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Brukertips i Visma.net Calendar

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In this article, you can read about how employees (and others in connection with the company) can confirm and send their timesheets. Verification is necessary for an employer to be able to process and confirm the timesheet for an employee. You can "avoid" the process if the employer confirms the timesheet on behalf of the employee.    Sign in at Visma.net. Go to Calendar. Click on the period's last day (= confirm all registration till this day, make sure to include this day as well) Click Confirm until in the dialogue that shows up (the orange line in the calendar illustrates the verification)  The time sheet will now be sent for approval.    NB! Any registered absences (sickness/vacation) will not be transferred to the payroll system before the employer has confirmed/approved this period.   Can employees change confirmed/submitted timesheets? Yes, it can be changed, but not after the timesheet is confirmed.
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03-07-2019 15:10 (Sist oppdatert 05-09-2023)
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Finn alle aktuelle brukertips for deg som bruker av Visma.net Time og Absence. Click here for an English version. 
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10-10-2018 09:30 (Sist oppdatert 14-02-2023)
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In this article you can find user tips for users of Visma.net Time & Absence. To ease the process of finding back to this user guide, we recommend you to save this site as a favorite in your web browser. The videos linked in the article will be in Norwegian, but all user guides below will be in English.    New users of Visma.net: You will receive an e-mail with the following title Welcome to Visma.net, which has an activation link for your new user.  Click here to get started   Existing users of Visma.net: If it would happen that you already have an existing user of Visma.net, with either us or some other company, we have sent you an e-mail explaining how your roles have been changed. This e-mail will have the title your Visma.net-roles have been changed.  Click here to get started   Sign in | Visma.net Change Password Forgotten your password?   How to register hours and absences? How to register sickness notes? Why can I not register an absences due to my sick child? What do the lines in my time sheet signify? How can I easily register the same amount of hours for multiple days?   How to register flexitime? How to register the order of flexitime? How to register accumulated overtime? How to register the order of accumulated overtime? How to register payment of accumulated overtime? What is the difference on accumulated overtime and flextime?   How to send the time sheet for approval? How to adjust or change registered hours/absences?   How much vacation do I have left? What are balances?   We always strive to give you customers an excellent customer service and support, to maintain your happiness. Therefore, we wish to inform you and your colleagues, that whenever you need anything at all, call us, whether it is about technical issues or application guidance we will gladly help on either. You can reach us in the chat box at the bottom right corner or send an e-mail to skysupport@visma.com. We are available between 08:00-16:30 Mon-Fri, and we will respond as rapidly as possible!  
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03-07-2019 15:02 (Sist oppdatert 16-11-2022)
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Det er flere ting du må gjøre i Visma.net Time & Absence før løsningen kan tas i bruk.   I Visma.net finner du tjenestene under fanen  Calendar   Under  Innstillinger | Selskapsinnstillinger har du noen viktige firmainnstillinger   Fraværsoversikt:        Velg om ansatte skal se alle sine kolleger, eller bare dem som har samme leder (NB! oversikten viser kun oversikt over ansatte som er fraværende, og eventulet om fraværet er godkjent, hva slags fraværskode som er brukt vises ikke. ) Velg: "I antall timer"   (du kan likevel angi fra / til klokke, om du vil)    Registrer tid i:            Velg: "I antall timer"   (du kan likevel angi fra / til klokke, om du vil)    Timetransaksjoner:   Velg "Via melding"  når ditt lønnssystem er Visma.net Payroll, Visma Lønn,                                       Huldt & Lillevik.                                      Om ikke lønnssystemet ditt kan lese inn transaksjonene direkte,                                      velger du "via CSV fil".  Les om det her   NB NB, viktig! Overføring av registreringer til lønnsberegning: Benytter du Time & Absence, skal øverste "flyt" benyttes   Benytter du kun Absence, skal nederste "flyt" benyttes Førstnevnte "flyt" medfører at timetransaksjoner må godkjennes før de kan overføres til lønn, du kan lese mer om det her. Ferieønsker må uansett alltid godkjennes.       Fraværskoder (og regler) De aller fleste fraværskoder man normalt har behov for, følger med løsningen. De skal også være ferdig "knyttet" til tilhørende fraværskode i lønn. Om du ønsker å benytte flere fraværskoder, må du opprette dem manuelt under menyvalget "Koder" - jfr skjermbildet over. Du kan lese mer om dette her.   Du kan sette egne regler for f.eks antall egenmeldinger, les mer om dette her.    Lønnsarter Om du ønsker å benytte flere fraværskoder, må du opprette dem manuelt under menyvalget "Koder" - jfr skjermbildet over. Du kan definere om lønnsartene skal kunne benyttes i arbeidstiden, utenfor, eller både i og utenfor.  NB!  Alle lønnsarter må knyttes til tilhørende lønnsart i lønn. Du kan lese mer om begge deler her.   Skal fraværet anses som en søknad? På hver enkelt fraværskode, kan du angi om den skal anses som en fraværssøknad. Les mer om dette her.   Fleksitid / avspasering Les mer om dette her Relaterte brukertips Se avsnitt "4.1 Selskapsinnstillinger i Calendar" i Payroll grunnkurs.    
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02-01-2018 13:50 (Sist oppdatert 21-03-2022)
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Hvordan kunne registrere halv dag ferie i Visma.net Calendar / Payroll
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15-09-2021 08:11 (Sist oppdatert 20-09-2021)
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Ønsker du at ansattes nærmeste leder er den som først godkjenner reiseregninger, utlegg, ferieønsker og timelister? Deretter lønningskontoret (eller omvendt rekkefølge)? Det er en veldig enkel måte å sette opp og administrere en slik godkjenningsflyt,  les mer om det her!      
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01-11-2019 15:39 (Sist oppdatert 03-12-2019)
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Synes du egentlig det er styr med at alle ansatte må "bekrefte" sin timelister?  Det er enkelt for leder eller admin å "bekrefte" timeliste for sine ansatte! Enten ansatte som har glemt å gjøre det, eller dere går helt bort fra rutinene om at ansatte selv må gjøre det!   I steden for å ha rutine som sier at ansatte må registrere seg ferdig å bekrefte timelister innen en gitt dato hver måned, så kan dere kutte ut "bekreft"-regimet. Si at alle timer må være ferdig registrert f.eks 1 dag eller 2 etter utløp av perioden. Deretter "bekrefter" admin eller hver leder på ansattes vegne (enkelt! se under) Godkjenning på vanlig måte   Sjekke om alle har bekreftet/"bekrefte" på alle ansattes vegne Klikk på "Liste"-knappen når du står i kalenderen på en tilfeldig ansatt Velg periodens siste dag i skjermbildet under NB! Hvis du skal bekrefte timelister til og med dag i forrige måned,  må du være i kalenderen på aktuell dag i det du trykker på "Liste-knappen"   Du vil se alle ansatte hvor timelisten er "ikke bekreftet" Klikk av checkboks til venstre for knappen "Bekreft timelister"   (se under) Alle personer blir markert - Klikk så "Bekreft timelister"      Les alt om timeliste, "bekrefte", sende til godkjenning, endre   
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02-07-2019 14:46 (Sist oppdatert 14-11-2019)
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Under Calendar/Arbeidstid/Arbeidstidsoppsett kan du legge opp flere maler for arbeidstiden. For å legge til en mal trykker du på «Ny mal». Du får da opp følgende bilde: Tittel: Legg inn en tittel. I gruppe: Her er det foreløpig kun Norge som er mulig å velge. Arbeidsdager i syklus for heltidsansatte: Angi for hvor mange dager i uken som skal inngå i arbeidssyklusen. Er det en ansatte som jobber på deltid så skal du fortsatt angi antallet som gjelder for en heltidsansatt slik at det blir tatt riktige beregninger. Planlagte arbeidsdager: Dette feltet fylles ut automatisk ettersom du legger til en vaktkode på en dag i uken. For å angi hvor mange timer som skal være i denne malen for arbeidstid trykker du på «Legg til vaktkode» under den dagen det gjelder. Du får da opp følgende bilde: Her ligger tre som standard; «Fri», «7,5» og «8» timer. Hvis du ikke skal benytte en av de som ligger her, trykker du på «Ny vaktkode». Du får da opp følgende bilde: Kortnavn: Legg inn ett kortnavn på maks 3 bokstaver, tall eller tegn. Fargekode: Trykk på den lille firkanten (grå i bildet over) for å endre farge på vaktkoden. Navn: Legg inn ett navn for vaktkoden. Timer: Legg inn antall timer den ansatte skal jobbe på en dag.   Trykk på «Lagre» når alle feltene er fylt ut. Den vil da ligge i listen over vaktkoder slik at du kan velge denne på de dagene det gjelder. For å velge vaktkode trykker du på koden du skal benytte. Når vaktkoden er valgt vil det se slik ut: Legg til de ulike vaktkodene på de andre dagene som den ansatte skal jobbe. Hvis du har lagt inn feil vaktkode tar du musepekeren inn i den dagen det gjelder og trykker på «fjern» øverst til venstre. Til høyre i bildet ligger det en saldo, denne vil vise hvor mange timer som er lagt til på hele uken. Ved å trykke på søppletegnet sletter du hele uken. Skal du ha flere uker i malen for arbeidstid så trykker du på «Legg til uke». Legg til vaktkode på de dagene det gjelder i den nye uken som kommer opp.   Når malen for arbeidstiden ser riktig ut, trykker du på «Lagre» nederst til høyre.    
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19-07-2019 12:34 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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You have the option to register your hours and absences on your phone now too. Customers of Visma.net Time & Absence can use the app Visma Employee to do this.    Firstly, download Visma Employee on your mobile device, either from App Store or from Google Play. To sign in, use the same username and password that you use to sign in at Visma.net.    When you are signed in, click on the + sign.        Thereafter you will be redirected to this overview banner, which has all the codes you can register with. Choose the code that is applicable to your task and register your hours or absence in the next page.     This is where you can add the amount of hours / days you wish to register, you can also add a comment. Once completed, click Send.    NB! If you wish to select a project while registering, read more here. 
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03-07-2019 15:11 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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Sign in at connect.visma.com.   The outline for vacation can be found in the Calendar. If you click Calendar you will be redirected to an outline of the current month. In the bottom right corner you can find a banner for Vacation days and your Vacation balance.  If you click Vacation balance you will be redirected to this window, which shows how many vacation days you have left.
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03-07-2019 15:15
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1. When you register hours or absences and send these for approval, an orange line will occur in the Calendar. This line indicates that you have sent a request for approval to your employer. If you wish to change or adjust these hours/absences that you have sent to approval, you have to revoke the approval request.  2. Let's say that you wish to change a registration back four days in time, select that date on the orange line. Once this is done, the same menu that you used to register this time sheet will show. In this window you still have to click Confirm until, but make sure that the date is changed back a few days, so that you can make your changes.  3. The calendar should now be updated automatically and the orange line should be removed from the days after the day you selected. You can make changes on these days and change codes for them, with for example sickness, absences or overtime etc. Thereafter, click Save. 4. When you have completed the changes you wish to do, click on the last day that is registered with something in the calendar and click Confirm until, and these days will be sent to approval again.
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03-07-2019 15:14
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In the case that you at some point, have been or still are a registered user of Visma.net Expense, you have been sent an email, explaining what your roles in Visma.net have changed to. The title of the email is Your Visma.net roles has been changed.      This email is sent for informational purposes only. The next time you sign into Visma.net, your new roles should be updated and ready to use accordingly.   If the case is that it has been a long time since you last logged into Visma.net and you forgot your password, you can click here for guidance on how to recover your account. The username of your account will be the same as the email address you received this email on. 
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03-07-2019 15:14
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If the case is that you are a brand new user of Visma.net Expense and have never been signed in before, you should have received an email with the following message activate your user. This mail has the title Welcome to Visma.net.      Click on the button Click here(Klikk her) to activate your new account and a new window will pop up in your browser, which gives you the following message(Account activated):     Additionally, there will be sent another email with information about creating a new password.     Click on the button create new password and create a password to your own preference. Be aware that the password has a variety of criteria, to length, no spaces etc. All of these criteria has to be fulfilled to create the new password.    A confirmation window will pop up once you have successfully created a new password, and you can now sign in with your new password and username.    Click here to get started with Visma.net Expense. 
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03-07-2019 15:13
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In the case that you have forgotten your password, do not worry! You can easily attain a new one by using our forgotten password function.    Go to Visma.net. then click Forgot your password?.  Fill in your email address. This has to be the email address you have registered your account with Visma.net. If you happen to not remember this email address, contact your payroll executive within your company.    For security reasons you have to mark off I am not a robot. Thereafter, click Send request.    From time to time it may happen that you get the following window, where you have to mark the pictures asked for. This is an additional security measure to make sure that no robot can make changes to your account.  If the page looks like this, click Send request. The following window will pop up, and the next step is to follow the informational steps that is sent to your email address. The email you have received will contain information about the reset of your password, click Enter new password.   Choose a password, and confirm it once more. Make sure that you fulfill all criteria which are listed in the box to the right. Once the password is changed, you will be sent an confirmation email. Click on Go to sign in, to sign in with your newly created password.  Common questions I have clicked Forgot your password?, but I have not received any emails. - First of all, a common mistake is that the email have been sent to your Spam or Trash filter. Another common reason could be that your company's email server does not accept our forgot your email address emails. Visma.net uses two different email transmitters, these are "do.not.reply@platform.visma.com" and "do.not.reply@connect.visma.com". Make sure to ask the one organizing emails within your company if these emails are restrained, and if they are, ask them to remove the restrain. 
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03-07-2019 15:13
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If your current password have become known to others, you can follow these steps to change it.   1. Go to Visma.net. 2. Firstly, click on your name at the top right corner and click My details.         3. Look for the banner Security, and click Change password. In the next window write your current password inside the Current password field. Thereafter, fill in your preferred password in the fields New password and Confirm password. Be aware of the password criteria, such as length etc, all of these criteria must be fulfilled to successfully change your password (see picture below). 4. Click Change password and your new password will be created if all criteria are fulfilled. The browser will redirect you to the sign in page, and ask you to re-log for security reasons. Therefore, it is important to make sure to sign in with the new password you just created. 
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03-07-2019 15:12
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This is how you register Additional and Reduced Flexitime - hours to spare.  Additional hours Select a date in the calendar and choose Other attendance and then use the dropdown menu at the Event code field, and select Flexitime+. 2. Reducing the hours Select a date in the calendar and click on Flexitime - part of day or Other absence (Register the amount of hours here). -  You also have the option to mark off a checkbox for the entire day as well, if you are taking the entire day off. (This has to be approved by the manager/employer though).      Hours to spare On the right side in the Calendar you can find a balance of hours to spare. There is no balance on how many additional or reduced hours you can have yet, but that will come shortly. If it were to happen that additional or reduced hours would be recognized in the calendar prior to when they are actually incurring, these hours will not be included in the balance before that day it is incurred.             
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03-07-2019 15:12
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com. 1. If the employee have registered accumulated overtime, but does not wish to take time off, the employee can get paid their accumulated overtime. How much overtime the employee has can be seen on the right side in the calender, under the banner balances and overtime. 2. As manager click on the circle with three dots, on the right side of balances. When you click on this button you will get two options, Change time balances and Payout saved overtime. Choose Payout saved overtime.  3. In this box you can chose how many hours you wish to convert from accumulated overtime to payout. Once you are happy with the amount of hours to convert, click Convert. 4. The calendar will now include the following window with Payout saved overtime.  
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03-07-2019 15:09
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register accumulated overtime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. If you have a lot of accumulated overtime, you can choose to take some out. To do that, click on the current day that you want to use, click other attendance under the Away from work banner. Thereafter, click accumulated overtime, here you can chose how many hours you want to take out and if you wish to take out a full day, you have to write a specific comment for this type of registration. When accumulated overtime is registered, the calendar will mark the period you chose with orange, which is an indicator that the registration is sent for approval to your employer.  
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03-07-2019 15:09
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Sign in at: Connect.visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register accumulated overtime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. Click on the actual day you wish to register accumulated overtime for. To register accumulated overtime, look for the banner At work and click other attendance. 5. Click on the area Event code and choose between overtime 100%, 50% and 40%. Thereafter, click Save.  6. Once you have registered overtime, the calendar will update accordingly. Remember to send in the calendar for approval by clicking Confirm until and thereafter Save. 
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03-07-2019 15:08
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com. Once you have registered Flexitime+ in the calendar, there will be an option to reduce the flexitime. On the right side of the calendar, underneath Balances, you can see how many flexitime hours you have. If the balance is currently at 4 hours, you can click on the exclamation mark on the date you wish to reduce the flexitime for. 2. After clicking Save, the calendar will register the order. Now, on the right side you can also see the change in Flexitime balance, which will now be 0. The balance will update after any new registrations that you do in the calendar.   
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03-07-2019 15:08
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