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9 december 2022 Verbetering Infoblok rubriek Het rubriektype Infoblok wordt voortaan altijd weergegeven, ongeacht of de in de activiteit de optie Gegevens wijzigbaar aan staat.     Evenals bij andere rubrieken is het nog steeds mogelijk om de inhoud te verbergen voor verschillende rollen met de optie die hieronder is weergegeven.     Via de Community hebben veel klanten laten weten dat zij deze optie graag gesplitst zien. Omdat dit een ingrijpende verandering is voor alle rubrieken, hebben wij dit nu nog niet kunnen meenemen.  
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08-12-2022 12:34 (Bijgewerkt op 08-12-2022)
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New 1. Transferring parental leave Why Parents are entitled to parental leave until their child’s 8th birthday. As of August 2022, an employee may take 9 weeks of paid parental leave up to one year after their child’s birth. If an employee does not use all their paid parental leave, they will still be entitled to their unused hours in the form of unpaid parental leave. This is because parents are entitled to a maximum of 26 weeks of parental leave: 9 weeks of partially paid parental leave and 17 weeks of unpaid parental leave. This means that unused paid parental leave must be converted into unpaid leave in HR Core Business.  How As of release 2022-11, HR Core Business will automatically determine whether an employee who requests parental leave has expired paid parental leave and/or whether this should be converted into unpaid parental leave. This ensures that users no longer have to make their own calculations. The leave overview shows you how many hours of paid and unpaid parental leave an employee has left and when these hours expire. This makes it easy to check how much parental leave an employee can request.  If an employee’s paid and unpaid parental leave have both expired and they try to request parental leave for the same child, the system will not process their application.  Action  No action is required. HR Core Business will automatically determine whether an employee who requests parental leave has expired paid parental leave and/or whether this should be converted into unpaid parental leave.  Please note: if no value has been entered for the parental leave type Parental leave entitlement based on child, paid leave will not automatically be converted into unpaid leave. 2.  Having parental leave automatically deducted As of release 2022-11, it is possible to have parental leave automatically deducted. Statutory and non-statutory leave can also be deducted automatically. This means organizations no longer have to make their own parental leave calculations or determine which type of parental leave employees are entitled to. The system will do this automatically if you enter the right value under Parental leave entitlement based on child in HR Core Business.  How to Set It Up If you want to use automatic parental leave deduction, you need to adjust a number of settings in HR Core Business. Please follow the instructions below. Settings > Leave > Leave policy You must assign different levels of priority to the parental leave types Parental leave (paid 1 and 2) and Parental leave (unpaid). When an employee submits a leave request, the leave type with the highest priority will be deducted first. For parental leave to be automatically deducted, you must also add the leave type Parental leave (automatic) to the leave policy. Please use the following settings for this leave type:  Leave entitlement = 0 hours Priority = 99 (not relevant for this leave type) Parental leave entitlement based on child = Automatisch OSV OSV = OuderSchapsVerlof: Automatisch OSV = Automatic parental leave Maximum negative = 0 If the value Automatisch OSV is entered, the system will use this leave type to deduct the leave types for which a value is defined under Parental leave entitlement based on child.  Please note: if no value has been entered for the parental leave type Parental leave entitlement based on child, parental leave will not automatically be deducted. This functionality is only applied to leave types for which a value has been entered in this field.  In Practice An employee can submit a leave request using the leave type Parental leave (automatic) in HR Self Service or directly in HR Core Business. The system will then use the priority values and expiration dates to determine which leave type to deduct first. If the highest-priority leave balance is zero, the system will automatically deduct leave with a lower priority level.  Action Use the instructions above to set up automatic parental leave deduction in HR Core Business.  Set up the leave type Parental leave (automatic) for the relevant processes in Self Service.  Modified and Improved 3.  WAO/WIA registration cannot be removed Why The WAO/WIA registration screen had the following mandatory fields: 7606 WAO/WIA class 7607 Reason for claiming benefit This made it impossible to remove an incorrectly filled out WAO/WIA screen. The problem has been resolved by making these fields optional. How Employee > Illness > WAO/WIA registration  As of release 2022-11, every field in the WAO/WIA registration screen is optional, making it possible to remove values from the fields. Everything else still works the same way. Action If employees have been incorrectly recorded with a WAO/WIA registration, you can now clear these fields in the WAO/WIA screen. You can do this by clearing the individual fields or by clicking the Clear button. 4.  RVM redelivery renamed to Redelivery RVM As of this release, the menu option RVM redelivery and the RVM redelivery screen have been renamed to Redelivery RVM.  How  Management > Data exchange > Redelivery RVM The menu option and the screen itself have been renamed, but everything else still works the same way. Action No action is required.  Solved Messages 5.  Desired source date type not included in list (change 3733800) Notification Settings > Active signaling > Define signal Alternative names for data elements were not included in the list for the Source date type field.  Solution The list for the Source date type field showed the official name of the data elements instead of the alternative names that had been assigned to these elements. As of this release, the list also shows the alternative name (if an alternative name has been assigned). Alternative names can be assigned under Settings > Recording > Alternative names. Action  No action is required. 6.  Self Service – Changes in Self Service not being exported to HR Core Business (3786931) Notification A few weeks ago, an error in our program caused an issue with processing Self Service changes. Changes in Self Service were no longer exported to HR Core Business. As a short-term solution, we quickly reversed the IKV modification that caused the error so that the changes in Self Service could be processed. Solution We have modified the November release to eliminate this error.  Action  No action is required. 7.  Deleting a child’s data from Self Service (3842585) Notification A child’s data can be removed from HR Core Business using Self Service. However, if additional parental leave has already been registered for the child, the child’s data cannot be removed. Users should receive a notification to let them know their request could not be processed.  Solution We have added a notification informing the user that the child’s data cannot be removed because additional parental leave has been registered for the child. This ensures that users are aware that their change has not been processed.  Action  If you are unable to remove a child’s data at your organization, you must first remove any additional parental leave. Once this has been removed, the child’s data can be removed as well.  8.  Unable to see blocked collective holiday when opening leave request (3901430) Notification Users who opened a leave request for a blocked collective holiday were not able to see that this day was blocked. Solution As of this release, users who open a leave request for a blocked collective holiday will see a check mark next to the Collective leave blocked field. User will also be able to use the new Unblock leave button at the bottom right of the screen to unblock these days. Clicking on this will reallocate collective leave according to the employee’s work schedule.   Action No action is required.  
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20-10-2022 16:37
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14 september 2022 Niet-actieve medewerkers worden weergegeven in de lijst om een vervanger te kiezen bij de functionaliteit Vervanging (change 3748913) Als je bij een gebruiker in de functionaliteit Vervanging een vervanger wilde opgeven, zag je in de keuzelijst ook inactieve medewerkers en was het ook mogelijk om deze te selecteren. Vanaf nu worden inactieve medewerkers niet meer getoond in deze lijst. 9 september 2022 De rubriek: 10527700 Opnemen ouderschapsverlof is toegevoegd aan de standaard kind formulieren Deze rubriek is toegevoegd in de 3 kind formulieren die beschikbaar zijn via Definitie importeren (9999998). Er zijn negen rubrieken toegevoegd die gekoppeld zijn aan kind 1 t/m kind 9 . Rubriek: Ouderschapsverlof aanvragen : 1052770001KD / 1052770002KD / 1052770003KD / 1052770004KD / 1052770005KD / 1052770006KD / 1052770007KD / 1052770008KD / 1052770009KD Dit veld heeft 3 waarden: Ja Nee Leeg Voor meer informatie over het gebruik van deze rubriek kun je de release notes HR Core Business 2022-09 lezen, onderwerp: Ouderschapsverlofrecht eerder berekend In het inrichtingenrapport wordt de weergave: Infoblok type toegevoegd Het element: Weergave "Infoblok type" komt niet voor in het inrichtingenrapport. We hebben dit nu toegevoegd. Verander de tekst van de knop "Auto" in declaratieblad Het woord "Auto" zorgt voor verwarring bij gebruikers. Zeker als ze op de fiets zijn. De medewerker denkt dat dit een rekenknop is voor een auto. De naam wordt gewijzigd in: "Automatisch berekenen". Onterechte foutmelding bij het zoeken op datum in de tegel Importeren en exporteren (Change 3752212) Er wordt een onjuiste foutmelding weergegeven in de tegel "Importeren" en in de tegel "Exporteren". Wanneer u slechts met één datum wilt zoeken krijgt je een melding: "Selecteer een vanaf datum en een tot datum". Deze melding verdwijnt zeer snel en verandert in een foutmelding: "Datum klopt niet". We hebben dit nu veranderd. Je krijgt alleen een foutmelding als je het verkeerd hebt ingevuld. De lijst met documenten weergegeven in categorieën van Persoonlijk Dossier is niet gesorteerd (Change 2761510) Bij het aanmaken of aanpassen van een workflow in Workflowdefinitie kun je aangeven dat een document altijd als bijlage naar het Persoonlijk Dossier moet worden gestuurd. Wanneer je dit document in de inrichting wilde selecteren, was de lijst niet gesorteerd. Dit is nu opgelost. Je ziet de documentnamen gesorteerd in de lijst staan. 8 september 2022 In het verlofoverzicht waren niet alle teksten vertaald in het engels (change 3667824) De volgende teksten worden vertaald naar het engels:   Nederlands Engels Opdrachtgever / instelling / Regnr Client / Institution/ Regnr Verlofrechtmutatie Leave Right Mutation Er zijn geen verlofrechtmutaties gevonden No Leave Right Mutations have been found Weergave bijgewerkt t/m Overview last updated on   7 september 2022 Je kreeg een 500 error foutmelding als je in Self Service probeerde in te loggen (change 3561031) Als je in Self Service inlogde als manager of HR professional, kreeg je soms een error 500. Dit had ermee te maken dat Self Service op dat moment een nieuwe autorisatie aan het samenstellen was. Dit neemt veel tijd in beslag en als je veel autorisaties in je autorisatieprofiel had, werd er een foutmelding gegenereerd: error 500 .   In de komende twee weken gaan we een nieuwe aanpak bij het inloggen van Self Service in productie zetten. Eerst zetten we dit bij enkele klanten aan en als het naar tevredenheid functioneert, gaan we de overige klanten omzetten naar deze nieuwe inlogaanpak.   De nieuwe aanpak moet de prestaties verbeteren, vooral bij toegang tot Self Service.    
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07-09-2022 14:55 (Bijgewerkt op 14-09-2022)
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Modified and Improved 1.  Functioning of the Delete personal data GDPR screen improved Why When deleting an employee, the screen Delete personal data GDPR was not automatically refreshed and the employee(s) just deleted were still visible in the list. To refresh the screen, you had to restart it from the menu or use the navigation pad at the top of the screen.  How Workflows > Outflow > Delete personal data GDPR As of this release, the screen will automatically refresh when you delete employees.  Action No action is required. Solved Messages 2.  Incorrect values list in MI (3550937) Message Settings > Recording > Values list  Certain values from a values list were not properly transmitted to Management Information (MI), leading to the inadequate reporting of changes in some cases.  This occurred when a values list that exists at customer level was modified at company level. A value was then added at company level and later removed. This removal was not transmitted, so that MI continued to operate on the basis of the old data.  Solution This has been resolved. The system now transmits the removal of a value from a value list to MI so that the correct data can be reported.  Action No action is required.  3.  Learning - (modules) and API - In service date and out of service date are the same date (3535581) Message  If you go to the Employment screen and enter the value Out of service in the field Employment indication, the system automatically enters a date for the data element Planned last date of employment (10520479). This date is the same as the reference date on which the value is entered (= Out of service date) minus 1 day.  If you report an employee out of service on the same day that the employee was due to enter service (a so-called 'no-show employee'), then the field Planned last date of employment is also entered automatically. However, this can cause problems in other back-end systems due to the fact the employee was never actually employed. Solution If you report a no-show employee as out of service on the same day that they were to enter service, a date will no longer be entered for Planned last date of employment, (10520479) leaving the field empty. Action No action is required. 4.  No figures shown in employer statement (2876407) Message  The relevant figures were sometimes missing when an employer statement was created. This occurred when the employer statement was accessed through HR Self Service and was set up in HR Core Business. Solution  If you have entered the employer statement bases in HR Core Business and you retrieve these data elements in the employer statement from HR Self Service, the correct amounts will be displayed from now on. Action No action is required.  
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21-07-2022 14:55
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Notifications Improved screens and menus coming soon Why In the next months we will improve a number of screens of HR Core and Payroll Business: Over the years, some screens have become overcrowded. The grouping of data in some screens no longer makes sense. In order to be able to support the ever-changing legislation, in some screens a clearer distinction is needed between employee and contract data. In addition, we want to improve the quality of the payroll and pension declarations through linkage checks on the data entered. How In the upcoming releases you will encounter new screens for: Employee data - e.g. personal details, address, marital status Identity - BSN (Citizen Service Number), proof of identity, UPI Employment relationship - employed, employee type, leave employment Calculation of payroll taxes and premiums Tax data These screens can be found separately in the menu, but you can also see them in series, for example when hiring new employees via the inflow/outflow menu. Action Working with the new screens will be more intuitive and therefore more pleasant, you don't have to prepare for that. Keep the following in mind: if the administrative processes in your organization are tightly set, then some details may need to be updated. New Activating person level without Product Development support Why As of the April release the person level can be activated by the user.  How  Settings > Data exchange > Raet HR links Activating or deactivating the person level: Select Person level at Link. When the Person level active option is selected, the person level is activated for the current client. When the Person level active option is selected and next deselected, the person level is deactivated for the current client. Employees and persons are no longer synchronized when this option has been deselected. The following steps must at least be performed before activating the person level: Create the Proposed UPI report. Reports > Check > Proposed UPI. If the Proposed UPI report contains inconsistencies in view of current data, these must be resolved first. The Conflict / Errors column should not contain any exclamation marks. If there are employees with multiple dates of birth, the correct date should be determined and entered throughout. Ensure the unique personal identification has been specified in the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field in the Employee screen of all employees. For example by importing an Excel basic document. Activating person level The initial conversion starts at 5.30 pm and takes approximately 10 minutes. A maximum of 40 conversions can be enabled in a single evening. This means a conversion run can be started 40 times between 5.30 pm and 11.00 pm. When the conversion has been completed, a processing report is generated and stored at Shared reports. No errors in processing report When the processing report does not contain any errors, processing has been completed and no further action is required. The report that can be generated using Check > Person report shows which persons have been created and which employees are linked to them. This can also be ascertained through the Person screen. Processing report contains errors When the processing report contains errors, use the Proposed UPI report to determine why the employees have not been converted and resolve the problem. Reinitiate the conversion: deselect the Person level active option and click Save. Reselect the option and again click Save. Action When the person level of your organization is to be activated, follow the above steps and consult the Online Help for more information on the Proposed UPI report and inconsistencies therein. Processing report of person level conversion When the person level has been activated (as client and/or consultant) using Raet HR links, the conversion starts as of 05.30 pm. How much time the conversion takes depends on the number of employees of a client. The conversion of clients with a maximum of 5000 employees takes approximately one hour. When the conversion has been completed, the processing report is stored at Shared reports. Note: this report is visible at client level. Select the client without the company in the navigation path at the top of the screen. If the first tab in this report is empty, all employees with a UPI are linked to a person. If the first tab in this report contains employees, they could not be linked to a person because, for example, there are two employees with the same UPI but with different last names.  Action If the first tab in the processing report contains employees, the Proposed UPI report must be generated to consult the remarks included therein. Correct the employees concerned and deactivate and reactivate the Person level active option as described above. The conversion starts again after 5.30 pm and the missing persons will be created. A new processing report will be generated when the conversion has been completed.  Modified and Improved Person screen has been expanded Why Employee > Person > Person The Person screen has been expanded with all data elements that are synchronized at person level. It shows which person data belongs to the person and corrections can be made. Take the reference date into account: the changed person data is synchronized with the linked employees as of the specified reference date. Some elements cannot be modified: Person code [10519680] Unique Personal ID (UPI) [7014] PING identity [10523564] Formatted name [146] Such data elements/person data can be modified through the linked employees. Social Security Number [10000018] and Identity [7013] cannot be modified at employee level either. These elements are stored at the person level and are not resynchronized if empty. The data available at the person is shown at employee level. If Social Security Number [10000018] and Identity [7013] have to be modified, these must be modified at person level. The modified data is then synchronized with the linked employees. All the elements can be viewed through the person level and the detail screen can be clicked to see which employees are linked to the selected person.  Reports > Check > Person report A Person report can be created for an overview of all persons and linked employees in the whole organization. Action No action is required. Person report has been expanded Why  Reports > Check > Person report As of the April release the Person report includes an additional column with the username of employees. Username is not a data element that is synchronized with the person. It is only registered at the employee level but can be useful to gain insight into the usernames that have been created.  The report shows which employees are linked to a person and other information that may be useful.  The Person report contains the following information: Type (P for Person, E for Employee) Person code Person name Company Employee code Employee name UPI Identity Ping ID Username Employed Not employed Organizational unit Contract sequence number This report can also be used if your organization does not use the person level. More information can be found in the Online Help through the Person report topic.  Action No action is required. Free fields screen – registration at multiple levels Why In the screen for creating free fields a free field can be applied at multiple levels. How Settings > Recording > Free fields The Free fields screen now includes the following options: Expanded levels This option can be used to determine at what level a value has been specified in the free field; this is automatically visible at another/higher level, such as client or company. When a free field is created at client and employee level and a value has been specified at client level, that value will by default be displayed in the screen for all underlying employees. When an employee requires another value, that value can be specified at employee level. This mechanism works the same as it does with regular fields/data elements. Employee, Contract or Other When the free field is to be registered at contract level, select Contract. When the free field is to be registered at employee level, select Employee. Select Other when the free field does not apply to the contract or employee level. Modifying free fields Some free field data can be modified, depending on the situation. If no data type has been selected when creating a free field, this can be done at a later time. Once a data type has been selected and saved, it cannot be modified anymore. Where the expanded levels and selection of Employee, Contract or Other are concerned, these can only be modified when the free field has not yet been used (i.e. no changes have been registered).  Action No action is required.  
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28-03-2022 13:54
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22-03-2022 Workflow with a '%' in the name cannot be selected in Activity Profile (change 3132840) When searching in Activity Profile for a workflow and using a special character, an error 500 appeared. This is fixed now. You are allowed to search by special characters in column names that exist in the list of workflows. 'Medewerker code' header is changed in 'Reg.nr' (change 3380533) When selecting an employee from the employee list the title 'Medewerker code' was changed to 'Regnr.'. This has been reversed now. The changing of the naming had no influence on the behavior of the selection screen. 'Autorisatie op inzet' checkbox is visible in Special functions (change 2695338) "Autorisatie op inzet" checkbox is visible in Special Functions, but this is no functionality for Self Service Business. The checkbox has been removed. 18-03-2022 Security issue solved by preventing javascript injections (change 3317159)  If an attacker (hacker) can control a script that is executed in the victim's browser, then they can typically fully compromise that user. Youforce allows you to set links to websites you use. If potentially an admin gets to see the same links, this could be used to perform an XSS attack on them. We have fixed the parameter “TransactieCode” to prevent javascript injections in Self Service. In this way an attacker cannot control a script. Error 500 when selecting a mutation from archive List (change 3133167) When clicking on a mutation in Done or in Archive, an error 500 appeared. The error occurred because HTML text wasn’t allowed there. (F.i. <b> - Bold text, <i> - Italic text or <mark> - Marked text). We solved this now by allowing HTML text in Done and Archive lists. Template name is not properly displayed in the Formdump Report (change 3091010) If the name of an existing template is changed into a new name, the new name  is not updated in the Configuration Report. We solved this. The last name of the template linked to an activity and transition will be shown in the configuration report. Social security number (BSN number) is valid with value 000000000 (change 2924482) Up until now it was allowed to enter and save an invalid BSN number with value 000000000. We have built in a check which doesn’t allow this anymore. Concurrency unit fails when using expense forms (with datatype: DE) (change 446763) When using “concurrency unit” in a workflow, an employee can only have 1 active mutation of this workflow in Todo. This was not working properly. An employee could have multiple active expense mutations at the same time. This is fixed now.  An employee can't create more than 1 active mutation at the same time when the concurrency unit has been filled in the workflow configuration. Datetime in GMT+0 in "uitvalverslag" (change 2875795) When facing the audit trail of a mutation including email the datetime that is presented you will see a difference of +1 or +2 (summer) between the fact that is sending the email and the datetime that is displayed on the report. This is fixed now. We use the CET datetime when registering email notification in "Uitvalverslag". Error 500 - Issue in Audit Trail when the user does not exist (change 2875718) If there is a mutation X that was started by a manager who left the company and the account or this manager was deleted in Self Service. When a different user clicked on the mutation and on the Audit trail (“+”) to see the facts an error 500 occurred. This is fixed now. When a user doesn’t exist anymore in Self Service and another user will click on the “+” in the Audit trail, the word: “Unknown” will appear instead of the name of the deleted user. "Failure report" tile gives an error 404 (change 2893964) When clicking on the tile “Failure report” the user gets an error 404. We have fixed this bug. The error isn’t occurring anymore. Wrong typo in warning message: “Anciënniteitmoet ingevuld zijn” (change 3328705) We have added a space between “anciënniteit”and “moet”. Date field from the module Flex Benefits gets turned around  (change 2886003) There was a malfunction of the system (Services). Now Flex Benefits is working as expected therefore this issue is not occurring anymore. Multilingual: Popup for email translations in Workflow definition is not working properly When you wanted to add a translation through the popup field, the change wasn’t saved. This is fixed now. We also improved the layout of this popup field. The “Save” and “Cancel” buttons were visible behind the translation box instead of visible below the popup field. Instruction to fill translated text including HTML If you want to display and translate this text: “Als je wilt dat een deel van je salaris op een andere rekening gestort wordt, dan kan je dat rekeningnummer hieronder invullen.” If you check the default value in the form configuration you will see the same text in Italic however in the Self Service DB is stored like: <p><em><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-weight: normal; line-height: 115%; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: NL; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi;">Als je wilt dat een deel van je salaris op een andere rekening gestort wordt, </span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-weight: normal; line-height: 115%; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: NL; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi;">dan kan je dat rekeningnummer hieronder invullen.</span></em></p> This text has been copied from a Word document and has been saving all settings. Keep in mind that there is a limit of 300 characters in the Multilingual Module for default values but not for translated values. The default value here is longer than this limit. In addition we should stick using the options displayed for this control instead of copying it from a Word document. To recover this we advise to follow the following steps:  Delete the current default value in the form. Save the changes Put the plain text in the default value again but copied from a Notepad (with no styles) Apply Italic, bold and/or underlined style using the option that exists in the control (Defaultwaarde) Save the changes. Click on the multilingual icon Put the plain text in English but copied from a Notepad (with no styles) Apply Italic style using the option that exists in the control Save the changes. This is how it is saved now into Self Service Database: <p><em>Als je wilt dat een deel van je salaris op een andere rekening gestort wordt, dan kan je dat rekeningnummer hieronder invullen.</em></p> Multilingual: Error 500 when selecting a mutation from Todo list When the user had the multilingual default on the value English and the user clicked on the mutation an error 500 occurred. This specific mutation included a translated (english) text which contained more than the maximum amount of allowed characters. The english text has been reduced to less than 100 characters. Rehire search process is not working when there is an Apostrophe in the candidate's name (change 3345369) When there was a special character included in the employees name the rehire search on the employee's name wasn’t successful. This is fixed now. The search will take into account special characters.
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18-03-2022 13:10 (Bijgewerkt op 23-03-2022)
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2018-12 Melding langdurig ziek via Digipoort Om te zorgen dat de melding langdurig ziek na 42 weken ziekte, automatisch naar het UWV gaat, gebruikt HR Core Business vanaf deze release Digipoort. Dit betekent ondersteuning van de berichten Melding langdurige arbeidsongeschiktheid en Herstelmelding langdurige arbeidsongeschiktheid. Verwijderen Afhankelijke gegevenselementen U kunt nu via het scherm Afhankelijke gegevenselementen met 'een druk op de knop' de gegevenselementen verwijderen. Het is niet meer nodig terug te gaan naar het scherm waarop u gegevenselementen inricht. 2018-08 Nieuw: Profielen en Profielgroepen Voor nieuwe medewerkers met gelijksoortige functies legt u vaak dezelfde gegevens vast. Maak na deze release uw profielen, met vaste gegevenselementen en bijbehorende waarden die u voor bepaalde categorieën medewerkers gebruikt. Door profielen op te nemen in profielgroepen, kunt u eenvoudig de vaste gegevens in één keer bij een nieuwe medewerker vastleggen. Denk hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan een stagiair of oproepkracht. 2018-04 Leeftijdsverlof op AOW-datum Het toekennen van leeftijdsverlof kan nu op basis van de AOW-datum. De gegevensvelden van de verlofmodule zijn op deze wijziging aangepast.\
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19-12-2019 19:51
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2018-12 Verbeterd Signaleringsverslag Maak gebruik van het verbeterde Signaleringsverslag! De optimalisatie van de controles - conform de voorschriften van de Belastingdienst - zorgt ervoor dat u de juiste correcties kunt doorvoeren. Het bestand dat u aanmaakt voor de Loonaangifte zal zodoende eerder worden goedgekeurd. 2018-11 Nieuwe optie eigennaam Met deze release krijgt u de mogelijkheid om de eigennaam van de medewerker in één veld aan te leveren. Voorvoegsel, naam en partnernaam kunt u vanaf de release als een samengestelde naam vastleggen. Controle minimum vakantietoeslag De controle op de minimum vakantietoeslag is aangepast. De berekening van de minimale vakantietoeslag houdt rekening met de arbeidsvoorwaarden Vakantietoeslag en Vakantietoeslag per periode extra. 2018-08 Automatische reisafstandsbepaling via Google Maps Na deze release maakt de automatische reisafstandsbepaling gebruik van de berekening van Google Maps in plaats van webservices. De afstandsbepaling wordt nauwkeuriger omdat Google Maps niet alleen rekent met de postcode, maar ook met het huisnummer. Google Maps berekent de afstand op basis van beste route, dus de keuze Soort route is niet meer nodig. 2018-05 Sublooncomponenten zelf bepalen Selecteer nu zelf welke sublooncomponenten meetellen in het vaststellen van de vakantietoeslag. Dit doet u voor de arbeidsvoorwaarde varianten Vakantie toeslag Opbouw methode en Vakantie toeslag Combinatie methode. 2018-04 11-proef op BSN Bij Snelinvoer en bij Importeren CSV vindt nu de 11-proef plaats op burgerservicenummers (BSN). Payroll Business slaat een onjuist BSN niet op. Dit voorkomt afkeuring tijdens de loonaangifte. Stichting PAWW Payroll Business is nu aangesloten bij Stichting PAWW. De bedragen die uit Payroll Business voortkomen, kunt u gebruiken voor aangifte bij Stichting PAWW. Deelname is vrijwillig per cao. 2018-02 Standenregister Uitgebreid Wijzigingen door berekeningen in de looncomponenten kunt u bekijken in het Standenregister Uitgebreid. In de export van het register ziet u de details van de onderliggende mutaties in het tweede tabblad van het Excel-bestand of de betreffende pagina in de PDF. 2018-01 Seniorenregeling Seniorenregeling kunt u inzetten voor medewerkers die op een bepaalde leeftijd minder gaan werken. Hier geldt een bepaald percentage doorbetaling en meestal 100% doorbetaling van het pensioen; ook wel de 80-90-100% regeling genoemd. Deze percentages legt u vast in het scherm Seniorenregeling. Rapport Standenregister uitgebreid Maak gebruik van het rapport Standenregister uitgebreid voor controles die u voorheen in Excel moest uitvoeren. Met dit rapport vergelijkt u eenvoudig de gegevens van twee afrekenperiodes en heeft u snel inzicht in de verschillen; eventuele grote afwijkingen ziet u in één oogopslag.
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19-12-2019 19:41
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Hierin vind je de opgenomen video van de presentatie
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11-01-2022 03:28
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Notifications Online release sessions Why  Customers have sent us feedback requesting online release sessions in addition to the Release Notes, in which we explain the changes in more detail. We are happy to facilitate this. How Starting with the March release, we will pilot a one-hour info session in the week following the release, which we will use to further explain the most important changes. During these sessions, we will pay extra attention to what you, as a customer, need to do in order to get the most out of modified functionalities. We hope that this will clarify the Release Notes and the Actions listed for some of the changes. The first release session will take place on Tuesday, March 2, at 14:00 (CET). We will let you know how to sign up for the release session via the Community as soon as possible. Modified and Improved Values 0 and 9 added to Gender field (2265398) Why The Gender field did not meet the legal requirements for gender values. These requirements state that, in addition to the values 1 (male) and 2 (female), the values 0 (unknown) and 9 (unspecified) should also be available. The Dutch tax authority’s Payroll Tax Manual (Dutch: Handboek loonheffingen) explains when the values 0 and 9 may be used. How Employee > Employee > Employee(s) With effect from January 1, 2021, the values 0 (unknown) and 9 (unspecified) have been added to the Gender field, so that you now have four options to choose from.  You may also choose to deviate from this and only use the values 1 (male) and 2 (female). To do so, you can simply remove the two new values from the list of values. New error signal A new error signal has been added that will appear in the Signal Report if you enter an invalid value in the Gender field: 0202 – Gender code value not equal to 0, 1, 2, or 9. Action If you do not wish to use the two new values for the Gender field, you can remove them from the list of values. To do so, go to Settings > Recording > List of values If the new error signal appears in the Signal Report, adjust the value in the Gender field. If you do not do this, the value will be rejected in the wage tax return. External Changes Processing Report improved Why In previous Release Notes, we announced that we were working on improving the performance of our various reports. In this release, we have improved the performance and readability of the External Changes Processing Report. How Manage > External changes > Process External changes After importing the external changes, the External Changes Processing Report will automatically appear in My reports, as before. The extension of the report has been changed from .xls to .xlsx to make the report easier to read. This means that the columns are no longer merged and that the report is now divided into the following tabs: Parameters Import validation Changes validation Action No action is required. Newly created reports will automatically have the new layout. Imported Changes Processing Report improved Why  We are working hard to improve the performance and readability of our reports and, where possible, making other small improvements. How  Manage > Import/Export > Import CSV We have made the following improvements: The description of the import file has been changed. Instead of a general message stating that you have imported a report, you now see the name of the import definition so you know which definition the import was based on.  The format has been changed from PDF to Excel. If there are any errors, they are listed on the first tab of the Excel file. The parameters are on the second tab. Action No action is required.  Unique Personal ID and Identity must consist of at least two positions or characters Why To connect to the Raet Portal, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) and the Identity must consist of at least two positions or characters. That is why, as of this release, you can only enter a value of at least two positions in the Unique Personal ID (UPI) and Identity fields.  How Employee > Inflow/Outflow > Create employee Employee > Employee > Employee(s) Employee > Employee > Employee (supplementary) As of this release, you can only enter a value of at least two positions in Unique Personal ID (UPI) and Identity fields. If you enter a value of one position, an error message will appear. If you previously used values of one position, you can add a leading zero. Action If your own administration still contains employees with a UPI or Identity of one position, we advise you to change these into values of at least two positions.  Solved Messages Organization structure produced error (2426604) Message Previously, if you created a new Organizational Unit (OU) with a reference date and then went back to the full list with an earlier reference date, the future OU would also remain visible. If you then tried to open this OU, an error message would appear because the OU did not yet exist on that earlier reference date.  Solution  The software has been modified. From now on, OUs created with a reference date after the reference date used to generate the full list are no longer visible on this list. Action No action is required. New Year’s Day not included in Presentation Schedule for Public Holiday Cluster (2368625) Message Settings > Work pattern > Presentation Schedule In the Presentation Schedule for employees, New Year’s Day was not marked as a holiday. Leave taken was processed correctly – no hours were booked, but the presentation was not correct. Solution  This has been resolved, so that from this release on New Year’s Day is shown correctly as a public holiday in the Presentation Schedule.  Action No action is required. Not able to save leave schemes when the Label overview and/or Color overview fields were filled in immediately (2394160) Message Settings > Leave > Leave scheme When you assigned a leave type to a leave scheme for which you had immediately completed the Label overview and/or Color overview fields, you were not able to save the leave scheme: an infinitely spinning circle would appear. Solution As of this release, this issue has been resolved and you can save the leave scheme, even if you immediately filled in the Label overview and/or Color overview fields. Action If there are any leave types for which you were unable to enter the label or color before, you can do so now.  Leave period in Leave balance screen sometimes incorrect (change 2399456) Message  Employee > Leave > Leave balance The Leave balance screen sometimes displayed incorrect leave periods.  Solution As of the February release, this issue has been resolved and you will see the correct Leave period. Action No action is required. Publishing Date : 1/21/2021
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21-01-2021 21:47 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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2022-01 Specifieke sleutelvelden voor medewerker-herkenning nu in de XML HR-systemen kunnen eigen sleutelvelden hebben voor het herkennen van een medewerker. In dit geval is het handig die specifieke sleutelvelden toe te voegen aan de XML voor verwerking van de salarisstroken en jaaropgaven. Deze functionaleit komt met deze release beschikbaar. Automatisch vullen van het contractvolgnummer Het contractvolgnummer - element 7430 - wordt sinds januari automatisch gevuld op basis van de in HR Core Business beschikbare informatie. Dit als voorbereiding op de functionaliteit Ketenbepaling én om het makkelijker te maken voor klanten en consultants. Deze nieuwe functionaliteit vereist de persoonslaag gebruikt. Door elke medewerker aan een persoon te koppelen is snel terug te vinden hoe vaak een medewerker binnen de organisatie van contract wisselt.
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20-12-2021 19:51 (Bijgewerkt op 11-02-2022)
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In this version... Changed in version 2 The subject 'Digital Signing - Changes on the email signature' is changed. We have added instructions to register the company who will send the e-mail. Announcement Towards a better performance We have made a change to improve the user experience of the Archive list that will also lead to an improvement in the performance of this page. For the explanation and performance of this adjustment, read the subject 'Search function Archive extended' in these release notes. An improvement has also been made to the Effort form. This improvement prevents information being collected unnecessarily from now on. This will improve the performance of the Effort form. Modified and Improved Active signalling - When starting up a workflow from Active signalling, the default values were not filled on the first form When defining a signal in HR Core, you have the option to create a 'Workflow' signal. When starting a G-form by means of active signaling, no rubriek fields were filled on the first form as you were used to when starting a workflow directly from Self Service. This is solved in this release. The priority of the shown value is: 1. Data passed in with request; 2. Value from employee data; 3. The default rubric value; 4. Empty value. Digital Signing - Option to sign from Batch Signing removed for Employees When sending a document to 'Digital signing' from a workflow, until now all the users were prompted to select one option to send the documents for a signature: Send later using 'Batch signing' or 'Send for signature now' from the workflow. This leads to some confusion as employees may not have access to the 'Batch signing' option in Self Service. Due to this, if the user sent the documents to 'Batch signing' and do not have access, there is no way for them to send later to the 'Digital signing' procedure. With the changes introduced in this release the employees will not see the option to send later from 'Batch signing' and will see only the pop up to add their email address and phone number to send the documents at that moment for signature. Other type of users like managers and professionals will still have the option to select 'Batch signing' procedure if needed. Digital Signing - Changes on the email signature There has been some changes done to the signature that appears in the emails that users receives when they have an available document to sign on Intraoffice portal. Until now the default signature contained 'Youforce HR Team' and from now on it will contain the name of the company that sent the email in the same way that appears identified in Self Service account.  Digital Signing - Changes on the phone number validation This change has been implemented based on the customer feedback and the votes received from the our Ideas Portal. To prevent issues with mobile phone numbers when filling this information in the Self Service pop up for 'Digital signing' signature, we modified the actual checks to validate the phone numbers. From now on this validation checks that the phone number doesn't start with a '0' (zero) and that it contains only 9 digits, which is the standard mobile phone number length. You can register the name of the company who sends the e-mail at Beheer > Systeem > Instelling: Search function Archive extended Self Service users usually check for mutations from recent history. Too many items are displayed based on current filters. It is now possible to search for mutations per effective date. The search function of the Archive has been extended with effect from 11 September 2019 with an effective date (from and including) filter. In addition to the user-friendliness, this screen will retrieve the data faster by using the new filters. This filter shows as default value the mutations with an effective date starting from three months ago to today. If desired, you can select a different time period. Your selection will be saved for the duration of the session. If you press the red filter then you clear the period and you can select a new period. This will also reset your filter below. The archive has been expanded with two new fields: 'Start date from' and 'Start date up to and including'. We have done this because of performance problems. If you get the Archive for the first time after logging in, then the 'Start date from' date: the date of three months ago is already entered. The 'Start date up to and including' is already filled in with the current date. These are not mandatory fields. So if, for example, you want a bank view of mutations up to six months ago, then adjust the 'Start date from'. If you want to see future mutations, it is best to empty 'Start date up to and including'. If you only want to search by mutation number or employee number, you can also choose to use both fields 'Start date from' and 'Start date up to and including'. If you leave this screen and then return to it, the last used selection will be displayed again. The starting date that can be searched is the starting date that you see in the top right of the forms. List filtering - New validations on the dates filter in Archive We added new validations to the dates filter on the Archive area in Self Service. This validations will prevent the users to enter incorrect dates or dates in a non valid format that used to return search results and could lead to user confusion. The new checks added includes: Date format checking: Dates has to have the right format (DD-MM-YYYY) and cannot contain a letter or other characters not supported in a date format. Leap years checks: When entering the date of February 29th it will only run the search if the year is leap. If not it will show an error as the date is invalid. It will show the error message if start date happens after end date or end date happens before start date, which are not logical searches Before this change the user could even see results with incorrect dates or not valid format dates but from now on the page will not make the call to the server if the format is incorrect and now refresh on the page will be done showing new results. Legislation Validation of the IBAN code for bank accounts As of January 1st, 2020, the Netherlands will fully switch to the International standard for IBAN for the bank accounts verification. In this release we adapted the IBAN rubriek in Self Service to be aligned with the new validations so from now on this International standard will be used for the IBAN verification in the Self Serivice forms. All the IBAN codes provided by your bank before and after this change will still be valid. We simply added the International standard validation in Self Service as the banks in The Netherlands will follow this IBAN format from now on. The change will be applied automatically to the IBAN rubriek so there's no additional configuration or changes needed for the users. Solved changes Export on paper - Page could not filter mutations greater than 1.000.000 (change 1236521) From various customer we received the messages that the functionality 'Export on paper' ('Export op papier') could not filter mutations greater than 1.000.000. The 'Export op papier' functionality didn't show a message error when filtering by mutations greater than 1.000.000. Solution From now on it will be possible to filter any amount of mutations. The problem is fixed and doesn't occur anymore.   Publishing Date : 11/6/2019
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25-10-2019 19:36 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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In een extra release van 11 september 2019 is het volgende gewijzigd. Gewijzigd en verbeterd Zoekfunctie Archief uitgebreid Alle Self Service Waarom Self Service gebruikers controleren meestal mutaties uit de recente geschiedenis. Op basis van de huidige filters worden te veel items getoond. Hoe Het is vanaf nu mogelijk om mutaties te zoeken per ingangsdatum. De zoekfunctie van het Archief is met ingang van 11 september 2019 uitgebreid met een ingangsdatum (vanaf t/m) filter. Naast de gebruikersvriendelijkheid zal dit scherm door het gebruik van de nieuwe filters sneller de gegevens ophalen. Dit filter toont als default waarde de mutaties met een ingangsdatum startend vanaf 3 maanden geleden t/m vandaag. Indien gewenst kunt u een andere tijdsperiode selecteren. Uw selectie wordt bewaard zolang de sessie duurt. Indien u op het rode filter drukt dan maakt u de periode leeg en kunt u een nieuwe periode selecteren. Als u dit scherm verlaat en u daarna ernaar terugkeert, zal de laatst gebruikte selectie weer worden getoond. De ingangsdatum waarop kan worden gezocht is de ingangsdatum die u rechtsboven in de formulieren ziet staan. Publishing Date : 9/18/2019
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18-09-2019 21:42 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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Op deze pagina is alles terug te vinden over de kennissessie Release HR Core /  Payroll Business die gegeven is op dinsdag 31 augustus 2021. - Opname presentatie - Presentatie slide deck
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31-08-2021 22:51
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Modified and improved Candidate data form improved If you have selected a candidate you will enter the 'Candidate data' form. You will receive an overview of the candidate data. First, you will see the vacancy number and vacancy title. We have added this to the screen. You can also change (if needed) the department and/or the employer here if necessary. These 2 fields are needed to place the candidate at the right employer and under the right department. The department field is filled by default with the value from the vacancy. If you are a manager, the field employer is filled by default with the value that you have as a manager. If you have a professional role, the employer field is left blank by default and you must select an employer. After this click on the 'Continue' button to start the 'New employee' process. This link with Recruitment only starts the 'new employee' processes in Self Service. Transfer processes are not included. Recruitment fields in 'Accept candidate' form On the 'Accept candidate' form there are 5 fields which are filled in with a (correct) value from Recruitment. However, with the import of data for these fields a mismatch occurs with the Self Service fields because the layout of the Self Service fields differs from that of Recruitment. The values in these fields are causing an error message on the form. In the June release, we announced that we were going to remove the automatic filling of these fields. However, we have a better solution for this, which we will implement in the August release. If you already use the link between Recruitment and Self Service, you will receive an error message. By selecting the correct value in Self Service, the error message will no longer be displayed. It concerns the following fields: Salutation Title Marital Status Country Gender Solved changes New 'Confirm' button on Leave withdrawal form leads to an error message (change 1402665) Message A '500-error' appears when clicking on the button 'Confirm' in Leave withdrawal workflow. Solution Digital Signing has been included properly in this form (Leave withdrawal) solving the '500-error' and allowing the users to sign documents. '500-error' appears when clicking on start/todo/done/archive list Message When logging in Self Service a '500-error' (time out) appears after loading the todo list for more than 30 seconds. The same error appears after clicking on the start/todo/done/archive list. Solution We improved the query to generate a more optimized query and to reduce performance time. Replacement date does not reflect the selected date (change 411553) Message When selecting the date of a replacement in the header of the column the text mentions that the last day selected is included, but it is not. The workaround for the users that knew about this issue was to add an extra day to the replacement date. However, we received requests asking to change the information so it reflects the actual behavior of the date.  Solution The column header now shows 'Replacement up to but not included', so it reflects that the real date of the replacement is the next day after the selected date.    Publishing Date : 7/2/2019
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21-06-2019 20:24 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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  HR Core Base API Extra value inside Validity In the 2019-04 release we have expanded validity with one value: organizationalUnitId. The attribute was part of the contracts entity and body. And now will also be part of its validity. Example Current value of organizationalUnitId inside contracts is 13035189. Validity is included and shows as of which date the current value inside the body is valid. In this case it is 2018-02-01. There is also an outlook value of organizationalUnitId. But that does not make it clear as of which date the current value inside the body is valid from.   Example Validity with organizationalUnitId "contracts": [         {             "id": 13033393,             "contractNumber": "1",             "contractType": "O",             "hireDate": "2014-10-01",             "firstHireDate": null,             "dischargeDate": null,             "expiryDate": null,             "jobProfileId": "10452807-ICTM",             "personId": 13033392,             "organizationId": 10452807,             "organizationalUnitId": 13035189,             "contractualAmount": {                   "workingAmountInHours": 1,                   "workingAmountInDays": 5             },             "jobProfile": {                 "shortName": "ICTM",                 "id": "10452807-ICTM",                 "fullName": "ICT Medewerker",                 "validFromDate": "2014-01-01",                 "validToDate": null,                 "entityStatus": "Active"             },             "outlook": [                 {                     "validFromDate": "2020-02-01",                     "propertyPath": "organizationalUnitId",                     "propertyValue": "11065811"                 }             ],             "extensions": null,             "validity": [                 {                     "validFromDate": "2014-10-01",                     "propertyPath": "contractNumber",                     "propertyValue": "1"                 },                 {                     "validFromDate": "2014-10-01",                     "propertyPath": "contractType",                     "propertyValue": "O"                 },                 {                     "validFromDate": "2014-10-01",                     "propertyPath": "hireDate",                     "propertyValue": "2014-10-01"                 },                 {                     "validFromDate": "2014-10-01",                     "propertyPath": "jobProfileId",                     "propertyValue": "10452807-ICTM"                 },                 {                     "validFromDate": "2018-02-01",                     "propertyPath": "organizationalUnitId",                     "propertyValue": "13035189"                 }   Publishing Date : 3/27/2019
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27-03-2019 20:48 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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  Nieuw Nieuw veld Ping Identiteit in Mutatieverslag Waarom Naast de Portal gebruikersnaam van een medewerker wordt er vanaf deze release ook een nieuw veld Ping Identiteit bij de medewerker gevuld. Deze Ping Identiteit wordt binnen Raet gebruikt om Single Sign On mogelijk te maken met de eigen modules of modules van derden. Hoe Een Ping Identiteit wordt binnen de IAM-module van Raet toegekend aan het gebruikersaccount van de medewerker. Tijdens een nachtelijke import wordt deze Ping Identiteit ook binnen HR Core Business bij de medewerker opgeslagen en is dus zichtbaar in het mutatieverslag onder de user Service Interface .  Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig.  Opgeloste meldingen  Organisatiestructuur- fouten OE structuur (change 1127999) Beheer > Inrichting > Organisatorische eenheden Melding  Bij het openen van de organisatiestructuur vanaf een specifieke datum verscheen een foutmelding, waardoor het niet mogelijk was de organisatiestructuur aan te passen.  Oplossing Onderliggende attributen van de organisatie-eenheid hadden een eerdere ingangsdatum dan de organisatie-eenheid zelf, daarom verscheen er een foutmelding. Door het gelijktrekken van de ingangsdatums is het probleem opgelost.  Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig.  Actieve signalen werden niet gemaild naar extern e-mailadres (change 1173241) Beheer > Actieve signalering Melding Actieve signaleringen werden niet gemaild als de signaleringsdatum voor de brondatum was bereikt. Dit kwam doordat het in bepaalde gevallen niet mogelijk was e-mailberichten naar externe e-mailadressen te versturen. Dit probleem werd veroorzaakt door een memoveld dat niet ingevuld en opgeslagen kon worden. De standaard voorgestelde e-mailtekst op basis van de omschrijving van de signaaldefinitie werd niet opgeslagen, waardoor de e-mailtekst leeg was en daarom geen e-mail genereerde.  Oplossing  Dit probleem is opgelost. De achterstallige e-mails per 8 januari 2019 zijn alsnog verstuurd en de actieve signaleringen worden weer verstuurd zodra de brondatum is bereikt. Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig.  Verlofjaar starten (change 1159990) Bedrijf > Verlof > Verlofrecht toekennen Melding Als voor de klant het verlofjaar 2019 werd opgestart, werden er meerdere verlofjaren aangemaakt. Soms werd het nieuwe jaar 2019 daarbij niet aangemaakt. Dit was terug te zien in het scherm Verlofsaldo waar ook de toekomstige jaren getoond werden. Door de aanmaak van toekomstige jaren, was het niet mogelijk om alsnog het verlofjaar 2019 aan te maken. Oplossing Dit is opgelost. De toekomstige verlofjaren zijn gecorrigeerd. Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig Actieve signalering (change 1173241) Beheer > Actieve signalering Melding Als e-mail werd ingericht als actieve signalering, werd deze niet verstuurd. De signaleringen verschenen wel in de actielijst Oplossing Dit is opgelost. Per 7 januari jl. zijn de openstaande signaleringen alsnog verzonden. Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig. Publishing Date : 2/1/2019
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01-02-2019 19:34 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Notifications Unique Personal ID (UPI) Why We previously stated that the use of the Unique Personal ID (UPI) would become mandatory as of the September release. However, a number of clients have indicated they require more time for identifying employees and specifying the UPI. That is why it has been decided to make the use of the UPI as of the 2020-09 release only mandatory for clients who: Use the Youforce users extended link AND Will use the generic Identity & Access Management API How Employee > Employee > Employees  Via the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field is included in the Employees screen, you can enter an ID to link employees who share the same personal data. Example J. Jansen is an employee of Company A and also a (copied) employee 2 of Company B at Client X. The UPI is used to link these employees. If a search for the UPI of J. Jansen is run in the future in an interface application, both employees will be returned. Your action When the Youforce users extended link is used or the generic Identity & Access Management API will be used, you must ensure the UPI of the employees has been specified. Application feedback Why In the previous release notes you were informed that the Customer Effort Score would soon be launched. When a specific procedure has been performed, a closed question will be displayed concerning the procedure. This enables you to provide us with feedback regarding what has been released. This feedback in turn enables us to introduce process improvements. As of release 2020-09, the closed question will be displayed for a specific period with two processes and will be visible only once or twice. How As of the September release the closed question will be displayed when the following actions are performed: Employee > Employee > AVG Verwijderen medewerker (GDPR - delete employee) – when the Delete button has been clicked. Employee > Instroom/uitstroom (Inflow/outflow) > Proposed transition payment – when the Save button has been clicked. Your action Please provide an answer when a question about the use of the application is displayed. In this way we can assess your opinion on certain processes and screens so we can focus on targeted improvement. New Contract history Why An employee’s contract data can be registered as of this release. Based on this contract history you can determine, for example, what type of contract an employee will be offered when entering new employees through Self Service. For this purpose new value lists and a new screen have been included in the software. How 1. The value lists listed below have been added to the list in the Element field. Via the field Soort doelgroep you specify for which level, client or company, you want to determine the value list and via the field Doelgroep for which customer or company it applies. Settings > Data entries > List of values Status contract volgnummer  This records the value list for the field Status contract volgnummer in the Contract History screen. In the Element field, select the value list Status contract volgnummer and record the values and corresponding description, for example Value 1 with description Active. Type contract 1 This defines the list of values for the Contract Type 1 to 3 fields in the Contract History screen. Please note: the list you record with this applies to both the Type contract 1 field and the Type contract 2 and Type 3 contract fields. 2. The Contract history screen has been added to the Employee menu. This screen can be used to specify data for 3 consecutive contracts. Employee > Employee > Contract history  Contract sequence number This field indicates the contract’s current sequence number. If, for example, the employee is receiving the second consecutive contract, you would enter 2 here.  The following data can be specified for contracts 1 through 3: Status contractvolgnummer (Contract sequence number status) The status of the contract sequence number, such as active, inactive, etc. The displayed statuses have been registered in a separate client specific list of values. Contract type The specific contract type, such as BBL or training agreement, to ascertain whether it relates to chain-provision. The displayed types have been registered in a separate client specific list of values. You can also register contract types that are used in your organization. Start date and End date Here you can specify the contract’s start date and end date.  Your action If you want to use this functionality, define the value lists at client or company level for Type contract and Status contractvolgnummer so that the corresponding values are visible in the fields of the Contract History screen. Modified and Improved New Vestigingsland Bedrijf (Company's business location) field Why As an increasing number of companies in HR Core Business want to establish a link with payroll partners of Visma | Raet in Belgium and Germany, the company’s business location should be included in the company data. How Settings > General > Address data  The Vestigingsland (Business location) field has been added to the address data of companies. This is an optional field where a country in accordance with the ISO country table can be selected.  Your action No action is required.  Solved Message Supplementary childbirth leave calculation (change 2148246) Message When supplementary childbirth leave was requested and the hours per period of the company and the hours per period of the employee deviated, the historical hours per period of the company were used. This was incorrect. Solution From now on the hours per period of the employee, applicable on the date of commencement of the extra individual leave entitlement for supplementary childbirth leave, will be used.  Your action No action is required. The production situation actions have been reset. Publishing Date : 7/28/2020
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