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The Danish parliament has enacted a new holiday law. The reason for this new law is, among other things, that the EU-Commission have assessed that the current Danish holiday law is fundamentally against the regulations of the EU-court, as all employees according to the EU rules should have the right to four weeks paid vacation per year.  The current Danish rules of staggered holiday (slightly offset), means that today a new member of the labor market would have to wait up to 16 months before they can take any paid holiday. A holiday-law committee was therefore asked to come up with their suggestions for a new holiday law, which should meet the international obligations that Denmark has. These suggestions act as the base of the new holiday law. The new holiday law introduces the possibility that new members of the labor market in the future will be able to take paid holiday within the first year of their employment.   The current holiday rules Today in Denmark we have staggered (slightly offset) holiday. This means that the employed person earns paid holiday per calendar year 1. January to 31. December, but the paid holiday cannot be taken before May 1 st of the next year. As a result of this, up to 16 months can pass from the time the holiday is earned to the time the paid holiday can be taken.  Days is earned in this period.     The new holiday rules With the new holiday law, the employed person will earn and take his/her holiday at the same time in a 12-month period (The holiday year). This means that the holiday earned in February can be taken as soon as March the same year. The employed person will however, have the opportunity to take the earned vacation for an additional 4 months which means that he/she will have 16 months to take the earned holiday (Holiday period). This gives the individual employed person a higher flexibility to take their holiday.     Going forward there will still be two types of holiday payment. Holiday with pay and holiday supplement and holiday with holiday-compensation. For all employed persons the new holiday law will introduce the element that holiday is earned continuously during the holiday year which runs from September 1 st to August 31. The next year (12 months). With the new holiday law, the employed person will earn 2,08 days per month – exactly as they do today – and exactly as before they will not earn the right to paid holiday for periods where their employer does not pay them any salary. The earned holiday can be taken during the “holiday period” which runs from September 1 st to December 31. The next year (16 months). Part of the period where the employees can take their earned holiday is therefore coincident with the earning period – but it is 4 months longer. This makes the holiday planning more flexible.   What does the new law mean to the employer? The new holiday law keeps some of the rules and principles we know from the current holiday law. But apart from the introduction of Same-Time-Holiday it changes some of the ways that the employer handles the holiday. Here below you can find a list of which rules that remain unchanged and which that have been changed:   Holiday payment The new holiday law still provides the opportunity to either give holiday with pay and holiday-supplement or give holiday-compensation (Payment through Holiday account (Feriekonto) or by using a holiday-card-agreement. The calculation of the holiday-supplement and the holiday-compensation will not be changed with the new law.   With the new law the employer will now be able to extract a holiday-card-agreement, agreed upon in a collective agreement, to all employees in the same company regardless of the employee’s organization situation. Thereby the employer can avoid having to handling the holiday payment in various ways.   Today the holiday-supplement should, at the latest, be paid together with the first holiday taken, but in praxis the holiday-supplement is normally paid once a year together with the payroll for April or May. Going forward the holiday-supplement should be paid twice a year in May and in August or together with any taken holiday.   Taking holiday Holiday is still taken as 5 days a week and as whole days as a rule. Start- and end date of the holiday is not changed either and the rules about summer holiday and other holiday also still applies.   The new law does not change the deadlines for notification of the summer holiday and other holiday, but the deadlines can no longer be set aside in general by making a contract; they can only be set aside in the individual concrete situation.   The employer and the employee can agree that the employee can take holiday in advance. Holiday taken in advance is afterwards paid off as it is earned. If the employee is terminated, before the holiday taken in advance have been paid off, the employer can only setoff the balance in their favor in the owed payroll to the same employee.   Further the new term “Foundation-holidays” is introduced, from this foundation new employed persons can get their holiday earned in 2019 paid out. The payment for these max. 8,3 holidays will be paid out by applying for it, and this payment will afterwards be deducted from the payment the employed person where to received when they leave the labor marked to retire.   Another new rule is that holiday which has not be taken as the result of holiday-hindrance will automatically be transferred to the next holiday period.   If your work hours/work load is changed from the time the holiday is earned to the time where the holiday can be taken The current rules demand that it, as a rule, is the salary at the time of taking the holiday (Not the earning time) which should be paid to the employee when any holiday is taken. The exception is however the holiday laws §23 section 3 which states that the salary should be adjusted in case the work hours/work load is changed by more than 20% at the time of taking the holiday compared to the work hours/Work load in the earning period.   It is important to note that it is the change in the work hours/work load alone that is taken into consideration when determining if three would have to be a proportional adjustment of the salary at the time of taking the holiday. Any salary increase or salary deduction will because of this not be taken into consideration.   This 20% rule will disappear when the new holiday law is carried out.  Instead it is now evident that if the work hours or the work load, which would require a new contract, is changed, the employee is entitled to pay during the holiday which matched the work hours and work load at the holiday-earning time.  In these events the current salary should always be adjusted when it is paid as holiday pay.   The labor marked and collective agreements The new holiday law will not become effective until September 1 st 2020, however the transition agreement will become effective on September 1 st 2019 (See more below). This gives the parties of the labor market time to adjust the collective agreements to fit the new rules. At the same time, it gives time to go through and negotiate new local agreements as well as adjusting any individual employment contracts in the extend needed.   In this connection it should also be determined to which extend general and/or local agreements about extra holidays and care days etc. should be amended to fit the new holiday rules. At Visma we are excited to follow the dialog and the collective agreements negotiations including the progress on the labor market in general as the decisions made will have a great impact on many of our customers. Also, because the decisions made will affect the functionalities that our payroll solutions will have to handle.   The transition agreement As mentioned above, a transition agreement will be introduced because of the new holiday law. The idea behind the transition agreement is to make the transition from staggered-holiday (slightly offset) to same-time-holiday as easy as possible, avoid double coverage and to show regard for the companies.   The transition agreement involves that holiday earned from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020 will be “frozen” and not be paid out to the employed person before they leave the labor market to retire.   To ensure the purpose of the transition agreement a special trust fund will be setup within “Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” (The employed persons high priced foundation) who will handle the transition agreement. “Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” (The employed persons high priced foundation) writes the following about the transition agreement:   At the time of the transition to the new holiday law every employed person will get holiday pay for up to 25 days frozen in a fund within “Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. The frozen holiday means will be paid back with interest, as well as any other pension saving and will be paid out when the employed person leaves the labor market to retire.   An economical transition By freezing the holiday funds, the transition is made easier for the employers. With the new holiday law, the employed person will get the opportunity to take holiday as soon as it is earned. This simultaneity between earning and taking holiday can challenge the employer’s economy. At the same time, it would not be appropriate for the employer’s if the employed person would be able to take double holiday in the transition year from the current holiday law to the new. To avoid having the employer’s pay out the already earned holiday and the new earned holiday within the same year, everyone will get their already earned holiday frozen in a fund. The employed person already earned holiday means will of course stay the employed persons own money. Every individual employed person will get an account in the new holiday fund within ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” and it is this fund which needs to keep track of the employed persons money.   For every employee, all employers will have to calculate and report the holidays and holiday pay which have been earned in the time from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. The holiday pay is calculated as 12,5% of the salary at the time of earning the holiday. This information should be reported to the fund on 31 December 2020 at the latest. If the information has already been reported to the holiday account (FerieKonto) or another private holiday fund it will however be holiday account (FerieKonto) or the private fund who will report the information to the fund.   In the events where the holiday pay has already been transferred to holiday account or another private fund, holiday account or the other private fund will transfer the money to ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. If the money has not been transferred to holiday account or another private fund the employer can choose to keep the frozen holiday means instead of transferring them to ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. If the employer should choose to keep the holiday means, they can at any time choose to voluntarily transfer the holiday means for one or more employees (including indexation) to ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond”. Should the employer choose to keep the holiday means, they will at the due date receive a request from ”Lønmodtagerens dyrtidsfond” asking them to transfer the holiday means to the fund.   As an employer you will get the opportunity to keep the frozen holiday means, which is why you should consider both advantages and disadvantages of settling the frozen holiday means to the fund by the end of 2020 or on the other side keeping the holiday means – or part of these – within the company as long as possible. Another possibility is to settle the holiday means by instalments, where you would pay the holiday means into the fund in smaller portions over a period of several years.
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07-03-2018 12:55 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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Vejledning til hvordan du læser din lønseddel.
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07-03-2018 14:48 (Senest opdateret 19-05-2022)
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 A. Pension contribution for the employee as well as the employer must be withheld each month if applicable. The contribution is calculated upon the actual pensionable salary. In this example employee contribution is 5%, deductible in the taxable income, employer’s contribution is 10%. Please note that pension amounts can be subject to and determined by collective agreements.   B. Compulsory ATP contribution also called “old age pension”. The employee contribution is DKK 94.65 each month and employer contribution is DKK 189.35 each month for a full-time employee in year 2018. See current contribution rates on this link https://lifeindenmark.borger.dk/-/media/LID/Documents/ATP/ATP_Contribution_rates_2016.ashx Payment of withheld contribution for the employee as well as the employer is due every third month on the 7 th in the month of February, May, August and November. If the original due date is in a weekend or on a public holiday, the due date will be changed to the first coming weekday after the original due date.   C. Labor market contribution 8% (AM-bidrag) All working citizens must pay labor market contributions. The employer will deduct the contributions from the employees pay. Labor market contributions are used for the Government's labor market expenses, for example to cover unemployment benefits, supplementary training courses and maternity. It should be noted that the labor market contributions are actually a tax, deducted from employees' gross pay. Company withheld labor market contribution is paid together with the company withheld tax for employees. You can find more information about tax payment and due dates etc. via the following link http://www.skat.dk/skat.aspx?oid=2244415&ik_navn=transport   D. Tax, as a foreign company liable to pay tax in Denmark, you must withhold labor market contributions and A-tax for your employees according to the same rules that apply to Danish businesses with employees. You must withhold tax from the employees' first day of work in Denmark. Every employee needs to have a Danish civil registration number (CPR number) and their own personnel tax card with a tax percentage and a tax-free amount each month. When you hire a new employee, Visma will automatically request the tax card electronically from SKAT. If an employee gets a new tax card Visma will automatically get the new tax card from SKAT. For more info please visit http://www.skat.dk/skat.aspx?oid=2244389&ik_navn=transport   E. The tax card Basis for holiday payment is the holiday entitled pay, taxable amount of company car and telephone if applicable. The employee saves up an additional holiday supplement of 1% that is due with the salary in May, if the employee still is employed with the company. It is calculated upon basis for holiday payment earned the previous year. When an employee is terminated, he/she is entitled to 12,5% of basis for holiday payment earned the previous year. In Denmark, you earn the right to 2,08 days of holiday per month during the calendar year, which is 25 days for a whole year = 5 weeks. You take the holiday earned the previous year from May to April. Ex. Holiday earned in 2 January – December 2017 – can be taken from April 2018 – May 2019. Please note that new vacation rules will apply as of September 2019. You can find an description of the new holiday law here: https://community.visma.com/t5/Vejledninger/The-new-Danish-Holiday-Law-English-version/ta-p/133245/jump-to/first-unread-message   The employer’s actual costs are: Gross salary ATP Pension (if applicable) Company car (if applicable) Company telephone (if applicable) Holiday payment 12½ % AER DKK per employee every three month
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07-03-2018 13:12 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Introduction It is possible to give your employees access to Visma HR through the “Leader- employee module”, so they can record their own absence and variable salary registrations. Ex. Mileage, over time, absence and subsistence allowances.   Among other things, it is also possible to give the employees access to, their own personal data, employment record and vacation and absence balances. The module is process supported which means that the leaders automatically will be able to view salary- and absence recordings that are ready for approval. As soon as the leader approves the recordings they will be transferred to the payroll system (Visma Løn)   There will be access to the pages in Visma HR for the employee, leader and HR/Administrator in the organisation. This guide is mainly aimed at the administrator of the company and contains a description of the individual menu items and the access for these.   2. Icons When you record wage types and absence the following icons will be used for editing, deleting, updating and regret recording.     3. Visma’s security solution – Login module All users who need access to Visma HR need to be setup as users in Visma’s login-module, which is a security solution which are used for all Visma’s products.   As soon as the user has been setup in the login-module he/she will receive an e-mail with the text   “Du er den dd-mm-yyyy oprettet som burger af Vismas produkter med følgende oplysninger: CVR-nummer: xxxxxxxxxx Brugernavn: xxxxxxxxx Mobilnummer: xxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxx@xxxx.com. Har du ændringer til dine oplysninger bør du kontakte din brugeradministrator. Før du kan logge ind på et Bluegarden produkt skal du oprette en adgangskode. Klik på nedenstående link. Vær opmærksom på, at nedenstående link er aktivt i 30 dage fra du modtager mailen. Hvis du ikke når at klikke inden for de 30 dage, skal du logge ind via mitbluegarden.dk og finde dit produkt under "System genveje". Når du har valgt dit produkt, klikker du på "Hvad gør jeg hvis jeg har glemt min adgangskode" og følger vejledningen på skærmen. Link til Login Modul Bemærk at denne mail ikke kan besvares. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte teknisk support” (You have been setup as a user of Visma’s products with the following informations: CVR-number: xxxxxxxxxx User name: xxxxxxxxx Phone number: xxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxx@xxxx.com). If you have any changes to your information please contact your user administrator. Before you can login to a Visma product you need to create a password. Click on the link below. Please note that the link below will be active for 30 days from you receive this e-mail. If you do not click on the link within the 30 days you need to login through Visma community, click on the Danish flag, select “Visma Løn & HR-administration” and then select your Visma Product in the Link menu on the right. When you have selected your product select “Glemt adgangskode?”. Link to Login-module. Please note that this e-mail. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact our technical support.)   To be setup and get a one-time-password, users must as a minimum provide his/hers e-mail address. Users who are not setup with phone number only has 72 hours to create a new password.   4. Log on Visma HR Using the above-mentioned information plus password the user can now log on to the pages he/she has been given access to in Visma HR. Go to http://community.visma.com/t5/Visma-HR/ct-p/DK_EN_Visma-HR and find the Links menu to the right. Click on “Log på Visma HR”     Fill in your company CVR-number, Username and the one-time-password which have been sent by sms or e-mail.   5. Employee access to Visma HR Employees will as a standard have access the following menu items: Employee            - Employee            - Relatives            - Employment            - Employment development            - Absence            - Salary registrations Reports Settings  In addition to this you can give an employee access to the following menu items:   Salary and pension Salary development Benefits Education Special information Documents Work calendar Vacation-/Absence balance 5.1 Employee All employees have access to view but not edit their own employee information.   However, the system can be setup so you can give the employee access to edit certain cells if you want it to. The following options can be edited: All cells, address, Phone number, e-mail and reg./AccountNo.   5.2 Absence and Salary registrations In connection to absence and salary registrations some “status codes” have been setup. These shows where in the process the individual recording is now. Pending – registrations is pending for Leader approval Approved – registrations are approved by the Leader Redjected – registrations have been rejected by the Leader Processed – registrations have been processed in the payroll system “Visma Løn”. The registrations can only be changed or edited by the administrator. Approved absence can be sent as a meeting booking for the employees electronically calendar if this is setup on company level.   5.2.1 Absence In the menu item Absence, the employees can record their own absence which will automatically get the status Pending.     The employee can edit or delete the recorded absence as long as the absence has not been processed and transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn.     If the leader approves the absence it will be transferred to payroll. The recording will now get the status Processed. Neither the employee nor the Leader can edit or delete approved absence.   If a leader declines the absence it will be shown to the employee with the status Rejected together with a reject comment. The employee can now edit or delete the rejected absence. The employees should click on Edit (Ret) and on update when the absence have been edited. The absence will now get the status “Pending” and will be re-sent to the Leader for approval. The employee should click on Delete. The absence will not be submitted for approval or payroll. The employee can choose to create a new absence recording. In the top right corner of the absence image a filter for showing absence can be selected. The filter is used to choose a specific absence type or period. As a standard, the image will show all absence for the current vacation year.   If the absence need to be recorded on a project, it can only be done if it has been setup on company level.   5.2.2 Salary registrations In the menu item Salary registrations, the employee can create his/her own variable salary registrations. These will automatically get the status Pending. The employee can edit and delete their own recordings as long as they have not been processed and transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn.     When the Lader approves the salary registrations it will be transferred to the payroll system. Neither the Leader nor the employee can edit or delete absence that has been processed and transferred to the payroll system.   If a Leader declines the salary registrations it will be shown to the employee with the status Rejected together with a reject comment. The employee can now edit or delete the rejected salary registrations. The employees should click on Edit (Ret) and on update when the absence have been edited. The absence will now get the status Pending and will be re-sent to the Leader for approval. The employee should click on Delete. The absence will not be submitted for approval or payroll. The employee can choose to create a new absence recording.     Regardless of the salary registration type it is possible for the employee to upload a document or write a comment connected to the registration. As an example, this could be a week’s recording of hours saved as an Excel-file.   The total amount of hours is recorded as one joint salary registrations and the file will be uploaded as support. When recording mileage, it is mandatory to fill out the cell “remark”. There is no validation on how the “remark” cell is filled out. It is also possible to attach a document that shows more details for the mileage recording. This means that it is only necessary to record one total recording for mileage. In the top right corner of the absence image a filter for showing absence can be selected. The filter is used to choose a specific wage type or period. If the wage types need to be recorded on a project, it can only be done if it has been setup on company level.   5.3 Work calendar The work calendar gives you an overview of: Own absence Additional vacation days Public holidays Work schedule - either the companys work schedule or the employees individual work schedule 5.4 Balances last payroll In the menu item “Balances last payroll” it is possible to have the different vacation- and absence balances shown from the payroll system. Only the balances made available by the HR department will be shown.   5.5 Reports The employees have access to the absence reports and a salary registrations report.     5.6 Settings (Indstillinger) In “My settings” you can choose another language. Danish is the standard language but the employee can choose English as language.   All other cells in “My settings” should as a rule not be used or changed.   6. Leader   The Leaders only has access to information about the employees in their own department. This is determined in the setup of users and accesses.   6.1 Employee The Leader will through the menu item “Employee” have access to the following menu items:  Employee          - Employee          - Relatives          - Employment          - Employment development          - Absence          - Salary registrations          - Approve absence and salary registrations Reports Settings   In addition to this you can give a Leader access to the following menu items: Salary and pension Salary development Benefits Education Special information Work calendar Vacation-/Absence balance    6.1.1 Employee overview In the menu item “All employees” the Leaders can only view the employees in their own department. When the Leader clicks on the individual employee the personal data for this employee will appear.     6.1.2 Personal data The Leader can only view, not edit, the employee’s personal data. This is a standard setup for the Leader role in Visma HR. It is possible to give access so the Leader can maintain address, e-mail, and if he Leader is given permission, edit, delete and update the employee’s personal information. See screen image in section 6.1.   6.1.3 Employment The Leader can view, not edit, the employee’s employment record.     6.1.4 Absence The Leader can view, approve or reject the employee’s absence. As a rule, it is the menu item “Approve absence and salary registrations” which is used to approved absence.   Approve the absence on a single employee Absence that needs approval has the status “Pending”.     The Leader can choose to: Approve the absence by clicking the “Edit” button on the individual absence recording and change the status to “Approved” Reject the absence by clicking the “Edit” button and then choosing the status “Rejected”. “Reject comment” always needs to be filled out when the absence is rejected.   In the top part of the screen image totals for recorded absence are shown and you can search on a specific period and type of absence.   6.1.5 Salary registrations The Leader can view, approve or reject the salary registrations for the employees. The menu item “Approve absence and salary registrations” is as a rule used to approve Salary registrations.   Approve Salary registrations on a single employee   Salary registrations that needs approval has the status “Pending”.    The Leader can choose to: Approve the salary registrations by clicking the “Edit” button on the individual salary registration recording and change the status to “Approved” Reject the salary registrations by clicking the “Edit” button and then choosing the status “Rejected”. “Reject comment” always needs to be filled out when the salary registrations are rejected. In the top part of the screen image the Leader can search on a specific period and wage type. On the bottom of the screen image totals are shown for each recorded wage type.   6.1.6 Approve absence ans salary registrations This screen image consists of the tab “Absence” and “salary registrations”. This is where the Leader can view all registrations with the status “Pending” which are ready for approval. The registrations can be approved individually or all together by using the tick mark.   Below you can see the approval menu for absence – equivalent can be found for salary registrations.     The Leader can choose to: Approve the absence by tick marking the individual absence recording or all the recordings and clicking the “Approve marked” button. Reject the absence by clicking the “Edit” button and then choosing the status “Rejected”. “Reject comment” always needs to be filled out when the salary registrations are rejected. In the top part of the screen image the Leader can search on a specific employee, period, absence type and department. On the bottom of the screen image totals per wage type. By clicking the column headers, you can sort the contents of the columns.   6.1.7 Leaders own absence and salary registrations A Leader can as a standard not approve his/her own absence and salary registrations.   6.2 Reports The Leader had access to different standard reports for the employee’s employment, salary and pension including absence.   Please see the “Guide for reports in Visma HR” for a detailed description of the menu item reports.   6.3 Settings In “My settings” you can choose another language. Danish is the standard language but the Leader can choose English as language.   This is also where the Leader can choose whether he or she wants to receive an e-mail when there are salary or absence recordings ready for approval. All other cells in “My settings” should as a rule not be used or changed.   7. Administrator The company always need to have one or more people who has administrator rights in Visma HR. Typically, it will be the employees in HR or in the finance department. The administrator has access to the menu items: Company Employee Courses and education Reports Multifunction Settings Import/Export If you as a company which already uses Visma HR and you also buy the module that allows the employees to register in the system themselves you will also get access to the menu item “Approve absence and salary registrations”.   7.1 Employee All the items in the menu item “Employee” is described in section 6 – Leader. Compared to the leaders the administrator will have access to view all employees and also have a few more powers. These are described below.   7.2 Edit approved absence and salary registrations It is only the administrator and the employees themselves who can edit or delete absence or salary registrations (with the status “Pending” or “approved”).   7.2.1 Edit processed absence An absence recording that has been processed and transferred to the payroll system (Visma Løn - MultiLøn Erhverv) can still be edited by an administrator. The following cells in the absence recordings can be edited: Absence type, start or end date Amount/number of absence Absence rate If the administrator edits the absence after a payroll the payroll consultant needs to remember to make an adjustment in the payroll system Visma Løn, after which the employee can make the correct recording.   7.3 Reports The administrator has access to all standard reports for employment, salary and pension including absence and education for all employees and departments.   7.4 Settings In the menu item “Settings” the administrator has access to the following: My settings - See section 6.3 Organisation Lookup fields Lookup codes Special info. Categories Special Fields Absence calendar Document categories Project number User/Roles Salary types/ absence codes Codes to occupation Work plan Absence by e-mail Code setup Cost center Payment location Real time balances – Finance customers Some companies might not have access to all menu items in the menu item “settings”. Below some of these items are described.   7.4.1 Lookup fields and lookup codes This is where lookup fields and lookup codes can be created and maintained.   7.4.2 Users/Roles This is where other users can be setup and given access to the system. Detailed description of “User/roles” can be found in “Guide for standard roles in Visma HR”.   7.4.3 Salary types/Absence codes In the menu item “Salary types/Absence codes” the administrator can add new salary types. It is only salary types and absence codes that already exist in the payroll system Visma Løn. which will be transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn.   7.4.4 Code to occupation Salary types and absence codes can be added to all or some job categories. This means that ex. salaried employees with the job category 1001 or 1002 can have access to different salary types and absence codes.   7.4.5 Code setup In this menu item, the administrator can choose the absence and salary registrations which needs approval and choose it these should be hidden for the employees and Leaders.   7.4.6 Cost center In this menu item, the administrator can setup new cost centers. New cost centers will automatically be created in Visma Løn as soon as you start using it on an employee.   7.4.7 Payment location In this menu item, the administrator can setup new payment locations. New payment locations will automatically be created in Visma Løn as soon as you start using it on an employee.   Please see the separate “Guide for settings in Visma HR” where you will find a detailed description on how to setup all settings in Visma HR.        
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07-03-2018 09:42 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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 1. Introduction This guide describes how you through the menu item ”Settings”, have a selection of numerous opportunities to customize your HR-system, so it fits the processes in your company.   Visma HR consists of modules. For this reason, this guide might hold descriptions for modules that your company does not have access to. For example, some companies have access to the “Leader- Employee module and some companies have access to branch specific modules like finance.   1.1 Icons In Visma HR the following icons are used to edit, delete, update or reject a recording. 2. Settings In the menu item settings, you will find a lot of different sub-points. Below you can see a complete list of sub-points which gives you the opportunity to customize your Visma HR settings. Access to the individual sub-points is determined based on roles. The role “Administrator, Organisation” has as a rule access to all the sub-points: 2.1 My Settings Th is the only sub-point under Settings which all users (Roles) have access to in Visma HR. Misc. settings You can choose between Danish and English as language. In the cell “Start page” you can choose the menu item where you would like Visma HR to open in when you sign-in to the system. “Adjust pages to this height”: 768 pixels should be used.     Employee search If you have multiple businesses within the company, you can choose only to search for the employees in one specific business unit. In the cell “Default search field”, you can set up the criteria for search that you typically use, when you need to search for an employee.   Organisations This cell will only be shown if you have access to more organisations (Companies) in Visma HR.   2.2 Organisation In Visma HR, company will often be mentioned as “Organisation”. In the menu item “Organisation” you can maintain the company data for your company. You will have access to all cells on the page, except from the cells “Customer relation number” and “Project no. are transferred to MLE field”. See section 2.9 regarding project number setup. You can find a description on the “Absence Registration” cell in the guide “Reminders” 2.3 Lookup fields Most screen images in Visma HR has cells equipped with dropdown-menus, ex. “Employment type” and “Internal title”. A dropdown-menu is the same as “Lookup fields”. Visma HR has several Lookup fields (cells) which cannot be deleted, as they are default system fields (cells) and some of them are necessary because of the integration with the payroll system Visma Løn (MultiLøn Erhverv).   You can create and setup new “lookup fields” with lookup codes associated. The “Lookup fields” 0 to 500 is reserved for system fields, which means that the “lookup fields” you create yourself, needs to have a number higher than 500.  2.3.1 Create a new lookup field Click on “New” Writhe a number higher than 500 The cells “Extra field”, “Extra number” and “Number of decimals” should not be used Under “Language Text” you should fill in the name of the lookup field Under “Description” fill in the description for the lookup field  We recommend that you also fill in the Danish description, but this is not a demand. When the lookup table have been saved, you need to set up the relevant lookup codes.   2.4 Lookup codes Lookup codes is created by first choosing the lookup table which need to have codes associated.   Click on “New” Fill in “Code” Fill in “Language text” (Both Danish and English) End by clicking “Save”   There are some differences in how the lookup tables should be setup. Ex. If you need to add a foreign zip code in a lookup table “100 - Zip codes” this is how it is done:   Click on “New” In the cell “Code” you fill in the zip code Select Country In the cell “Language text” you should fill in the name of the city (Both in Danish and English) End by clicking “Save” 2.5 Special info. categories The different tabs, shown in “Special information”, in the menu item “Employee”, are created in the menu item “Special info. Categories”. One individual information category is equal to one tab in ”Special information”. You can create an unlimited number of special info. Categories.     The category “Miscellaneous” is automatically created when the system was converted and this category cannot be deleted. If a category does not have any special fields (Cells), the category can be deleted by clicking on the X.   This is how a new special info. Category can be created: Click on “New” Type in the name of the category End by clicking the tick sign   2.6 Special fields A special info. category always needs to have one or more special information fields associated.   Examples of special information fields:   This is how you create a new special information field (cell):   Click on “New” Select a category in the dropdown-menu Type in “Field name” (This name will show in the employee’s Special information – see below) Select “Field type” in the dropdown-menu (New fields can be created in a lookup table) End by clicking the tick sign 2.7 Absence calendar The idea behind the Absence calendar is to simplify the registration of vacation, sickness and other absence, so the system will calculate the number of absence days taking Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and additional vacation days into consideration. 2.7.1 Create absence calendar This is how you create an absence calendar:   Click on “New” Give the calendar an expressive name Select whether Saturdays and Sundays are holidays or not Select country in “Use holidays from” Click “Add” Select public holidays in the current year (Click on each day or choose all at one time) Right click on a date to add additional holidays, ex. Christmas day, New year’s and constitution day.   The button “Make default” means that this calendar will be used as standard-absence calendar when an absence is added on an employee – except the events where the employees has chosen another calendar as standard-absence calendar.   In the screen image where absence is registered you can see the chosen calendar.   You can create multiple calendars, but only one can be the standard-absence calendar for the company.   If you need to create a calendar with foreign holidays, you will need to setup the public holidays in the lookup table “120 - Holidays” in the menu item “Settings”.   After this setup, the holidays for that country can be chosen through the dropdown-menu “Use holidays from”.   An absence calendar cannot be deleted if it has been used for absence recording.   Integration to Visma Løn When a calendar has been setup as standard-absence calendar the calendar will automatically be transferred to Visma Løn as holiday calendar.   Changes in a standard-absence calendar, that has already been transferred to Visma Løn, will automatically be updated in the system as soon as it is saved.   2.8 Document categories To get a better overview of the documents that have been uploaded/saved on an employee, it is possible to categorize the documents. This setup can be done in the menu item “Document categories”. Inhere you can setup new document categories and control the accesses for these. This is how you create a new category:   Click “New” Write the name of the category Fill in the description (The description will be shown to the users when they upload documents in that category) Fill in the similar name and description in Danish Setup rights to the right. Only roles that are in use will be shown here. End by clicking “Save”   Documents that have been uploaded before you set up the “Document categories”, will not be placed into any category. These documents can easily be moved into the relevant categories in “Employee”, “Documents”   Uploaded documents through the menu item “Salary registrations”   You are still able to upload documents when you register mileage, disbursements, travels etc. in the menu item “Salary registrations”. These attached documents will not automatically be placed into a category.   Please note that if a salary registration has the status “Processed” the uploaded document cannot be deleted in “Documents” on the employee, unless the whole salary registration is deleted by an administrator.   2.9 Project number Project number is used in connection to absence- and salary registrations. Project numbers that are used when you register salary can be transferred to Visma Løn.   2.9.1 Setup of project numbers Project numbers are setup in “Settings” – “Project number”   Click on “New” Add a project number on 10 characters at the most Give the project a name and a description Add a start and end date (Not mandatory) Mark at least one absence code or one salary registration code before you can save the project number.   When Absence code and/or salary registration code have been added to a project number, the project number cell will be mandatory when you register absence and salary.   Example of setup of project number: 2.9.2 Setup of transfer to Visma Løn It is possible to transfer project numbers for salary registrations (Not for absence registrations) to an input entry in Visma Løn. The setup must be done by Visma.   In the screen image for “Settings” (See section 2.3) the setup will be shown like this: For the ones who are interested, here is a short description of the setup in the payroll system Visma Løn:   The chart of accounts sort code needs to be setup in Visma Løn (“opsætning” - “Kontoplan” – “Sorteringskode”) before the integration to the cell “Valgfri” can be activated. You can choose integration for:   Ingen integration, lønregistreringer vil blive overført uden projektnummer (No integration, salary registrations will be transferred without project number) Kontoplanfelt 1 (Chart of accounts field 1) Kontoplanfelt 2 (Chart of accounts field 2) Kontoplanfelt 3 (Chart of accounts field 3) Kontoplanfelt 4 (Chart of accounts field 4) Kontoplanfelt 5 (Chart of accounts field 5) Kontoplanfelt 6 (Chart of accounts field 6)   Visma HR can transfer one sort code to Visma Løn. Companies with multiple employers, and with different chart of accounts, needs to have identical sort codes for all employers. The same applies if the company in Visma HR has integration to different customer relation numbers in Visma Løn.    If you change a sort code in Visma Løn you also need to change the chart of account field in Visma HR. If you delete the chart of accounts cell for the sort code you need to change this in Visma HR as well. If you have “Aflønning” as a part of the sort code in Visma Løn you need to remember that this chart of accounts field is not read in through a decentral read in. Because of this “Aflønning” should not count in the order. 2.10 User/Roles The access rights for Visma HR can be controlled in the menu item “User/Roles”. Typically, it will be the administrator, and users with similar rights, who will have access to this menu item. The menu item contains four sub-menus which are all described here below.   Before a new user (employee) can get access to Visma HR the user needs to be setup in Vismas Login-module. It is the administrator of the company who has access to create and setup new users in the login-module. It is not possible to get access to Visma HR without being setup as a user and without having a user role.   2.10.1 Users This is how you create and setup a new user:   Click “New” Fill in the Username, 40 characters at the most (The username does not have to be the same as in the login-module) Fill in “User id” from the user setup in the login-module (A user id is 13 characters long and typically consists of CVR number and a 5-digit sequential number) Select employee number and name for the user in dropdown-list Click "Save" Afterwards it is possible to edit the username, user id or entirely delete the user. Entirely deleting the user requires that the user rights are deleted as well.   The cell “Last log on” is not active in the current version of Visma HR.   Please note: Employees who need to have different accesses in Visma HR – meaning different roles – needs to be setup as many times in the login-module as in this menu.   2.10.2 Access for Special Information This menu item is used to control the access to the information categories (the tabs) in special information. As an example, you can choose that an IT-role will only get access for the tab “IT”.   Regardless of who has setup a new “Special information”, the administrator will automatically get access to the new category. Assign access to "Special info. roles" Click on the category in the column “Special information category name”, ex. IT Add the role (Shown in the bottom part of the screen) which needs to get access to the information category Click “Save” If you click on the column “Role names” you will see the special info. categories the role has access to.   Please note: All users who has access to special information will also have access to the special information category “Miscellaneous”, which is why this category should not be used to record confidential information.   2.10.3 Roles In the menu item “Roles” the standard roles and flexible roles, which are available for your company, will be shown.   Visma HR has the following 11 standard roles: Administrator, Company Administrator, Organisation Department leader, Read Department leader, Edit Absence enrolment HR HR - Without multi-function Course administrator Salary Employee - Primarily for users of the Leader- employee module Leader - Primarily for users of the Leader- employee module   If your company is set up to use all standard roles, these will all be shown in the menu. Apart from this, your flexible roles will also be shown – roles that are customized especially for your company. If you click on a role, the setup for the role will show. You can give the role another name – Other cells cannot be edited.   Editing of roles or setup of new roles can be done by contacting Visma.   2.10.4 User/Roles User rights can be setup in this sub-menu item. This is also where you can give an employee the final access to Visma HR, after you have setup the employee as described in section 2.10.1 When you click on a line in the list of users, the company’s and/or departments that the individual employee has access to, will show in the bottom part of the screen. Assign user rights for a user Click on “New” Select the employee in the dropdown-menu “User” Select one of the roles in the dropdown-menu “Roles” If you are assigning rights for a user who needs access to employees in one or more departments you need to mark the company and departments on the right side of the screen. Please note: Employees who only needs access to their own data does not need a mark in department! Click “Save” Please remember that you can only assign one role per user (User id).   2.11 Salary types / Absence codes When converting from Visma Løn to Visma HR all the salary types and absence codes which you use will be created. These will show in the menu item “Set up salary items/absence codes”. You can add new salary types and absence codes by clicking “New field” and selecting from the dropdown-list. Afterwards the newly added salary type or absence code will be shown in the matching lookup table. In the lookup tables 320 benefits 322 absence type 324 variable salary registrations You can setup your own codes which will not be transferred to Visma Løn. These codes needs to be different from the codes which does already exist in the payroll system Visma Løn (See Wage type catalog on Visma Community) Ex. The absence code needs to be setup with a 3-digit code.   2.12 Codes to occupation Companies who has the Leader- employee module, will also have access to the menu item “Codes to occupation”. This is where you control which wage types and absence codes that needs to be available to the individual “Codes of occupation”. This is how you add new codes of occupation:   Click on the occupation code until it is blue Open the sub-points by clicking on the arrows Click in the left side on the absence code that needs to be added to the occupation code. The code should now be shown on the right side End by clicking “Save”   Do never click on the “Remove all” button – Then the whole setup will be deleted.   The rights to register salary types and absence codes can also be setup on role-level in the menu item “Code setup”.   2.13 Work plan The menu item “Work plan” is specifically developed for customers with a finance setup or companies which has access to view balances. Other companies can also use the work plan, but for these companies the work plan cannot be transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn. In Visma HR there is a connection between work plan, work calendar and absence calendar, including absence recordings and any balances.   This is an example of a work plan for the organisation (Company): The work plan can be created on company level and on employee level. You can only create one work plan per company – even if the company has multiple customer relations in Visma Løn.   Please note: Calculation of the average work hours per week is shown in hours and minutes, in contrast to the absence recordings. Example: If the company’s work plan is 36 hours / by 5 work days, the average time per work day will be 7.20. If the average time is shown in hours = 7:12 (7 hours and 12 minutes).   2.13.1 Create work plan for the organisation (Company) Click on “New” Add “From date” and “To date” (If “To date” is not filled out the system will automatically fill in the date 31-12-2049) Fill in the cell “Description” (Will be shown the employees work calendar) Fill in “Week 1” with the relevant week days If you use the “Tab button” the cells will automatically be filled out with the time from the day before. Click on “Add week”, if the companies work plan will change from week to week Click on “Save” Click on “Transfer to salary system”   When the button “Transfer to salary system” is inactive, it means that the integration of the work plan has been successful. If you change anything in the work plan after it has been transferred to the salary system, you just need to click “Save” and the transferred work plan will automatically be updated in the salary system.   Please note: The work plan cannot be transferred if a payroll or an adjustment is initiated.   2.13.2 Create work plan for employees The employees always need to have personal work plan, if the employees work hours are different from the company’s work plan, which is also the reason that a part time employee always needs to have a personal work plan.   This info message will show when you have selected a part time employee: “Create a work plan for the employee as the work hours is different from 100%”   Click on the tab “Employee”, if you have not selected an employee in the employee list beforehand, you can find the employee by clicking “Search”. Create the work plan as described above.   If an employee with a personal work plan needs to convert to the work plan for the company, ex. If he/she changes from a part time employment to full time employment, you should fill out the cell “To date” on the employee’s personal work plan. When this is done the employee will automatically be covered by the company’s work plan.   2.14 Absence by email In this menu item, you should mark all the absence types which needs to be shown in the employee’s calendar when the recorded absence has been approved. Employees who needs to receive an email with absence needs to have an email address registered in the menu item “Employee” in the “E-mail” cell. E-mail addresses in the cell “E-mail (private)” does not trigger an email notification.   Furthermore, to receive notifications by e-mail, it is a precondition that the cell “Send e-mail with approved absence” have been filled out with “Yes”. This mark is setup on company level.  2.14.1 Rules for e-mail notifications as meeting booking The following rules applies in order to receive e-mail notifications:   Only approved absence can be sent by e-mail to the calendar At the same time as the absence recording have been approved by the leader or administrator the email notification will be sent. For companies without the Leader- employee module absence will be considered approved as soon as the absence has been recorded. When you click “save” the e-mail will be sent. Notifications is an e-mail with the text “Approved absence in Visma HR”, which are sent to the employee who is absent. The sender of the e-mail is the person who has approved the absence   Please note: It can be inconvenient to be setup with your personal e-mail as your username in Visma HR (See section 2.10.1). If a user has been setup to approve their own absence, the calendar will not always accept a “noreply” e-mail sent from your own mailbox.   Absence will be shown as a reservation from 8:00 to 18:00 in the calendar, on the day of the absence. When the recording is approved, the absence will be shown as “busy” in the calendar. Absence recordings in hours which have a timestamp, will be shown on that exact time.   If the “From date” or “To date” is changed afterwards, or if an absence is deleted completely, the calendar will automatically be updated.   2.15 Code setup In the menu item “code setup” it is possible to indicate if an absence code or salary type that needs approval, should be hidden for the employees, or if the code should not be shown at all in Visma HR. The menu item “Code setup” is only relevant to companies who has access to the Leader- employee module. Needs approval In this column, you should mark if recordings on an absence code or salary type, needs approval before they are transferred to the payroll system.   Hidden for employees In this column, you can mark if the employees, in this case Leaders, are also considered as employees, should be allowed to use all absence codes or not. “Hidden for employees” means that the employee will not be able to register anything on this absence code. Sometimes it can be a good idea to hide a code ex. Leave. Employees will be able to see all registrations for themselves, even if these have been done by the administrator in the Absence menu item or in the payroll system.   Code is shown in Visma HR In this column, you can setup whether a salary type code should be shown in Visma HR or not. The setup you make here, can be overruled in the role setup menu. Ex. You can give a specific user role access to register only on salary type “1100 – Timeløn” (Wage per hour), while you yourself as administrator will still have access to all salary types.   Is shown after salary processed This setup is primarily used for salary registrations, where the information cannot be visible to the employees, before the payroll has been processed. An ex. can be bonuses, which the Leader would like to inform the employees about, before they see it in the system. In such instances, the information should not be visible to the employees before the information has been processed in the salary.   2.16 Cost center Here below you can see all cost centers on the individual company. You can setup a new cost center like this:   Select Company and employer Click “New” Fill in “Number” – 6 characters at the most Fill in “Name” – 6 characters at the most Click on “Update”   The new cost center will automatically be created in Visma Løn as soon as you start using it on an employee.   2.17 Payment location Here below you can see all payment location on the individual company. You can setup a new payment location like this:   Select Company and employer Click “New” Fill in “Number” – 6 characters at the most Fill in “Name” – 6 characters at the most Click on “Update”   The new payment location will automatically be created in Visma Løn as soon as you start using it on an employee.                
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  I denne vejledning finder du en samlet oversigt over alle webinarer, som Visma Enterprise har lavet til Visma Outsourcing.    Ønsker du at besøge et andet produkt-områdes webinar bibliotek, kan dette gøres nedenfor: My Visma - Webinar bibliotek Visma Løn - Webinar bibliotek Visma Løn Finans - Webinar bibliotek Visma HR - Webinar bibliotek   Se vores nyeste webinar her: Juridiske indspark: Løngennemsigtighed - 06.02.2025 På dette webinar vi dykker ned i baggrunden, formålet og de vigtigste krav i løngennemsigtighedsdirektivet. Få indsigt i lønåbenhedens kobling til ESG, rapportering af lønforskelle og medarbejderes ret til lønoplysninger. Webinaret giver dig forståelse af lønspænd og lønforskelle samt indsigt i konsekvenserne af manglende overholdelse af direktivet.   Se vores øvrige webinarer her: Outsourcing: Slut på året 2024 På dette webinar, vil vi bl.a. gennemgå: - Highlights fra 2024 - Nyheder og aktuelle emner (Ny feriefri løsning og Ferie tilbage i tid) - Tips til sidste lønkørsel i 2024 - eIndkomst - Nye satser - Slut på ferieafholdelsesåret - Og meget mere... Find præsentationen her.   Outsourcing: Juridisk oplæg Dette webinar henvender sig til dig, der har outsourcet lønbehandlingen til Visma. Advokat Mette Klingsten og Mads Bernstorn kommer og giver et online oplæg om aktuelle ansættelsesretlige emner, herunder: - Opfølgning i forhold til tidsregistrering - Løngennemsigtighedsdirektiver - Retten til at koble af - Ny lovgivning og retspraksis Find præsentationen her.   Outsourcing: Optimering og effektivisering af jeres lønafstemningsprocesser Dette webinar henvender sig til dig, der har outsourcet lønbehandlingen til Visma og som har ansvaret for jeres lønafstemning. Få en gennemgang af vores effektive og tidsbesparende proces, der giver et klart overblik over afstemning af løn, skat og finans. Vi vil vise, hvordan vi via vores best practice mindsker risikoen for fejl, og samtidig belyse fordelen ved - hver måned - at have en korrekt afstemning klar til revision. Derudover demonstrerer vi, hvordan vi kan opsætte ferieafstemningen i henhold til Den Konkrete Metode, så I sikrer korrekt afstemning af feriepenge i henhold til gældende regler. Find præsentationen her.   Tips og tricks til rapporter i Visma Løn  Webinaret giver dig en introduktion til udvalgte rapporter i Visma Løn og hvordan de bedst bruges. Vi vil blandt andet gå i dybden med rapporter til afstemning, bogføring og ferie samt vise dig, hvor du kan finde hjælpeværktøjer og vejledninger. Find præsentationen her.    Nyhed - Få fleksibilitet med afholdt ferie tilbage i tiden På dette webinar vil du få en introduktion til en ny mulighed, der gør at ferie behandles med baggrund i lønbehandlingsdato og ikke faktisk afholdelsesdato. Undgå løntræk og forkert brug af forskudsferie samt korrektioner og flytning af feriedage. Find præsentationen her.   Den gode lønproces Vi undskylder for den dårlige lydkvalitet i begyndelsen og afslutningen af webinaret. Webinaret giver dig inspiration og input til hvordan den gode lønproces sikres.  Vi kommer blandt andet ind på, hvordan du planlægger lønprocessen og hvad der undervejs er de vigtige tjekpunkter, herunder hele lønprocessens forløb fra start til slut og viser dig samtidigt et udvalg af vores gode hjælpeværktøjer og vejledninger. Hent præsentationen her.   Juridiske indspark: Ferie og barsel  På dette webinar gennemgår vi de vigtigste regler og centrale begreber inden for ferie og barsel. Vi vil også komme ind på nylige domme og kommentere på udviklingen inden for området. Du vil få en god indføring i grundlæggende arbejdsret og blive godt klædt på til at forholde dig til nye arbejdsretlige spørgsmål og problemstillinger. Hent præsentationen her.   Sådan registrerer I arbejdstid i My Visma og Visma HR På webinaret får du en live demonstration af de nye funktioner, der gør det muligt at registrere arbejdstid i My Visma og Visma HR via Self Service. Ved at benytte funktionerne kan din virksomhed leve op til det nye lovkrav om tidsregistrering, der træder i kraft 1. juli 2024. Vi viser dig, hvordan du tilpasser systemet, så din virksomhed kan tage funktionen "Arbejdstid" i brug. Hent præsentation.   Overhold det nye lovkrav om tidsregistrering med My Visma og Visma HR På webinaret får du introduceret de nye funktioner, der gør det muligt at tidsregistrere i My Visma og Visma HR via Self Service, så din virksomhed kan leve op til det nye lovkrav om tidsregistrering, der træder i kraft 1. juli 2024. Du bliver også guidet i, hvordan I tager de nye funktioner i brug, og hvordan I forbereder jer.   Customer Portal: Introduktion til ny kundeportal Den 2. april 2024 lancerer vi Visma Enterprises nye kundeportal, Customer Portal, der gør det endnu nemmere for dig at være kunde hos os. På dette webinar får du en overskuelig gennemgang af den nye kundeportal, hvad det betyder for dig, og hvordan du bruger den, samt hvilken betydning det har ift. Community.   Webinar om tidsregistrering: Bliv klar til de nye lovkrav Den 23. januar er det vedtaget, at lovkravet om tidsregistrering træder i kraft d. 1. juli 2024. På dette webinar får du en overskuelig gennemgang af den nye tidsregistreringslov af vores dygtigste folk inden for jura, HR og strategi.   Introduktion til ny beregning af feriepenge På dette webinar, får du en introduktion til ny beregning af feriepenge på aktive medarbejdere og hvilken betydning det får for dig som bruger, for dine medarbejdere og for din virksomheds feriepenge hensættelser. Hent præsentation   Outsourcing - Slut på året 2023 På dette webinar, vil vi bl.a. gennemgå: Nyheder og aktuelle emner Tips til sidste lønkørsel i 2023 Afskaffelse af store bededag eIndkomst Nye satser 2024 Slut på ferieafholdelsesåret Og meget mere...   Hvad er der sket siden sidst i Visma Outsourcing? 26.10.2023 På dette webinar, kan du høre mere om: Nyheder og aktuelle emner Afskaffelse af store bededag TIN-nummer Ferieafholdelse inden 31/12 - Herunder varsling   Hvad er der sket siden sidst i Visma Outsourcing? 26.06.2023 På dette webinar, kan du høre mere om: Nyheder og aktuelle emner Genopfriskning af regler for forskudsferie Udskydelse af A-skat og AM-bidrag   Outsourcing - Tips og tricks På dette webinar gennemgår vi tips og tricks omkring nedenstående emner: Vejledning til oprettelse af databehandleraftaler, OS02 aftaler samt tjek af leverencekvitteringer Udvidet afvigelsesliste bestilling heraf og fordelene derved   Outsourcing - Slut på året 2022 På dette webinar vil vi gennemgå nedenstående emner: Nyt i 2022 Årskørsel  Tidsfrister  eIndkomst 2023  Nye satser 2023  Ferie ved årsskiftet  Tips & tricks   Spørg om: ny hosting af Visma Løn I denne spørgesession deler Mille Lohmann, Commercial Director, samt Nikolaj Weber, Data Protection Manager & Information Security Officer, vores overvejelser i valget af ny hostingleverandør. Sessionen er målrettet de it-sikkerhedsansvarlige som fx Data Protection Officers eller lignende roller.   Outsourcing - Forskudsferie På dette webinar genopfrisker vi reglerne omkring forskudsferie og giver Vismas bud på "Best practice". Vi vil fortælle om: Forskudsferie som begreb Forskudsferie ifgl. loven Skriftlig aftale Best practice ifgl. Visma   Outsourcing - Gennemsnitsberegning af feriepenge På webinaret vil vi introducere dig til den kommende ændring af beregning af feriepenge ifm. fratrædelser. Hvad er baggrunden for at det ændres og hvad bliver ændret i Visma Løn. Vi vil fortælle om: Hvad bliver ændret og hvorfor Gennemsnitsberegning af feriepenge ifm. fratrædelser Hvornår træder det i kraft Fratrædelser i overgangsperiode Efterbetalinger og korrektioner Tildelt forskudsferie ifm. fratrædelse Bogføring af hensættelser på feriepenge Rapporten Ny ferielov Ferieregnskab   mit.dk - mitBasic og nyt siden sidst Vi byder dig velkommen til endnu et webinar inden selve overgangen til mit.dk. Denne gang sætter vi bl.a. fokus på nyt siden sidste webinar samt mitBasic: Hvad kan I bruge mitBasic til? Hvad skal du være opmærksom på? Hvordan fungerer mitBasic i praksis? Hvordan kommer medarbejderne på? Hvad er deadline for overgangen fra print til mitBasic?   Sådan beregner du den ferieberettigede løn Oplever du at det kan være svært at beregne eller afstemme den ferieberettigede løn, især hvis medarbejderne har afholdt ferie? Så er dette webinar lige noget for dig! På dette webinar fortæller vi dig om, og gennemgår "beregningsreglerne".   Information om mit.dk Fra den 5. juni 2022 vil jeres medarbejdere modtage deres lønseddel i mit.dk. Webinaret er for dig, der gerne vil informeres om de nye muligheder, og det du skal være opmærksom på i denne sammenhæng.   Outsourcing - Årsskifte Nu hvor 2021 nærmer sig sin afslutning, vil vi gerne informere dig om, hvilke lønopgaver som du kan forvente at vi varetager, i forbindelse med årsskiftet. Derudover vil der være nogle punkter vedrørende den nye Ferielov, samtidig med at vi kigger ind i 2022.   New holiday year English version of the webinar: New holiday year from the 30th september 2021.   Ferielov og nyt ferieår Der er sket meget i løbet af det første år med samtidighedsferie og ny ferielov, og nu er vi lige gået ind i det næste ferieår under den nye ferielov. Det vil vi gerne informe mere om på dette webinar.   Outsourcing svensk løn Deltag på dette webinar og hør lidt om hvem vi er, hvad vi kan tilbyde jer, de mest stillede spørgsmål til ferie/semester og den nye funktionalitet AutoPay.   The new normal - arbejdspolitik anno 2021 Er hjemmearbejde blevet en fast rutine og et ønsket gode for jeres medarbejdere? Hvad stiller det af krav til virksomheden og dig som HR-ansvarlig? Bliv klogere på hjemmearbejdspolitikker og jura anno 2021, når HR-direktør, Anders Andersen, og Legal Advisor, Louise Müller, fortæller, hvordan Visma Enterprise har forholdt sig og hvilke faldgruber, du skal være opmærksom på.   Visma Refusion - et abonnement, der tjener penge for din virksomhed Hvert år udbetales 22 mia. kr. til danske virksomheder i refusion grundet sygdom og barsel. Får I jeres bid af kagen? Hør hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med at indhente de tabte refusionskroner - uden du skal løfte en finger.   Webinar til Outsourcing kunder - 09.04.2021 På dette webinar vil vi bl.a. komme ind på kundetilfredshed (NPS) og fortælle dig hvordan vi planlægger at følge op på de svar vi modtager fra jer. Derudover vil vi også tale ind til den nye ferielov og hvordan vi stadig oplever en masse spørgsmål vedrørende den. Derfor har vi også samlet en række generelle spørgsmål som vi vil gennemgå med jer på dette webinar.   Webinar for Outsourcing customers (English version of the webinar from April 9, 2021) This is an English version of the webinar above. The topics are customer satisfaction (NPS) and the new Holiday Act.   Har du ønsker til nye webinar emner, er du mere end velkommen til at skrive dem i kommentarfeltet. Så tager vi dem op til overvejelse 🙂 
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12-04-2021 12:59 (Senest opdateret 07-02-2025)
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Vedhæftet finder du guide til brug af Visma Portal.
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05-08-2020 14:41 (Senest opdateret 16-04-2024)
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 1. Log in to Visma Løn    Go to https://community.visma.com/t5/Visma-Lon-HR-administration/ct-p/dk_en_Visma-LonHRadministration and select “Log på Visma Løn"     Enter the following information: CVR- nummer = Company CVR number Brugernavn = User name Adgangskode = Access code Mark to get your one time pincode send by sms or e-mail. Set a checkmark in ”Husk mit CVR-nummer og brugernavn” to have the system remember your user name and access code.      Enter the one-time pin code you received on sms or e-mail   2. Reports from payroll All reports created in the payroll are found in the menu ”Lønadministration”       “Udskrifter fra lønkørsel” When you access the menu, you will see the reports from the last run payroll. At the end of “Hovedjobnr.” You can look at the payroll selection number order number which payroll is involved (see marking). Payroll selection number consists of 5 figures indicating payroll type, month and year (tyymm).   T (payroll type) is as standard given as: 1 = monthly paid 2 = 14-day-paid with pay out in uneven weeks 4 = 14-day-paid with pay out in even weeks 9 = additional payroll   mm = month yy = year   Example: 11802 (monthly paid, 2018, February)   You choose a different payroll by clicking on the arrows in top of the screen display. Once you have found the payroll you want to view reports, you can select the reports you want to see by scrolling down the list. If you have multiple employers in your relationship, all reports are generated per employer. You can view the employer's number to the left in the list.   Locate and select the report you want to open. Press the "Hent aktuel" button and the report is available for download. You can open multiple reports at once, select all the reports you want, and press the ”Hent aktuel” button.   3. Create reports Do you want to create a report that is not formed with wage run, you can do it by selecting ”Rapporter / Rapporter”. Select the report in the right-hand menu (see marking on image)  To run some reports, the payroll number is requested for (eg. Syge-/fraværsliste) To specify the payroll number, see section 2 (transcript from payroll)   Some reports indicated on the report to be displayed in HTML or Excel (for example. Ferieregnskab) How to view the report, is selected in the ”Datafil output”.   Nej = html Ja = Excel  
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03-05-2018 14:14 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Indledning Adgang til Visma HR er blevet væsentlig udvidet, således at det nu er muligt at give adgang til systemet på en mere fleksibel måde. Dette betyder, at Visma HR kan ’åbnes’ for medarbejdere, der skal have mere eller mindre begrænset adgang til systemet.   Vi imødekommer dermed behovet for at kunne give adgang til andre arbejdsfunktioner, end dem vi allerede har I systemet i dag. Nu kan der opsættes roller, der får adgang til Visma HR på lige netop det niveau, som disse arbejdsfunktioner kræver. Det kan f.eks. være adgang for medarbejdere i en IT afdeling.   Ligeledes kan der gives udvidet adgang til allerede eksisterende brugerroller, f.eks. fraværsregistrator. Denne vejledning beskriver i detaljer, hvorledes opsætning af brugerroller foregår. Endvidere har vi udvidet muligheden for at kunne registrere organisationens afdelingsledere, herunder om lederen har adgang til Visma HR eller ej. Beskrivelse findes i afsnit 6 længere nede.   1.1. Fleksible roller Fremover skelner vi mellem standardroller (brugerrettigheder), som hele tiden har eksisteret, og fleksible roller, som er den nye fleksible måde at få adgang til systemet på. Opsætning af en ny fleksibel rolle kan kun foretages af Visma. Ved opsætning skal adgang til følgende punkter afklares: Menupunkter (moduler) Firma og afdelinger Sikkerhedsfunktioner (adgangsrettigheder)   1.1.1. Adgang til menupunkter Adgang til menupunkterne – modulerne, som vi også kalder dem – kan der efter behov åbnes og lukkes for. I nogle tilfælde er menupunkterne afhængige af hinanden, således at der skal gives adgang til mere end et menupunkt for at opnå den ønskede brugeradgang.   1.1.2. Adgang til firmaer og afdelinger Der kan gives adgang til et eller flere firmaer inkl. underfirmaer, afdelinger og underafdelinger, eller der kan gives adgang til én enkelt afdeling.   1.1.3. Adgang via sikkerhedsfunktioner Vi har indført noget, der hedder sikkerhedsfunktioner (se eksempel i 3.2). Disse bruges kun af Bluegarden til opsætning eller ændring af fleksible roller. Det er via sikkerhedsfunktionen at adgangsrettigheder til menupunkterne tildeles, dvs. de handlinger (Opret, Læs, Ret eller Slet) brugeren må benytte i et bestemt menupunkt.   Med udvikling af sikkerhedsfunktioner kan vi nu give differentieret adgang til Visma HR, der kan kombineres den adgang, der gives via modulerne.   1.2. Bruger / adgang Menupunktet ’Indstillinger’ er udvidet til brug for administration af brugere og brugerrettigheder, herunder adgang til specielle oplysninger. Under ’Bruger/adgang’ er der følgende fire undermenuer: Brugere - Her oprettes nye brugere Specielle opl. adgang - Her defineres, hvem der skal have adgang til hvilke specielle oplysninger Roller - Her vises et overblik over de roller – inkl. fleksible roller – som I har adgang til Bruger/adgang - Her tildeles eller ændres brugerrettigheder til systemet   2. Sådan oprettes en ny bruger I dette afsnit beskrives hvorledes nye brugere får adgang til Visma HR.   2.1. Bruger i Login-modul Inden en ny bruger kan få adgang til Visma HR, skal brugeren oprettes i Visma Login-modul. Gå på https://logon.bluegarden.dk/?applicationname=Administration. Virksomheder, der anvender vores løsninger, har allerede fået oprettet en Administrator i Login-modulet. Det er denne administrator, der har adgang til at oprette nye brugere i systemet. Det er det bruger-id, der bliver tildelt i dette system, som skal bruges ved oprettelse af nye brugere i Visma HR. Brugeren modtager en mail med oplysning om adgangskode.   Skærmbillede til oprettelse af ny bruger i Login-modul: 2.2. Bruger i Visma HR Sådan oprettes ny bruger i Visma HR: Vælg menupunktet 'Indstillinger' Vælg undermenuen ’Bruger/adgang' og herefter ’Brugere’ Klik på Ny og opret bruger med Brugernavn og Bruger id fra Login-modulet Vælg evt. også personalenummer og navn på brugeren i Medarbejder dropdown listen. Klik på Gem Efterfølgende er det muligt at rette Brugernavn, Bruger id eller helt at slette brugeren. Sidstnævnte kræver dog, at den pågældende brugers adgangsrettigheder er slettet. Hvis en bruger har oprettet og gemt et Udvalg, rapporter eller lønsimuleringer, kan brugeren heller ikke slettes.   Bruger id skal være identisk med Bruger id i Login-modulet. Feltet ’Sidste log on’ er ikke aktiveret i nuværende version af Visma HR.   3. Bruger / adgang (Brugerrettigheder) Brugerrettigheder tildeles i menupunktet, der nu hedder ’Bruger / adgang’. I dette skærmbillede vises medarbejdere med adgang til Visma HR, herunder hvilke rettigheder (roller) de er tildelt, og de firmaer og/eller afdelinger de har adgang til. Der kan foretages søgning på Bruger, Rolle, Personalenr. eller Medarbejder navn.   Ved klik på en medarbejder i kolonnen ’Brugernavn’ vises i nederste del af skærmbilledet de firmaer/afdelingen, den pågældende medarbejder har adgang til.   3.1. Tildel brugerrettighed til en bruger Klik på Ny I dropdown menuen ’Bruger’ vælges den netop oprettede bruger I dropdown menuen ’Rolle’ vælges der mellem standardrollerne eller eventuelle fleksible roller, der er oprettet af Bluegarden  Yderst til højre markeres de firmaer og afdelinger, brugeren skal have adgang til Klik på Gem Flere brugere kan tilknyttes den samme rolle.   3.2. Roller I menupunktet ’Roller’ vises de standardroller og fleksible roller, som jeres organisation har til rådighed. Pt. indeholder Visma HR følgende elleve standardroller: Administrator, firma Administrator, organisation Afdelingsleder, læs Afdelingsleder, rediger Fravær registrator HR HR (uden Multifunktion) Kursusadministrator Løn I skærmbilledet nedenfor ses de elleve standardroller samt én fleksibel rolle, Specielle oplysninger. Medarbejdere med brugerrollerne ’Administrator, organisation’ og ’Administrator, firma’ kan klikke på Ret Slet under ’Aktion’, hvorved opsætningen (rolle detaljer) af den enkelte rolle vises - se skærmbilledet på næste side. Du har ikke mulighed for at ændre i denne opsætning, bortset fra navnet på rollen.   Eksempel på opsætning af en rolle: HUSK: Nye fleksible roller kan kun oprettes af Visma   4. Adgang til Specielle oplysninger Menupunktet ’Specielle opl. Adgang’ er udviklet med det formål, at kunne give visse medarbejdere adgang til én eller flere specielle oplysninger. F.eks. vil medarbejderne i en Itafdeling kunne få adgang til den specielle oplysningskategori (fane), der viser registreret it udstyr.   4.1. Opret ny ’Speciel oplysningskategori’ Vælg ’Indstillinger’ Vælg ’Specielle oplysningskategorier’ Klik på Ny Skriv kategori navn Klik på Opdater Når det oprettes en ny ’Speciel oplysningskategori’ får rollen ’Administrator, organisation’ automatisk adgang til oplysningskategorien.   4.2. Tildel adgang til ’Speciel oplysningskategori’ Vælg ’Indstillinger’ Vælg ’Bruger / adgang’ Vælg Specielle opl. adgang’ (se skærmbilledet nedenfor) Klik på kategorien i kolonnen ’Specielle oplysninger’, f.eks. IT Udstyr Tilføj rollen, der skal have adgang til oplysningskategorien Klik på Gem   Nu er det kun medarbejdere, der har adgang til Visma HR med brugerrollerne ’Administrator, organisation’ og ’Specielle oplysninger, der har adgang til at se og registrere udleveret IT udstyr.   I dette eksempel er rollen ’Specielle oplysninger’ oprettet som en fleksibel rolle. Bemærk, alle brugere, der har adgang til Specielle oplysninger, har også adgang til Oplysningskategorien ’Diverse’. Derfor bør der ikke registreres fortrolige oplysninger i ’Diverse’. 5. Afdelingsleder med eller uden adgang til Visma HR I menuen ’Afdelingsleder’ under ’Firma’ har vi tilføjet en ny kolonne, med det formål at kunne skelne mellem ’Leder med adgang til Visma HR og ’Leder uden adgang til Visma HR.   Den nye kolonne hedder ’Afd. Leder med brugeradgang’. Kolonnen bliver automatisk opdateret, hver gang en bruger får tildelt adgang til en eller flere afdelinger, samt bliver oprettet med en af følgende roller: Afdelingsleder, læs Afdelingsleder, rediger   5.1. Opret afdelingsleder uden brugeradgang Vælg menupunktet ’Firma’ Vælg ’Afdelingsledere’ Klik på knappen ’Ret’ ud for den ønskede afdeling Klik på dropdown-menuen og vælg en medarbejder fra listen Klik på ’Opdater’ Bemærk at kun personer, der er oprettet i Visma HR, kan oprettes som afdelingsleder uden brugeradgang.   5.2. Opret afdelingsleder med brugeradgang Afdelingsleder med brugeradgang oprettes som beskrevet i afsnit 3 og 3.1. Flere ledere kan have brugeradgang til den samme afdeling. Når en leder er oprettet med brugeradgang, betyder det, at den pågældende leder har adgang til Visma HR, hvor lederen kan se medarbejdere i relevante afdelinger.   Afdelingslederne blevet automatisk opdateret i følgende to skærmbilleder: Organisationsoversigten  Klik på en afdeling, hvorefter billedet nedenfor vises i højre side   Firma og afdelinger  Klik på Vælg ud for en afdeling, hvorefter afdelingen vises    
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07-03-2018 14:34 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Introduction Access to Visma HR has been significantly extended so that it is now possible to give access to the system in a more flexible way. This means that Visma HR can be opened for employees who needs limited access to the system.   We thereby meet the need to give access to other job functions than the ones the system had before. Now it is possible to setup roles which gives access to precisely the level which these job functions require. This could ex. be accesses for employees in the IT department.   Likewise, extended accesses can be given to existing user roles ex. “absence recording”. This guide describes in detail how to create and setup user roles. Further we have extended the possibility to register the organisation’s department leaders including whether the leaders have access to Visma HR or not. Description can be found below in section 6.    1.1 Flexible roles Going forward we will distinguish between user roles which has always existed and flexible roles which is the new flexible way to get access to the system. The setup of a new flexible role can only be done by Visma. When you need a new access/flexible role you need to make decisions about:   Menu items Company and departments Safety rights / access rights 1.1.1 Access to menu items Access to menu items can be opened and closed as you see fit. Under some circumstances the access for the menu items depend on each other, which means that access for more than one menu item might be required to give the needed access.   1.1.2 Access to company and departments Access can be given to one or more companies including employers, departments, and sub-departments or you can give access to one single department.   1.1.3 Access to safety rights / Access rights We have introduced something called safety rights (See example in section 3.2). These are only used by Visma to setup or change of flexible roles. Accesses for the menu items are given through safety rights, in other words, which actions the user can use in each menu item (Create, Read, Edit or Delete).   With the introduction of safety rights, we can now give differentiated access to Visma HR which can be combined with the access that are given through the menu items.   1.2 Users/Roles The menu item “Settings” have been extended for the use of the administration of users and user rights, including access to “special information”. In the menu item “Users/Roles” you will find the following four sub-menu items:   Users (This is where you setup users) Special info. Roles (This is where you define who should have access to which special information) Flexible roles view (This is an overview of roles, including flexible roles, which you have accesso) User roles (This is where you give or change user rights for the system) 2. Create a new user In this section we will describe how a new user will get access to Visma HR.    2.1 User in the login-module Before a user can get access to Visma HR the user needs to be setup in the Visma login-module. Go to https://logon.bluegarden.dk/?applicationname=Administration. Companies who uses our solutions has already had an administrator setup in the login-module. It is this administrator who has access to creating new users in the system. It is the user-id that has been given in this system which you need to use when you create a new user in Visma HR. The user will receive an e-mail with information about their password. 2.2 User in Visma HR This is how to create a new user in Visma HR:   Select the menu item “Settings” Choose “Users/Roles” and then “Users” Click on “New” and create the user with the username and user id from the login-module Choose an employee number and name in the dropdown-list. Click on “Save” Afterwards it is possible to edit the username, user id or delete the user all together. If you want to delete the user you however also need to delete the user rights that the user has been given. The user cannot be deleted if the user has created and saved a selection, reports or salary simulations.   User id must be identical in the login-module and Visma HR. The cell “Last log on” is not activated in the current version of Visma HR.   3. Users/Roles The user rights are given in the menu item “Users/Roles”. In this menu item all employees with access to Visma HR will be shown including the rights that they have been given and the company’s and/or departments that they have access for. You can search for user, role, employee number or employee name.     By clicking an employee in the column “User name” you can see which company’s/departments the selected user has access to.   3.1 Assign user rights to a user  Click on “New” Select the newly created user in the dropdown-menu “User” Select the role (Standard role or flexible role) you want to assign in the dropdown-menu “Role” Mark the company’s and departments that the user should have access to, on the right side of the page   More users can be assigned to the same role.   3.2 Flexible roles In the menu item “Flexible roles” you can see all available standard and flexible roles for your organisation. At the moment there are seven standard roles in Visma HR.   Administrator, Company Admiinistrator, Organisation Department leader, Read Department leader, Edit Absence enrolment HR (Without multifunction) Course administrator   Employees who has the user role “Administrator, Organisation” and “Administrator, Company” can click on a role to see the setup (role details) for each individual role.  No changes can be made to this setup except the name of the role.   Example of setup for a role:   Remember! New flexible roles can only be setup by Visma.   4. Access to special info. roles The menu item “Special info. roles” with the purpose to grant certain employees access to one or more special info. roles. As an example, an employee in the IT department can get access to the special information (tab) which shows the registered IT equipment.   4.1 Create a new “Special info. category”  Select “Settings” Select “Special info. categories” Click on “New” Write the name of the category Click “Update” When a new “Special info. category” is created the role “Administrator, organisation” will automatically get access to the special info. category.   4.2 Assign access to “Special info. category”  Select “Settings” Select “Users/Roles” Select “Special info. role” Click on the category in the column “Special information category name” Ex. “IT Equipment” (IT udstyr) Add the role which needs access to the info. category Click on “Save” Now only the employees with the user role “Administrator, Organisation” and “Special information” will have access to see and register the handed-out IT equipment (IT udstyr).   In this example the role “Special information” is created and setup as a flexible role. Please note that all users who has access to “Special information” also has access to the special info. category “miscellaneous”. For this reason, confidential information should not be registered in the “miscellaneous” category.   5. Department Manager (With or without access to Visma HR) In the menu item “Company” you will find the sub-menu item “Department manager”. Here we have added a new column with the purpose to distinguish between “Dept. manager with user access” and “Dept. manager” (Without access to Visma HR).   The new column is called “Dept. manager with user access”. This column will automatically be updated every time a user gets access to one or more departments including when a user is created with one of the following rights   Department leader, Read Department leader, Edit     5.1 Create a department manager without access to Visma HR  Select the menu item “Company” Select “Department manager” Click the button “Edit” on the wanted line, at the right Click on the dropdown-menu and choose an employee form the list Click “Update”   Please note that only users that have been created in Visma HR can be created as department manager without user access.   5.2 Create a department manager with user access Department managers with user access can be setup as describes in section 3 and 3.1. More managers can have user access for the same department. When a manager has been setup with user access this means that that manager will have access to Visma HR where he/she will be able to see employees in the relevant departments.   The department managers will automatically be updated on the following pages:   Organization overview Click on a department and the page here below will show on the right Companies/department Click on a department and the page here below will show  
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05-04-2018 09:37 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Rapporter Rapporterne vises som udgangspunkt vises i Excel. Enkelte rapporter kan dog også vises i pdf, her vises udvalgte felter, da pdf-formatet har pladsbegrænsninger i forhold til Excel.   Rapportoversigt Når du går ind under ’Rapporter’, kommer du til ’Rapportoversigt’. Som standard vises rapporterne som ikoner, men du kan øverst i højre hjørne skifte mellem visning af ikoner eller på liste.   Rapporter med standardopsætning: Fraværsliste Jubilæer Fødselsdage Medarbejderliste Ansættelser og fratrædelser Lønregistreringsrapport Anciennitet Rapporter med mulighed for at ændre opsætning: Løn, pension og goder Ansættelse Kontaktinformation Uddannelse Du kan vælge hvilken typer rapporter du ønsker at få vist i oversigten, ved at bruge denne dropdownmenu i toppen:     Under hver rapport, kan du se et eller flere små ikoner.     Vær opmærksom på, at alle med rettigheder kan slette virksomhedens egne rapporter. Sådan kan et fuldt overblik se ud:   1.1. Adgang til rapporter Adgangen til rapporter styres på roller og afhængig af adgang til afdelinger. For at have adgang skal man som minimum via rollen have læseadgang på ’Ansættelse’ og ’Medarbejder stamdata’ samt have adgang til den eller de afdelinger, man skal kunne se data for.   Skal der være adgang til rapporterne ’Lønregistreringer’ og ’Fraværsliste’, så skal der også være læseadgang til Fravær og Variable. Kontakt dit kundecenter, hvis du har behov for at ændre på en eller flere roller.   2. Standard eller egen definition Alle rapporterne findes i en standardvisning. Nogle rapporter giver mulighed for at definere, hvordan den skal se ud. Det er: Løn, pension og goder Ansættelse Kontaktinformation Uddannelse Når du klikker på en rapport, får du muligheden for at definere det, du ønsker at se. Det gør du ved at klikke på ’Til/fravælg kolonner’ og derefter klikke de informationer af, du vil have med i rapporten. Udover til/fravalg af bestemte informationer, kan du også sætte filter på.   Herunder er et eksempel fra rapporten ’Ansættelse’, hvor du kan vælge hvilke afdelinger, rapporten skal gælde for. Hvis du ikke vælger nogen, så vil alle afdelinger være med i rapporten. Når du er færdig kan du klikke på ’Hent Excel’ for at se rapporten. Er det en rapport I skal bruge ofte, kan du nederst under ’Gem opsætning’ give den et navn og derefter gemme den. Herefter vil den kunne ses i rapportoversigten.   Vær opmærksom på, at man ikke kan navngive flere rapporter med samme navn. Hvis du vælger et navn til en rapport, der allerede eksisterer, vil der ske én af følgende ting: Hvis det samme navn som en af standardopsætningerne, vil du ikke kunne vælge det. Du vil få en fejlbesked og skal vælge et andet navn. Hvis det er samme navn som en af jeres egne definerede rapporter, vil du få muligheden for at overskrive. Hvis du vælger dette, så vil den gamle rapport blive erstattet af den du er i gang med at gemme. Skal I beholde begge rapporter, skal du vælge et andet navn.      
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07-03-2018 14:15 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1.         Indledning Denne vejledning beskriver, hvorledes du i menupunktet ’Indstillinger’ har en række muligheder for at tilpasse dit HR-system, så det passer til arbejdsgangene i din virksomhed.   Orkidé består af moduler, og der kan derfor være beskrivelser af løsninger, som din virksomhed ikke har adgang til. Eksempler herpå er virksomheder, der har adgang til Leder-medarbejdermodulet, eller virksomheder med finansoverenskomst. 1.1.       Ikoner I Orkidé bruges følgende ikoner til ret, slet, opdater og fortryd registrering.   2.         Indstillinger Menupunktet ’Indstillinger’ består af en lang række underpunkter. Her ser du en komplet liste med underpunkter, der giver dig mulighed for at tilpasse jeres Visma HR-opsætning. Adgangen til de enkelte punkter styres på rolleniveau. Rollen ’Administrator, organisation’ har som hovedregel adgang til alle punkter.   2.1.       Mine indstillinger Dette er det eneste menupunkt under ’Indstillinger’, som alle brugere (roller) med adgang til Visma HR kan se.     Diverse indstilling Der kan vælges mellem dansk og engelsk sprog. I Startside kan du vælge det menupunkt, som Orkidé skal åbne op i, når du logger på systemet. Juster sider til denne højde: 768 pixels anvendes.   Medarbejdersøgning Er der flere firmaer i virksomheden, kan du vælge kun at søge medarbejdere i ét firma. I ’Valgt søgefelt’ kan du opsætte, det søgekriterie, du typisk anvender, når du skal søge en medarbejder frem.   Organisationer Dette felt vises kun, hvis du har adgang til flere organisationer (virksomheder) i Visma HR. 2.2.       Organisation I Visma HR er ’Virksomhed’ mange steder benævnt som ’Organisation’. I menupunktet ’Organisation’ kan du vedligeholde stamdata på jeres virksomhed. Du har adgang til at vedligeholde samtlige felter i skærmbilledet bortset fra felterne ’Kundeforholdsnummer’ og ’Projektnummer overføres til Visma Løn felt’. Se punkt 2.9 vedrørende opsætning af projektnummer.   Du kan se en beskrivelse af feltet ’Fraværsregistrering’ i vejledningen ’Påmindelser’.           2.3.       Opslagstabeller De fleste skærmbilleder i Visma HR har felter, der er forsynet med dropdown-menuer, som for eksempel her ved ’Ansattype’ og ’Intern titel’.   En dropdown-menu svarer til en ’opslagstabel’. Visma HR har en række opslagstabeller, der ikke kan slettes, da de er systemtabeller, og nogle er nødvendige for forbindelsen til Visma Løn.   Du kan selv oprette nye opslagstabeller med tilhørende opslagskoder. Opslagstabellerne 0 til 500 er reserveret til systemtabeller, så dem, du opretter, skal have et nummer, der er højere end 500.   2.3.1.        Opret en ny opslagstabel Klik på ’Ny’ Skriv et nummer, der er over 500 Felterne ’Ekstra felt’, ’Ekstra nummer’ og ’Antal decimaler’ skal ikke bruges Under ’Tekst’ skriver du navnet på opslagstabellen Under ’Bemærkning’ skriver du en beskrivelse af opslagstabellen Vi anbefaler, at du også skriver teksten på engelsk, men det er ikke et krav.     Når opslagstabellen er gemt, skal du oprette de relevante opslagskoder. 2.4.       Opslagskoder Opslagskoder oprettes ved først at vælge den opslagstabel, der skal have koder tilknyttet.   Klik på ’Ny’ Udfyld kode Udfyld tekst (såvel dansk som engelsk) Afslut med ’Gem’   Der er lidt forskel på, hvordan opslagstabellerne er oprettet. Hvis du for eksempel skal tilføje et udenlandsk postnummer i opslagstabel ’100 – Postnumre’, gør du således:   Klik på ’Ny’ Ved kode skriver du postnummeret Vælg land Under ’Tekst’ skriver du bynavnet (såvel dansk som engelsk) Afslut med ’Gem’   2.5.       Specielle oplysningskategorier De faner, der vises i skærmbilledet med medarbejderens specielle oplysninger, opretter du i menupunktet ’Specielle oplysningskategorier’. Én speciel oplysningskategori svarer til én fane i specielle oplysninger. Du kan oprette et ubegrænset antal specielle oplysningskategorier.   Eksempler på specielle oplysningskategorier:     Kategorien ’Diverse’ oprettes automatisk i forbindelse med konverteringen, og kategorien kan ikke slettes. Hvis en kategori ikke har tilhørende specielle felter, kan kategorien slettes ved klik på X.   Du opretter en ny speciel oplysningskategori således:   Klik på ‘Ny’ Skriv navnet på kategorien Afslut med 'flueben' 2.6.       Specielle felter En speciel oplysningskategori skal altid have tilknyttet ét eller flere specielle felter.   Eksempler på specielle oplysningsfelter:   Du opretter et nyt specielt oplysningsfelt således:   Klik på ’Ny’ Vælg en kategori i dropdown-menuen Udfyld feltnavn (feltnavnet vises på medarbejderens specielle oplysninger – se nedenfor) Vælg felttype i dropdown-menuen (nye felttyper kan oprettes i en opslagstabel) Afslut med 'flueben'     Specielle oplysninger på medarbejder:   Du kan kun slette et specielt oplysningsfelt, hvis medarbejderne ikke har registreret noget på feltet.   2.7.       Fraværskalender Formålet med fraværskalenderen er at forenkle registrering af ferie, sygdom og andet fravær, så systemet automatisk udregner antal fraværsdage under hensyntagen til lørdage, søndage, helligdage og eventuelle ekstra fridage.     2.7.1.        Opret fraværskalender Sådan opretter du en fraværskalender:   Klik på ’Ny’ Giv kalenderen et sigende navn Vælg, om lørdage og søndage er fridage eller ej Vælg land i ’Benyt helligdage fra’ Klik på ’Tilføj’ Vælg helligdage i det relevante år – klik på dem enkeltvis eller vælg alle på en gang Højre klik på en dato for at tilføje ekstra fridage, eksempelvis juledag, nytårsdag og Grundlovsdag   Knappen ’Gør til standard’ betyder, at denne kalender bliver firmaets standard-fraværskalender, når der tilføjes fravær på en medarbejder - medmindre medarbejder har valgt en anden kalender som standard-fraværskalender.   I skærmbilledet, hvor der registreres fravær, kan man se den valgte kalender.      Der kan oprettes flere forskellige kalendere, men kun én af dem kan være virksomhedens standard-fraværskalender.   Hvis der er behov for at oprette en kalender med udenlandske helligdage, skal helligdagene først oprettes i opslagstabel ’120 – Helligdage’ under ’Indstillinger’. Herefter kan helligdagene fra dette land vælges via drop Down-listen ’Benyt helligdage fra’.   En fraværskalender kan ikke slettes, hvis den har været brugt i en fraværsregistrering.   Integration til Visma Løn Når en kalender er gjort til virksomhedens standard-fraværskalender, bliver kalenderen automatisk overført til Visma Løn som helligdagskalender.   Ændringer i en standard-fraværskalender, der allerede er overført, opdateres automatisk i lønsystemet, så snart der klikkes på ’Gem’. 2.8.       Kategorier til dokumenter For at få et bedre overblik over de dokumenter, der er uploadet/gemt på en medarbejder, er det muligt at kategorisere dokumenterne. Denne opsætning sker i menupunktet ’Kategorier til dokumenter’. Her kan du oprette nye dokument-kategorier og styre adgangen til disse.      Ny kategori oprettes således:   Klik på ‘Ny’ Skriv navnet på kategorien Udfyld Beskrivelse (beskrivelsen vises til brugerne, når de uploader dokumenter i kategorien) Udfyld tilsvarende navn og beskrivelse på engelsk Opsæt rettigheder i højre side. Det er kun roller, der er i brug, der vises her Afslut med ’Gem’ Dokumenter, der er uploadet, inden du opsætter ’Kategorier til dokumenter’, er ikke placeret i nogen kategori. Dokumenterne kan nemt flyttes til relevante kategorier under ’Medarbejder’, ’Dokumenter’.   Uploadede dokumenter via menupunktet ’Lønregistreringer’ Der er fortsat adgang til at uploade dokumenter, når der registreres kørsel, udlæg, rejse osv. i menupunktet ’Lønregistreringer’. Disse vedhæftede dokumenter bliver ikke automatisk placeret i en kategori.   Vær opmærksom på, at hvis en lønregistrering har status ’Lønbehandlet’, så kan det uploadede dokument ikke slettes under ’Dokumenter’ på medarbejderen, med mindre hele lønregisteringen slettes af administrator. 2.9.       Projektnummer Projektnummer bruges i forbindelse med fraværs- og lønregistreringer. Projektnumre, der bruges ved lønregistreringer, kan overføres til Visma Løn.   2.9.1.        Opsætning af Projektnummer Projektnummer opsættes under ’Indstillinger’, ’Projektnummer’.   Klik på ’Ny’ Tildel et projektnummer på højst 10 karakterer Giv projektet et navn og evt. en beskrivelse Tilføj start- og slutdato (felterne er ikke obligatoriske) Marker mindst én fraværskode eller én lønregistreringskode, før du kan gemme projektnummeret Når fraværskode og/eller lønregistreringskode er knyttet til projektnummer, er projektnummer blevet et obligatorisk felt ved fraværs- og lønregistreringer.   Eksempel på oprettelse af projektnummer:     2.9.2.        Opsætning af overførsel til Visma Løn Det er muligt at overføre projektnummer på lønregistreringer (ikke på fraværsregistreringer) til input kontering i Visma Løn. Opsætning foretages af Visma.   I skærmbilledet ’Indstillinger’ (se afsnit 2.3) vises opsætningen således:   For interesserede er her en kort beskrivelse af opsætningen i lønsystemet:   Kontoplanens sorteringskode skal sættes op i Visma Løn (’Opsætning’, ’Kontoplan’, ’Sorteringskode’), inden integration til feltet ’Valgfri’ kan aktiveres. Du kan vælge integration til:   Ingen integration, lønregistreringer vil blive overført uden projektnummer Kontoplanfelt 1 Kontoplanfelt 2 Kontoplanfelt 3 Kontoplanfelt 4 Kontoplanfelt 5 Kontoplanfelt 6   Orkidé kan overføre til én sorteringskode i Visma Løn. Virksomheder med flere arbejdsgivere og med forskellige kontoplaner, skal have enssorteringskoder på alle arbejdsgivere. Det samme gælder, hvis virksomheden i Visma HR har integration til flere forskellige kundeforhold i Visma Løn.   Ændrer du i sorteringskoden i Visma Løn, skal du også ændre kontoplanfelt i Visma HR. Sletter du et kontoplanfelt i sorteringskoden, skal du også ændre i Visma HR. Har du ’Aflønning’ som en del af sorteringskoden i Visma Løn, skal du huske, at dette kontoplanfelt ikke indlæses i decentral indlæsning. Derfor skal ’Aflønning’ ikke tælle med i rækkefølgen. 2.10.       Bruger/adgang I menupunktet ’Bruger/adgang’ styres adgangsrettighederne til Visma HR. Typisk er det administrator og brugere med lignende rettigheder, der har adgang til dette menupunkt. Menupunkter indeholder fire undermenuer, der alle er beskrevet nedenfor.   Inden en ny bruger (medarbejder) kan få adgang til Visma HR, skal brugeren oprettes i Vismas login-modul. Det er virksomhedens administrator, der har adgang til at oprette nye brugere i login-modulet.   Det er ikke muligt at få adgang til Visma HR uden at være oprettet som bruger og uden at have en brugerrolle.   2.10.1.        Brugere Sådan opretter du en ny bruger:   Klik på ’Ny’ Udfyld brugernavn på højst 40 karakterer (dette behøver ikke at være det samme som i login-modulet) Udfyld ’Bruger id’ fra medarbejderens oprettelse i login-modulet (et bruger-id er på 13 karakterer og består typisk af CVR-nummer og et femcifret løbenummer). Bruger-id skal være identisk i de to systemer Vælg personalenummer og navn på brugeren i drop Down-listen Klik på ’Gem’     Efterfølgende er det muligt at rette brugernavn, bruger-id eller helt at slette brugeren. Sidstnævnte kræver, at brugers adgangsrettigheder også er slettet.   Feltet ’Sidste log on’ er ikke aktiveret i nuværende version af Visma HR.   Bemærk: Medarbejdere, der skal have forskellige adgange til Orkidé – altså forskellige roller – skal oprettes lige mange gange i login-modulet og i dette menupunkt. 2.10.2.        Adgang til specielle oplysninger Dette menupunkt bruges til at styre adgangen til oplysningskategorierne (fanerne) i specielle oplysninger. Du kan for eksempel vælge, at en IT-rolle kun får adgang til fanen ’IT’.   Uanset hvem der opretter en ny ’Speciel oplysningskategori’, får administrator automatisk adgang til den nye kategori.         Tildel adgang til ’Speciel oplysningskategori’ Klik på kategorien i kolonnen ’Specielle oplysninger’, eksempelvis IT Tilføj rollen (vises nederst i skærmbilledet), der skal have adgang til oplysningskategorien Klik på ’Gem’   Omvendt kan du også klikke på en rolle, så du ser de specielle oplysningskategorier, rollen har adgang til.   Bemærk: Alle brugere, der har adgang til specielle oplysninger, har også adgang til oplysningskategorien ’Diverse’, hvorfor denne kategori ikke bør bruges til at registrere fortrolige oplysninger. 2.10.3.        Roller I menupunktet ’Roller’ vises de standardroller og fleksible roller, som jeres virksomhed har til rådighed.   Orkidé har følgende 11 standardroller:   Administrator, firma Administrator, organisation Afdelingsleder, læs Afdelingsleder, rediger Fravær registrator HR HR (uden Multifunktion) Kursus administrator Leder Løn Medarbejder   Disse vises i oversigten, hvis jeres virksomhed er sat op til at bruge alle standardroller. Derudover vises jeres eventuelle fleksible roller – roller som er tilpasset specifikt til jer.     Klikker du på en rolle, får du vist rollens opsætning. Du kan give rollen et andet navn – øvrige felter kan du ikke redigere.   Ændring af roller eller oprettelse af nye roller sker ved henvendelse til Visma. 2.10.4.        Bruger/adgang I dette under-menupunkt tildeles brugerrettigheder. Det er altså her, du giver en medarbejder den endelige adgang til Visma HR, efter du har oprettet medarbejderen som beskrevet i punkt 2.10.1.     Når du klikker på en linjen i oversigten med brugere, vises de firmaer/afdelinger, den pågældende medarbejder har adgang til, i nederste del af skærmbilledet.         Tildel brugerrettigheder til en bruger  Klik på ’Ny’ Vælg medarbejderen i drop Down-menuen ’Bruger’ Vælg en af rollerne i drop Down-menuen ’Rolle’ Hvis det er en bruger, der med den valgte rolle skal have adgang til medarbejdere i en eller flere afdelinger, skal du yderst til højre sætte markering i de relevante firmaer/afdelinger Bemærk: Medarbejdere, der kun skal have adgang til egne data, skal IKKE have markering ud for en afdeling! Klik på ’Gem’     Husk, at du kun kan oprette en rolle pr. bruger (bruger-id). 2.10.       Løndele/fraværskoder I forbindelse med konvertering af data fra Visma Løn til Visma HR oprettes de løndele og fraværskoder, som I anvender i lønsystemet. Disse vises i skærmbilledet ’Opsætning af løndele/fraværskoder’.     Du kan tilføje nye løndele og fraværskoder ved at klikke på ’Nyt felt’ og vælge fra drop Down-listen. Herefter vises den netop tilføjede løndel eller fraværskoder i respektiv opslagstabel.     I opslagstabellerne   320 Personalegoder 322 Fraværstype 324 Variable lønregistrering   kan du oprette egne koder, som ikke overføres til Visma Løn. Koderne skal være forskellige fra dem, der eksisterer i lønsystemet (se lønartskataloget på Visma Community). F.eks. oprettes fraværskoderne som 3-cifrede. 2.12.       Stillingskategori, koder Virksomheder, der har Leder-medarbejdermodulet, har også adgang til menupunktet ’Stillingskategori, koder’. Her styrer du hvilke lønarter og fraværskoder, der skal være tilgængelige på de enkelte stillingskategorier.     Du tilføjer nye koder til en stillingskategori således:   Klik på stillingskategorien, så den bliver blå Åbn underpunkterne ved at klikke på pilene Klik i venstre side på fraværskoden, der skal tilføjes den valgte stillingskategori. Koden vises nu i højre side Afslut med ’Gem’   Klik aldrig på ’Fjern alle’ – så mister du hele opsætningen.   Adgang til at kunne registrere på løndele og fraværskoder kan også opsættes på rolleniveau i menupunktet ’Opsætning af koder’. 2.13.       Arbejdsplan Menupunktet ’Arbejdsplan’ er specifikt udviklet til virksomheder med finanssetup eller virksomheder der har adgang til Saldovisning. Øvrige virksomheder kan også bruge arbejdsplanen, men for disse gælder det, at arbejdsplanen ikke kan overføres til lønsystemet. I Visma HR er der sammenhæng mellem arbejdsplan, arbejdskalender og fraværskalender og dermed også til fraværsregistreringer og eventuelle realtidssaldi/saldovisning.   Eksempel på arbejdsplan på organisationen (virksomheden):     Arbejdsplanen kan oprettes på virksomhedsniveau og på medarbejderniveau. Du kan kun oprette én arbejdsplan i virksomheden – også selvom virksomheden har to eller flere kundeforhold i Visma Løn.   Bemærk: Beregning af den gennemsnitlige arbejdstid pr. uge vises i timer og minutter i modsætning til fraværsregistreringerne. Eksempel: Hvis virksomhedens arbejdsplan er 36 timer / 5 arbejdsdage, er gennemsnitstid pr. uge beregnet i 7,20. Vi viser gennemsnitstiden i timer = 7:12 (7 timer og 12 minutter).  2.13.1.       Opret arbejdsplan på organisation (virksomhed)   Klik på ’Ny’ Tilføj ’Fra dato’ og ’Til dato’ (hvis ’Til dato’ ikke udfyldes, indsætter systemet automatisk datoen 31-12-2049) Udfyld feltet ’Beskrivelse’ (vises i medarbejderens arbejdskalender) Udfyld ’Uge 1’ med tidspunkter i de relevante ugedage Hvis du bruger ’tab’ knappen, udfyldes felterne automatisk med forrige dags klokkeslæt Klik på ’Tilføj uge’, hvis virksomhedens arbejdsplan ændrer sig fra uge til uge Klik på Gem Klik på ’Overfør til lønsystem’   Når knappen ’Overfør til lønsystem’ er inaktiv, betyder det, at integration af arbejdsplan til Visma Løn er gennemført med succes. Hvis du ændrer i arbejdsplanen, efter den er overført til lønsystemet, er det nok blot at klikke på ’Gem’, så bliver den overførte plan automatisk opdateret i lønsystemet.   Bemærk: Hvis der er lønkørsel eller efterregulering i gang, kan arbejdsplanen ikke overføres. 2.13.2.       Opret arbejdsplan på medarbejder Medarbejderen skal altid have en personlig arbejdsplan, hvis medarbejderens arbejdstid er forskellig fra virksomhedens arbejdsplan, og derfor skal der også altid oprettes arbejdsplan på deltidsansatte medarbejdere.   Denne info-bjælke vises, hvis du har valgt en deltidsansat medarbejder: Klik på fanen ’Medarbejder’. Hvis du ikke har valgt en medarbejder i ’Medarbejderoversigt’, kan du finde medarbejderen ved at klikke på ’Søg’. Opret arbejdsplanen som beskrevet ovenfor.   Hvis en medarbejder med personlig arbejdsplan skal overgå til virksomhedens arbejdsplan, for eksempel i forbindelse med en ændring fra deltidsansættelse til fuldtidsansættelse, udfylder du feltet ’Til dato’ på medarbejderens arbejdsplan. Herefter er medarbejderen automatisk omfattet af virksomhedens arbejdsplan.   2.14.       Fravær via e-mail I dette menupunkt markerer du de fraværstyper, der skal vises i medarbejdernes kalendere, når registreret fravær er godkendt.    Medarbejdere, der skal modtage e-mail med fravær, skal i skærmbilledet ’Medarbejder’ have en e-mailadresse i feltet ’E-mail’. E-mailadresse i feltet ‘E-mail (privat)’ udløser ingen e-mails.   Endvidere er det en forudsætning for at modtage notifikationer via e-mail, at der er en markering i ’Ja’ i feltet ’Send e-mail med godkendt fravær’. Denne markering sættes på firmaniveau. 2.14.1.       Regler for e-mail notifikation som ’mødebooking’ Følgende regler gælder for modtagelse af e-mail notifikationer:   Det er kun godkendt fravær, der sendes via e-mail til kalenderen I det øjeblik, fraværsregistreringen bliver godkendt af leder eller administrator, sendes e-mailen. For virksomheder uden Leder-medarbejdermodul betragtes fravær som godkendt, så snart fraværet er registreret. Når du klikker på ’Gem’, sendes e-mailen. Notifikationen består af en e-mail med teksten ’Godkendt fravær fra Visma HR’, der sendes til medarbejderen, der har fraværet Afsender af e-mailen er den person, der har godkendt fraværet   Bemærk: Det kan være uhensigtsmæssigt at være oprettet med egen e-mailadresse som brugernavn i Visma HR (se afsnit 2.10.1). Hvis en bruger er opsat til at kunne godkende eget fravær, er det ikke altid, kalendersystemet vil modtage en ’noreply’ e-mail sendt fra egen mailboks.   Eksempel på en fraværsregistrering, der er sendt fra Visma HR som en mødeindkaldelse i Outlook:      Fraværet vises som en reservation fra 8.00 til 18.00 i kalenderen den pågældende dag. Når registreringen accepteres, vises fraværet som ’Optaget’ i kalenderen. Fraværsregistreringer, der er registreret i timer, og hvor der ved registreringen er anført klokkeslæt, vises i korrekt tidsrum.   Hvis start- eller slutdato på en fraværsregistrering efterfølgende ændres, eller fraværsregistreringen helt slettes, sker der automatisk en opdatering i kalenderen.   2.15.       Opsætning af koder I skærmbilledet ’Opsætning af koder’ er det muligt at angive, om en fraværskode eller en lønkode kræver godkendelse, skal skjules for medarbejderne eller om koden i det hele taget skal vises i Orkidé. Menupunktet ’Opsætning af koder’ er kun relevant for virksomheder med Leder-medarbejdermodul.       Kræver godkendelse I denne kolonne markerer du, om registreringer på en fraværskode eller en lønkode skal godkendes, inden de bliver overført til lønsystemet.   Skjules for medarbejdere Her kan du markere, om medarbejdere – i denne sammenhæng er Leder også medarbejder - skal have lov til at registre på alle fraværskoder eller ej. ’Skjules for medarbejdere’ betyder, at medarbejderen ikke kan registrere på fraværskoden. Dette kan f.eks. være en god idé i forhold til Orlov. Medarbejderen kan godt se registreringer, som administrator har foretaget under ’Fravær’, eller for den sags skyld i lønsystemet.   Kode vises i Visma HR Her kan du opsætte, om en lønregistreringskode skal være synlig i Viosma HR eller ej. Den opsætning, du foretager her, kan overstyres i opsætning af rollerne. Du kan f.eks. give medarbejderrollen adgang til kun at kunne registrere på 1100 – timeløn, mens du selv som administrator har adgang til alle lønkoder.   Vises når lønbehandlet Denne opsætning skal du primært bruge til lønregistreringer, hvor informationen først må komme til medarbejderens kendskab efter en lønkørsel. Et eksempel kan være en Bonus, som lederen gerne vil informere medarbejderen om. Her skal oplysningen ikke skal være synlig for medarbejderen, blot fordi informationen er lagt ind i lønsystemet.   2.16.       Realtidssaldi Menupunktet ’Realtidssaldi’ har hidtil været forbeholdt virksomheder med finanssetup, der har adgang til realtidssaldi på medarbejderne. Nu er visning af realtid også blevet tilgængelig for øvrige virksomheder. I dette menupunkt markerer du de saldi, der skal vises på medarbejderne i menupunktet ’Fravær’, ved at sætte flueben ud for teksten.     2.16.1.       Grænseværdier, validering på minimum og maksimum værdier Du kan vælge mellem fire grænseværdier på de valgte realtidssaldi. Formålet er, at medarbejdernes registreringer ikke må overskride de foruddefinerede grænseværdier, og at der evt. kommer en advarsel, når en registrering nærmer sig en grænseværdi.   Minimum Overstiger registreringen grænseværdien ’Minimum’, kan registreringen ikke opdateres. Medarbejderen vil få følgende besked, hvis det eksempelvis handler om en timebank:     Advarsel, min. Overstiger registreringen grænseværdien ’Advarsel, min.’, kan medarbejderen godt opdatere registreringen. Medarbejderen vil få følgende besked, hvis det eksempelvis handler om timebank:     Advarsel, maks. Overstiger registreringen grænseværdien ’Advarsel, maks.’, kan registreringen godt opdateres. Medarbejderen vil få følgende besked, hvis det eksempelvis handler om timebank.     Maksimum Overstiger registreringen grænseværdien ’Maksimum’, kan registreringen ikke opdateres. Medarbejderen vil få følgende besked, hvis det eksempelvis handler om timebank.       Undtagelser Nedenfor kan du se en række undtagelser for validering på grænseværdier:   Nyansatte medarbejdere Validering på grænseværdier er ikke mulig for medarbejdere, der endnu ikke er lønbehandlet og derfor ikke har saldi i MultiLøn Erhverv. Godkendelse af lønkørsel Der kan ikke valideres under en lønkørsel. Det betyder, at medarbejdernes registrering opdateres, selvom grænseværdierne er overskredet. Følgende menupunkter har ikke validering på grænseværdier: Fravær via Excel Fælles rapportering fravær Godkend fravær og lønregistreringer 2.17.       Costcenter Her ses alle costcentre på de enkelte arbejdsgivere. Du opretter nyt costcenter således:   Vælg Virksomhed og Arbejdsgiver Klik på ’Ny’ Udfyld ’Nummer’ på højst 6 karakterer Udfyld ’Navn’ på højst 6 karakterer Klik på ’Opdater’   Det nye costcenter bliver automatisk oprettet i Visma Løn, så snart det er taget i brug på en medarbejder.   2.18.       Udbetalingssted Her ses alle udbetalingssteder på de enkelte arbejdsgivere. Du opretter nyt udbetalingssted således:   Vælg Virksomhed og Arbejdsgiver Klik på ’Ny’ Udfyld ’Nummer’ på højst 6 karakterer Udfyld ’Navn’ på højst 6 karakterer Klik på ’Opdater’   Det nye udbetalingssted bliver automatisk oprettet i Visma Løn, så snart det er taget i brug på en medarbejder.    
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07-03-2018 14:21 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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Folketinget har vedtaget en ny Ferielov. Baggrunden for den nye lov er blandt andet, at EU-Kommissionen vurderede, at den gældende danske ferielov grundlæggende er i strid med EU-retten, da alle lønmodtagere ifølge EU’s regler skal have ret til fire ugers betalt ferie om året. De danske regler om forskudt ferie betyder, at nye på arbejdsmarkedet i dag skal vente op til 16 måneder, før de kan holde betalt ferie. Et ferielovsudvalg fik derfor til opgave at komme med et forslag til en ny ferielov, som skulle tage hensyn til Danmarks internationale forpligtelser. Forslaget fra ferielovsudvalget ligger til grund for den nye lov. Den nye ferielov medfører, at nye på arbejdsmarkedet i fremtiden kan afholde betalt ferie allerede i deres første år af deres ansættelse, hvor de med reglerne i dag kunne risikere at skulle vente op til 16 mdr., før de kan holde betalt ferie.   De nuværende regler[1] I Danmark er der i dag forskudt ferie. Det betyder, at lønmodtageren optjener ferie i kalenderåret fra 1. januar til 31. december, men at ferien først kan afholdes fra 1. maj året efter. Der kan dermed gå op til 16 måneder, fra ferien optjenes, til ferien kan afholdes.   De nye regler[2] Med den nye ferieordning optjener og afvikler lønmodtageren sin ferie på samme tid over en periode på 12 måneder (ferieåret). Det betyder fx, at den ferie, der optjenes i februar måned, allerede kan afholdes i marts måned samme år. Lønmodtageren har dog mulighed for at afholde ferien i yderligere 4 måneder, så der er 16 måneder til at afholde ferien i (ferieafholdelsesperioden). Det giver den enkelte øget fleksibilitet til at afholde ferien.   Der vil fortsat være to former for feriebetaling, nemlig ferie med løn og ferietillæg og ferie med ferie-godtgørelse.   For alle lønmodtagere medfører den nye ferieordning, at ferien optjenes løbende i ferieåret fra den 1. september til den 31. august året efter (12 måneder). Med en ny ferieordning vil lønmodtageren – som i dag – optjene 2,08 feriedage om måneden, og der optjenes fortsat ikke ret til betalt ferie i perioder, hvor arbejdsgiver ikke betaler hel eller delvis løn.   Den optjente ferie kan afholdes i ferieafholdelsesperioden fra den 1. september til den 31. december året efter (16 måneder). Den periode, lønmodtageren kan holde sin ferie i, er således sammenfaldende med optjeningsperioden – men fire måneder længere. Det betyder, at ferien kan planlægges mere fleksibelt.   Se eksempel på person, der er ny på arbejdsmarkedet: https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/ny-ferielov-eksempel-1/   Se eksempel på person, der allerede er på arbejdsmarkedet: https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/ny-ferielov-eksempel-2/   Hvordan stiller den nye Ferielov arbejdsgiverne? Den nye Ferielov bibeholder en række af de regler og principper, vi kender fra den eksisterende ferielov. Men ud over indførelsen af samtidighedsferieændrer den på en række områder arbejdsgivernes måde at skulle håndtere ferie på. Herunder har vi listet en række af de regler, der fortsætte uændret, og af ændringerne:   Feriebetaling Den nye ferielov giver fortsat mulighed for enten at give ferie med løn og ferietillæg eller ferie med feriegodtgørelse (udbetaling via Feriekonto eller en feriekortordning). Og grundlaget for beregning af ferietillæg og feriegodtgørelse ændres heller ikke i den nye lov.   Med loven kan arbejdsgiver som noget nyt udstrække en feriekortordning aftalt i én overenskomst, til alle ansatte på samme virksomhed, uanset organiseringsforhold. Arbejdsgiver undgår derved at skulle håndtere feriebetaling på forskellig vis. [3]   I dag skal ferietillægget senest udbetales i takt med, at ferien afholdes, men i praksis udbetales tillægget vanligt én gang årligt med april/maj-lønnen.   Ferietillægget skal fremover udbetales i to portioner i maj og august eller samtidig med, at den dertil svarende ferie begynder.   Afholdelse af ferie Ferie afholdes fortsat med 5 dage om ugen og som udgangspunkt i hele dage. Start- og sluttidspunkt for ferien ændres ikke, og reglerne om sommerferie og øvrig ferie fortsætter også.   Den nye lov ændrer ikke på fristerne for varsling af henholdsvis sommerferie og øvrig ferie, men varslingsfrister kan ikke længere fraviges generelt i en kontrakt; det kan kun ske i den konkrete situation.   Arbejdsgiver og lønmodtager kan aftale, at lønmodtageren holder betalt ferie på forskud. Ferie, der holdes på denne måde, afdrages herefter i takt med, at den optjenes. Fratræder lønmodtageren, inden ferie er ”tilbagebetalt”, kan arbejdsgiver kun modregne sit tilgodehavende i udestående løn.   Desuden indføres et nyt begreb, fondsferiedage, hvorefter nye på arbejdsmarkedet kan få betaling fra fonden for feriedage, lønmodtageren har optjent i 2019, men som er indefrosset på grund af overgangsordningen. Betalingen for disse op til 8,3 feriedage udbetales efter ansøgning, og de vil herefter blive modregnet i den udbetaling, der sker når lønmodtageren når folkepensionsalderen.   Nyt er også, at ferie, der ikke er afholdt på grund af en feriehindring op til ferieafholdelsesperiodens udløb, automatisk overføres til den efterfølgende periode.   Ændret arbejdstid/arbejdsomfang fra optjeningsperiode til udbetalingsperiode De nuværende regler fordrer, at det som udgangspunkt er lønnen på ferieafholdelsestidspunktet (og ikke optjeningsåret), der skal udbetales til lønmodtageren under lønmodtagerens ferie. Undtagelsen er dog Ferielovens § 23 stk. 3, der siger at lønnen skal reguleres, såfremt arbejdstiden/arbejdsomfanget på ferietidspunktet afviger med mere end 20% i forhold til arbejdstiden/arbejdsomfanget i optjeningsåret.   Det er her væsentligt at anføre, at det alene er afvigelsen i arbejdstid/arbejdsomfang, der indgår ved vurderingen af, hvorvidt der skal ske en forholdsmæssig regulering af lønnen på ferieafholdelsestidspunktet. En lønforhøjelse eller lønnedgang har således ingen påvirkning.   Med ændringer i den nye Ferielov forsvinder 20%-reglen. I stedet fremgår det nu, at hvis der sker ændringer i arbejdstid eller -omfang, som kræver et nyt ansættelsesbevis, har lønmodtager ret til løn under ferie, der svarer til arbejdstid/-omfang på optjeningstidspunktet. I disse tilfælde skal den aktuelle løn således altid reguleres, når den udbetales som løn under ferie.   Arbejdsmarkedets parter og kollektive overenskomster Den nye Ferielov træder først i kraft 1. september 2020, idet overgangsordningen dog træder i kraft 1. september 2019 (se nærmere om overgangsordningen herunder). Dette giver arbejdsmarkedets parter tid til at indrette de kollektiver overenskomster efter de nye regler. Derudover giver det tid til at gennemgå og forhandle nye lokalaftaler samt tilrette individuelle ansættelsesaftaler i det omfang, der måtte være behov for dette.   I denne forbindelse skal det også afklares, i hvilket omfang generelle og/eller lokale aftaler om feriefridage og omsorgsdage mv. skal tilpasses de nye regler på ferieområdet.Visma følger spændt dialogen og aftaler om de kollektiver overenskomster samt udviklingen på arbejdsmarkedet i øvrigt, da udfald af beslutninger vil påvirke en stor del af vores kunder. Hertil vil beslutningerne påvirke den nye funktionalitet, som vores lønsystemer skal kunne håndtere.    Overgangsordningen Som nævnt ovenfor indføres der med den nye Ferielov en overgangsordning. Formålet med overgangsordningen er at gøre overgangen fra forskudt ferie til samtidighedsferie så smidig som muligt, at undgå dobbeltdækning, og at tilgodese hensynet til virksomhedernes likviditet.   Overgangsordningen indebærer, at ferie der optjenes i perioden fra 1. september 2019 til 31. august 2020, indefryses og først udbetales til lønmodtageren, når denne har nået folkepensionsalderen eller forlader arbejdsmarkedet.   For at sikre formålet med overgangsordningen oprettes en særlig fond under Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond, som håndterer overgangsordningen. Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond skriver følgende: Ved overgangen til den nye lov får alle lønmodtagere nemlig indefrosset feriepenge for op til 5 ugers ferie i en fond under Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond (LD). De indefrosne feriemidler skal forrentes, ligesom en hvilken som helst anden pensionsopsparing, og bliver udbetalt, når lønmodtageren når folkepensionsalderen eller forlader arbejdsmarkedet. En økonomisk overgangsordning Ved at indefryse feriemidlerne lettes overgangen til den nye ferielov for arbejdsgiverne. Med den nye lov får lønmodtagerne mulighed for at afvikle ferie, så snart den er optjent. Denne samtidighed mellem optjening og afvikling af ferie kan udfordre arbejdsgiverne rent økonomisk. Det er heller ikke hensigtsmæssigt for arbejdsgiverne, hvis lønmodtagerne kan holde dobbelt ferie i overgangsåret fra gammel til ny ferielov. For at undgå at arbejdsgiverne skal udbetale både allerede optjente feriepenge og nye feriepenge inden for samme år, får alle ved overgangen til den nye lov indefrosset deres optjente feriemidler. Lønmodtagernes optjente feriemidler forbliver selvfølgelig lønmodtagernes egne penge. Hver enkelt lønmodtager får en konto i den nye feriemiddelfond under LD, og det bliver fonden, der skal holde styr på lønmodtagernes penge.[4]   Alle arbejdsgivere skal for hver medarbejder opgøre og indberette de feriedage og den feriebetaling, der er optjent i perioden fra 1. september 2019 til 31. august 2020. Feriebetalingen beregnes som 12,5% af lønnen i optjeningsperioden. Oplysningerne skal indberettes til fonden senest 31. december 2020. Hvis oplysningerne allerede er indberettet til FerieKonto eller til en privat feriekasse, vil det dog være FerieKonto eller den private feriekasse, der indberetter oplysningerne.   I det omfang feriebetalingerne er indbetalt til FerieKonto eller en privat feriekasse, vil FerieKon­to/den private feriekasse indbetale feriebetalingerne til fonden. Er pengene ikke indbetalt til FerieKonto/en privat feriekasse, kan arbejdsgiver vælge at beholde indefrosne feriebetalinger i stedet for at indbetale feriebetalingen til fonden. Vælger arbejdsgiver at beholde alle eller en del af feriebetalingen, kan arbejdsgiver efterfølgende på ethvert tidspunkt vælge frivilligt at indbetale én eller flere lønmodtageres tilgodehavende feriebetaling (inkl. indeksregulering) til fonden. Beholder arbejdsgiver feriebetalingen, vil arbejdsgiver få en opkrævning fra fonden, når en lønmodtagers tilgodehavende feriemidler er forfaldet til udbetaling fra fonden.   Hvis man som arbejdsgiver har mulighed for at beholde indefrosne feriebetalinger, skal man overveje fordele og ulemper ved på den ene side at afregne de indefrosne feriebetalinger til fonden ultimo 2020 og på den anden side beholde alle – eller en del af – feriebetalingerne i virksomheden længst muligt. En mulighed er også at vælge en ”afdragsordning”, hvor arbejdsgiver over en årrække indbetaler lønmodtagernes tilgodehavender til fonden.   Kurser i den nye Ferielov En stor del af vores kunder efterspørger vores personalejuridiske kurser, der specifikt klæder dig på hvad angår de nye regler. Flere af de kommende kurser er allerede fuldt bookede, men læs mere om vores kurser og tilmeld dig her: https://kursus.bluegarden.dk/MELE/Event/a587188b-b8e4-e711-80c9-005056bf0147/   Fodnoter [4] https://www.ftf.dk/loen-og-ansaettelse/artikel/ny-ferielov/ [3] https://www.ld.dk/da-DK/Presse/Nyheder/2018/Folketinget-vedtager-ny-ferielov [2] https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/ [1] https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/aftale-om-ny-ferielov/  
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07-03-2018 13:05 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Introduction In our HR system Visma HR you will find a line of available standard roles and these can be freely used by all companies who use Visma HR. The standard roles are setup based on the roles and processes which are most common in Danish companies.   This document contains a brief description of these standard roles.   2. Users/Roles (Standard roles) The following standard roles can be found in Visma HR: Administrator, organisation Administrator, company Leader, read Leader, edit Absence enrolment HR HR - Without multi-function Course administrator Salary Employee - Primarily for users of the Leader- employee module Leader - Primarily for users of the Leader- employee module   2.1 Menu items The role descriptions follow the structure in the menu items. Company Employee Approve absence and salary registrations – Only Leader- employee module Courses and education Common reporting absence Absence via Excel Reports Selection Multi-function Settings   3. Role description The companies access to Visma HR is first and foremost determined by the modules that the company has access to. Hereafter it is the individual setup of roles which determines which menu items and cells a user can access. The access can be controlled through modules or through rights (Create, read, edit, delete or yes/no).   3.1 Administrator, Organisation At least one person at the company needs to have this role. (See exceptions under administrator, company). The administrator will by default have access to all employees and cells in Visma HR.   Company This role has all rights (Create, read, edit and delete) for the company’s organisation, including the company, the departments and the department leaders.   Employee This role has all rights (Create, read, edit and delete) for the employees: Personal information Relatives Employment development Salary, pension and salary changes Benefits Absence Salary registrations - Only Leader- employee module Education Special information Documents   This role can possible view: balances from the last payroll, frame/step information, real time balances of vacation etc. and work calendar.   Approve absence and salary registrations (Only Leader- employee module) This role can approve or decline the employee’s absence and salary registrations.   Courses and education This role can administrate courses and education by using the menu items Course catalog, course provider and define levels of education.   Common reporting and absence and Absence via Excel This role has four different options for registration of absence on the employee within these categories: Employee and employment Salary, pension and benefits Absence Education Other reports All reports can be saved in excel, word or PDF format. This role can save and reuse their own report settings.                       Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search, reports and          multi-function.                                             Multi-function Multifunction can be used to setup or change on more employees at the same time. This role has full access to all the multi-function areas: Special information, education, absence, employment, benefits as well as salary and pension. In the multi-function salary and pension this role can make salary simulations about salary adjustments.   Settings This role will by accessing the menu item settings have access to impact the       company settings of Vism HR in many ways. Ex. Content in look-up in charts, Special information and information category, Absence calendar, document category, work plan, project numbers, absence through e-mail, setup of salary- and absence codes, folders administration etc.   3.2 Administrator, Company The standard role “Administrator, Company” has almost the same rights as the role                  “administrator, organisation”. Typically, the “Administrator, company” role is used   when you need to have more than one administrator, who are not allowed to have access to each other’s company data. The same applies if the company has only one Visma HR solution which integrates two different customer relationships in Visma Løn.   If the company does not have a user of the “Administrator, organisation” role, they will                       need to have at least one person who has the role “Administrator, company”   Below we will only mention the items where the two roles have different accesses and rights.                       Company This role has rights (create, read, edit and delete) to the company’s organisation                       including company, departments and department leaders. This role cannot create new companies.                       Settings Under the menu item Settings this role has certain limits compared to the “Administrator, organisation” role. The limitations are ex. In the ability to edit user accesses and look-up codes.   3.3 Leaders, Read This role is created for companies who does not use the Leader- employee module.   Company This role has read only access to the company’s organisation, including company, departments and Leaders.   Employee This role had read only access to their own employees: Personal information Relatives Employment development Salary, pension and salary changes Benefits Absence Education Special information Documents - role determined This role can possible view: balances from the last payroll, frame/step information, real time balances of vacation etc. and work calendar.   Courses and education This role has read only access to the course catalog, course provider and education level.   Reports This role can create all available standard reports within these categories: Employee and employment Salary, pension and benefits Absence Education Other reports All reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.   Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search and reports.   Settings This role has a very limited access to the menu item settings. But this role is able to                       view the content in special cells, information categories and the absence calendar.                      3.4 Leader, Edit The role “Department leader, edit” is created for companies who does not use the                     Leader- and employee module.                       Company This role has a read only access to the company’s organisation, including company,                       departments and department leaders.                       Employee This role has different rights connected to the employee screen display: Personal information - Read and edit Relatives - Full access Employment and employment development - Read, but full access to the tab employment remarks Salary, pension and salary changes – read Benefits – Read Absence - Full access Education – Read Special information - Full access Documents - Role determined                     This role can possible view: balances from the last payroll, frame/step information, real time balances of vacation etc. and work calendar.   Courses and education This role has read only access to the course catalog, course provider and education level.   Reports This role can create all available standard reports within these categories: Employee and employment Salary, pension and benefits Absence Education Other reports                     All reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.   Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search and reports.   Settings This role has a very limited access to the menu item settings. But this role has full                       access to special cells, information categories and has read only access to the absence calendar.   3.5 Absence enrolement The role “Absence enrolment” is primarily created for companies who does not use     the Leader- employee module.   Company This role has a read only access to the company’s organisation, including company,                       departments and department leaders.                       Employee This role has rights to the employees: Personal information – Read Absence - Create, read, edit and delete This role can possible view the work calendar.   Common reports for absence and absence via Excel This role can also register absence for an employee through the menu item common                       reports for absence and absence through Excel.   Reports This role can create the following absence reports: Absence columns Absence list Absence report The reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.   Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search and reports and can create common reporting of absence.   Settings This role only has access to the menu item settings and can view the absence calendar.   3.6 HR The HR role has full access to most menu items in the system except from the items regarding salary. The role is as a rule, not developed with companies who uses the Leader- employee module in mind.   Company This role has all rights (Create, read, edit, delete) connected to the company organisation including Company, departments and department leaders. The role cannot create new companies.    Employee This role has full access (Create, read, edit and delete) to the employee’s: Personal information Relatives Employment and employment development Benefits Absence Education Special information Documents - Role determined The role can possible view balances from the latest payroll, real time balances of                       vacation etc. and the work calendar.   Courses and education The role can administrate courses and education by accessing the menu items   course catalog, course provider and define education levels.   Reports This role can create all available standard reports in the following categories: Employee and employment - Except from identity card report Salary, pension and benefits - Only the reports benefits, total benefits and special information Absence Education All reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.                       Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search, reports and multi-function.   Multi-function Multi-function can be used to create or make change one more employees at the                       same time. The role has full access to multi-function on the following arears: Special information,                       education, absence, employment and benefits.   Settings The access to the menu items is limited to the content in special information, information categories, work plans, absence calendar and project numbers.   3.7 HR - Without Multi-function This HR role has exactly the same rights as described above, except from the fact that this role cannot use the multi-function.   3.8 Course administrator The role “Course administrator” has the rights to administrate courses on employee- and company level.   Company This role can view the organisation of the company including company, departments and department leaders.   Employee This role has access to employee information through the menu items: Personal information – read Relatives – read Education – create, read, edit and delete Special information – Create, read, edit and delete   Courses and education This role can administrate courses and education through the menu items Course                          catalog. Course provider and can define needed education levels.   Reports This role can create all standard reports regarding education: Education Education participant lists Education catalog Education matrix Education status list, person Education status list, total                    The reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.   Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search, reports and multi-function.   Multi-function Multi-function can be used to create or make change one more employees at the                       same time. The role has access to multi-function for Special information and education.   Settings This role only has access to My settings in the menu item settings.   3.9 Salary The salary role has access to Visma HR with the purpose to administrate payroll data and transfer these information to the payroll system Visma Løn.   Company The role can view the organisation of the company including company, departments and department leaders.   Employee The role has access to the employees: Personal information -Read Relatives – Read Employment and employment development - Create, read, edit and delete Salary, pension and salary changes - Create, read, edit and delete Benefits – Read Absence – Read Education – Read Special information - Create, read, edit and delete Documents – Read The role can possible view: Salary registrations, balances from latest payroll, frame/step information, real time balances for vacation etc. and work calendar.   Selection This role can create and save selection list as base for search, reports and multi-function.                       Multi-function Multi-function can be used to create or make change one more employees at the                       same time. The role has access to multi-function for the arears employment record, Salaryl and                       pension. In Multi-function salary and pension role can make salary simulations connected to salary changes.   Settings The role has through the menu item settings limited access to influence the company’s Visma HR setup. But the “Salary” role can view absence calendar, edit in special information, information categories, project numbers, settings for Salary- and absence codes.   3.10 Employee This role is only used by companies who uses the leader- employee module.   Employee This role has access to their own data within below menu items: Personal information - Can edit address, e-mails, phone numbers and account information Relatives Employment and employment changes Absence - Cannot edit already processed absence Salary registrations - Cannot edit already processed payroll data Documents - Role determined The role can possible view: balances from latest payroll, frame/step information, real                       time balances for vacation etc. and work calendar.   Reports This role can create all absence and payroll data reports on their own data. All reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.   Settings This role only has access to My settings in the menu item settings.   3.11 Leader This role is only used by companies who uses the Leader- employee module. Lear has access to their own data in the same way as employee. Further leader has access to several information on their own employees.   Employee The role has access to their employee’s data within the below menu items: Personal information - Can edit address, e-mails, phone numbers and account information Relatives Employment and employment changes – Read Employment remarks Absence - Cannot edit already processed absence Salary registrations - Cannot edit already processed payroll data Documents – Read The role can possible view: balances from latest payroll, frame/step information, real                       time balances for vacation etc. and work calendar.   Approve absence and salary registrations The role can approve or decline their employee’s absence- and salary registrations.   Reports The role can on its own employee’s data create all absence reports and the salary                       registration report. All reports can be saved in Excel, Word or PDF format. The role can save and reuse                       their own report settings.   Settings The role has through the menu item settings only access to my settings.   4. Flexible roles In Visma HR it is possible to create customer adapted roles. Mainly small adjustments of existing standard roles can be made. Ex. That leader can approve their own absence- and salary registrations. It can also be the setup of entirely new role ex. For an IT administrator role with access to handed out IT equipment.   Changes/setup of roles has to be done by a Visma consultant and the service is invoiceable.
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07-03-2018 10:26 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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 1. Introduction You can use ”Reminders” to ensure that you remember birthdays, jubilees and other selected events. The access to the menu item “Reminders” is determined by role.   You can create reminders for: Birthdays (Fødselsdage) Milestone birthdays (Runde fødselsdage) Jubilees (Jubilæer) Absence recordings (Fraværsregistrering) Approved recordings (Godkend registreringer) Absence refunds (Fraværsregistreringer)   The reminder tool in in Danish, but you can create the content for your employees in English. When you select the menu item “Reminders” you can see the reminders you have created (Oprettede påmindelser). To view future reminders, which will be send out during the next 3 months you should click on the line with the reminder you want to view (Kommende begivenheder). If you want to create a new reminder, click “New” First you should choose a topic “Emne”, then you will get the possible cells which fits the selected topic. 2. Create reminder When you have selected the reminder type you want to create, then the template will change so you will only see the relevant cells for that reminder. In the reminder for absence recordings you can deselect that the reminder should apply to all employees and tick off the cell all except (Alle undtagen) and after this deselect certain occupation codes if you need to.   On the reminder for “Milestone birthdays” (Runde fødselsdage) the cell “age” (alder) will appear and you need to mark which milestone birthdays you want to receive reminders for. On the reminder for Jubilees (Jubilæer) the cell “Jubilee” (Jubilæer) will appear, and you need to mark which jubilees (Jubilæer) you want to receive reminders for.    In general, you need to go through the following when you first setup a reminder:   Click on “Ny” (new) Choose “Emne” (topic) in the dropdown-menu Fil in the cell “Påmindelse” (Reminder) with an expressive name Fill in “Beskrivelse” (description) Keep on setting up the reminders as described below for the different reminder types. If you would like you can adjust the text which is send out by e-mail (Ex. write the text in English) and choose when the reminders should be sent.   3. Birthdays Below you can see what the template for milestone birthdays (runde fødselsdage) looks like. The template for birthdays (fødselsdage) is similar, except form the fact that the cell “alder” (age) will not be shown, and for “Modtagere” (recipients) there will be an extra option called “Fødselarens afdeling” (The birthday boys/girls department).   3.1 Age (Alder) This cell can be found in “runde fødselsdage” (Milestone birthdays) and you should mark the milestone birthdays which you want to receive reminders for.   3.2 Recipients (Modtagere) You should mark at least one recipient (modtager). The closest leader and department for the employees who are celebration the milestone birthday is determined by the setup in “employee”. If you choose the department of the birthday boy/girl, please note that the birthday employee him-/herself will also receive the reminder.   3.3 Text in the reminder e-mail (Tekst I påmindelses-mailen) In the grey box on the left side of the page you will see the standard text that will be sent out with the reminder. You can edit this text so it fits your company’s specific needs ex. write it in English. Below the text box you will find several merge-cells which you can use in the text. To add the merge-cell you just click on it.     You can delete a merge-cell by placing the mouse right behind the mark and pressing “backspace” or in front of the mark and pressing “delete”.   4. Jubilee (Jubilæer) This the template for jubilees (Jubilæer)     4.1 Jubilees (jubilæum) Tick off the jubilees for which you want to receive a reminder. (år = years) You can mark all the jubilees you want to.   4.2 Recipients (Modtagere) You should mark at least one recipient (modtager). The closest leader and department for the employees who are celebrating the milestone birthday is determined by the setup in “employee”. If you choose the department of the birthday boy/girl the, please note that birthday employee him-/herself will also receive the reminder. “Andre medarbejdere” (Other employees) can be chosen if you want employees from other departments to receive the reminder. The same applies to “Andre e-mailadresser” (Other e-mail addresses), which can be used if the recipients should be someone who are not an employee.   4.3 Test in the reminder e-mail (Tekst I påmindelses-mailen) In the grey box on the left side of the page you will see the standard text that will be sent out with the reminder. You can edit this text so it fits your company’s specific needs ex. write it in English. Below the text box you will find several merge-cells which you can use in the text. To add the merge-cell you just click on it. You can delete a merge-cell by placing the mouse right behind the mark and pressing “backspace” or in front of the mark and pressing “delete”.   5. Absence recordings (Fraværsregistrering) Below you can see what the template for absence recordings (fraværsregistrering) looks like. This is used to remind an employee or leader to register their absence. In the menu item “Settings” in the sub-menu item “Organisation” you can change the settings for these reminders if you want to avoid sending reminders for employees who has already recorded their absence or for employees who has not had any absence.     5.1 About who? (Om hvem?) This is the only reminder where you need to choose if the reminder should be sent to all employees (alle) or if you want to leave some employees out (Alle undtagen). If there are employees who should not receive this reminder you can deselect single occupation categories (Stillingskategorier) when you tick off the box “All except” (Alle undtagen). When you have done this, you should be able to click on the blue “minus” button to the left after which the occupation category will appear under “Udvalgte medarbejdere” (Deselected employees)     5.2 Recipients (Modtagere) You should mark at least one recipient (modtager). The closest leader and department of the employees who are celebration the milestone birthday is determined by the setup in “employee”. If you choose the department of the birthday boy/girl, please note that the birthday employee him-/herself will also receive the reminder. “Andre medarbejdere” (Other employees) can be chosen of you want employees from other departments to receive the reminder. The same applies to “Andre e-mailadresser” (Other e-mail addresses), which can be used if the recipients should be someone who are not an employee.   5.3 Test in the reminder e-mail (Tekst I påmindelses-mailen) In the grey box on the left side of the page you will see the standard text that will be sent out with the reminder. You can edit this text so it fits your company’s specific needs ex. write it in English. Below the text box you will find several merge-cells which you can use in the text. To add the merge-cell you just click on it. You can delete a merge-cell by placing the mouse right behind the mark and pressing “backspace” or in front of the mark and pressing “delete”.   5.4 Setup of absence recording for the organization You can choose if you want your employees to confirm that their absence is ready for approval. Select “Settings” then “Organisation” in the menu on the left, after this fill out the cell “Absence registrations”, here you will have 3 possibilities in the dropdown-menu.   Send reminders to everyone If you choose the setting “Send reminders to everyone”, all employees will receive an e-mail regardless whether they have already registered absence, have already submitted absence for approval or have not been on this page at all.   Send reminders, until the employee marks their absence ready for approval If you choose the setting “Send reminders, until the employee marks their absence ready for approval” the employees will get a button called “Ready for approval” in the absence menu. The employee can confirm that he/she does not have any more absence to register up until today – and then avoid getting reminders to register absence for the next 24 hours.   All employees who has not clicked on the button “Ready for approval” will get an e-mail with a reminder to register absence. The button will be visible to all roles who has access to the menu item employee, but only the employees themselves can push the button.   Even if the employee has not pressed the ”Ready for approval” button the leader can still approve the absence.   Send reminder, until the employee has visited the page “Absence” If you choose “Send reminders, until the employee has visited the page absence”, the absence will appear as ready for approval when the employee enters the page “absence”.   This automatic control, records that the employee has been on the page for absence, and the system will therefor assume, that the employee has registered all his/her absence. The button “Ready for approval” will therefore not show on the absence page.   By entering the page “absence” the employee will avoid being reminded to register absence for 24 hours. All employees who has not visited the “Absence” page will receive a reminder by e-mail.   6. Approve recordings (Godkend registreringer) “Approve recordings” (Godkend registreringer) is used to send reminders for the leaders or others who can approve absence. 6.1 Recipients (Modtagere) You can choose between “immediate leader” (Nærmeste leder), Other employees (Andre medarbejdere) or Other e-mail addresses (Andre e-mailadresser). If the immediate leader is also the approver you should only mark “Nærmeste leder”.   6.2 Test in the reminder e-mail (Tekst I påmindelses-mailen) In the grey box on the left side of the page you will see the standard text that will be sent out with the reminder. You can edit this text so it fits your company’s specific needs ex. write it in English. Below the text box you will find several merge-cells which you can use in the text. To add the merge-cell you just click on it.   You can delete a merge-cell by placing the mouse right behind the mark and pressing “backspace” or in front of the mark and pressing “delete”.   7. Absence refund (Fraværsrefusion) Is used for reminders to seek refunds for absence. The reminder will be send on the 31 st day of the unfinished absence (Sickness). To receive the reminder, it is very important that you do not fill in an “End date” on the absence registration. This should only be done when the employee is well and returns to work.   7.1 Recipients (Modtagere) You can choose between “immediate leader” (Nærmeste leder), “Other employees” (Andre medarbejdere) or “Other e-mail addresses” (Andre e-mailadresser). It is important that you select “Andre medarbejdere” and mark the individual people who are responsible for seeking the refund.   7.2 When? (Hvornår?) The reminder for “absence refund” will be send on the 31 st day of the unfinished absence. Therefore, you will only be able to choose what time the reminder should be sent out.   7.3 Unfinished absence (Fravær uden slutdato) The “absence refund” reminder will only be send for unfinished absence, so in order to be able to use this feature, you need to allow absence to be recorded without an end date. This can be done in “Organisation” under “Settings”. Please note that absence without end date will not show the absence duration. To view a list of recorded absence without end date you can use “Reports” and the report “Absence list”.   Sickness with a duration below 31 days and sickness without end date will be shown, if you click on the line for the reminder to seek refund, below “Future reminders” (Kommende påmindelser). When the sickness exceeds this period, it will no longer show in Visma HR. The reminder itself will be send on the 31 st day. The absence period should be uninterrupted. 7.3.1 Possible absence codes (Mulige fraværskoder) It is possible to record absence without end date, for absence connected to sickness. Please note that project number can also be used on absence without end date, if the project number itself is without end date. Absence without end date can be used on the following absence codes.     Hvis du burger Visma Løn  If you use Visma Løn  10 Sygdom med løn Sickness with pay, salaried employee 12 Sygefravær dagpenge, funktionær Sickness, sickness compensation, salaried employee 13 Barn syg Sick child 14 Sygdom med dagpenge, timeløn Sickness, sickness compensation, hourly paid employee 15 Sygdom med timeløn Sickness with pay, hourly paid employee 16 Sygdom med sygeløn, 4 uger gsn. Sickness with pay, 4 week average 17 Sygdom med sygeløn, egen sats Sickness with pay, own rate 18 Sygdom med dagpenge, eg. sats Sickness, sickness compensation, own rate 19 Sygdom med sygeløn, kvt. Gns. Sickness with pay, quarterly average 20 Sygdom med dagpenge, kvt. Gns. Sickness, sickness compensation, quarterly average 21 Sygdom med sygeløn beløb Sickness with pay, amount 22 Sygdom med dagpenge beløb Sickness, sickness compensation, amount 23 Sygdom med dagpenge 4 ug. Gns. Sickness, sickness compensation, 4 week average 24 Sygdom ifm. arbejdsskade Sickness, work-related injury 25 Barn syg Sick child 26 Sygdom med sygeløn, sats i tabel Sickness with pay, rate in template 27 Dagpenge med sats i reultattabel Sickness compensation, rate in template 35 Sygdom ifm. graviditet Sickness, related to pregnancy   The absence codes below will trigger a reminder to seek refund.   Hvis du burger Visma Løn  If you use Visma Løn  10 Sygdom med løn Sickness with pay, salaried emploee 12 Sygefravær dagpenge, funktionær Sickness, sickness compensation, salaried employee 14 Sygdom med dagpenge, timeløn Sickness, sickness compensation, hourly paid employee 15 Sygdom med timeløn Sickness with pay, hourly paid employee 16 Sygdom med sygeløn, 4 uger gns. Sickness with pay, 4 week average 17 Sygdom med sygeløn, egen sats Sickness with pay, own rate 18 Sygdom med dagpenge, eg. sats Sickness, sickness compensation, own rate 19 Sygdom med sygeløn, kvt. Gns. Sickness with pay, quarterly average 20 Sygdom med dagpenge, kvt. Gns. Sickness, sickness compensation, quarterly average 21 Sygdom med sygeløn beløb Sickness with pay, amount 22 Sygdom med dagpenge beløb Sickness, sickness compensation, amount 23 Sygdom med dagpenge 4 ug. gns Sickness, sickness compensation, 4 week average 24 Sygdom ifm. arbejdsskade Sickness, work-related injury 26 Sygdom med sygeløn, sats I tabel Sickness with pay, rate in template 27 Dagpenge med sats I reultattabel Sickness compensation, rate in template 35 Sygdom ifm. graviditet Sickness, related to pregnancy  
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05-04-2018 10:06 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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I denne vejledning finder du en samlet oversigt over alle Visma Enterprises standardbilag. In this instruction, you can find appendix for Visma Enterprise products.
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02-05-2018 13:19 (Senest opdateret 14-06-2023)
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1. Indledning Menupunktet ’Fravær via Excel’ bruges til masseindlæsning af fraværsregistreringer og kan eksempelvis bruges til at indlæse fravær fra et tidsregistreringssystem eller fra andre registreringssystemer.   Med ’Fravær via Excel’ kan du indlæse både standard-fraværskoder og de fraværskoder, du selv har oprettet. Hvis de indlæste fraværsregistreringer ikke kræver godkendelse, vil de få status som godkendte og kan umiddelbart integreres til lønbehandling. Fraværsregistrering, som kræver godkendelse, vil få status som ’Afventer’.   2. Beskrivelse af fil-format Når du indlæser fravær i Vma HR, skal det være i Excel-format. Nedenfor kan du se de felter, du kan indlæse i Visma HR. Hvert feltnavn svarer til en kolonneoverskrift. Det er vigtigt, at overskrifterne på kolonnerne skrives på engelsk og nøjagtigt som vist nedenfor, så filen kan indlæses uden valideringsfejl.   Danske feltnavn Engelske feltnavne Felt/kolonne i Excel-fil Personalenr. EmployeeNumber Obligatorisk Fraværskode AbsenceTypeCode Obligatorisk Fraværsenheder AbsenceNumber Obligatorisk Kalender AbsenceCalendarName Er ikke obligatorisk Startdato StartDate Obligatorisk Slutdato EndDate Obligatorisk Beløb Amount Er ikke obligatorisk Bemærkninger Remark Er ikke obligatorisk   3. Eksempel på fraværsfil Kolonnernes placering/rækkefølge har ingen betydning for indlæsningen i Visma HR, så længe kolonnerne har de rigtige engelske overskrifter.   3.1. Formatering af kolonnerne ’Startdato’ og ’Slutdato’ Understøttede datoformater er følgende: dd-mm-åååå dd-mm-åå ddmmåå ddmmåååå. Dog skal du være opmærksom på, at datokolonner skal formateres som tekst ved talformaterne ddmmåå og ddmmåååå for at undgå sletning af foranstillede nuller. På fraværsregistreringer, hvor fraværstypen er i timer, kan du skrive klokkeslæt sammen med datoformatet.   3.2. Formatering af kolonnerne ’Personalenummer’ og ’Fraværsenhed’ Personalenummer og fraværsenhed er alfanumeriske felter i Visma HR. Derfor skal disse kolonner også formateres som tekst i Excel-filen, hvis du vil sikre dig, at for eksempel foranstillede nuller ikke fjernes. Du formatere kolonnerne på følgende måde: Marker kolonnen Vælg ’Formater celler’ (kan vælges ved højreklik på musen) Vælg ’Tekst’ Klik ’OK’ for at gemme formatering   Talformatet i antal- og beløbskolonnerne skal være #,##. Det vil sige, at decimalseparatoren som udgangspunkt skal være ’komma’. Modulet kan dog håndtere punktum som decimalseparator på visse betingelser. Hvis programmet afvikles med internationale indstillinger, er talformatet #.##. Talformatet må ikke indeholde tusindtalsseparatorer.   4. Indlæsning af Excel-fil Log på Orkidé og vælg ’Fravær via Excel’. Se afsnit 4.1, hvis virksomheden består af flere firmaer. Klik på upload-ikonet Klik på "åbn fil med fraværsregistreringer" Hvis filen er uden fejl, vil data blive indlæst, og du får en kvittering for indlæsningen, som ser ud som følgende: I dette billede kan du rette eller slette fravær. Indlæst fravær kan også ses under den enkelte medarbejder eller i menupunktet ’Fælles rapportering fravær’.   Hvis der er fejl i filen som for eksempel overlap på startdato, fravær over årsskifte eller ugyldig fraværskode, vil der komme en validering som vist nedenfor:   Du kan sætte markering/flueben ved ’Importer kun markerede linjer’. Klik på ’Importer fraværsregistreringer’ og indlæs fraværslinjer uden fejl. Du kan også manuelt fjerne nogle af fluebenene ud for fraværslinjerne, hvorefter disse linjer ikke vil blive indlæst i Visma HR.   Fraværslinjer med fejl kan rettes i Excel filen, hvorefter filen indlæses igen. Kun fravær, der ikke allerede er indlæst, vil blive indlæst igen.   4.1. Flere firmaer i virksomheden Hvis der er flere firmaer i virksomheden, vil du se en dropdown menu, hvor du kan vælge det aktuelle firma. Fravær vil kun blive indlæst på medarbejdere, der er ansat i det valgte firma. Du kan ikke indlæse fravær på medarbejdere i forskellige firmaer på én gang. Årsagen er, at der kan være sammenfaldne medarbejdernumre i flere firmaer, og du derfor skal lave én Excel-fil pr. firma.   Ellers vil alt fravær, der er registreret på medarbejdere med sammenfaldne medarbejdernumre, blive indlæst i det først valgte firma.
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07-03-2018 14:37 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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Her finder du en vejledning til brug af vores Outsourcingportal.
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14-12-2017 09:27 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Introduction In the menu item “Import information” you can import common absence. This can ex. be used to import absence recordings from a time recording system or from other recording systems.   With “Absence via Excel” you can import both standard absence codes and the absence codes you have created yourself. If all the absence recordings do not need approval they will get the status “Approved” and they can immediately be transferred to the payroll system. Absence recordings which needs approval will get the status “Pending”.   2. Description of file-format When you import absence in Visma HR the file needs to be in an Excel-format. Below you can see which fields cells you can import to Visma HR. Every cell matches a column heading. It is important that the headings are written in English exactly as shown here below, then the file can be imported without any validation errors.   3. Example of absence-file (Excel) The placement/order of the columns has no influence on the import in Visma HR as long as the columns has the correct Headings.   3.1 Format for the "StartDate" and "EndDate" columns The following date formats are supported: dd-mm-yyyy, 11-mm-yy, ddmmyy, ddmmyyyy. However, you should note that the date columns should be formatted as numbers if you choose ddmmyy or ddmmyyy to avoid deleting prefixed zeros. For absence recordings where the absence type is recorded in hours you can writhe the time together with the dates.   3.2 Format for the "EmployeeNumber" and "AbsenceTypeCode" columns “EmployeeNumber” and “AbsenceTypeCode” are alphanumeric cells in Visma HR. For this reason, these columns need to be formatted as text in the Excel-file if you want to ensure that the prefixed zeros are not deleted. You can format the columns in the following way:   Mark the column Select “Format cells” (By right-clicking the mouse) Select “Text” Click “Ok” to save the formats The number format in the number and amount columns need to be #,##. That means that the decimal separator as a rule should be comma. The system can under some circumstances however handle period as decimal separator. If the program is run with international settings the number format can be #.##. The number format cannot contain thousands separator.   4. Import of the Excel-file Log into Visma HR and select the menu item “Import information”. See section 4.1 if the company has more than one employer.   Click on the Upload icon  Click on “Open absence file   If the file has no errors the data will be imported and you will get a receipt for the import. When you get this receipt, you will be able to edit or delete the absence. The imported absence can also be found on the individual employee or in the menu item “Common reporting absence”.   If there is an error in the file Ex. because of overlapping start dates, absence across years or invalid absence codes you will get an error message telling you what is wrong.   On the right you can mark each line which does not have errors and select “only import marked lines” to import these lines without errors. Unmarked lines will not be transferred to Visma HR.   Absence recordings with errors can be edited in the excel file and then be imported again. Only absence that has not already been imported will be imported again.   4.1 Multiple employers in the same company If the company has more than one employer you will see a dropdown-menu where you should select which employer you want to import absence for. Only absence for the selected employer will be imported. You cannot import absence for employees hired by different employers at the same time. The reason for this is that some employees might have identical employee numbers within the different employers, which is why you need to make an Excel-file for each employer. Otherwise all the recorded absence for employees with identical employee numbers will be imported on the employer that was selected first.      
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