holiday fund within ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” and it is this fund which needs to keep track of the employed persons money.   For every employee, all employers will have to calculate and report the holidays and holiday pay which have been earned in the time from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. The holiday pay is calculated as 12,5% of the salary at the time of earning the holiday. This information should be reported to the fund on 31 December 2020 at the latest. If the information has already been reported to the holiday account (FerieKonto) or another private holiday fund it will however be holiday account (FerieKonto) or the private fund who will report the information to the fund.   In the events where the holiday pay has already been transferred to holiday account or another private fund, holiday account or the other private fund will transfer the money to ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. If the money has not been transferred to holiday account or another private fund the employer can choose to keep the frozen holiday means instead of transferring them to ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. If the employer should choose to keep the holiday means, they can at any time choose to voluntarily transfer the holiday means for one or more employees (including indexation) to ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. Should the employer choose to keep the holiday means, they will at the due date receive a request from ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” asking them to transfer the holiday means to the fund.   As an employer you will get the opportunity to keep the frozen holiday means, which is why you should consider both advantages and disadvantages of settling the frozen holiday means to the fund by the end of 2020 or on the other side keeping the holiday means – or part of these – within the company as long as possible. Another possibility is to settle the holiday means by instalments, where you would pay the holiday means into the fund in smaller portions over a period of several years.
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07-03-2018 12:55 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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 A. Pension contribution for the employee as well as the employer must be withheld each month if applicable. The contribution is calculated upon the actual pensionable salary. In this example employee contribution is 5%, deductible in the taxable income, employer’s contribution is 10%. Please note that pension amounts can be subject to and determined by collective agreements.   B. Compulsory ATP contribution also called “old age pension”. The employee contribution is DKK 94.65 each month and employer contribution is DKK 189.35 each month for a full-time employee in year 2018. See current contribution rates on this link https://lifeindenmark.borger.dk/-/media/LID/Documents/ATP/ATP_Contribution_rates_2016.ashx Payment of withheld contribution for the employee as well as the employer is due every third month on the 7 th in the month of February, May, August and November. If the original due date is in a weekend or on a public holiday, the due date will be changed to the first coming weekday after the original due date.   C. Labor market contribution 8% (AM-bidrag) All working citizens must pay labor market contributions. The employer will deduct the contributions from the employees pay. Labor market contributions are used for the Government's labor market expenses, for example to cover unemployment benefits, supplementary training courses and maternity. It should be noted that the labor market contributions are actually a tax, deducted from employees' gross pay. Company withheld labor market contribution is paid together with the company withheld tax for employees. You can find more information about tax payment and due dates etc. via the following link http://www.skat.dk/skat.aspx?oid=2244415&ik_navn=transport   D. Tax, as a foreign company liable to pay tax in Denmark, you must withhold labor market contributions and A-tax for your employees according to the same rules that apply to Danish businesses with employees. You must withhold tax from the employees' first day of work in Denmark. Every employee needs to have a Danish civil registration number (CPR number) and their own personnel tax card with a tax percentage and a tax-free amount each month. When you hire a new employee, Visma will automatically request the tax card electronically from SKAT. If an employee gets a new tax card Visma will automatically get the new tax card from SKAT. For more info please visit http://www.skat.dk/skat.aspx?oid=2244389&ik_navn=transport   E. The tax card Basis for holiday payment is the holiday entitled pay, taxable amount of company car and telephone if applicable. The employee saves up an additional holiday supplement of 1% that is due with the salary in May, if the employee still is employed with the company. It is calculated upon basis for holiday payment earned the previous year. When an employee is terminated, he/she is entitled to 12,5% of basis for holiday payment earned the previous year. In Denmark, you earn the right to 2,08 days of holiday per month during the calendar year, which is 25 days for a whole year = 5 weeks. You take the holiday earned the previous year from May to April. Ex. Holiday earned in 2 January – December 2017 – can be taken from April 2018 – May 2019. Please note that new vacation rules will apply as of September 2019. You can find an description of the new holiday law here: https://community.visma.com/t5/Vejledninger/The-new-Danish-Holiday-Law-English-version/ta-p/133245/jump-to/first-unread-message   The employer’s actual costs are: Gross salary ATP Pension (if applicable) Company car (if applicable) Company telephone (if applicable) Holiday payment 12½ % AER DKK per employee every three month
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07-03-2018 13:12 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Introduction Access to Visma HR has been significantly extended so that it is now possible to give access to the system in a more flexible way. This means that Visma HR can be opened for employees who needs limited access to the system.   We thereby meet the need to give access to other job functions than the ones the system had before. Now it is possible to setup roles which gives access to precisely the level which these job functions require. This could ex. be accesses for employees in the IT department.   Likewise, extended accesses can be given to existing user roles ex. “absence recording”. This guide describes in detail how to create and setup user roles. Further we have extended the possibility to register the organisation’s department leaders including whether the leaders have access to Visma HR or not. Description can be found below in section 6.    1.1 Flexible roles Going forward we will distinguish between user roles which has always existed and flexible roles which is the new flexible way to get access to the system. The setup of a new flexible role can only be done by Visma. When you need a new access/flexible role you need to make decisions about:   Menu items Company and departments Safety rights / access rights 1.1.1 Access to menu items Access to menu items can be opened and closed as you see fit. Under some circumstances the access for the menu items depend on each other, which means that access for more than one menu item might be required to give the needed access.   1.1.2 Access to company and departments Access can be given to one or more companies including employers, departments, and sub-departments or you can give access to one single department.   1.1.3 Access to safety rights / Access rights We have introduced something called safety rights (See example in section 3.2). These are only used by Visma to setup or change of flexible roles. Accesses for the menu items are given through safety rights, in other words, which actions the user can use in each menu item (Create, Read, Edit or Delete).   With the introduction of safety rights, we can now give differentiated access to Visma HR which can be combined with the access that are given through the menu items.   1.2 Users/Roles The menu item “Settings” have been extended for the use of the administration of users and user rights, including access to “special information”. In the menu item “Users/Roles” you will find the following four sub-menu items:   Users (This is where you setup users) Special info. Roles (This is where you define who should have access to which special information) Flexible roles view (This is an overview of roles, including flexible roles, which you have accesso) User roles (This is where you give or change user rights for the system) 2. Create a new user In this section we will describe how a new user will get access to Visma HR.    2.1 User in the login-module Before a user can get access to Visma HR the user needs to be setup in the Visma login-module. Go to https://logon.bluegarden.dk/?applicationname=Administration. Companies who uses our solutions has already had an administrator setup in the login-module. It is this administrator who has access to creating new users in the system. It is the user-id that has been given in this system which you need to use when you create a new user in Visma HR. The user will receive an e-mail with information about their password. 2.2 User in Visma HR This is how to create a new user in Visma HR:   Select the menu item “Settings” Choose “Users/Roles” and then “Users” Click on “New” and create the user with the username and user id from the login-module Choose an employee number and name in the dropdown-list. Click on “Save” Afterwards it is possible to edit the username, user id or delete the user all together. If you want to delete the user you however also need to delete the user rights that the user has been given. The user cannot be deleted if the user has created and saved a selection, reports or salary simulations.   User id must be identical in the login-module and Visma HR. The cell “Last log on” is not activated in the current version of Visma HR.   3. Users/Roles The user rights are given in the menu item “Users/Roles”. In this menu item all employees with access to Visma HR will be shown including the rights that they have been given and the company’s and/or departments that they have access for. You can search for user, role, employee number or employee name.     By clicking an employee in the column “User name” you can see which company’s/departments the selected user has access to.   3.1 Assign user rights to a user  Click on “New” Select the newly created user in the dropdown-menu “User” Select the role (Standard role or flexible role) you want to assign in the dropdown-menu “Role” Mark the company’s and departments that the user should have access to, on the right side of the page   More users can be assigned to the same role.   3.2 Flexible roles In the menu item “Flexible roles” you can see all available standard and flexible roles for your organisation. At the moment there are seven standard roles in Visma HR.   Administrator, Company Admiinistrator, Organisation Department leader, Read Department leader, Edit Absence enrolment HR (Without multifunction) Course administrator   Employees who has the user role “Administrator, Organisation” and “Administrator, Company” can click on a role to see the setup (role details) for each individual role.  No changes can be made to this setup except the name of the role.   Example of setup for a role:   Remember! New flexible roles can only be setup by Visma.   4. Access to special info. roles The menu item “Special info. roles” with the purpose to grant certain employees access to one or more special info. roles. As an example, an employee in the IT department can get access to the special information (tab) which shows the registered IT equipment.   4.1 Create a new “Special info. category”  Select “Settings” Select “Special info. categories” Click on “New” Write the name of the category Click “Update” When a new “Special info. category” is created the role “Administrator, organisation” will automatically get access to the special info. category.   4.2 Assign access to “Special info. category”  Select “Settings” Select “Users/Roles” Select “Special info. role” Click on the category in the column “Special information category name” Ex. “IT Equipment” (IT udstyr) Add the role which needs access to the info. category Click on “Save” Now only the employees with the user role “Administrator, Organisation” and “Special information” will have access to see and register the handed-out IT equipment (IT udstyr).   In this example the role “Special information” is created and setup as a flexible role. Please note that all users who has access to “Special information” also has access to the special info. category “miscellaneous”. For this reason, confidential information should not be registered in the “miscellaneous” category.   5. Department Manager (With or without access to Visma HR) In the menu item “Company” you will find the sub-menu item “Department manager”. Here we have added a new column with the purpose to distinguish between “Dept. manager with user access” and “Dept. manager” (Without access to Visma HR).   The new column is called “Dept. manager with user access”. This column will automatically be updated every time a user gets access to one or more departments including when a user is created with one of the following rights   Department leader, Read Department leader, Edit     5.1 Create a department manager without access to Visma HR  Select the menu item “Company” Select “Department manager” Click the button “Edit” on the wanted line, at the right Click on the dropdown-menu and choose an employee form the list Click “Update”   Please note that only users that have been created in Visma HR can be created as department manager without user access.   5.2 Create a department manager with user access Department managers with user access can be setup as describes in section 3 and 3.1. More managers can have user access for the same department. When a manager has been setup with user access this means that that manager will have access to Visma HR where he/she will be able to see employees in the relevant departments.   The department managers will automatically be updated on the following pages:   Organization overview Click on a department and the page here below will show on the right Companies/department Click on a department and the page here below will show  
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05-04-2018 09:37 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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 1. Log in to Visma Løn    Go to https://community.visma.com/t5/Visma-Lon-HR-administration/ct-p/dk_en_Visma-LonHRadministration and select “Log på Visma Løn"     Enter the following information: CVR- nummer = Company CVR number Brugernavn = User name Adgangskode = Access code Mark to get your one time pincode send by sms or e-mail. Set a checkmark in ”Husk mit CVR-nummer og brugernavn” to have the system remember your user name and access code.      Enter the one-time pin code you received on sms or e-mail   2. Reports from payroll All reports created in the payroll are found in the menu ”Lønadministration”       “Udskrifter fra lønkørsel” When you access the menu, you will see the reports from the last run payroll. At the end of “Hovedjobnr.” You can look at the payroll selection number order number which payroll is involved (see marking). Payroll selection number consists of 5 figures indicating payroll type, month and year (tyymm).   T (payroll type) is as standard given as: 1 = monthly paid 2 = 14-day-paid with pay out in uneven weeks 4 = 14-day-paid with pay out in even weeks 9 = additional payroll   mm = month yy = year   Example: 11802 (monthly paid, 2018, February)   You choose a different payroll by clicking on the arrows in top of the screen display. Once you have found the payroll you want to view reports, you can select the reports you want to see by scrolling down the list. If you have multiple employers in your relationship, all reports are generated per employer. You can view the employer's number to the left in the list.   Locate and select the report you want to open. Press the "Hent aktuel" button and the report is available for download. You can open multiple reports at once, select all the reports you want, and press the ”Hent aktuel” button.   3. Create reports Do you want to create a report that is not formed with wage run, you can do it by selecting ”Rapporter / Rapporter”. Select the report in the right-hand menu (see marking on image)  To run some reports, the payroll number is requested for (eg. Syge-/fraværsliste) To specify the payroll number, see section 2 (transcript from payroll)   Some reports indicated on the report to be displayed in HTML or Excel (for example. Ferieregnskab) How to view the report, is selected in the ”Datafil output”.   Nej = html Ja = Excel  
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03-05-2018 14:14 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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