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Brukertips i Visma.net Expense

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Etter versjon 3.8 ble det lagt til en begrensing på reisedato / transaksjonsdato / kjøredato. Dette er for å forhindre at du skal opprette en reise med feil datoer. 
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01-08-2018 15:19 (Sist oppdatert 22-10-2019)
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In this article you will find answers to all your questions regarding usage of Visma.net expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:05 (Sist oppdatert 12-08-2019)
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Her finner du et opptak av webinaret holdt 07.03.2019 på Visma.net Expense
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07-03-2019 15:39 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2019)
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 Siden A-meldingskoden for El-bil ikke lenger skal brukes kan typen Elbil i Expense deaktiveres. Les mer her.
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02-01-2019 09:42 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2019)
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You can change the language settings in visma.net by clicking on your name in the top right corner. Check out how here. 
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29-03-2019 12:52 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2019)
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Hvordan sette opp dagdietter 2019 i Expense
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08-01-2019 13:50 (Sist oppdatert 23-07-2019)
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Link til hvordan du kan fakturere en reiseregning/utlegg i Visma.net Expense
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24-04-2018 12:46 (Sist oppdatert 23-07-2019)
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Normalt overføres reisereginger og utlegg til lønn, og utbetales derfra. Du kan likevel refundere reiseregninger flere ganger i måneden.
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03-04-2019 12:33 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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Det er lagt inn en ny type "Tung last" i Expense under kilometergodtgjørelse. For kunder som vil bruke denne er det vikitg å legge til lønnsart og om en ønsker det konto. For andre kunder kan denne typen settes inaktiv.
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09-08-2018 09:30 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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Enkelte ganger kan det være ønskelig å "splitte" beløpet fra en kredittkorttransaksjon.
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27-02-2014 16:20 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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For å kunne håndtere MVA ved bruk av Expense sammen med H&L Lønn er det første en gjør å sette opp utleggstypene i Expense for dette.
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24-05-2018 11:44 (Sist oppdatert 18-07-2019)
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I Visma attach er det ikke bare mulig å ta bilder. Man kan også hente fra galleri, på en android telefon er det et ikon oppe i høyre hjørne med bilde av et fjell, rett ved siden av blitz. Her trykker man på for å komme inn i galleriet på telefonen. Nå er det bare å velge et bilde, klikke på V som er nederst i midten på skjermen og fortsette på vanlig måte.
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17-07-2019 16:11
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This usertip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  If you already have an activated account you can sign in at Visma.net Expense and change your email address/username yourself.    Sign in with your existing username and password, if you happen to forget your password click here for guidance on how to change your password.    Once you are signed in, click on your name in the top right corner and thereafter click My details.   Look for the banner Account, and at the top right corner there should be a pencil. Click on the pencil and thereafter go to Change my email address.   2. Fill in with your current password and the new email address you wish to change to. Click Send validation email.  3. An email will be sent to the new email address, asking for your permission to complete the change of email addresses. Once this step is completed you can sign in with your new username, and the password remains unchanged.    Important! Remember to inform your payroll executive that you have changed email addresses, that way they can update all other systems you use as well.    Click here for an explanation on how your payroll executive can change this.   Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense.   
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28-06-2019 10:09 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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If you wish to change your e-mail address there are multiple ways to do this: If the employee have an account with Visma.net, he/she can change their username themselves. (1st tip) Thereafter, the employer have to change their e-mail address in the payroll system.  If the employee does not have an account with Visma.net, go to the 2nd tip.    Employee change themselves their E-mail address (if Visma.net is used before): The employee signs in at Visma.net, go to My details (My profile - top right corner) Click Change email address, write down a new email address. You will get an email to the new username, where the user can confirm these changes. Read more about that here.   User gives a message to the payroll executive about the changes in e-mail address.      2.  Employee does not have access/have not used Visma.net before: If the user have not activated their account (for example due to wrong e-mail address), follow these steps: Sign in at Visma.net as Customer Admin Go to Admin | Users. Find the correct user. You will be able to look up the account status to find Account status for the user, here you can change to the correct e-mail address. User will have to use the forgot your password function to retrieve a new activation e-mail. Thereafter, change the e-mail address to the correct one in Visma Lønn.        3. User has already activated the account, and their original e-mail address is non existing: Admin have to change this e-mail address in Admin and confirm with the admin password. When the Admin selects Save and close there will be sent an e-mail to the user who's account it is.        4. User is created twice in .net due to an e-mail change in the payroll system The account is active, and it is registered in .net on a "old" e-mail address. The e-mail address therefore have to change in the payroll system. This prevents the e-mail from changing in .net, but it will create a new user. That means that you will still have the old user in Expense and the Calendar, which has a incorrect e-mail address. The employee in Expense is additionally connected to the "Old" user, and Expense and the calendar can therefore not find the new user in ODP and that both accounts is the same user. Therefore, the user will no longer gain access to Expense.  To correct this, you have to change the old e-mail address which is connected to Expense and the Calendar. However, before we can create this, we have to "free" the new e-mail address so that this e-mail can be used again. Since the new email address is enabled, this must be changed to a different email address that the employee has access to. (How to make mail alias in Gmail) (Alternative to Gmail). Administrator changes the email address in Admin and must confirm with password. When the administrator taps "Save & Close", an email will be sent to the employee where he must confirm the change: This new e-mail address is now free to use. Admin can now change e-mail address for you, on the user with the incorrect e-mail address. Additionally, your roles have to be updated as well. The user will now get an e-mail about activation for the new user. Since the old e-mail address have been used before, the user have to create a new password.      5. User is created with the wrong e-mail address: Since the e-mail address is not valid, the employee can not confirm and activate this. However, the employee will be registered as a user in Expense and the Calendar with the wrong e-mail address. It may also be that the user is created with the "correct" email address. This occurs either by having the email address changed in the payroll system and transferred to .net, or manually created in .net. This creation is what makes changing your email address on the first user challenging. The user in Expense is connected to the "old" user, and Expense and the Calendar will not catch that the new user in ODP is the same employee. Therefore, the user will no longer get access in Expense. To correct this mistake you have to: Sign in and go to Settings, integration users, find the user you want to delete, and click Delete.  Go to Visma Lønn, go to Tools / Admin Functions / Tools / General - in the window "start screenshare" write "700339" and click "Enter". You will now get a list of employees, you will also find a column "ODPExternalld". Find the employee and click F2 when you are in the field area for "ODPExternalld" and delete. Thereafter, go to Routines, registration, Visma.net, setup and register new users and sync this with MDM employees.       6. Trying to change the e-mail address, but gets a message "non-existing". When an Admin or user is trying to change an e-mail address to something else, the system looks for addresses that already is registered with Visma.net. This check is in the entire Visma.net system and not only on that specific customer. For example: morten@visma.com wishes to use morten@gmail.com. But he receives a message, that this user already exists. When this message shows, there are a few things you can do: Create the user in Admin. (morten@gmail.com) Thereafter, change the address to something else (morten+1@gmail.com). This will free the e-mail address (morten@gmail.com). Since this e-mail address is enabled, this must be changed to a different e-mail address that the employee has access to. (How to create an alias mail in Gmail) (Alternative to Gmail) Administrator changes the email address in Admin and must confirm with password. Now it is possible to change the morten@visma.no to morten@gmail.com.
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03-07-2019 13:36 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  If you were to get an error message telling you that you do not have the right credentials when logging into Visma Attach you ought to try the same combination of username and password on Visma.net Expense in the web browser first. If you still get the same error message, it could be that you either typed the password incorrectly (make sure all caps is turned off, etc). or it could simply be that you have forgotten your password. If that is the case, click here for guidance on how to change forgotten password.    If the case is that you can connect to Visma.net Expense, but not Visma Attach app while using the same credentials, it might be a malfunction between Expense and Attach in our system, and to fix this you can follow this guidance:   Uninstall the Attach app from your device.    Sign in at Visma.net Expense and go to External services. This will redirect you to the following page: On this page click on the trash cane to delete Visma Attach. Once this is completed you can re-install the app Visma Attach on your phone and sign in with the same credentials that you entered to sign in at Visma.net Expense.    Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:11 (Sist oppdatert 02-07-2019)
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This article guides you through how to sign in to Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:05 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  If your current password have become known to others, you can follow these steps to change it.   1. Go to Visma.net Expense. 2. Firstly, click on your name at the top right corner and click My details.         3. Look for the banner Security, and click Change password. In the next window write your current password inside the Current password field. Thereafter, fill in your preferred password in the fields New password and Confirm password. Be aware of the password criteria, such as length etc, all of these criteria must be fulfilled to successfully change your password (see picture below). 4. Click Change password and your new password will be created if all criteria are fulfilled. The browser will redirect you to the sign in page, and ask you to, for security reasons to re-login. Therefore it is important to make sure to sign in with the new password you just created.     Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense.     
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28-06-2019 10:08 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide. If you have the standard package of Visma.net Payroll you can place a manager to approve all expense requirements for Expense, absences and hours.  Expectations This function is only available for the users of the standard pack of Visma.net Payroll The manager of the firm has to be the first to create an active account Attach manager to employee To attach manager to an employee you got to click on the actual employee on the banner Employees and thereafter go to the banner Roles and general details. At the bottom of this page you will see a banner called Manager where you can get a drop down list of people that you can chose as managers (given that these prerequisites are satisfied).    Once you have chosen a manager from the drop down list and saved, the manager will automatically be given the following roles: Absence Manager Time sheet Manager Absence approver Time sheet approver Expense approver With Absence and Time sheet Manager roles the user will be able to see his/her employees in the Calendar.    Additionally, the user will be able to register and edit both absences and time sheets on behalf of the employees.    Workflow in Approval Once a manager is associated with an employee in Employees an automatic configuration of workflow in Approval will appear based on the manager being the approver for the employees.  In the case that there is no workflow in Approval, it should automatically be established a workflow for every service (Absence, Time sheet and Expense).  The workflow is built up with the use of the setting based on approval rights for the employees and the role which is chosen is called C3D3 Manager Approval Role. The manager that is associated with the employees is the one with this role.    In the case that you wish to edit the workflow, or add a couple extra steps where the payroll executive approves, this can be done by clicking Add steps and choose User list I have given thereafter you can add users of payroll executive with a general rule:           Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:16 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  There is two ways to approve travel expenses, vacation and absences: Through app on your mobile device. Download the app Visma Manager in App Store for Apple devices or in Google Play for Android devices. Once it is downloaded you can sign in with the same username and password that you use to connect with in the web browser. If you are having technical difficulties signing in, Click here.   Through our web browser on this link. You will be redirected to a window with an icon called Approval. Click on Approval to get access to the approval functions. Read more about how to approve vacation, absences and time sheet here.     Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:16 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Expense. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  Approval | My tasks In this window you can approve travelling expenses, absences and time sheets. Whenever an employee has listed any of these for approval a line should show that the employer has to approve or reject. To approve the travel expenses, absences or time sheets the employer have to click on the green check mark on the far right side on the line.  If you wish to approve multiple requests at the same time, you can mark off the boxes on the left side next to the requests and click the green button Approve selected at the bottom right corner.  To accept or disapprove these, you can click the line of the request and a detailed rapport will show what the employee has requested for approval.  If you wish to approve the request click Approve, and if you wish to reject the request click Reject. Furthermore, you can also add a comment for the approval or rejection if you wish to do that, or you can click approve or reject instantly. Once you click approve or reject this will be transferred to the first available payroll.    Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the user tip guide for Visma.net Expense. 
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28-06-2019 10:16 (Sist oppdatert 28-06-2019)
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