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New 1.  Overview Selection properties HR added to report Overview HR Configuration Why In HR Core Business, you can enter the data elements needed for Data as a service. This API only passes on those data elements by entity and file name that are configured in HR Core Business. If you want to see how this configuration looks, you can create the overview Selection properties HR using the report Overview HR Configuration. The tab Selection properties HR is then added to the Overview HR Configuration, with an overview of the HR selection property Data feed. There, you can see the selected data elements for each entity and possibly also the file name to which these data elements should be assigned. The file name in HR Core Business is ‘group attribute’. How Reports > Settings > Overview HR Configuration You can request the Overview Selection properties HR as follows: Open the Overview HR Configuration screen. Make sure a check is placed next to the option Selection properties HR and click Create Report. The Excel file containing the overview can be found in My Reports. The overview lists all the entities and data elements entered using Settings > Data entry > Selection property HR. Action Settings > Data entry > Selection property HR Reports > Settings > Overview HR configuration The screen Selection Property HR can be used if you want to use the feature for entering HR selection properties. You can then view this configuration in the report Overview HR configuration, tab Selection properties HR. 2.  New screen Taken leave in calendar form Why In HR Core Business, you keep records of every employee with a leave scheme and who can take leave. A new screen Taken leave has now been added next to the screen Remaining leave, where you can see the leave status. This shows in calendar form when the employee took leave, and for how many hours (or units). It also displays the number of hours taken according to leave type as well as an overview of leave requests. How Employee > Leave > Taken leave The screen Taken leave shows an employee’s approved taken leave for the selected leave year. The screen consists of the following sections: Calendar This shows the number of hours taken according to leave type by month and day. Colors in the calendar: Blue = public holiday. If hours are booked on that day, this section is simply colored white. Light gray = weekend Dark gray = days not in the month, e.g. February from the 28th or 29th. Taken hours This shows the total number of hours taken according to leave type. Leave request An overview of all leave requests, showing for each leave request whether the hours taken are broken down according to different leave types. The following information is shown for each leave type for which hours have been deducted: The date of the leave request, the status, whether the leave type was automatically deducted, whether it is collective leave Start and end dates: the first and last days of a leave type for which leave is taken in the leave request. Note: the screen Remaining leave shows also a start date and end date for the leave request; these are the start and end dates of the leave request. Hours: total number of leave hours per day of the leave type. Where leave hours are booked automatically, this may be a fraction. Reason for leave: if a reason was given in the leave request, it is shown here. Action No action is required. 3.  Block collective leave in HR Self Service Why In HR Core Business it is possible to grant collective leave. All employees are then granted leave on the same day, which is deducted from their statutory leave entitlement. There are occasions when an employee cannot take advantage of collective leave, due to urgent work that must be performed, for example. This collective leave could be blocked using the special feature in HR Core Business. This was not yet possible in HR Self Service. We have therefore included a feature enabling you to block collective leave for an employee in HR Self Service also from release 2023-06.  How HR Self Service > Leave > Cancel leave > Authorization HR Core Business > Leave Request In HR Self Service, the employee can use the workflow Cancel leave to block collective leave. Once you have clicked the Cancel leave tile, the processed leave requests are shown. Click the  icon at the end of the collective leave line, then click submit. This will not delete the collective leave, but only block it so that the collective leave hours are not deducted from the employee’s remaining leave. In HR Core Business, once the change has been processed you will see that the leave request still exists but is blocked. In HR Self Service, the collective leave will no longer be displayed for that employee. Note! In exceptional cases, collective leave that was previously blocked may be blocked again if it turns out that the employee does not need to work on the collective day off after all. It is then no longer possible to unblock this in HR Self Service. In HR Core Business, it is possible to unblock the collective leave again, although this may not be passed on correctly in HR Self Service. We therefore advise you not to perform this action. In a future release, we will ensure that unblocking collective leave also is properly passed on to HR Self Service. Action No action is required. Modified and Improved 4.  Selection property HR Why In the screen Selection property HR, you can enter which data elements with group attributes are required for the ‘Data as a Service’ service. We have now ensured that a data element can appear multiple times within an entity, but with a different group attribute. This allows you to include in the end result (the CSV files) the data element 24 Last name in multiple output files, for example. How Settings > Data entry > Selection property HR Open the screen Selection property HR. Add If you want to add the data element 24 Last name (again), for example, click Find element. Then select the desired entity, for example Employee. Select the data element 24 Last name, select the desired Group attribute, and click Save, followed by Close. Modify If you want to modify the group attribute of the data element 24 Last name, click the   Modify icon. In the search screen, select the desired Group attribute from the list and click Save, followed by Close. Action If necessary, check the configuration.  
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17-05-2023 16:33
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Op donderdag 20 juni hebben we een Hotfix uitgerold voor onderstaand probleem.   Kolom vorig in Rapport "Afdrachten en totalen Loonaangifte " gaf onjuiste bedragen (6386904) Hotfix 20-06-2024 Melding Wanneer er meerdere keren een correctie periode vorig jaar in de aangifte terecht kwam ( dus meerdere keren een correctie salarisberekening vanuit 2024 over 2023 in de correctiemodus ) dan werd de kolom vorig niet juist getoond. De bedragen uit de kolom vorig werden willekeurig door het rapport overgenomen van 1 van de vorige aangifte correcties. Hierdoor klopte de totaaltellingen niet van de rapportages en leek het alsof de aangifte niet juist was vanuit de salarisberekening. Dit was echter wel het geval, maar de kolom vorig gaf niet de juiste data. het totaalblad ( eerste blad ) en de XML naar de belastingdienst bevatte wel de juiste informatie. Oplossing Bij het oplossen van bovenstaande fout is er echter afgelopen week de fout ingeslopen dat ook vorige periodes in het huidige jaar niet meer juist werden getoond wanneer daar nu correcties voor zijn gemaakt in de huidige aangifte periode.   We hebben dit op donderdag avond 20 juni opgelost met een Hotfix naar productie, waandoor het rapport nu ALTIJD naar de laatste vorige aangifte kijkt die verwerkt is over die periode. Actie Wanneer het rapport niet juist werd getoond is het voldoende om het rapport nogmaals te draaien. Hier zullen dan de juiste gegevens opstaan.
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21-06-2024 08:34
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Solved message Remove GDPR - not all selected employees were removed (5378624) Message Workflows > Outflow > Erase person data (GDPR) Not all employees selected in the Erase personal data (GDPR) screen were actually removed. If an employee had lived partly abroad during his employment, the removal process did not go well. When anonymizing the data, data such as zip code is converted into a non traceable zip code. However, this went wrong with the combination outside the Netherlands. The employee then no longer appeared in the list of employees to be selected, but was not removed. Solution We have solved this by writing the Country back to the Netherlands, so that anonymizing the zip code corresponds with the country again. As a result, this data will also be anonymized correctly and the employee will be deleted. Action  No specific action is required. From this release onwards, the removal will still take place. For new situations as described above, removal will take place correctly from now on.  
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20-12-2023 20:00
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Solved messages Erase person data (GDPR) (change 4662244) Message In the Erase person data (GDPR) screen, a certain employee wasn't included in the list, even though this employee has been out of service for 7 years. Solution The system is working correctly. In the Erase person data (GDPR) screen, you see the employees who, based on the current date, have been out of service for 7 years AND for which it also applies that it has been 7 calendar years since the employee received a salary specification. An employee who left employment on January 1, 2016 and for whom there was still a payroll processing in January 2016, can therefore only be removed in January 2024. We have clarified this in the help text:   In the Erase person data (GDPR) screen, you see the employees who, based on the current date, have not been employed in the last 7 years AND have not received a pay slip after this time. Employees who have received a pay slip in the past 7 years are not shown in this screen.   In het scherm Wissen persoonsgegevens (AVG) zie je de medewerkers die op basis van de huidige datum in de laatste 7 jaar niet meer in dienst zijn EN na deze tijd geen loonstrook meer hebben ontvangen. Medewerkers die de afgelopen 7 jaar nog wel een loonstrook hebben ontvangen, staan niet in dit scherm.     Veld Toelichting Reference date Peildatum Based on the reference date, the employees you see in the screen have been out of service for 7 years or more and have not received any salary processing for 7 years. Adjusting the reference date does not affect the employees to be removed because the system always looks at today's date. De medewerkers die je in het scherm ziet, zijn op basis van de peildatum 7 jaar of langer uit dienst en hebben gedurende 7 jaar geen salarisverwerking meer gehad. Het aanpassen van de peildatum heeft geen invloed op de te verwijderen medewerkers omdat het systeem altijd kijkt naar de datum van vandaag. Action No action is required. Various elements not available in HR Self Service (change 4632228) Message  Various elements were not available in HR Self Service. Solution Because some elements in HR Core Business did not make it through to HR Self Service, we added the missing elements so that they become available in HR Self Service. Action In HR Core Business, a mutation must have been entered for an employee for the relevant elements. After night processing, these elements will be visible in HR Self Service the next day.  
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20-07-2023 10:40
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Solved message Collective leave assigned to employee without leave scheme (4773615) Employee > Leave > Taken leave Settings > Leave > Collective leave Message  When granting collective leave, a day of leave was also granted to employees who were not linked to a leave scheme. Solution This has been resolved from release 2023-12. When entering collective leave in HR Core Business, no leave will be granted to employees who are not linked to a leave scheme. Action If in your organization an employee without a leave scheme has been granted a collective leave day, this can be restored in two ways:  By deleting and re-entering the collective leave day via Settings > Leave > Collective leave  OR By removing the relevant leave request from the employees in question via Employee > Leave > Taken leave  
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28-11-2023 09:29
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New 1. Start active signaling for preprocessing and/or post-processing Why Active signaling in HR Core Business is often used to manage a workflow in HR Self Service (HRSS). In some cases, the employee is required to perform an action, or a document may be uploaded to the employee’s personnel file for notification purposes.    In this workflow, you can use preprocessing and/or post-processing to retrieve certain values. Unfortunately, this did not function correctly if the workflow was initiated by active signaling. This resulted in the need for additional manual work in HR Self Service. We have therefore added a feature in HR Core Business to ensure that the preprocessing and/or post-processing functions do work, provided that you set up the signal in HR Core Business correctly. How Settings > Active Signalling > Define Alert > Recipients tab Under the tab Recipients, we have added the option HRSS workflow with action before/after to the list for Type. Now when you create a signal by selecting this option, it will ensure that preprocessing and/or post-processing in HR Self Service functions correctly. Action If you want to use the preprocessing and/or post-processing feature, make sure the signal is set up correctly. Modified and improved 2. Block collective leave in HR Self Service Why In HR Core Business it is possible to grant collective leave. All employees are then granted leave on the same day, which is deducted from their statutory leave entitlement. There are occasions when an employee cannot take advantage of collective leave, due to urgent work that must be performed, for example. This collective leave could be blocked using the special feature in HR Core Business. This was not yet possible in HR Self Service. We have therefore included a feature enabling you to block collective leave for an employee in HR Self Service also from release 2023-06.    However, this process did not work quite correctly if you wanted to unblock the blocked collective leave again. As of 2023-07, we have ensured that this process also works properly.  How HR Self Service > Leave > Cancel leave > Authorization HR Core Business > Leave Request In HR Self Service, the employee can use the workflow Cancel leave  to block collective leave. Once you have clicked the Cancel leave tile, the processed leave requests are shown. Click the icon  at the end of the collective leave line, then click submit. This will not delete the collective leave, but only block it so that the collective leave hours are not deducted from the employee’s remaining leave. In HR Core Business, once the change has been processed you will see that the leave request still exists but is blocked. In HR Self Service, the collective leave will no longer be displayed for that employee.   In exceptional cases, collective leave that was previously blocked may be blocked again if it turns out that the employee does not need to work on the collective day off after all. It is then no longer possible to unblock this in HR Self Service. You can unblock it in HR Core Business, after which we forward the collective leave to HR Self Service with the correct number of hours. This way, HR Self Service can show the collective leave again in the leave / occupation overview and the leave appears again in the Leave Withdrawal process. Action No action is required. 3. Consulting and changing employee data from before 1-1-2017 Why? The layout of some screens in the Employee menu was improved last year. The start date for the new version of those screens was set at 1-1-2017. However, in specific cases it may sometimes be necessary to access or modify certain employee data from before 2017. We have therefore incorporated this option as of this release. How In the screens listed below, accessed from the Employee menu, you can now change the reference date to go back as far as January 1, 2010 as opposed to January 1, 2017: Employee > Employees Employee > Identity Employment Relationship > Employment Relationship Contract > Employment contract Action No action is required. Solved Messages 4. New employees not visible in Raet Performance (4524414) Message If an employee was hired with a start date in the future, this information was not always available in Raet Performance.  Solution From now on, the employee’s details will be resent to the Portal on their start date and from there this data will be presented to Raet Performance again. Action Management > Data exchange > Redeliver other (Employee) If employees whose start date has already passed are still missing in Raet Performance, you can send this data manually using Resend other (Employee).  5. Search returned no results when reference date was manually modified (4647246) Message Employee > Curriculum Vitae > Additional CV Data / Experience / Knowledge / Education When you manually modified the reference date in the screens of the Curriculum Vitae menu, the search function did not work correctly. The green bar with the filter data including Employee and Employee code disappeared, the screen remained blank and no search results appeared. If the calendar  was used to modify the reference date, the correct search results did appear. Solution As of the July release, this issue has been resolved: you will see the correct search results even if you manually modify the reference date. Action No action is required.  
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22-06-2023 15:50 (Bijgewerkt op 22-06-2023)
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