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In this article we'll review an error message that can be returned when invoking POST > Timecard operation via Timecard Endpoint as well as how to resolve this issue. Timecard endpoint is corresponding with "Employee time card" module in the Visma.Net ERP. (Document View "ScreenID=EP305000"  / Module View ScreenID=EP406000 )   Employee field indicates the employee's reference ID that who we want to create a time card for. The correspondent field in the API POST/PUT DTO is  "employee": { "value": "string" },   Based on your Financials ERP Company setup , The ID of the currently signed-in employee is selected by default on the identifier of the employee whose time cards you want to manage. If your User which is used while generating an API Token isn't member of a group that is not hierarchically higher order in the company tree than the desired Employee ID  you want to create a time card, TimeCard POST operation returns the following error: "message": "You cannot create timecards for the selected user. Please review the company tree." The same scenario is valid for ERP UI as one cannot select different employee unless above-mentioned settings are configured. Since this is related to your Financials ERP Company configuration, you need to adjust organization/company tree setup. In order to be able to configure this, please follow the instructions below. 1) Workgroup assignment for the Employee Go to Company Tree (ScreenId=EP204060)  Click your Company Name on top left Add a group by clicking (+) under List of Groups Add a Group Member  Update Tree Save                   2) Continuing with, Create a new group under the recently created one.  Click Test Group on the hierarchy tree (left)  Add a group by clicking (+) under List of Groups Add a Group Member (That is different from your current Login, this employee must be registered in the company) Update Tree Save                 3) Then select newly created group e.g (A Group) and click (=>) right arrow, this will give transaction access to your current user on the users these grouped below in the hierarchy.                     4) Now this employee can be selected / used with both UI Employee Time Card and API.
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31-08-2020 15:43 (Updated 31-08-2020)
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About paging When getting lists of data from API-endpoints it will be most efficient for both the client and server to divide the result into portions instead of getting all the data returned at once. The API supports this by implementing a method called paging. Paging means that when you request lists of data you should also provide two extra query-parameters called pageSize and pageNumber. pageSize: The maximum number of records you want to have returned on each page (the length of each page) pageNumber: The page you are requesting.   Example In the database you have 350 customers, you make a GET request to the Customer-endpoint to get all these. To limit the number of customers received you can divide this into pages that contain upto 100 customer (pageSize=100). To get the complete list you then have to make 4 requests to the Customer-endpoint:     Request Result 1 GET /customer?pageSize=100&pageNumber=1  Returns the first 100 customers (1-100) 2 GET /customer?pageSize=100&pageNumber=2 Returns the second page of 100 customers (101-200) 3 GET /customer?pageSize=100&pageNumber=3 Returns the third page of 100 customers (201-300) 4 GET /customer?pageSize=100&pageNumber=4 Returns the last page of remaining customers (301-350)   Paging is implemented on all GET endpoints that returns lists in the API. It is mandatory to use the parameters pageSize and pageNumber in all requests to endpoints that support this. How paging is implemented in API For all endpoints that return lists paging is implemented by providing two queryparameters, pageSize and pageNumber. For all endpoints these parameters are documented in the swagger documentation ( For all endpoints that provide these parameters it is important that your integration provide these for all requests. If not provided default-values will be used and you will potentially not receive the complete resultset. In the swagger-documentation you can see the default-value for the specific endpoint. Default parameter values Parameter Default value (if not provided) pageNumber 1 pageSize Can vary from endpoint to endpoint, can also change over time. Maximum value for the pageSize parameter is bound to the default-value that will also represent the maximum value allowed. Meaning that if you specify a value in pageSize that is greater than the default value, the endpoint will only return the number of records defined by the default value for pageSize in this endpoint. In addition to swagger-documentation the maximum allowed value for pageSize will also be returned as part of the metadata-property in the returned JSON-data. The value will have the name maxPageSize.               "metadata": { "totalCount": 450, "maxPageSize": 500 }               Metadata As part of every request to an endpoint that supports paging you will get a metadata-property returned as part of the returned JSON-data. This metadata is provided to give your integration information about the available results and restrictions of the current request. The metadata-property will provide the following values:               "metadata": { "totalCount": 450, "maxPageSize": 500 }                 Value Description totalCount The total number of results for the current request regardless of pages. Example: GET /customer?name=Norwegian?pageSize=5&pageNumber=1 This request will return the first page of 5 customers with the name containing “Norwegian”. However, in the database there are 12 customers with names containing “Norwegian”, so the totalCount will have the value 12. maxPageSize The maximum pageSize you can set for this endpoint. If you specify a number higher than this, the result will be restricted to only return the maxPageSize number of records.   You can use the values in the metadata to calculate the number of pages you need to get in order to receive the whole result-set based on the pageSize you are using. Paging in combination with filters Most GET-endpoints in the API contain filter-parameters. These are used to narrow down the resultset to only contain the records that are relevant to the request. It is important to notice that when these filter-parameters are used in combination with the paging-parameters, the resultset is defined as the total resultset for the specified filter-parameters. This means that if the resultset spans across multiple pages, the exact same filter-parameters must be specified for all subsequent requests to get the following pages. The API contains no state to store what pages/records have been delivered, so every request will be handled independent of previous requests. The figure below illustrates what results will be included in each page based on three different queries with different values for parameters lastModifiedDateTime and pageSize. Query 1: ?lastModifiedDateTime=2020-03-01T00:00:00&lastModifiedDateTimeCondition=>=&pageSize=3 The resultset will be divided into 4 different pages, meaning that you have to make 4 requests to the API, with the exact same values for parameter lastModifiedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTimeCondition and pageSize. The pageNumber-parameter will define what results you will get, marked by the numbers 1-4 and the colors yellow, pink, green and blue in the figure.   Query 2: ?lastModifiedDateTime=2020-03-01T00:00:00&lastModifiedDateTimeCondition=>=&pageSize=5 The resultset will be divided into 2 different pages, meaning that you have to make 2 requests to the API, with the exact same values for parameter lastModifiedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTimeCondition and pageSize. The pageNumber-parameter will define what results you will get, marked by the numbers 1-2 and the colors green and purple in the figure.   Query 3: ?lastModifiedDateTime=2020-03-06T00:00:00&lastModifiedDateTimeCondition=>=&pageSize=3 The resultset will be divided into 2 different pages, meaning that you have to make 2 requests to the API, with the exact same values for parameter lastModifiedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTimeCondition and pageSize. The pageNumber-parameter will define what results you will get, marked by the numbers 1-2 and the colors blue and gray in the figure.       If you do not keep these parameters constant (the pageSize is changed), and do the following set of requests:   ?lastModifiedDateTime=2020-03-01T00:00:00&lastModifiedDateTimeCondition=>=&pageSize=3&pageNumber=1 ?lastModifiedDateTime=2020-03-01T00:00:00&lastModifiedDateTimeCondition=>=&pageSize=5&pageNumber=2 This will result in you getting the following records: First request: Record 1,2,3 Second request: Record 6,7,8,9,10 As you can see the records 4 and 5 will not be returned to you. New records added while getting pages Sometimes new records are added to or removed from the database by other uses while you are getting the records using paging. In that scenario the totalCount metadata-property will always change to reflect the new total number of records available for your query. Because of this it is important to always check the value of totalCount for each GET request to retrieve a new page, to be able to calculate the total number of pages needed to get the complete resultset. Example You want to get all the customer with status=”Active”, the results should be divided into pages with 10 customers (pageSize=10). You make the following request to get the first 10 customers. GET/customer?status=Active&pageSize=10&pageNumber=1 As part of the response you get the metadata including the totalCount - property that tells you that the total number of results are 30.           "metadata": { "totalCount": 30 }             3. This means that you have to repeat the request two more times to get the full result-set. 4. You make the second request to get the next 10 customers. GET/customer?status=Active&pageSize=10&pageNumber=2 5. As part of the response you again get the metadata including the totalCount - property, but this now tells you that the total number of results are 32. Meaning that two new customers have been added or changed status to Active by another user               "metadata": { "totalCount": 32 }               6. This means that you now have to make a total of 4 requests to get the complete result-set. (10+10+10+2). This shows that your client should always keep track of the total number of results received and the total count of results available to make sure that you always get the complete result-set. The following code-example represents a possible implementation of this.                 def get_all_active_customers(): page_size = 10 # The pageSize we want to use nest_page_number = 1 # The next page to get, initial value = 1 results_recieved = 0 # The number of results we've recieved total_count = 1 # The total number of results available #If we've revieved less than the total number of resultes, we make a new loop while results_recieved < total_count: response = request.get('', params={ 'status': 'Active', 'pageSize': page_size, 'pageNum': next_page_number }, headers={ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer' + token, 'ipp-company-id': company_id, 'ipp-application-type': 'Visma-net Financials' } | ) if response.status_code == 200: result = json.loads(response.text) # Decodes the recieved JSON # {handle the results} # Increments the number of results recieved by the number of results recieved by this request results_recieved += result.len total_count = result[0]['metadata']['totalCount'] # Updates the total_count variable with the current total count of results next_page_number += 1 # Increments the next page to get by 1             Reference: Enforcement of pagination on API endpoints and change of maxPagesize - September release (8.25)
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28-07-2020 16:22 (Updated 05-02-2021)
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TaxID '01' cannot be found in the system To diagnose why you get this error message, you must check a couple of things. The process flow of applying VAT in Visma.Net Financials follows this flow:     First, the VAT Zone ID is collected from the Supplier or Customer, check the following: Supplier(ScreenId=AP303000) Purchase settings tab:   Customer(ScreenId=AR303000) Delivery settings tab:       For this article, we’ll have a look at the Customer. VAT Zone ID To check the VAT Zones, go to ScreenId=TX2060PL and click on the Zone ID of your customer(Here it is Zone 01).     Clicking on the Zone will show the different VAT ID’s available for this zone.     VAT Category Next, you need to check the VAT category of the Item you are going to use, this is found under the “General Information” tab of the item (Non-Stock: ScreenId=IN202000, Stock Item: ScreenId=IN202500).     Clicking on the pencil next to the category will open the window for that category(ScreenId=TX2055PL). Here you need to make sure that the category has the correct VAT type for the document you are creating. You will also see a list of available VAT Ids for this category.     Visma.Net Financials will select the VAT ID based on the the ID where Category and Zone match. Opening VAT Id 3 will show you that both Zone 01 and Category 03 will be present here, and will therefore be valid on the line when you are creating your invoice.     Posting the invoice without specifying the VAT id:     Generates invoice in VNF:     Specifying the VAT ID based on this will create the invoice, however posting a VAT ID that does not comply with the points in this article(eg. A VAT ID that has a category that is not does not match the type of document you want to create, a VAT Category / Zone combination that does not exist) will give you an error message. ℹ️For further information regarding how to set up VAT zones/ids and categories, contact your partner service / ERP Support.
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10-02-2020 12:25 (Updated 10-06-2021)
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Firstly, make sure that Financials Administrator & Financials User roles have been granted to your Visma.Net User.(that user have been used during the authentication process to generate a token for API as well as logging in to the Financials company) Please also invoke "Administrator Role" to your integration user via Financials UI. ScreenId=SM201010
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10-02-2020 10:28 (Updated 10-02-2020)
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Please see attachment specific endpoints at Webclient Class public void postAttachment(string[] files, string <objectID>, string token, string companyId) { using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.Headers.Add("ipp-company-id", "<companyId>"); client.Headers.Add("ipp-application-type", " Financials"); client.Headers.Add("Authorization", "bearer<token>"); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) // Multiple { byte[] responseArray = client.UploadFile(@"<Endpoint>/"+<objectID>+"/Attachment", "POST", files[i]); } } } HttpClient Class public void postAttachmentHttpClient() { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ipp-application-type", " Financials"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ipp-company-id", "<companyID>"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <token>"); HttpResponseMessage response; var content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); var path = Path.Combine(@"<path>"); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path); var sc = new StreamContent(fs); sc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); sc.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition","form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" + Path.GetFileName(path) + "\""); content.Add(sc, "file", fileName); response = client.PostAsync(@"<endpoint>/<objectID>/Attachment", content).Result; } } Disclaimer The sample code on Visma Community > Visma.Net API is provided “AS IS” and any express or implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. In no event shall Visma or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages.
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07-02-2020 12:45 (Updated 10-07-2020)
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  You can get a recently created object ID by looking into the Response Headers{Location} of the HTTP Response Headers. HttpResponse.GetResponseHeader("location"); This is one of the Response Headers (LOCATION) that API returns after each successful POST Operation which contains created object ID. public string readLocation(string json) { string[] headers = new string[2]; string strResponse = string.Empty; string location = string.Empty; var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(endPoint); httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; httpWebRequest.Method = httpVerb.POST.ToString(); httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("ipp-company-id", "<CompanyID>"); httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("ipp-application-type", " Financials"); httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "<token>"); using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())) { streamWriter.Write(json); streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); } var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) { var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); headers[0] = httpResponse.GetResponseHeader("location"); headers[1] = httpResponse.GetResponseHeader("date"); strResponse = ("ID: "+headers[0].Substring(headers[0].LastIndexOf('/') + 1)+" // Date: "+headers[1]); //Seperate Resource URL - Created Object ID } return strResponse ; } } Disclaimer The sample code on Visma Community > Visma.Net API is provided “AS IS” and any express or implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. In no event shall Visma or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages.
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07-02-2020 10:57 (Updated 07-02-2020)
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When posting documents with subaccounts, some times you might encounter errors that look like this: “Error: (.*) of Subaccount do not exist."   To troubleshoot this please have a look at your Segment Key/Value setup of the dimension “SubAccount” (ScreenId=CS202000&DimensionID=SUBACCOUNT)     Clicking on the “Segment ID” will lead to the screen showing your values for that Segment Key:     If you have validation activated for your Segment Key’s, you need to set up the combinations you want to be using in the SubAccounts screen(ScreenId=GL203000)      
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04-02-2020 11:00
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Request Limitation(throttling) is applied based on per client,  As of today, there is 500 transactions/calls allowed per company, per hour during the development phase(Test Client)
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03-02-2021 14:54 (Updated 02-10-2024)
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Manage environments Creating a new environment You can create a new environment from the: Manage Environments icon New button Launch screen Manage environments icon Click "Manage Environments" icon in the upper right corner of the Postman app. Select “Manage Environments”. Click the Add button. New button In the header toolbar, click the New button or click the “Gear” Manage Environments icon   Click "Environment" and enter a name for the new environment.   Add the variables you want to save as key-value pairs.   Click the Add/Update button. Manage Environments to change the values with your own   base_uri:currently pointing to API environment <> client_id: The client identifier given to the client during the Application registration process. client_secret: The client secret given to the client during the Application registration process. redirect_uri: (CallbackURL)The Application’s callback URL that’s registered with the server. If not provided, Postman uses a default empty URL and extracts the code or access token from it. company_id: Financials companyId that will be used on API calls   scope:The scope of the access request {financialstasks} state: An opaque value that prevents cross-site request forgery auth_URL: The endpoint for authorization server, which retrieves the authorization code.<> Access_Token_URL: The endpoint for the resource server, which exchanges the authorization code for an access token. <>     oAuth2 OAuth 2.0 is an authorization type that enables you to approve an application that contacts another application for you without exposing your password. To use the OAuth 2.0 authorization in Postman In the Authorization tab, select "OAuth 2.0" from the TYPE drop down menu. From the "Add authorization data to" drop down menu, select either "Request URL" or "Request Headers". To set the authorization parameters for a request, you have three options: Click the Get New Access Token button. The screen appears.  Enter the appropriate values, click the Request Token button to populate the "Access Token" field, and then click the Send button. In the "Access Token" field, enter a token, or an environment defined variable, and click the Send button. In the "Available Tokens" drop down menu, select an existing token and click the Send button.     Get New Access Token After clicking the Get New Access Token button , Postman brings the following screen where user should fill out the parameters.     The values used here are the variables defined in the environment. After filling the parameters user needs to click Request Token button.   You will be directed to a login, enter your credentials and sign in.     Allow Integrations to connect to your account.     After you click the Allow button and if entered data is correct, you will see the Postman window that has the token. By default Postman expects to find a field named: access_token in the response. Since the Visma.Net response contains a field named  token , instead of access_token, Postman cannot auto-detect it as an access_token     Copy the value of token , close the MANAGE ACCESS TOKENS screen and paste it in the Access Token field.       We also recommend taking a look at : Connecting your Visma.Net Financials company to the API OAuth 2.0 Authorization Flow
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28-01-2020 15:28 (Updated 23-05-2021)
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Setup up your user rights To be able to use Visma.Net API you need to make sure your visma user have the correct roles on the Financials company you want to use it for. Login with your Visma.Net Account : and go to Admin Panel. 1- Visma.Net Admin 1.A- To be able to edit the access rights you need to be logged in with a user with “Customer administrator” role.   1.B- To set your rights, click on Visma.Net Financials in the top left corner and choose Admin.   2-User and roles 2.A- When you have accessed Admin click on “User and roles”.  2.B- Head to the “User” tab. 2.C- Search for your username and click your name. 3-Company access and rights 3.A- If the company you want to edit roles for does not exist in the list under your username, click the “Add access to” menu and look for the company you wish to add.      3.B- Find the company you want to edit roles for.     3.C- On the line for the desired company, press the field for “Financials” and add the roles “Financial Administrator” & “Financials User”.   Swagger Our Swagger is a good point for you to start using the API.   Connect to your Visma.Net account Authorize and get a VNF token to use in Swagger. Click “Authorize” on the right side of the interface.     Tick the box for “financialstasks” and press “Authorize”     You will be directed to a login, enter your credentials and sign in.(If you are not asked to enter your credentials but get directed to the next step straight away, please clear your cookies in your browser and retry)     Allow Integrations to connect to your account.     When you have allowed the connection you see that you are now authorized in Swagger. Close the window and proceed to use Swagger.   Start using Swagger The first thing you need to do is check what companies your financials user have access to. You can find the names and Ids via the “Context” endpoint. Scroll down to the “Context” endpoint and expand it.     Expand the first GET method - Get the companies available for this token, and press “Try it out”.     You will now see a button, “Execute”, press it and you’ll notice the result below will have updated to show your available companies. You’ll also see the request URL.     In the list, decide which company you want to use and copy the “id:”, this is the Id you will add to your “ipp-company-id” header when you are making requests. For now scroll back up to the top and paste the ID in the field “ipp-company-id”. When you have filled this field, the requests you execute via Swagger will target that company.     We also recommend taking a look at : OAuth 2.0 Authorization Flow  
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27-01-2020 10:29 (Updated 25-11-2021)
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  In this article, you can find guidelines for how to use Visma.Net API Endpoints connected to the Customer Ledger from Visma.Net Financials. For more information regarding the endpoints, query parameters and other endpoints for all areas, Please read the documentation found here: Swagger - Visma.Net Integrations Documentation     Supplier  Common usage example for Supplier(ScreenId=AP303000) URL: Methods: GET All Suppliers URL:   Example of usage with parameters Query parameters: lastModifiedDateTime=YYYY-MM-DD As of today Filtering Parameters does not accept certain characters such as W-Z These are the formats for Filtering *2001-01-01 *2001-01-01 13:13:13 *2001-01-01 13:13:13.133   lastModifiedDateTimeCondition=Operator Supported comparative operators for LastModifiedDateTime Conditions on filtering  > - Greater than < - Less than <= - Less than or equal to >= - Greater than or equal to   Usage example: This query will return suppliers updated on 2020-01-14 or later. GET ?lastModifiedDateTime=2020-01-14 &l astModifiedDateTimeCondition=>= ( Lines are separated for readability) POST Supplier URL:   This example shows the minimum fields you should send to be able to post a new Supplier, if you are using automatic numbering you can omit the “number” field. JSON Request body {     "number": {         "value": "50002"     },     "name": {         "value": "NewSupplier"     },     "mainAddress": {         "addressId": 3001,         "addressLine1": "Testroad 5",         "postalCode": "0110",         "city": "OSLO",         "country": {             "id": "NO",             "name": "NORGE"         },         "county": {             "id": "0301",             "name": "OSLO"         }     },     "supplierClassId": {         "value": "1"     } }   If sent successfully, the API will return: Status 201 Created   Supplier Invoice Common usage example for Supplier Invoice(ScreenId=AP301000) URL: Methods: GET All Supplier Invoices URL:   Example of usage with parameters Query parameters: Project=String Will limit response to documents with the specified project   Usage example: This will return Supplier Invoices with projectID 20. GET ?project=20 POST SupplierInvoice URL:   This example shows the minimum fields you should send to be able to post a new Supplier Invoice, if you are using automatic numbering you can omit the “referenceNumber” field. JSON Request body {     "date": {         "value": "2019-11-08T00:00:00"     },     "documentType": {         "value": "Invoice"     },     "referenceNumber": {         "value": "000357"     },     "invoiceLines": [         {             "inventoryNumber": {                 "value": "test*test"             },             "lineNumber": {                 "value": "1"             },             "operation": "Insert",             "projectId": {                 "value": "X"             },             "quantity": {                 "value": 1             },             "subaccount": [                 {                     "segmentId": 1,                     "segmentValue": "00"                 }             ],             "unitCostInCurrency": {                 "value": "1.60"             },             "vatCodeId": {                 "value": "1"             }         }     ],     "paymentRefNo": {         "value": "test"     },     "postPeriod": {         "value": "112019"     },     "supplierNumber": {         "value": "50000"     },     "supplierReference": {         "value": "test"     } }   If sent successfully, the API will return: Status 201 Created   PUT PurchaseOrder URL:{debitNoteNumber}   When using PUT, you only send the fields you want to update. In the below example, we update the first line of the Credit Note: URL PUT JSON Request body {     "lines": [         {             "operation": "Insert",             "lineNumber": {                 "value": 1             },             "inventoryNumber": {                 "value": "6"             },             "quantity": {                 "value": 1             },             "unitPriceInCurrency": {                 "value": 1             }         }     ] }   If successful, the API will return: Status: 204 No Content   Purchase Order Common usage example for Endpoint(ScreenId=PO301000) URL: Methods: GET All Purchase Orders URL:   Example of usage with parameters Query parameters: Supplier=string Lets you search for Purchase Orders registered to one supplier   orderStatus=string Lets you define what orderStatuses to return, these are the Statuses of Purchase Order: On hold - The purchase order is a draft and can be edited manually. Open - The order was processed in accordance but has not been completed yet. Pending approval - The purchase order has not been approved by all the assigned persons. Rejected - The order was rejected by one of the persons assigned to approve it. Pending printing - Printing is required for the document but has not been performed yet. Pending e-mail - E-mailing is required for this document, but it has not been performed yet. Closed - All the ordered goods were received. Cancelled - The order was cancelled through the “ Cancel order” action - An order with this status cannot be edited, and purchase receipts cannot be based on it.   Usage example: This will return Purchase Orders registered on supplier “50000” that are in status OPEN. GET ?Supplier=50000 &status=open (Lines are separated for readability) POST PurchaseOrder URL:   This example shows the minimum fields you should send to be able to post a new Purchase Order, if you are using automatic numbering you can omit the “referenceNumber” field. JSON Request body {     "orderType": {         "value": "RegularOrder"     },     "date": {         "value": "2019-12-27T09:46:11.202Z"     },     "supplier": {         "value": "50000"     },     "lines": [         {             "operation": "Insert",             "inventory": {                 "value": "teststock"             },             "lineType": {                 "value": "GoodsForInventory"             },             "warehouse": {                 "value": "2"             },             "uom": {                 "value": "PALL"             },             "orderQty": {                 "value": 2             },             "unitCost": {                 "value": 2000             }         }     ] }   If sent successfully, the API will return: Status 201 Created PUT PurchaseOrder URL:{purchaseOrder}   When using PUT, you only send the fields you want to update. In the below example, we update the first line of the Credit Note: URL PUT JSON Request body {     "lines": [         {             "operation": "Update",             "lineNumber": {                 "value": 1             },             "inventoryNumber": {                 "value": "6"             },             "quantity": {                 "value": 1             },             "unitPriceInCurrency": {                 "value": 1             }         }     ] }   If successful, the API will return: Status: 204 No Content   Supplier Payment Common usage example for Endpoint(ScreenId=AP302000) URL: Methods: GET All Supplier Payments URL:   Example of usage with parameters Query parameters: SupplierId=String This will limit the response to the provided SupplierId   Usage example: This will return Purchase Orders registered on supplier “50000”  GET ?Supplier=50000 (Lines are separated for readability)
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24-01-2020 11:51 (Updated 24-01-2020)
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Visma.Net Integrations - API Client Configuration In this document we will go through what needs to be done after you completed your Visma.Net Integration certification.  Redirect_URI The first thing you need to do to configure your API client is to set up a redirect_URI.  Redirect URIs are a critical part of the OAuth flow. After a user successfully authorizes an application, the authorization server will redirect the user back to the application with an authorization code in the URL. Because the URL will contain sensitive information, it is critical that the service doesn’t redirect the user to arbitrary locations.    Due to this, it is required to specify one or more redirect URIs when you register your integration with Visma.Net. For production, it is required that the provided URI is set up with HTTPS.    When you have a redirect URI, this should be sent to your partner service in order to be able to get your Client_ID and Client_Secret. When this has been processed, you will receive an Activation email for your registration, the link to activate your Client_Id will be active for 5 days, so make sure to do this when the email is received:     API client types For Visma.Net there are two client types available, API “test client” and “production client” (also known as live) Test Clients All new API clients are generated as the type “Test”. In the test client there is a limit to the allowed calls per hour, which is set 500 calls/hour/per company.   ℹ️ When you are ready to go live with your integration you need to contact your partner service to obtain the "production" type API Client. Production Clients In the Production Client, the limit for calls  is ​15,000 calls / per hour & per company (since version: 8.25) Please also see, Why am I receiving "HTTP 429 - Too many request / throttling" response from API ? Visma.Net Integrations Startup Guide Visma.Net API International Support Policy Contacting the Visma.Net ERP Support / Partner Service API incidents - Troubleshooting and reporting
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29-10-2020 11:57 (Updated 29-10-2021)
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In this article, you can find guidelines for how to use Visma.Net API Endpoints connected to the Customer Ledger from Visma.Net Financials.          
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22-01-2020 15:53 (Updated 24-01-2020)
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