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HR Core/Payroll Business - Release op zaterdag  30 maart 2024   Op zaterdagochtend  30 maart 2024 brengen wij de april release van HR Core en Payroll Business naar productie. Hierdoor is onze applicatie tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.    English:   On Saturday morning, March 30 2024, we will bring the April release of HR Core and Payroll Business to production. As a result, our application is temporarily unavailable.
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27-03-2024 12:24 (Bijgewerkt op 29-03-2024)
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HRCore/Payroll Business - Release op zaterdag 27 januari 2024   Op zaterdagochtend 27 januari brengen wij de februari release van HRCore en Payroll Business naar productie. Hierdoor is onze applicatie tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.    English:   On Saturday morning, January 27, we will bring the February release of HRCore and Payroll Business to production. As a result, our application is temporarily unavailable.
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18-01-2024 15:00
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Opgeloste melding AVG verwijderen - niet alle geselecteerde medewerkers werden verwijderd (5378624) Melding Workflows > Uitstroom > Wissen persoonsgegevens (AVG) Niet alle medewerkers die waren geselecteerd in het scherm Wissen persoonsgegevens (AVG) werden ook daadwerkelijk verwijderd. Als een medewerker tijdens zijn dienstverband deels in het buitenland had gewoond, ging het verwijderproces niet goed. Bij het anoniem maken van de gegevens worden gegevens zoals postcode, omgezet naar een niet te herleiden postcode. Dit ging echter fout met de combinatie buiten Nederland. De medewerker kwam dan niet meer voor in de lijst met te selecteren medewerkers, maar was niet verwijderd. Oplossing We hebben dit opgelost door het Land ook weer naar Nederland weg te schrijven, zodat het anonimiseren van de postcode weer klopt met het land. Hierdoor worden ook deze gegevens op de juist manier geanonimiseerd en wordt de medewerker wel verwijderd. Actie Er is geen specifieke actie nodig. Vanaf deze release zal het verwijderen alsnog plaatsvinden. Voor nieuwe situaties zoals hierboven beschreven, geldt dat het verwijderen voortaan correct plaatsvindt.   
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20-12-2023 20:00
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Solved message Collective leave assigned to employee without leave scheme (4773615) Employee > Leave > Taken leave Settings > Leave > Collective leave Message  When granting collective leave, a day of leave was also granted to employees who were not linked to a leave scheme. Solution This has been resolved from release 2023-12. When entering collective leave in HR Core Business, no leave will be granted to employees who are not linked to a leave scheme. Action If in your organization an employee without a leave scheme has been granted a collective leave day, this can be restored in two ways:  By deleting and re-entering the collective leave day via Settings > Leave > Collective leave  OR By removing the relevant leave request from the employees in question via Employee > Leave > Taken leave  
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28-11-2023 09:29
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10 oktober 2023 Het tonen van een onderhoudspagina wanneer het systeem in onderhoud is Self Service gaat binnenkort onderhoudsberichten en een onderhoudsscherm tonen. Tot nu kreeg je een foutmelding (Error 404 of 500) als je probeerde in te loggen of als je in Self Service bezig was. Door middel van een balk bovenin gaan we je in Self Service van tevoren informeren over onze onderhoudstijden. Tijdens het onderhoud zul je een onderhoudsscherm te zen krijgen. Meer informatie volgt binnenkort.  5 oktober 2023 Verbeterde gebruikerservaring pop-ups (change 2241775) De pop-up schermen in Self Service hadden een vaste positie. Vanaf deze release kun je ze echter verslepen en aanpassen, zodat je de details van de achtergrondpagina kunt bekijken. Houd er rekening mee dat wanneer je het pop-up scherm met de pijl versleept, de pijl sneller beweegt dan het pop-up scherm. Let op: de pop-ups in de workflowdefinitie zijn niet meegenomen in deze wijziging. Autorisatierappportages - lay out tabbladkoppen te klein / time out bij ophalen rapporten (change 2121507) Beheer > Systeem > Autorisatierapportages De ruimte voor de tabbladkoppen in het autorisatierapport waren te klein en te smal om de tekst goed te kunnen lezen. Daarnaast kreeg je vaak een time-out foutmelding bij het ophalen van de rapporten, waardoor je geen autorisatierapportage kon maken. We hebben de tabbladen aangepast aan de lay-out van Self Service waardoor de tekst nu veel beter zichtbaar is. Daarnaast hebben we een drop down lijst toegevoegd, waarmee je een profiel kunt selecteren. Indien mogelijk kun je in de vervolgkeuzelijst de optie Alles selecteren. Bij Rapporteer op scherm: Rapporten die op eerdere tabbladen zijn gemaakt, gaan niet verloren. Bij Rapporteer naar Excel: De bestandsnaam omvat de rapportnaam en het geselecteerde profiel, waardoor dit rapport makkelijker te herkennen is. Foutmelding als workflow vanuit Actieve signalering werd gestart omdat Dialoogstappen ontbraken Beheer > Formulierdefinitie > Dialogen Als een workflow/mutatie vanuit Actieve signalering of via de workflow API werd gestart, kreeg je een foutmelding als in een Dialoog alleen het veld Eerste formulier was gevuld, maar er geen stappen waren gedefinieerd.    Stappen inrichting is leeg. Voortaan wordt er geen foutmelding meer getoond als het veld Eerste formulier is gevuld terwijl de stappen zijn niet gedefinieerd. De mutatie zal nu altijd doorgang vinden.  
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05-10-2023 15:41 (Bijgewerkt op 10-10-2023)
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Op zaterdag ochtend 2 september brengen wij de september release naar productie en vindt er onderhoud plaats aan HRCore en Payroll busines. Hierdoor is onze applicatie tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.    English:   On Saturday morning, September 2, we will bring the September release to production and maintenance will take place on HRCore and Payroll businesses. As a result, our application is temporarily unavailable.
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01-09-2023 09:00 (Bijgewerkt op 23-02-2024)
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  Solved message Employee > Illness > Illness Percentage sick remains 100%, while recovery date has been entered Message It was possible to adjust the Percentage sick of a recovered employee. This is incorrect and was the cause of passing incorrect information in the reports and to other systems/parties. Solution As of release 2023-09 this has been fixed. If the recovery date has been entered in HR Core Business, it is no longer possible to delete or adjust the sickness percentage. This applies to all changes you enter in HR Core Business, HR Self Service or via an import. If you need to restore the Percentage sick after the recovery date has been entered, you must first clear the recovery date. You can then adjust the sickness percentage and report the employee recovered. Action No action is required.  
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24-08-2023 15:30
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Opgeloste meldingen Wissen persoonsgegevens AVG (change 4662244) Melding  In het scherm Wissen persoonsgegevens (AVG) kwam een bepaalde medewerker niet in de lijst voor, terwijl deze medewerker al 7 jaar uitdienst is. Oplossing Het systeem werkt correct. In het scherm  Wissen persoonsgegevens (AVG)  zie je namelijk de medewerkers die op basis van de huidige datum 7 jaar uitdienst zijn EN waarvoor ook geldt dat het 7 kalenderjaren geleden is dat de medewerker een salarisspecicatie heeft ontvangen. Een medewerker die op 01 januari 2016 uitdienst is gegaan en waarvoor in januari 2016 nog een salarisverwerking is geweest, kan je dus pas in januari 2024 verwijderen.    We hebben dit in de helptekst verduidelijkt:   In het scherm Wissen persoonsgegevens (AVG) zie je de medewerkers die op basis van de huidige datum in de laatste 7 jaar niet meer in dienst zijn EN na deze tijd geen loonstrook meer hebben ontvangen. Medewerkers die de afgelopen 7 jaar nog wel een loonstrook hebben ontvangen, staan niet in dit scherm.     Veld Toelichting Peildatum De medewerkers die je in het scherm ziet, zijn op basis van de peildatum 7 jaar of langer uit dienst en hebben gedurende 7 jaar geen salarisverwerking meer gehad. Het aanpassen van de peildatum heeft geen invloed op de te verwijderen medewerkers omdat het systeem altijd kijkt naar de datum van vandaag. Actie Er is geen actie nodig. Diverse elementen niet beschikbaar in HR Self Service (change 4632228) Melding  Diverse elementen waren niet beschikbaar in HR Self Service. Oplossing  Omdat sommige elementen in HR Core Business niet waren doorgekomen naar HR Self Service, hebben wij de ontbrekende elementen toegevoegd, zodat ze beschikbaar komen in HR Self Service.  Actie In HR Core Business moet er voor de betreffende elemenenten een mutatie bij een medewerker zijn ingevoerd. Na de nachtverwerking zijn deze elementen dan de volgende dag zichtbaar in HR Self Service. 
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20-07-2023 10:47
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Modified and improved New way to select elements in the Selection property HR screen Why Because Management Information (MI) is being replaced by Your Data Service, we have modified the selection of elements in the Selection property HR screen as a preparation for this. How Settings > Data entry > Selection property HR In the Selection property HR screen, choose Datafeed in het Selection property field; this is the only value. Then select the desired entity from the list in the Entity field. Once you've chosen an entity, you can select all data elements that can be maintained with that entity to add to the Data Service. The new search screen offers extensive options for searching data elements.     Group characteristic field Only the Group characteristic field is not a search field, with this you indicate which group characteristic you want to link to a group of elements. If a group characteristic is linked to a group of data elements, these data elements will be bundled in a folder within the entity per group characteristic when the data service is exported. More information can be found in the online help: Schermen en velden > Instellingen > Vastlegging >  Selectie eigenschap HR (Screens and fields > Settings > Data entry > Selection property HR).  
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20-04-2023 15:58
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Modified and Improved 1.  Age-related leave without basic entitlement did not provide expiration date (change 4257594) Why If you configure a leave type  with basic entitlements and special rights such as Age-related Hours and/or Seniority-related Hours in a leave scheme, an expiration date will be set for all the hours in the Leave balance screen, provided this has been configured. In basic entitlements, if you have the Leave entitlement per year field set at 0 and special entitlements are configured, then no expiration date was provided for the special leave entitlements. An expiration date was shown only if you left the field Maximum negative empty. Since this is not the way it should function, we modified the software. How Settings > Leave > Leave scheme As of the 2023-04 release, the software has been modified to ensure that this error no longer occurs. In future, special leave rights without a basic entitlement will also be assigned an expiration date. Action If the expiration date is missing from special rights in your organization, you can adjust the leave year. After recalculation of the leave year, you will then be able to see that special leave rights have also been assigned expiration dates.  Solved Messages 2.  Import UPI without value Message If in an import file the Unique Personal ID (UPI) was emptied and another field modified slightly, the UPI at the person level was also emptied but the links of the employee and person remained. If you then tried to enter the UPI again using the Change UPI screen, the system would display the error message that the person code already exists, which is correct because the person has not been terminated. This issue was due to the UPI being emptied for the person and all the underlying employees. We have therefore modified the software so that it is no longer possible for a person’s UPI and the UPI of all the underlying employees to be emptied, while maintaining the link between the person and employees. Solution In HR Core Business, you can solve this manually by entering the UPI yourself for the Person. This is not possible in the Person screen however, because the Person code field – where you have to enter the UPI – is a read-only field. This can be resolved by creating a free screen where you insert the fields Unique Personal ID (UPI) and Person code, as described below. Action Settings > Data entry > Define custom screens Open the screen Define custom screens and click Add  at the top right. Choose the level, preferably Client, via Type of target group and Target group and click Confirm. Enter a name in the field The Netherlands, for example: Free screen - Person In the Data type field, select Person and click Save. Settings > Data entry > Expand screen Open the Expand Screen screen and fill in the Type of target group, preferably Client, and the Target Group. In the Screen field, select the free screen you just created, which would be Free screen - Person in this example, and click Refresh. Successively search for the elements Person code and Unique personal ID (UPI) using the field Screen element and add them to the screen. Using a new custom screen for entering UPI Employee > Employee > Custom screens Select Employee > Employee > Custom screens and choose your company. This screen starts at the employee level by default, so you cannot select a person right away. This is an inconvenient feature in the application. Select the Free screen - Person screen and click Confirm. Click Add  at the top right. Find the correct person. You can search by Person (= default) or by Person code. Select the person by double-clicking on them. You will now see the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field and Person code fields on the screen. You can enter the UPI again in these fields yourself at the Person level.
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23-03-2023 15:15
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Solved message End button in Organizational unit screen not displayed correctly (3922507) Notification In the Organizational Unit screen, the End button (Beëindigen) was not displayed correctly. Solution We've adjusted the End button so that it will display properly again from release 2022-12. Action No action is required.  
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17-11-2022 15:43 (Bijgewerkt op 17-11-2022)
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Modified and Improved The number of characters was not checked when importing values list Why A function value may consist of 10 characters at most. When a new function is created using Values list the system checks the number of characters. However, the import function did not, and function values or codes consisting of more than 10 characters could be created. This caused errors in underlying systems as well.  How Settings > Recording > Values list As of this release the number of characters of new function codes is checked at import. If there are more than 10 characters, the code is not created.  Action No action is required.  The Define signal screen has been improved Why The filter in the Define signal screen did not work and the screen froze when the Periodic search field was selected.  How Settings > Active signaling > Define signal As of this release the screen has been modified and improved: the filter can be used without the screen becoming frozen.  Action No action is required. Right to parental leave is calculated at an earlier stage Why The right of an employee to parental leave was calculated when it was applied for. Employees could not check their right of leave when leave was requested for the first time. That is why the right to parental leave can now be calculated earlier. How Employee > Employee > Child data The Take parental leave field is now included in the Child data screen. If Yes is specified, the system immediately calculates the right to parental leave for all types of parental leave available in the company’s leave plan. As of 2 August 2022 this will usually be Paid parental leave 1 and Unpaid parental leave. The current method where parental leave is calculated when leave is requested will remain available.  Note When the Take parental leave field is set to No the right of leave is removed again. This may be necessary should an employee change their mind and decide not to take parental leave. Make sure the leave request is revoked. Where Unpaid parental leave is concerned, the BedrijfsCAO level may indicate 26 weeks of parental leave left, with an age limit of 8 years. If this is the case and the OSV factor in the HR parameters screen is changed to 17 weeks, the system still uses 26 weeks. To resolve this, the value at the BedrijfsCAO level must be removed. Submit a ticket for this. In the short term we want to create a separate screen that provides access to these fields so they can be modified.  Action HR Core Business: if OSV factor and Age limit unpaid are set to the BedrijfsCAO level, a ticket should be submitted to resolve this.  HR Self Service: the Take parental leave element can be added to the locations where child data is registered. Solved Messages  HR links not visible in HR Core (3556963) Why As of the April release the person level of the organization can be activated using the HR links screen. This screen is not accessible to everyone, which is why as of this release the person level can also be activated using the Parameters UPI/Identity screen.  How Settings > Recording > Parameters UPI/Identity The Person level active option and the Allocate UPI field have been added to the ‘Parameters UPI/Identity’ screen. Activating or deactivating the person level: When the Person level active option is selected, the person level is activated for the current client. Note: when the Person level active option is selected and next deselected, the person level is deactivated for the current client. Employees and persons are no longer synchronized when this option has been deselected. The Allocate UPI field can be used to search for a person using the following linking methods:  Social Security Number (BSN) only Social security number (BSN), birth name and date of birth In other words, the system always searches for the Social Security Number (BSN) first to determine whether a person with the same BSN is available. If the BSN, birth name and date of birth search method is used, the system checks if the entered employee can be linked to a person based on initials + last name + date of birth. Employees are always linked to a person in the following situations.   Situation Employee with Social Security Number (BSN) Person with Social Security Number (BSN) Will a unique link be created? A No No Yes, by last name, initials and date of birth B Yes No Yes, by last name, initials and date of birth C No Yes Yes, by last name, initials and date of birth D Yes Yes Yes, by Social Security Number Checks A number of steps must be performed before activating the person level. See the information at the ‘Person level active’ option in the Online Help topic ‘Screens and fields > Settings > Data exchange > HR links’. Information about the ‘Proposed UPI’ report is available in the Online Help topic ‘Screens and fields > Reports > Personnel management > Proposed UPI’. Action When the person level of the organization is to be activated, follow the above steps and consult the Online Help for information on the Proposed UPI report and inconsistencies therein. Processing report of Person level conversion When the person level has been activated (as client and/or consultant) using Parameters UPI/Identity, the conversion starts as of 5.30 pm. How much time the conversion takes depends on the number of employees of a client. The conversion of clients with a maximum of 5000 employees takes approximately one hour. When the conversion is complete, the processing report is stored under Shared reports. Note: this report is visible at client level. Select the client without the company in the navigation path at the top of the screen.   If the first tab in this report is empty, all employees with a UPI are linked to a person. If the first tab in this report contains employees, they could not be linked to a person because, for example, there are two employees with the same UPI but with different last names.  Action If the first tab in the processing report contains employees, the Proposed UPI report must be generated to consult the remarks included therein. Correct the employees concerned and deactivate and next reactivate the Person level active option as described above. The conversion starts again after 5.30 pm and the missing persons will be created. A new processing report will be generated when the conversion has been completed.  Employee linked to multiple persons (3592360) When an employee is created with a UPI and the person level is activated, the UPI becomes the person code. In principle each employees gets a unique UPI and person code. However, when an employee already exists, the existing UPI is searched for based on the Social Security Number (BSN) and linked to the new employee. As a result one person has two employees. This concerns the same person with multiple employments at the organization.  Sometimes an employee who is employed a second time is assigned a unique UPI and is, therefore, linked to a new person. This can be resolved using Employee > Person > Change UPI. Situation When an existing employee with start date 1-1 is linked to a new employee with start date 1-7 using the ‘Change UPI’ option, the UPI and person are unlinked at the existing employee for the 1-1 to 1-7 period. As of 1-7 the existing employee is again linked to the new person. This ensures that changes prior to 1-7 are not applied to the new employee as well. The existing person, who has no linked employees, is removed. This ensures no employee is linked to two persons. Action No action is required.  
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19-08-2022 14:00 (Bijgewerkt op 25-08-2022)
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  New New field Ping Identity in Mutation report Why In addition to the Portal username of an employee, a new Ping Identity field will be filled with the employee from this release. This Ping Identity is used within Raet to make Single Sign On possible with its own modules or modules from third parties. How A Ping Identity is assigned to the user account of the employee within Raet's IAM module. During a nightly import, this Ping Identity is also stored in the employee's HR Core Business and is therefore visible in the mutation report under the user Service interface. Your action No action is needed. Resolved notifications Organizational structure – errors in OU structure (change 1127999) Management > Repository > Organizational units Message When opening the organizational structure from a specific date, an error message appeared, so that it was not possible to modify the organizational structure.  Solution Underlying attributes of the organizational unit had an earlier start date than the organizational unit itself, and this caused an error message to appear. The problem was solved by bringing the start dates into line.  Your action No action is needed.  Active notifications were not e-mailed to external email address (change 1173241) Management > Active notification Message Active notifications were not emailed when the notification date for the source date was reached. The reason was that, in specific cases, it was not possible to send emails to external e-mail addresses. This problem was caused by a memo field that could not be filled in and saved. The default email text based on the description of the notification definition was not saved. This meant that the email text was empty and no e-mail could therefore be generated.  Solution This problem has been solved. The overdue e-mails on January 8, 2019 have since been sent and the active notifications will be sent again as soon as the source date has been reached. Your action No action is needed.  Start leave year Company > Leave > Grant leave entitlement Message If the leave year 2019 was started for the customer, several leave years were created. Sometimes the new year 2019 was not created. This was reflected in the employee Leave balance screen where the future years were shown. Due to the production of future years, it was not possible to create 2019 yet. Solution This has been resolved. The future leave years have been corrected. Your action No action is needed.  Active signalling (change 1173241) Maintenance > Active signalling Message If e-mail was set up as active signalling, it was not sent. The alerts, however, appeared in the action list. Solution This has been resolved. As of January 7, the outstanding alerts have been sent and the active alerts are sent again as soon as the source date has been reached. Your action No action is needed.  Publishing Date : 2/1/2019
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01-02-2019 19:33 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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HRCore/Payroll Business - Release en Onderhoud op zaterdag 30 september 2023   Op zaterdagochtend 30 september brengen wij de oktober release naar productie en vindt er onderhoud plaats aan HRCore en Payroll busines. Hierdoor is onze applicatie tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.    English:   On Saturday morning, September 30th, we will bring the October release to production and maintenance will take place on HRCore and Payroll businesses. As a result, our application is temporarily unavailable.
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27-09-2023 11:03
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Modified and improved  1. New leave request end date Why Sometimes it is necessary in the case of a leave application that has been requested for a longer period to bring forward the end date, for example if: the employee's contract hours have changed as of a certain reference date the employee leaves employment a personal situation changes the leave request Therefore, as of this release, it is possible to change the original end date to an earlier end date. This functionality allows you to shorten an existing leave request:  this means that the new end date cannot be before the start date of the leave request and never after the original end date.  How Employee > Leave > Leave request On the screen of an existing leave request, you will now see the New End Date button at the bottom right, which will call up a pop-up screen where you can specify a new earlier end date.  After entering a new end date, you will see that the system has adjusted the End Date and the Leave (units) under Details. If you then click the Save button in the Leave request screen, you finalise the new end date and see that the system has adjusted the leave balance under Leave balance hours. As long as you haven't clicked Save, you can enter an even earlier end date via the New end date button or undo the date changes via Cancel. Please note: this functionality is not yet controllable via Self Service.  Action No action is required. More information can be found from release 2023-03 in the online help topic Leave request, chapter 6. Nieuwe einddatum verlofaanvraag.    Solved messages 2. Deleting person data GDPR (change 4130177) Message Outflow > Erase person data (GDPR) After going through the steps in the online help topic GDPR Erase person data (AVG wissen persoonsgegevens), we still saw data in the Ad-hoc report (extended) of employees that were to be deleted. Solution As of release 2023-02, we have updated the software so that this error no longer occurs and the employees are removed. Action No action is required. After the delivery of release 2023-03, all employees that still had to be removed will yet be removed.   
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16-02-2023 15:30 (Bijgewerkt op 16-02-2023)
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Announcements New Tax Declaration from 2023  It was already indicated in the January release that from 2023 we will make the sending of tax declaration files part of Payroll Business. For you as a customer, this means an entirely new way of handling and sending tax declaration data. This means that all teams are working hard to make this happen and that besides this new tax declaration we are not taking on any other issues, except for important changes. Updates new Tax Declaration We will keep you informed of the progress of the new tax declaration through the message Status nieuwe Loonaangifte Payroll Business (Status of new Payroll Business tax declaration). Subscribe to this post so you don't miss any updates. Release sessions In the release session of January 10, we informed you in detail about the new tax declaration. In the February Release session, which takes place on January 31, we will provide an update on the latest state of affairs. You can register for this via the link below. Release sessions are in Dutch. Sign up for the Release session You can register for February's Release session via the Visma YouServe community under Events: Release sessie van februari. Modified and improved Leave balance Why The Hours per period data element has been added to the Leave balance screen. This allows you to quickly see how many hours an employee works per period and check whether the leave balance is correct. How Employee > Leave > Leave balance  In the Leave balance screen, you will now see the data element Hours per period at the top of the screen with the employee data. The number of hours you see is taken from the Employment contract screen. Action No action is required. Solved messages Duplicate child data in system (change 4130490) Message If changes to child data were offered from HR Self Service or new child data or contact persons were added, the data of existing children and contact persons were saved again. As a result, this data was duplicated in the system. Solution As of release 2023-02, we have updated the software so that this error no longer occurs. Action If there are duplicate children or contacts in HR Core Business, we recommend removing them manually.
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19-01-2023 15:16
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HR Core/Payroll Business - Release op zaterdag 31 augustus 2024   Op zaterdagochtend 31 augustus 2024 brengen wij de september release van HR Core en Payroll Business naar productie. Hierdoor is onze applicatie tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.   English: On Saturday morning, August 31st 2024, we will bring the September release of HR Core and Payroll Business to production. As a result, our application will be temporarily unavailable.
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22-08-2024 07:57
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De Visma YouServe releases van deze maand   Zodra release notes beschikbaar zijn, voegen we de hyperlinks toe. Zaterdag 28 december 2024   Product Release Opmerkingen YouServe HR Core Business - NL Ja  Samengevoegd met Payroll YouServe Payroll Business Ja Samengevoegd met HR Core   Continuous releases Deze producten release zodra aangepaste of nieuwe functionaliteit beschikbaar is. Via de link ga je naar de releaseberichten.  Continuous release YouServe Self Service Business YouServe API's
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23-12-2024 09:15
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  28 november 2024 het verzenden van dubbele e-mails (change 6549677) We hebben het achtergrond proces voor het verzenden van e-mails geoptimaliseerd om te voorkomen dat er dubbele e-mails worden verzonden. Het probleem zal nu verholpen zijn.   27 november 2024 Dubbele mutaties (Change 7064229) Wanneer de gebruiker meerder keren op Verder klikte tijdens het aanmaken van een mutatie in een rekenblad declaratie workflow, werden meerdere (dezelfde) mutaties aanmaakt. De knop Verder kan nu maar 1 keer worden aangeklikt.  Dit voorkomt dat mutaties meerdere keren worden aangemaakt.   ENGLISH TRANSLATION 28 November 2024 Sending duplicated emails (change 6549677) We have optimized the background process for sending emails to prevent duplicate emails from being sent. The problem should be solved now.   27 November 2024 Double mutations (Change 7064229) When the user clicks 'Next' while creating a mutation in a spreadsheet declaration workflow, the button is disabled to prevent it from being clicked multiple times and thus avoiding duplicate mutations.
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28-11-2024 09:07 (Bijgewerkt op 29-11-2024)
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HR Core/Payroll Business - Release op zaterdag 28 september 2024   Op zaterdagochtend 28 september 2024 brengen wij de oktober release van HR Core en Payroll Business naar productie. Hierdoor is onze applicatie tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.   English: On Saturday morning, September 28, 2024, we will release the October release of HR Core and Payroll Business to production. As a result, our application will be temporarily unavailable.
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24-09-2024 13:42
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