Den listen du viser til gjelder hva du er registrert med i ELMA. Her er litt bedre forklaring:
1. EHF_CREDITNOTE 2.0 - Credit note in EHF 2.0 format 2. BIS05 - Billing profile, includes invoices and credit notes in PeppolBIS 1.6 format (not supported anymore by Peppol) 3. EHF_INVOICE 2.0 - Invoice in EHF 2.0 format 4. EHF_CREDITNOTE Credit note in EHF 1.6 format (not supported anymore by Peppol) 5. BIS04 - Invoice only profile in PeppolBIS 1.6 format (not supported anymore by Peppol) 6. EHF_INVOICE Invoice in EHF 1.6 format (not supported anymore by Peppol) 7. BIS04 V2 Invoice only profile in PeppolBIS 2.0 format 8. EHF_INVOICE_CREDITNOTE 2.0 - 5a based profile (invoice, creditnote) in EHF 2.0 format 9. BIS05 V2 Billing profile, includes invoices and credit notes in PeppolBIS 2.0 10. EHF_INVOICE_CREDITNOTE - 5a based profile (invoice, creditnote) in EHF 1.6 format (not supported anymore by Peppol)
Fra AutoInvoice kan du laste ned i mange forskjellige formater, også E2B, men dette har ikke noe med hva du er registrert med i ELMA.
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