{English below}
IAM API: Nieuw endpoint voor lezen cost allocation (Loonverdelingsregels)
De IAM API is uitgebreid met een nieuw endpoint voor het ophalen of lezen van de loonverdelingsregels van een medewerker uit Beaufort. De Loonverdelingsregels van Beaufort bevatten onder andere de kostenplaats(en) waarop de medewerker werkzaam is.
Het endpoint bevat de volgende gegevens
Persoonsnummer van de medewerker
Dienstverband volgnummer van de medewerker
Volgnummer loonverdelingsregel
Percentage van de loonverdeling
De loonverdeling betreft altijd de actuele situatie zoals die is vastgelegd in het scherm "Loonverdeling" in Beaufort.
De loonverdelingsregels kunnen opgevraagd worden via het endpoint:
De API kan met verschillende parameters gebruikt worden
Full list
GET https://api.youforce.com/iam/v1.0/CostAllocations
GET https://api.youforce.com/iam/v1.0/CostAllocations/35001%201%201
Filter by Person Code
GET https://api.youforce.com/iam/v1.0/CostAllocations?personCode=35001
IAM API: New endpoint for cost allocation (Beaufort Loonverdeldingsregels)
The IAM API has been expanded with a new endpoint for cost allocation. With this new endpoint IAM systems can get the cost allocation records of an employee from Beaufort. The cost center is one of the attributes of this new endpoint.
The cost allocation entity concerns always the current situation as it is recorded in Beaufort with the screen "Loonverdeling".
You can access the enpoint with the url:
You can use the endpoint with the following parameters
Full list
GET https://api.youforce.com/iam/v1.0/CostAllocations
GET https://api.youforce.com/iam/v1.0/CostAllocations/35001%201%201
Filter by Person Code
GET https://api.youforce.com/iam/v1.0/CostAllocations?personCode=35001
Learning API: New endpoints for uploading other type of documents
We have added new endpoints for the following document types:
certificate / Certificaat
diploma / Diploma
career agreement / Loopbaan afspraak
career mail / Correspondentie loopbaan
career other / Overige loonbaan documenten
appraisal Review / Beoordelingsgesprek
performance Review / Functioneringsgesprek
To use these endpoints, the document type needs to be activated in the personal file system (authorisation & configuration Personal file system). All these endpoint are available as version 1.1.
See here for more information
Solved issues
SIVI API : Postal code in uppercase and without spaces
In HR Core Beaufort it is possible to store the postal code in different formats. For instance with spaces (1234 AB) or in lower case (1234 ab). The Sivi standard requires a fixed format without spaces and in uppercase (1234AB). Note: The API will not change the postal code if it's invalid or doesn't exists.
The issue is solved
In this update you can find the improvements and solved issues in the domain api's.
IAM API: New fields are added to the employment endpoint
The following fields are added to the employment endpoint.
PayrollClientCode ( P01103 Opdrachtgever)
PayrollInsittutionCode ( P01104 Instelling)
Classification ( P01110 - Code doelgroep)
Learning API: User endpoint added to version 1.0
The user endpoint is added to version 1.0 of the learning API. This endpoint will return the unique ID of the user which can be used for the SSO process of a customer.
For example:
GET https://api.youforce.com/learning/v1.0/users(employeeId=10010)
By adding this endpoint version 1.0 of the learning API is backwards compatible with version 0.1.
Action API Consumer:
We ask you to change the url of you api call to this new version. Version 0.1 is deprecated from now.
Solved issues
Learning API : Texts with special chars were not displayed correctly [VRINA-1613]
Special characters for the fields 'FirstNames' or 'KnownAs' were not correctly processed in the API database. As result to API shows the name incorrectly.
For example:
-> "KnownAs": "Desirée"
was showed as:
-> "KnownAs": "Desir?e"
The issue is solved.