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Brukertips i Visma.net Calendar

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You have the option to register your hours and absences on your phone now too. Customers of Visma.net Time & Absence can use the app Visma Employee to do this.    Firstly, download Visma Employee on your mobile device, either from App Store or from Google Play. To sign in, use the same username and password that you use to sign in at Visma.net.    When you are signed in, click on the + sign.        Thereafter you will be redirected to this overview banner, which has all the codes you can register with. Choose the code that is applicable to your task and register your hours or absence in the next page.     This is where you can add the amount of hours / days you wish to register, you can also add a comment. Once completed, click Send.    NB! If you wish to select a project while registering, read more here. 
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03-07-2019 15:11 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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Click here to read about registration through mobile.    Follow these steps to register employees hours, overtime, vacation and absences in Visma.net Time & Absence.  Sign in at Visma.net - http://signin.visma.net Choose the banner Calendar. Select the date you wish to register on. Select preferred wage type or absence. (Picture 1) Register the hours or absence (Picture 2) How to register flexitime, both positive and negative hours? (Link)   NB! If you are paid with a fixed salary and want to register ordinary hours, you have to use a different wage type than working hours and you have to contact your employer/payroll executive regarding any questions related to this.   Picture 1 - Choose a wage type or absence. (You will be directed to this option once you have selected a date)  Picture 2 - Give the necessary information, amount of hours/day(s), project etc. You do not need to give the department as long as you use the same department that you normally use.   How to send the time sheet for approval?  
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03-07-2019 15:11 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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Accumulated overtime: Accumulated overtime are hours that you work that is outside of your normal work day. For example if you work from 8 Am - 4 Pm, then working from 4 Pm - 6 Pm will become your overtime hours, which means that you have 2 hours of overtime. For these extra hours at work, you are paid an extra fee and these hours are registered in the balance in overtime. These which can be used as time off work.   Flexitime: Flexitime are hours that are gained through work, but these do not give you any extra money for overtime, however when you register flexitime hours you can later on use these hours as time off work. 
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03-07-2019 15:10
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com. 1. If the employee have registered accumulated overtime, but does not wish to take time off, the employee can get paid their accumulated overtime. How much overtime the employee has can be seen on the right side in the calender, under the banner balances and overtime. 2. As manager click on the circle with three dots, on the right side of balances. When you click on this button you will get two options, Change time balances and Payout saved overtime. Choose Payout saved overtime.  3. In this box you can chose how many hours you wish to convert from accumulated overtime to payout. Once you are happy with the amount of hours to convert, click Convert. 4. The calendar will now include the following window with Payout saved overtime.  
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03-07-2019 15:09
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register accumulated overtime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. If you have a lot of accumulated overtime, you can choose to take some out. To do that, click on the current day that you want to use, click other attendance under the Away from work banner. Thereafter, click accumulated overtime, here you can chose how many hours you want to take out and if you wish to take out a full day, you have to write a specific comment for this type of registration. When accumulated overtime is registered, the calendar will mark the period you chose with orange, which is an indicator that the registration is sent for approval to your employer.  
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03-07-2019 15:09
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Sign in at: Connect.visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register accumulated overtime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. Click on the actual day you wish to register accumulated overtime for. To register accumulated overtime, look for the banner At work and click other attendance. 5. Click on the area Event code and choose between overtime 100%, 50% and 40%. Thereafter, click Save.  6. Once you have registered overtime, the calendar will update accordingly. Remember to send in the calendar for approval by clicking Confirm until and thereafter Save. 
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03-07-2019 15:08
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com. Once you have registered Flexitime+ in the calendar, there will be an option to reduce the flexitime. On the right side of the calendar, underneath Balances, you can see how many flexitime hours you have. If the balance is currently at 4 hours, you can click on the exclamation mark on the date you wish to reduce the flexitime for. 2. After clicking Save, the calendar will register the order. Now, on the right side you can also see the change in Flexitime balance, which will now be 0. The balance will update after any new registrations that you do in the calendar.   
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03-07-2019 15:08
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register flextime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. Click on the actual day you wish to register flextime on. You will now get a pop up window with multiple options to chose between. By registration of flextime, look for the banner At work and click on Other attendance.  5. In the next window you will get more options - click on the area Event code and chose Flextime+. Thereafter, add hours and dates that applies to the Flexitime you wish to register. Click Save.  Your calendar should now be updated with the registered Flextime+.  Once the registration of all your hours is completed, and you wish to send it to approval, click on the last day and select Confirm until. Once this is done, you should have an orange line which indicates that your days are confirmed and sent to approval. 
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03-07-2019 15:07 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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Once you have logged into your calendar and registered your hours you must submit the time sheet for approval. By clicking Confirmed until in Calendar, you will see an orange bar indicating that your time list has been submitted for approval. The Orange Line will span the period you have recorded the hours on. When your calendar gets a green line, this indicates that your time sheet has been approved by the employer. As long as the calendar consists of only an orange bar, you can still make changes, but when you get a green line, you can no longer edit the calendar.  
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03-07-2019 15:06
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Sign in at: Connect.visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register work hours, click on Calendar 2. If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. To register the same amount of hours to multiple days, mark the days you wish to register hours for, and make sure they turn green. 4. Look for At work and other attendance, click here and find the code Working hours. 5. In this area you can register how many working hours you have worked these days. When this is completed, click Save.  6. After clicking save, the calendar should be updated with the correct working hours on the registered days. 
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03-07-2019 15:06
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To be able to register a sick child in the calendar, you HAVE to add a child as your relative in Employees | Employee | Relatives.  When you have added a child under relatives, you will be able to register Sick Child in the calendar.   
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03-07-2019 15:05
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Sign in at: Connect.Visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register a sickness note, click on Calendar 2. If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. To register a sickness note, click on the day the sickness note applies to. You will then get a menu, where you can chose away from work and other absence.  5. In this window you can change the absence to Sickness and mark off medical certificate from. You can also change the dates to whatever your sickness note applies to. Once completed, click Save. 6. After you have clicked Save the calendar should be updated with your registered sickness note.
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03-07-2019 15:05
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Time & Absence. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  Go to Visma.net. To sign in, make sure to fill in with your username and password. If you would like the website to save your login credentials, make sure to mark off Remember email address.    If you wish to select a different language there is a dropdown button for that in the bottom right corner , where you can choose a language to your personal preference.    Whenever you feel comfortable signing in, click Sign in. You can now register mileage, expenses and travels.    Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the entire user tip guide for Visma.net Time & Absence.
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03-07-2019 15:04
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In this article you can find user tips for users of Visma.net Time & Absence. To ease the process of finding back to this user guide, we recommend you to save this site as a favorite in your web browser. The videos linked in the article will be in Norwegian, but all user guides below will be in English.    New users of Visma.net: You will receive an e-mail with the following title Welcome to Visma.net, which has an activation link for your new user.  Click here to get started   Existing users of Visma.net: If it would happen that you already have an existing user of Visma.net, with either us or some other company, we have sent you an e-mail explaining how your roles have been changed. This e-mail will have the title your Visma.net-roles have been changed.  Click here to get started   Sign in | Visma.net Change Password Forgotten your password?   How to register hours and absences? How to register sickness notes? Why can I not register an absences due to my sick child? What do the lines in my time sheet signify? How can I easily register the same amount of hours for multiple days?   How to register flexitime? How to register the order of flexitime? How to register accumulated overtime? How to register the order of accumulated overtime? How to register payment of accumulated overtime? What is the difference on accumulated overtime and flextime?   How to send the time sheet for approval? How to adjust or change registered hours/absences?   How much vacation do I have left? What are balances?   We always strive to give you customers an excellent customer service and support, to maintain your happiness. Therefore, we wish to inform you and your colleagues, that whenever you need anything at all, call us, whether it is about technical issues or application guidance we will gladly help on either. You can reach us in the chat box at the bottom right corner or send an e-mail to skysupport@visma.com. We are available between 08:00-16:30 Mon-Fri, and we will respond as rapidly as possible!  
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03-07-2019 15:02 (Sist oppdatert 16-11-2022)
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Dette er startsiden for å sette opp Visma.net Time & Absence for deg som bruker Huldt & Lillevik Lønn.   Vi anbefaler deg å ta kontakt med din Visma partner for å komme i gang!   Vær også oppmerksom på at det må være et 1-1 forhold mellom lisensen på Huldt & Lillevik Lønn og Visma.net. Dette betyr at en Huldt & Lillevik Lønn lisens (installasjon) ikke kan knyttes opp mot 2 forskjellige Visma.net lisenser (kunder).   NB! Kunder med Visma.net Financial kan ikke starte med Visma.net Time & Absence mot Huldt & Lillevik Lønn!   Fremgangsmåte/Oppsett Gjør nødvendige forberedelser i Huldt & Lillevik Lønn som beskrevet i vedlagte dokument Visma.net Calendar - Forberedelser Huldt & Lillevik Lønn.pdf Dersom du benytter Huldt & Lillevik Cloud (ASP), må du bestille oppsett av Huldt & Lillevik Message Controller og OPG på support.hl@visma.com Kjører du lønn lokalt eller hos ekstern ASP leverandør, må du installere Huldt & Lillevik Message Controller og OPG, se veiledning nederst her.  Sett opp Visma.net Time & Absence mot Huldt & Lillevik Lønn som beskrevet i vedlagte dokument Sett opp Visma.net Calendar mot HL 1.1.pdf   Sluttbrukerveiledning: Det er utarbeidet sluttbrukerveiledning som kan være til hjelp for dine brukere når de skal i gang med Visma.net Time & Absence. Disse finner du som vedlegg til denne artikkelen. Visma.net Calendar - Sluttbrukerdokumentasjon.pdf (for kunder som bruker Time & Absence) Visma.net Absence - Sluttbrukerdokumentasjon.pdf  (for kunder som kun benytter Absence)   Her kan du lese mer om: Visma.net Payslip
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11-04-2019 14:27 (Sist oppdatert 15-04-2019)
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Her finner du info om hvordan du kan registrere timer eller fravær på mobil i Visma Employee-appen.
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29-03-2019 11:04 (Sist oppdatert 10-06-2020)
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 Hvis du har ansatte som ønsker å registrere ferie for neste år allerede er dette mulig i Calendar. 
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05-11-2018 08:19 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2019)
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Visma.net Calendar støtter kun godkjenningsflyt på Avdeling. Dersom du ikke kan benytte avdeling, kan du sette opp godkjenningsflyt på brukernivå, men dette krever av flyten må oppdateres hver gang du får nye brukere/ansatte. I denne artikkelen kan du lese mer om hvordan du setter opp godkjenning på avdeling.
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29-10-2018 11:29 (Sist oppdatert 29-10-2018)
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For at man skal kunne registrere "sykt barn" i Calendar MÅ man legge inn barn som pårørende i Employees | ansatt | pårørende. 
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09-10-2018 13:04 (Sist oppdatert 23-07-2019)
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Under Calendar vil du kunne finne begrepet "saldoer". Saldoer er betegnelsen som brukes for å holde orden på oppspart overtid og fleksitid. Gjennom denne funksjonen kan lederen endre både timesaldoen og fleksisaldoen samtidig som man kan betale ut oppspart overtid. 
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28-09-2018 14:40 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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