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28 november 2023 Mutaties worden niet gedeblokkeerd bij uitvalsverslag (Change 5173478) Als je bij het Uitvalsverslag een digitale handtekening mutatie wilde deblokkeren, lukte dit niet. De digitale handtekening mutatie bleef geblokkeerd staan. Dit proces hebben we nu verbeterd. Bepaalde digitale handtekening mutaties hadden "jobs" welke vastliepen. Deze 'jobs' worden nu verwijderd zodat de digitale handtekening mutatie kan worden gedeblokkeerd en je de mutatie zelf weer verder kan afhandelen.   Daarnaast hebben we een validatie toegevoegd tav een invalide telefoonnummer. Als hier sprake van is wordt deze melding vooraf getoond zodat het onjuiste telefoonnummer kan worden aangepast. Vertalingen zijn niet zichtbaar in verplichte bijlage pop up scherm (Change 5309991) Het pop-upscherm met vertaling van de talen in de verplichte bijlage in de workflow is niet zichtbaar. Dit is opgelost. Vertalingen zijn nu zichtbaar in het pop up scherm. 2 november 2023 Bugfix in script GetSalaryValue voor actieve signalering (change 5093855) Het script GetSalaryValue (Deze formule haalt het salaris op vanuit HRCore) werkt weer in de pre/post bewerking van een formulier in een workflow voor actieve signalering.  Tekstuele aanpassing in functie Verwijderen medewerker In Beheer > Systeem > Verwijderen medewerker hebben we de bevestigingsmelding aangepast vanwege incorrecte zin. De tekst is gewijzigd in: LAAT OP! Na het uitvoeren van deze actie kun je deze niet meer ongedaan maken.
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02-11-2023 09:21 (Bijgewerkt op 28-11-2023)
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Notifications Give feedback on our software Use Wootric to give immediate feedback on our software. If you work with HR Core Business - Payroll Business, we will ask you for feedback in the application starting in January 2020. We will ask you a single closed question and we will ask you to provide additional background to your answer in Wootric, an online questionnaire platform. This will help us understand your priorities better so that we can improve the planning and development of new functionality. Your answers will be completely anonymous, and we will not share the results with third parties. Changed and improved Email address verification Why Email addresses are used in related applications for handling workflows. Invalid email addresses can cause workflow disruptions. The system needs to check whether the address is valid to prevent such problems. How  Employee > Employee > Employees If you enter an email address in the Email address field, the system will check whether the address consists of a user, an @ symbol and a domain. If the email address is invalid, an error message will be returned upon saving. Your action Check email addresses for accuracy. If an existing email address has an invalid format, you will receive an error message when you save any change in the Employees screen. This will also happen when you change another field in the screen and the Email address field contains an address that does not have the required format.  Active notifications for on-call contracts Why According to the Balanced Labour Market Act, which enters into force on 1 January 2020, employers are obliged to offer on-call workers a contract after 12 months of at least the average working time over the past 12 months. This offer must be made at the latest by the 13th month. In order to take action in time, you will need a notification as the end of the 12th month of an on-call contract approaches.  How Settings > Active notification > Define notification  The On-call contract option has been added to the notification conditions. You can now define a notification specifically for on-call contracts. When defining a notification, for example, a notification 12 months after the start date of an on-call contract, select Start date (Contract) as the source date type. Then go to the Conditions tab and select On-call contract = Yes for the appropriate condition. Your action If you have employees with an on-call contract, you can define a notification that will warn you when the end of their 12th month (measured from the start of the contract) is approaching. Visma | Raet logo in reports Why The acquisition of Raet and the combined Visma | Raet brand mean a new corporate logo. Reports will feature our new logo starting with this release. How Rapporten Het Raet-logo in de rapporten is vervangen door het logo Visma | Raet. Uw actie No action is required.  Resolved notifications Export files rejected in HR Self Service files because of Enters (change 1549928)  Notification  If an export was sent to HR Self Service and it contained an extraneous Enter, for example in a note field, the file was sometimes rejected.  Solution This has been solved by correcting any extraneous Enters in a file. HR Self Service now no longer rejects the file.  Your action No action is required.  Incorrect negative leave balance following simultaneous leave requests (change 1722007) Notification If two leave requests arrived at HR Core Business simultaneously, the second request was sometimes debited from the wrong leave box, resulting in an incorrect and negative leave balance.  Solution We have reprogrammed the software. Leave requests coming from different systems are now processed one at a time. Your action No action is required.  Publishing Date : 12/20/2019
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20-12-2019 16:33 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Notifications Online release sessions  Several customers requested that we organize an online release session in addition to the Release Notes to explain the changes in the relevant release in more detail. We are happy to facilitate this. As we already mentioned in the February Release Notes, we will pilot a one-hour info session in the week following the release, in which we will further explain the most important changes in the release. During this session, we will devote extra attention to what you, as a customer, need to do in order to get the most out of modified or new features. We hope that this will clarify the Release Notes and the Actions listed for some of the changes. The first release session will take place on Tuesday, March 2, at 14:00 (CET). You can register via de Event calendar of Payroll Business. New ‘Payslips to Dynamic Payslip' interface not yet active  We are creating a feature allowing you to offer your employees dynamic payslips. At present, the Management - data exchange - interfaces screen already displays the new ‘Payslips to Dynamic Payslip' interface. The new interface is only displayed however; it is not yet available. We will provide more information in the next release.  Solved Messages Cannot read UPIs (2486778) Message  We have found that in some situations, the system cannot read the UPI if an employee is associated with two dates of birth in the system. The cause is a modification of a date of birth as per a different benchmark date. A retirement date is calculated for every date of birth and this generated an error message. Solution We have adjusted the code as per the March release, ensuring that UPIs are read without generating an error message. Should one employee be associated with two (different) dates of birth, the dates are copied to the person in chronological order. Action No action is required. Leave across year change with introduction of Wet Wieg (2179372) Message  It is impossible to take childbirth leave that falls in two calendar years because the system states there are insufficient remaining days of leave. Solution As per the March release, you can take supplementary childbirth leave across a year change. Action If you have not yet applied for supplementary childbirth leave across the year change, you can do this now. Otherwise, no further action is required.  Contact 2 is not deleted (2441425) Message If an employee stated through Self Service that two of their contacts had to be removed, a failed change resulted.  Solution After the March release, the change for deleting a second contact will be processed and not end up with the failed changes.  Action No action is required. Publishing Date : 2/19/2021
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19-02-2021 16:44 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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Announcements Improvements for user experience As announced in the June 2019 release notes, we have worked hard to improve the HR Core Business and Payroll Business user experience, including improving the look and feel. When you log in you will see the following changes: The field to search for a function in the menu is now more prominently at the top of the menu. Our icons have been updated. New nuances have been added to the color scheme within the screens, This gives a more pleasant screen contrast if you work in the application for a long period of time. Modified and improved Leave scheme in days Why To support leave requests of employees in Germany using our HR Core Business Global application, it is now possible to take leave in days. This means that leave accrual can take place in days and the deductions in full or half days. How Settings > Leave > Leave Entitlements  The screen used for creating a leave scheme now includes the Leave Unit field where you can choose between hours or days. The types of leave that are linked to the leave scheme are used based on this unit. The unit cannot be changed once the leave scheme has been created. The title bar of the type of leave indicates whether leave in hours or days is concerned.  If you have opted for days, leave accrual will take place using this leave scheme, based on the days in the work schedule. The number of hours an employee works per day is not taken into account. Example An employee with the following work schedule requests leave from Monday 20 May through to Friday 24 May. Mo Tu We Th Fr 4 hours 0 hours 8 hours 2 hours 0 hours For this period, 3 days will be deducted, irrespective of the number of hours for that day. Leave accrual will take place in the same way. An employee with the work schedule from the example accrues leave based on 3 working days per week, irrespective of the number of hours the employee works per day. Please note The check that is currently taking place on the maximum number per day is still based on hours: this means that the maximum is 24. Example: you want to take leave on one day and you enter as the start date and end date: 4 June 2019. If you also enter a number that is higher than 1, for example 23, the application will write off 23 days, while based on the start and end date only 1 leave day is expected. With an existing leave scheme, changing leave from hours to days is not yet supported. When creating a new leave scheme based on days, this scheme should not be linked to the Continued payment during leave (breakdown) employment benefit. This scheme always uses the hour's option. Your action No action is required.  Manager’s employee code in Organizational Unit detail screen Why Names within an organization are not always unique. It is therefore useful when the employee code of the selected manager is visible in the Organizational Unit detail screen.  How Settings > Formation and Organization > Organizational Units When a manager or backup manager is selected, the manager’s employee code will now be displayed after his/her name in the Organizational Unit detail screen. Your action No action is required.  Branch code in the Organizational Unit detail screen Why In order to determine if the correct branch has been linked to the Organizational Unit, it would be useful to not only include the description of the branch in the Organizational Unit detail screen but also its branch code. How Settings > Formation and Organization > Organizational Units When a branch is selected, the branch code will now be displayed after its description in the Organizational Unit detail screen. Your action No action is required. Values for Gender will be expanded in a next release Why In the January 2019 edition of the data specification for the Fiscal Declaration, the possible values ​​for the Gender field have been expanded, so that it is possible to correctly register persons who do not want to speak out for men or women. How Medewerker > Instroom > Aanmaken medewerker (Stap 1) Medewerker > Medewerker > Medewerkers Medewerker > Medewerker > Medewerker Medewerker > Medewerker > Partnergegevens   To meet the new specifications for the Fiscal declaration, the reference table that belongs to the Gender and Gender Partner fields contains the following values ​​from a next release.   Code Gender Description 0 Onbekend 1 Man 2 Vrouw 9 Niet gespecificeerd   Please note: these codes are passed on to the Fiscal Declaration and Uniform Pension Declaration (UPA). These values ​​are also available in other linked / receiving systems, such as HR Self Service and Management Information. Salutation The content of the Salutation field is automatically generated based on the Gender and Employee Name fields. From a next release, this field is therefore composed as follows:   Gender Name employee Salutation Composite name Onbekend Jansen <Leeg> Jansen Man Jansen De heer De heer Jansen Vrouw Jansen Mevrouw  Mevrouw Jansen Niet gespecificeerd Jansen <Leeg> Jansen   Your action If you import data from HR Core Business into your own systems via interfaces that include the Gender or Salutation fields, check whether your systems can receive the new values correctly and adjust your import process accordingly. Resolved notifications Active Notifications search screen not visible Notification When the search screen was used for Active Notifications by source date, the screen became very small when the Search button was clicked. Solution This has been resolved and following this release the search screen will retain the correct size.  Your action No action is required.  Organizational structure – OU name change not properly processed (change 958019) Notification When the & character was included in the description of an Organizational Unit, it was not always correctly displayed. The description was not processed properly and was therefore also displayed incorrectly in OrgSight.  Solution This has been resolved. As of this release, special characters such as the & character are correctly interpreted and displayed. OrgSight OU name change not properly displayed (change 958019) Notification Descriptions of Organizational Units that include special characters, such as the & character, were not always displayed correctly in OrgSight. Solution The cause of this problem has been resolved in HR Core Business and as of this release, the descriptions with special characters are displayed correctly in OrgSight. Publishing Date : 6/28/2019
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21-06-2019 20:10 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. Some of these changes have been inspired by messages and reports from customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. New (Re)hire (Re)hire is a special function that facilitates the hiring and rehiring process. This process will help you to check if a person has worked for your company before, for how long, and how many contracts he/she had in the past. Using this information, the manager or the person who is starting the hiring process can decide if this person should be hired on a permanent or temporary basis. Important condition You can not do this yourself. Before you can use the (Re)hire process, you have to carry out some configuration steps. Please contact your HCM-consultant for this. It concerns the following that must first be carried out: The Unique Personal ID (this is the unique key that links employment) and the contract sequence number must be correctly entered and correctly kept for the existing population. Configure the special function from Beheer menu > Workflow definition tab > Wijzigen speciale functies. Configuration The name of the new special function is (Re)hire.  Using the Wijzigen button, you can configure which workflows will be available for the users of this process. Authorizations will be taken into consideration, so you should be authorized for the special function and the workflows as well. This process is designed to work only with new workflows. If any other workflow type is configured it will not work. Usage To use the special function, go to the Start menu and the configured tab as you would for any other workflow. When you start the process, the application will guide you through three steps to see the employee’s data. Step 1 -  Search of employee The fields 'Birth name' and 'Date of birth' are mandatory. After introducing the data you can use the button Search to show the results. From this page you can also go to the new workflows that are configured to start the process for an employee who has not worked for the company in the past. When you select an employee from the list, you will be redirected to step number 2. Step 2 -  BSN Check You must enter the selected employee’s BSN number to ensure that you are authorized to see the employee’s contract data. If the BSN number is incorrect, you will receive a message. If you enter an incorrect BSN number three times, you will be redirected to the start page. Step 3 -  Contract history This step shows the contract history of the selected employee and other useful information to help you decide if the person can be rehired and with which contract type. Using the Next button it is possible to access the list of new workflows configured to start the process. Solved messages No error message when using distance calculation with no values or wrong values All Self Service Problem No error message occurs if a wrong or no zipcode, streetname or country has been filled in.   Solution As from this release, we have added several error messages in Self Service when you are filling the field incorrectly for the distance calculations. In case of zero value zipcode the error message will be: An error message occurred when calculating this distance. You have used an incorrect zip code. In case of zipcode does not excist the error messages will be: An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. You have used a not known zip code. An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. The distance calculation could not take place due to an incorrect value.   In case of incorrect zipcode format the error messages will be:  An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. You have used an incorrect zip code. An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. The distance calculation could not take place due to an incorrect value.   In case of incorrect country code format the error message will be: An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. You have used an incorrect country code.   In case the zipcode from is equal to Zipcode to the error message will be: An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. You have used the same zip code.   In case of empty country code the error message will be: An error message has occurred when calculating this distance. Country can not be empty.   Publishing Date : 3/29/2019
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22-03-2019 17:56 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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In this version Changed in version 2 In this version we have added the following topic: Extra individual rights suddenly shown in recent years (change 3786540). New 1.  New screen Parental Leave correction company collective labor agreement (company CLA) Why As of August 2, 2022, parental leave (OSV) has been split into two parts: Paid and Unpaid parental leave. In HR Core Business, we had taken this change into account and a parental leave type had already been set up with the data elements OSV factor and Age Limit Parental Leave. These elements have been in use for (unpaid) Parental Leave as of release 2022-08. By adjusting the parental leave in August 2022, the value for unpaid parental leave changed from 26 to 17 weeks. You can record this at the company level in the HR Steering Data screen.    For clients who have been using HR Core business for some time, the data elements OSV factor and Age limit include values filled in at the company CLA level. This is a level between employee and company. To calculate parental leave, the system still uses the data at the company CLA level because in the hierarchy this is the first level above the employee. This means that if, for example, in the HR Steering Data screen at OSV factor the value 17 is entered at the company level, while at the company CLA level it still contains the value 26, the calculation of parental leave entitlement is made based on 26 weeks.   In order for the system to correctly calculate parental leave entitlement, it is necessary to remove the incorrect values of the OSV factor and age limit that are still present in the database. To enable this, the new Parental leave correction company CLA screen is available in HR Core Business as of this release.  How Settings > Leave > Parental leave correction company CLA Steps Select the correct Reference Date. This is the date from when you want to terminate the data. If there are multiple company CLAs, select the appropriate company CLA. Open the Parental Leave correction company CLA screen. Terminate the values of the OSV Factor (unpaid) and Age limit parental leave (unpaid) fields by clearing them.  Click Save. You can use the Mutation report (extended) to check whether the values of these fields are actually cleared as of the reference date.  In the menu, go to Reports > Recording > Mutation Report (extended). In the Target Level field, select Company and then select the Target Group: this is the company for which you want to create the report. If necessary, adjust the remaining fields and click Show selection criteria. At Data collections, select the Company CLA collection in the Selected field. At Data elements (GE) and wage components (LC), add the data elements Age limit parental leave (unpaid) (Company CLA) and OSV factor (unpaid) (Company CLA) in the Selected field. Click Create report. Go to My Reports and open the newly created Mutation report (extended). Here you can see that for the selected target group and company CLA the abovementioned data elements have been terminated and have the status Inactive. Action If there are still old values at the company CLA level at OSV Factor (unpaid) and/or Age limit parental leave (unpaid), ensure that these values are terminated by completing the steps listed above. Solved messages 2. Extra individual rights suddenly shown in recent years (change 3786540) Message Some employees suddenly showed old individual rights after release 2022-09. As a result, these employees suddenly had a long queue of individual rights. These had been entered in previous years. However, the balance shown was correct, as these rights may have already been included in the transferred balance. It was only a presentation error.  Solution As of release 2022-10, only the individual rights that have been granted in the current leave year are visible. Action No action is required.  
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22-09-2022 16:55 (Bijgewerkt op 29-09-2022)
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20-1-2022 Batch Signing filtering improved Case fixed: In the Batch Signing page, when filtering the data by using the search functionality and getting results on multiple pages -> when going to another page the search parameter was lost and the displayed data was not filtered by it anymore.  
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20-01-2022 16:23 (Bijgewerkt op 09-02-2022)
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Changed and improved Branch linked to organizational unit twice (change 1324877) Notification Sometimes branches were linked to the same organizational unit twice without having been added twice by the same end user. As a result, data was transmitted twice to the systems linked to these branches. Solution Some branches were registered twice because the software did not check for the existence of branches in the future. Now, if a branch already exists at a future date, an error message will appear. Your action No action is required. Profile (703DV) not exported for new employees (change 1579908) Notification To enter new employees in Self Service, profiles were used through the added (703DV) field for the profile on the Contract screen with the aim of managing the employment conditions cluster. Because this field did not record the data at the correct level, it was not exported. Solution This release allows users to send profile data at contract level via the (703PS) field. Your action No action is required. Leave balance after calculation of fixed extra individual leave entitlement sometimes incorrect (change 1629890) Notification Calculating fixed extra individual leave entitlement with a starting date before 2019 did not go well because this was treated as a one-off after the release of 2019-07. As a result, the leave balance is not correct for employees with a fixed extra individual leave entitlement for whom a mutation / leave record has been recorded, so that the leave balance had to be recalculated. If there are no mutations or leave recordings recorded for these employees, the leave balance is correct. Solution From this release, the fixed extra individual leave entitlement will again be treated as a fixed entitlement. Your action If you make use of fixed extra individual leave rights in your organization, we advise you to check the balance with these employees and to perform a recalculation for leave if necessary. Publishing Date : 7/25/2019
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19-07-2019 19:46 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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  This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. Some of these changes have been inspired by messages and reports from customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. New GDPR leave and absence data Why Within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) it must be possible to purge employee data. In general a storage period of two years following termination of employment applies to most HR data. The storage period of this data is also referred to as the retention period. To support the retention period and deletion of the corresponding data, the Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) screen has been included in HR Core Business as of this release. In this screen you can specify the retention period for specific leave and absence data. The selected data will be deleted when the retention period ends. This deletion procedure consists of two steps, with each deletion step taking place every two weeks: First, the data is made inactive. The data can still be viewed in the Change report where it has the Deleted Secondly, the actual deletion is performed. Following this step, the data can no longer be viewed and has been permanently removed from the application. How Maintenance > Repository > Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) The Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) screen can be used to specify for how many years the leave and absence data should be retained when an employee’s employment has terminated. This can be specified per company using the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Field Explanation Gegevens AVG (GDPR data) Select the data for which you want to specify the retention period: Sickness absence Request for leave Retention period Here you can specify the number of years the data should be stored after the employee’s employment has terminated. The storage period or retention period should be at least 2 years to ensure deletion of this data does not result in recalculations. If you enter a figure lower than 2, an error message is displayed at the top of the screen and the data cannot be stored. When the retention period ends, the data is made inactive based on biweekly deletion actions. The Change report can be checked to see what data is concerned: the data in question has the Deleted status. Two weeks after having been made inactive, the data is permanently deleted from the application and can no longer be viewed. Start Bewaartermijn (Start of retention period) This has the standard entry Einde dienstverband (Termination of employment). Your action If you want leave and absence data of your employees to be deleted based on the minimum retention period of two years, you can set up the Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) as described above. Excluding employees from data deletion based on GDPR parameters Why Sometimes it may be necessary to exclude employees from general deletion of leave and absence data when the minimum retention period of two years has ended. Therefore, individual employees can be excluded from general deletion to ensure their data will not be automatically deleted when the retention period has ended which has been specified in the Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) screen. For this purpose an option has been added to the Employee (supplementary) screen. How Employee > Employee data > Employee (supplementary) If you do not want the data of an employee to be automatically deleted when the storage period or retention period specified in the Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) screen has ended, you can exclude that employee by selecting Yes in the Uitsluiten van AVG (Exclude from GDPR) field in the Employee (supplementary) screen. When you leave the Uitsluiten van AVG (Exclude from GDPR) field blank or select No, the employee’s data will be automatically deleted based on a biweekly job. If you select Yes at Uitsluiten van AVG (Exclude from GDPR) and later change the value to No or leave the field blank and the storage period or retention period has already ended, this employee will as yet be included in the next deletion round. Your action If you want to exclude individual employees from deletion of leave and absence data based on the parameters specified in the Stuurgegevens AVG (GDPR parameters) screen, you should select Yes for these employees in the Uitsluiten van AVG (Exclude from GDPR) field in the Employee (supplementary) screen. Modified and improved Contract sequence number field supports periods Why  The Employee screen in HR Core Business includes the Contract sequence number field for the new re-hire process in Self Service. This field had no periods as a result of which it was not possible to specify the contract sequence number with a specific start date. How  Employee > Employees The Contract sequence number field now supports periods, as a result of which the system stores the value with the specified start date. The various values with a start data can, therefore, be seen in the history . Your action No action is needed. Identity check in relation to name and date of birth Why The Identity field is used for authorizations in the portal. Now it is possible to issue the same identities multiple times. The existence of an identity is checked in the portal. To ensure that the identity of a specific employee is unique, the name and date of birth combined with the identity are checked upon identity entry (check at the source). How Employee > Employee data > Employee (supplementary) When the Identity field is entered in the Employee (supplementary) screen, the system will check if the specified Identity already exists. If it does, the system will check if the last name and date of birth of the employee with the existing Identity match those of the employee with the newly entered Identity. This check only takes place when a new Identity is registered. If the name of an employee were to change in the future, the system will not check whether that name belongs to a non-unique Identity. Your action No action is needed. There will be no retroactive check to ensure existing Identities are unique. Resolved notifications Extended Change report for leave is not included in My Reports (change1198351) Reports > Audit summaries > Change report (extended) Message If at Change report (extended) you opted for leave elements at the selection criteria, the system specified that the report had been included in My Reports. However, the requested Change report (extended) was not available in My Reports. This issue only occurred when leave elements were selected. With other elements the change report was indeed available in My Reports. Solution This technical issue has now been resolved. Your action No action is needed. OrgSite – Extended search functionality did not work correctly (change 465756) Message If you wanted to search for a specific term in OrgSite, but not by last name, only approximately matching results were displayed and no exact matches. Solution To make it possible to use other search criteria than just last name, but based on an exact match with the search term, the Expliciet zoeken (Explicit search) option has been added to the search function. Your action You do not have to take any action. Publishing Date : 2/22/2019
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22-02-2019 21:16 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Modified and Improved Recruitment fields in 'Accept candidate' form In the release notes of June and July we communicated that we would make a solution for the 5 fields on the 'Accept candidate' form because the layout of the Self Service fields differs from that of Recruitment and Selection. The values in these fields are causing an error message on the form. From now on the import of data for these fields are transferred from the values of Recruitment and Selection automatically to the correct value within the Self Service fields. It concerns the following fields: Title Marital Status Country Gender The field: Salutation is only being presented in the candidate form because the HR Core has no seperated field for this value. Pay attention: When you use the connection with Recruitment and Selection you have to use the standard from Recruitment and Self Service tables. Publishing Date : 8/12/2019
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19-07-2019 20:09 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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Modified and improved  Reference date and filters – Request for leave screen Why  The Request for leave search screen contained all the requests for leave of all the employees within the selected company. As a result of this, loading the data on the screen and searching the data took a long time. That is why a reference date has been added to the screen that, in combination with a filter, can be used to refine the search for specific requests.   How  Employee > Leave > Request for leave Based on the specified reference date the requests for leave that were active on that date are displayed. For example, if you enter the reference date 1 February 2019, all the requests for leave that start on, are still active on or end on 1 February 2019 are displayed. A search term can be entered in the fields above each column to further refine the search, for example, by specifying (part of) the name of an employee. The same applies to the employee code, the contract, the contract ID or the date the request for leave was submitted.  Your action No action is required.  Resolved notifications Opening the Request for leave screen takes too long (change 901938) Notification  The retrieval of requests for leave often took very long because all the requests for leave, including the historic requests, of all employees had to be loaded in the Request for leave screen. Solution Employee > Leave > Request for leave The Request for leave screen has been modified and the information is displayed quicker. The requests for leave are now filtered based on the reference date. This means you will only see the requests for leave of which the end date of leave is beyond the reference date. The displayed requests for leave can now also be filtered by specifying a specific (part of an) employee name or employee code in the fields at the top of the screen. It is also possible to filter by the date the request for leave was submitted. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 5/24/2019
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24-05-2019 19:48 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Notifications Grant leave entitlement report We are working on improving the operational reports. While we are heading towards the turn of the year, we are entering the period in which the HR processes regarding the granting of leave entitlement are executed. This means that it makes sense to to prioritize improving the report Grant leave entitlement. Increase of performance will be part of the improvements. Based on feedback from our users, we have determined that it is preferable to have the report Grant leave entitlement available in excel. so that it can be easily used for control purposes. Therefore, as of the December release, the report will only be available in Excel format. Should there be a need to export this report to pdf, you can do this by saving the excel as pdf.   New Integration of terms of employment Germany Why  At the companies that are remunerated by our partner Lohn AG, in Germany, the need arose for integrated terms of employment with specific data for remuneration in Germany.  How Employee > Contract > Terms of employment package > Integration Germany If, during implementation, the Visma | Raet consultant has added the Integration Germany terms of employment to the terms of employment cluster, this will be available in the Terms of employment package. The fields displayed in the Integration Germany terms of employment screen contain data that is required for remuneration in Germany, supplemented in some cases by company-specific fields. You can find more information about these terms of employment and the fields related to them in the online help. Action No action is required. Proposed UPIs report Why For applications that will make use of HR Core Business through APIs, including Verzuim 2.0 and Identity & Access Management, it is necessary to award a Unique Personal Identity (UPI) to each employee. To support you in this process, we have developed a report that shows: whether the UPI fields have been filled out whether there are conflicts related to the completed UPI fields, for example with regard to the unicity of a UPI in relation to the employee’s citizen service number (BSN) UPIs proposed by the system You can use this report to generate the proposed UPIs.  How Reports > Check > Proposed UPIs In the Proposed UPIs screen, you can specify whether you want to generate the report in Excel or CSV. Please note: if you use leading zeros for employee codes and/or UPIs and you open a CSV file in Excel, these leading zeros may be omitted. You can then specify which employees you want to see in the report under Employee selection: Conflicts only This selection only shows employees for whom there are conflicts based on their UPI and BSN, or on their last name or date of birth. No UPI only This selection only shows employees who do not have a UPI. No UPI and related employees This selection shows the employees who do not have a UPI and employees who are related to these employees based on their BSN, last name or date of birth. All This selection shows all employees.  Finally, you can choose whether or not to include comments in the report. If you enable this option, you might see comments about a work conflict, for example. The Proposed UPIs report will be available as an Excel or CSV document under My reports. The language used in the report is English, as the links the UPIs will use tend to also be in English. You can find more information and explanations about the various columns in the online help. Action No action is required. Modified and improved GDPR Delete Personal Data expanded Why In the feedback we received from our customers on the new GDPR Delete Personal Data tool, we were asked to expand the number of personal data fields that are deleted by this functionality.  How Employee > Employee > GDPR Delete Personal Data  If an employee’s personal data is deleted, the following fields will be also deleted as of this release: Employee data ·         Date of birth ·         Identity  ·         UPI Partner data ·         Partner’s last name ·         Partner’s first and middle names ·         Partner’s phone number ·         Street (employee) ·         House number (employee) ·         House number suffix (employee) ·         Postal code (employee) ·         Town/city (employee) ·         Country of residence Action The data can be deleted by using the GDPR Delete Personal Data menu option. GDPR Delete Personal Data linked to Self Service Why Before this release, personal data and workflows in Self Service that could no longer be stored under the GDPR had to be deleted manually. As of this release, when an employee is deleted using GDPR Delete Personal Data, a notification will automatically be sent to Self Service as a reminder to delete the employee data there as well. How Employee > Employee > GDPR Delete Personal Data If an employee is deleted using GDPR Delete Personal Data, the letter V (Dutch: verwijder) will appear in their Self Service profile as a reminder to delete their data. Action If you use the GDPR Delete Personal Data menu option, a notification will be sent to Self Service indicating that the employee has been deleted. UPI unicity check only for citizen service number Why In practice, especially when rehiring, you might encounter a newly hired employee whose name is written slightly differently than when they were previously employed, but whose citizen service number (BSN) already occurs in the system, indicating that they are in fact the same person. That is why the unicity check, which assesses whether a UPI is unique, is limited to the BSN. The last name and date of birth are only checked when there is no BSN available.  How Employee > Inflow/Outflow > Create employee Employee > Inflow/Outflow > Create employee with profile group Management > Data exchange > Modify UPI The UPI unicity check goes as follows: If a UPI that is entered for an employee is already linked to another employee with the same BSN, the UPI will be accepted. If a UPI that is entered for an employee is already linked to another employee with a different BSN, the UPI will be rejected, and an error message will appear. If the existing employee with the same UPI does not have a BSN, the unicity check takes place on the basis of the employee’s last name and date of birth. Action No action is required.  UPIs based on BSN for Import and Self Service Why  Since the previous release, when entering the BSN for a new employee using the Create employee or Create employee with profile group wizards, the system checks whether that BSN is already known by the client and auto-populates the Unique Personal ID field with a suggested value if this is the case. From now on, this will also happen for new employees who are added using Import or Self Service. How HR Self Service  Manage > External changes > Upload external changes file > Raet Basic document If a new employee is entered using their BSN and the system finds that a UPI already exists for this BSN, the application will auto-populate the UPI field with this UPI when importing or entering through HR Self Service. The field will remain empty until the import is completed. This means that an auto-populated UPI will not be visible while entering a new employee in Self Service. It will only become visible when the data is synchronized with HR Core Business. Action No action is required. Resolved notifications Language value does not appear in HR Self Service (change 2271307) Message For some employees, the PS10 Language heading did not appear on the form in HR Self Service. Because the language heading (i.e. the PS10) is entered as a standard value at the national level and can be overwritten at the employee level, it was not included if it was not explicitly entered at the employee level. Solution This has been resolved. As of this release, the national level is also included for each employee in the export to Self Service. Action No action is required. Publishing Date : 10/22/2020
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23-10-2020 24:04 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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09-02-2022 New field from EasyCruit (within the hire candidate process) The Last Name Prefix is now transferred from EasyCruit to Self Service when hiring a candidate. The info is mapped to the following rubrics: HR Core Beaufort - P00302  HR Core Business - 26PS  HR Core Education - ZY05PARTIC
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09-02-2022 13:33 (Bijgewerkt op 09-02-2022)
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New Holiday clusters Why In order to allow users to enter non-Dutch holiday calendars, it is now possible to create holiday clusters with holidays that are pre-defined at system level. These holiday clusters can then be linked to individual employees.  How  Settings > Work pattern > Holidays clusters In the Holiday clusters screen, you can create a holiday cluster by adding holidays from the predefined list. Employee > Contract > Employment In the Employment screen, you can use the Holiday cluster field to link an employment contract to a cluster. If you do not select a holiday cluster here, the default (Dutch) holiday calendar will remain active. Your action  If you want to use a non-Dutch holiday calendar, you have to create one by following the steps above. Resolved notifications Authorization – custom screens mutable for Read-Only profiles (change 987620) Notification Users with a Read-Only profile were still able to make changes through custom screens.  Solution Custom screens have been included in the Read-Only authorization for this release. This allows users with a read-only profile to view data using custom screens, without being able to make any changes. Your action No action is required. It was not possible to terminate an organizational unit because the unit in question was still linked to a number of employees (change 1629999) Notification While trying to delete an organizational unit, an error message appeared indicating that there were still active employment relationships between the unit and a number of employees. However, it was not possible for the client to identify the employees in question. Solution We identified the employees in question and relayed this information to the client, allowing them to remove the employees/allocate them to a different unit.  Your action No action is required. While trying to open the Employment screen for certain employees, an error message appeared (change 1558042) Notification When opening the Employment screen, an error message appeared for certain employees. Solution The error was caused by a data element that had been changed from a percentage type to a factor because of the Part-time percentage. The conversion to the part-time factor had not been carried out for the employees in question, preventing the client from accessing the Employment screen. The problem was solved by carrying out the conversion for these employees. Publishing Date : 9/19/2019
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19-09-2019 21:50 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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New Employee with employment date in the future in Self Service Why  Users must be able to enter changes through Self Service for employees with an employment date in the future. As of this release, employees with an employment date in the future can be exported to HR Core. How Settings > Data exchange > Self Service parameters The Toekomstige medewerker verzenden (Send future employee) field has been added to the Self-service parameters screen. When Yes is selected, employees with a date in the future are included in the export. The start date of the employee data will be the employment date, meaning changes only apply as of the employment date. Changes with an effective date before the employment date will automatically be assigned the employment date as effective date. Changes regarding sickness and time off are an exception. When such changes have an earlier effective date, this will result in export failure from Self Service to HR Core. Your action If users must be able to check or change the data of employees with an employment date in the future through Self Service, the Toekomstige medewerker verzenden (Send future employee) field must be set to Yes. In addition, the Youforce users extended feature must be used to export future employees to the portal as well. Contact the Visma | Raet Service Desk; they will create a link to the portal. New leave type – Supplementary childbirth leave (WIEG) Why With the introduction of the Dutch Supplementary Childbirth Leave Act (Wet Invoering Extra Geboorteverlof (WIEG)) a new leave type was required. As of this release the leave type Aanvullend geboorteverlof (Supplementary childbirth leave) can be selected with a start date of 1st of July 2020 when assigning a new leave type to the Leave scheme. How Settings (instellingen) > Leave > Leave scheme The Leave scheme screen now includes the leave type Aanvullend geboorteverlof (WIEG) (Supplementary childbirth leave (WIEG)) at Type of leave. Click   on the right of the Leave scheme screen at Types of leave (Verlofsoorten). Select the Aanvullend geboorteverlof (WIEG) (Supplementary childbirth leave (WIEG)) leave type. Registering leave balance at Extra individual leave entitlement We recommend registering the leave balance at Extra individual leave entitlement and not at Aanvullend geboorteverlof (Supplementary childbirth leave) in the Leave scheme. The balance depends on the number of consecutive weeks an employee wants to take off. This need not be the maximum of 5 consecutive weeks. As of release 2020-06, individual leave entitlement for supplementary childbirth leave will be automatically dealt with when the child is registered. No duration specification The duration need not be specified. The 6 months duration after the child’s date of birth is not checked. Linking supplementary childbirth leave to Continued payment during leave (Uitsplitsing) Settings > Leave > Leave to Payroll (Verlof koppeling Payroll) Supplementary childbirth leave can be linked to the Continued payment during leave (breakdown) employment benefit in Payroll Business. Do so by selecting Aanvullend geboorteverlof (Supplementary childbirth leave) in the Type of leave field and next linking it to Payroll by selecting Aanvullend geboorteverlof (HRE) (Supplementary childbirth leave (HRE)) in the Verlofuren verrekening payroll (Payroll leave hours settlement) field. Registering time off entitlement and expiration date Employee > Leave > Extra individual leave entitlement The Extra individual leave entitlement screen contains the Leave entitlement field where the employee’s balance can be specified. The expiration date of 6 months following the child’s birth can be specified in the Expiration date field.  Your action If supplementary childbirth leave is to be used, register the data as specified above.  Modified and Improved  Buttons available again in the Request for leave screen Why In the new layout of the Request for leave screen, the Back button and Export button were no longer available. Clients have indicated they would prefer these to be available again.  How Employee > Leave > Request for leave When a Request for leave is opened, the following buttons are available at the top right: One step back Advanced search History Add Your action No action is required. Solved Message Removing extra individual leave entitlement (change 1901905) Employee > Leave > Extra individual leave entitlement Message When extra individual leave entitlement was registered and Fixed was selected in the Type of entitlement field, the entitlement could not be deleted. The Delete button at the bottom of the screen was no longer available. Solution This has been resolved; extra individual leave entitlement can be deleted again as of the May release. Your action Check if fixed extra individual leave entitlement is still registered that should be deleted. Publishing Date : 4/24/2020
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24-04-2020 16:29 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Changed and improved 1.  From now on, codes will also be displayed in the employment contract’s history screen Why When selecting values in fields with a list or search function, the Employment contract screen field now shows the code between brackets after the description. There is also a need to display this code in the history of the Employment contract screen.  How Employee > Contract > Employment contract > History The Code column has been added to the screen with the history of the Employment contract, and includes the code associated with the description of the values. Your action No action is required. 2.  Now possible to review existing references for organizational units Why Terminating an organizational unit is not possible if there are still active references. These references or links may be valid at any given time, which complicates determining the reference in question. This resulted in a need for information about existing references.  How Settings > Formation and Organization > Organizational Units  In the top right corner, the icon Linked elements has been added to the screen containing information on an organizational unit. When selecting an organizational unit, click on this icon to review current references. The Linked elements screen displays the type of reference that exists, for example, a role assignment, the reference details, and the effective start date. This information simplifies the process of terminating an organizational unit.  Your action No action is required. Resolved notifications 3.  Error message when opening the Organizational units screen (change  1722110) Notification An incorrect error message would sometimes appear when opening the organizational units screen.  Solution This has been resolved. The error message no longer appears. Your action No action is required. Legislation and regulations 4.  Changes to the state pension (AOW) age Why By adopting the Postponement of an increase to the state pension Act, the increase of the state pension age will slow down and the state pension ages for 2020 and in the following years need to be amended. How Employee > Employee > Employees The field old age pension effective start date  for the Employees screen displays the old age pension (AOW) age determined by the system based on the date of birth and the statutory state pension age. The table below shows your former state pension age and your new state pension age based on the new Act.   Year The state pension age was The state pension age becomes 2019 66 years and 4 months 66 years and 4 months 2020 66 years and 8 months 66 years and 4 months 2021 67 years 66 years and 4 months 2022 67 years and 3 months 66 years and 7 months 2023 67 years and 3 months 66 years and 10 months 2024 67 years and 3 months 67 years We will amend the state pension ages in the software as indicated in this table. This process may take some time. We will begin by updating the upcoming AOW dates so employee files with an effective old age pension date in January 2020 will be amended first. Employees with an effective old age pension date in February 2020 and later will then follow. Once the effective old age pension date has been amended for all employees, we will inform you via a message on the Portal. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 11/22/2019
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22-11-2019 19:27 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Modified and Improved Person code read-only from now on Why Interface applications use the person code as a key field, which is why changing it is unwise. A change to a person code can even result in an inability to link personal details, as the last known person code was different. This is why it is no longer possible to change the person code on the Person screen. If it nevertheless becomes necessary to link a different person code to an employee, you can do this by changing the Unique Personal ID (UPI). How Employee > Person > Person  On the Person screen, the Person code field is a read-only field as of this release, and it can no longer be changed on the screen or through an import.  Management > Data exchange > Modify UPI If it nevertheless becomes necessary to change a person code, this can be done on the Change UPI screen. Action No action is required. Error message when terminating Organizational unit on start date Why If you terminate an Organizational unit with a Reference Date equal to the start date of the Organizational unit, then the end date of the organizational unit was set before the start date. As a result, it was no longer possible to consult or modify the Organizational unit.  How Settings > Formation & Organization > Organizational Units If you terminate an organizational unit on the effective date of the same organizational unit, you will now see the following error message: Termination of this OU failed, followed by the technical details. It is still possible to delete the organizational unit as of the effective date. This has the same result as termination on the effective date. Action No action is required. Using free fields in profiles Why Many organizations use free fields to record data that is specifically relevant to them. Many fields have default values, which is why it is desirable to be able to add and use free fields in profiles. Free fields in profiles are possible as of this release. How Settings > Recording > Profiles The search function for finding and adding a data element to a profile now also allows searching for and selecting free fields. You select a free field by typing in the code or name of the free field (element). You can call up a list of all free fields by typing free element in the Type of element search parameter. You can then enter a standard value for the selected field (element) here. Please note You cannot include free fields in a profile that are in use at both employee and contract level. If you try, you will receive an error message. You can resolve this by defining the free field at one level. Action No action is required. Leave entitlement report now only in Excel Why As announced in the previous release notes, we have adjusted the Leave entitlement report from release 2020-12. We have received feedback from users that they prefer to have the report available in Excel for auditing purposes. This is why the Leave entitlement report is only available in Excel format as of this release. In addition, report generation performance has been improved. How Settings > Leave > Grant leave entitlement If you perform one of the following Actions on the Grant leave entitlement screen: New leave year, Correct current leave year or Undo current leave year, the corresponding report will now only be created in Excel format and no longer as a PDF. If you still want to export the report to PDF, you can do this by saving the Excel as a PDF. Action No action is required. Generate work schedules processing reports and Transfer of leave entitlements reports in Excel and PDF Why As announced in the previous release notes, we are starting with adjustments to the reports on granting leave as part of the operational reporting improvements. We have received feedback from users that they prefer to have the Generate work schedules processing report and the Transfer of leave entitlements report available in Excel for auditing purposes. These reports are available in both Excel format and PDF as of release 2020-12. In addition, report generation performance has been improved. How Settings > Work pattern > Generate work schedules Settings > Leave > Transfer leave Entitlements If you perform the Generate work schedules or Transfer leave entitlements actions, you can export the reports in both Excel format and PDF. Excel is the default value in the Save as field.  Action If you want to export the report in PDF, you must change the value in the Save as field to PDF. Start and end dates added to the GDPR Delete Personal Data screen Why The GDPR Delete Personal Data screen shows you all employees who have not been employed for the last seven years. The list also includes individuals who never entered employment. In principle, you should delete the personal data of these individuals because there is no longer any purpose limitation. Sometimes, however, it may be useful not to delete this personal data, for example because an individual will be entering employment a month later. Based on feedback in the wishes portal and from the customer effort score, we have expanded the data shown on this screen so that you can recognize the individuals who never entered employment. How Employee > Employee > GDPR Delete Personal Data The Start Date and End Date columns have been added to the GDPR Delete Personal Data screen. If these columns are empty, the user may find it easier to decide whether to delete the individual’s personal data. Actions No action is required. GDPR Delete Personal Data - data to be deleted expanded Why Feedback from the customer effort score for the GDPR Delete Personal Data screen following the previous release indicated a need for a greater range of personal data to be deleted. How Employee > Employee > GDPR Delete Personal Data  If an employee’s personal data is deleted, the following fields will also be deleted as of this release: contract details Position  Department  Location  Cost center Organizational Unit  details of children Child’s initials Child’s first name Gender Child’s first and middle names Memo Date of child’s death Salary slip viewer Reports > Salary breakdown > Salary slip viewer In addition, it is no longer possible to call up the salary slip of deleted individuals in the Salary slip viewer.  Actions No action is required. Manager’s employee code is now shown in the Organizational unit history Why During a Gemba walk, people walk around the workplace and observe how users make of use the system to identify potential improvements, both large and small. The most recent walk revealed a need to see the manager’s employee code in the Organizational unit history. This eliminates the additional time required for looking up managers’ employee codes in the case of common surnames. How Settings > Formation & Organization > Organizational Units If you have selected an organizational unit and requested the history of the organizational unit, as of this release you will see the manager’s employee code in a separate column before the manager’s name. This applies to both the manager and the backup manager.  Action No action is required. Solved Messages Free screens - comments regarding September release modifications (2239929) Message As of the September release, you can select an employee after selecting the free screen. This means the free screen will open immediately and you no longer have to wait until all employees have been loaded.  However, if the free screen was created as a contract screen: it was not yet possible to select an employee the screen opened the entire list of employees again after the user consulted an employee or tried to cancel, which could cause a timeout Solution The following issues have been solved as of this release: Starting with this release, free screens that have been created at contract level will not open immediately with all employees, but with a blank screen. Once the screen opens, you can search by employee and employee code, just like on the free screens that have been created at employee level. If you click Cancel after opening the free screen for an employee, you will return to the first search screen and no longer to the screen showing all employees. You can then resume searching for an employee. Actions No action is required. Workflows disappear from notification definition when setting receiver end date (2180114) Message If an end date was entered in a workflow as recipient through Active notification, the other workflows also disappeared from recipients. Solution Settings > Active notification > Notification recipients  This has been resolved. The other workflows defined for the recipients remain active until an end date is entered specifically for those recipients.  Action We recommend checking for the presence of workflows and recipients. Publishing Date : 11/19/2020
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19-11-2020 22:44 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Notifications Webinar Visma | Raet Dynamic Payslip – Invitation Date: 06 May 2021 Time: 01.00 pm to 02.00 pm This webinar provides an introduction to Visma | Raet Dynamic Payslip. We review the current payslip (PDF) and the options available with an interactive payslip. We would also like to receive feedback on the look & feel of Visma | Raet Dynamic Payslip.  Sign up Would you like to attend this webinar? Go to the Payroll Business Community at Events, click Webinar Dynamic Payslip and sign up. You will receive an email with the login details on the Monday preceding the webinar. Modified and Improved Proposed UPIs report has been modified Why  The Proposed UPIs report now includes additional checks to check and correct data before the Person level is activated. How  The following checks have been added: Check if BSN has less than 9 characters When a BSN has less than 9 characters, the Conflict / Error column contains an error message and the Remark column contains the text: BSN has less than 9 characters, please modify. Check of zip code format When the format of a zip code is incorrect, the Conflict / Error column contains an error message and the Remark column contains the text: Zip code is incorrect, please modify. Action No action is required.  Solved Messages Clearing Manager field using Import CSV was no longer possible (2033007) Message  It was no longer possible to clear the Manager field in the Employee(s) screen by importing a CSV file with the #NULL# value. This action is performed when the manager has been specified manually and the field has to be populated with the actual manager from the organizational structure. Solution This problem has been resolved. As of this release the Manager field can be cleared again by importing the #NULL# value. When this value has been imported, the manually specified manager is removed and the value from the organizational structure is adopted. Action If multiple managers have to be removed in one go, this can be done by importing a CSV file. Problem with changed date at Organizational units HRCB (2608435) Message When a reference date is entered in the Organizational unit’s main screen and next the Organizational unit that is to be changed is selected, the reference date is reset to the first day of the period instead of retaining the date selected in the first screen.  Solution Settings > Formation and Organization > Organizational units This problem has been resolved. The reference date selected in the first screen is now retained in the subsequent screens. Action No action is required. Option temporarily removed from menu Message Sometimes a specific option was not visible in the menu during a single day. For example, the Employment contract option on 31 December 2020. The data elements included in that screen, however, were included in reports and could be changed using Management > External changes. Solution The software has been modified and the options are now always included in the menu. Action No action is required.  Publishing Date : 4/23/2021
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23-04-2021 15:15 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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Notifications Feedback on our application Why From the April release, we will ask you for feedback on our application through a closed question. With this you can let us know what you think of specific functionalities and whether they meet your needs. In order to better interpret the information that has now been obtained, we will ask your feedback about certain processes in the coming months by asking a few specific questions. How If you choose a user group, we will ask you to indicate by a number to what extent you would recommend HR Core / Payroll Business to others and you can also explain your answer. We will also ask a similar question after completing a process. Questions are only asked for a specific period of time for that specific functionality. Depending on the period, a question will never be asked to you more than twice and your answers will remain anonymous. Your action If you receive a question about the use of the application, we ask you to answer it as much as possible, so that we know better what you think of certain processes and screens. This allows us to improve functionalities in a more targeted manner. New Automatic entry of Unique Personal ID (UPI) with employee code Why Unique persons must be identifiable in interface applications, including Medical Leave Management and Talent Management. That is why in future the use of a Unique Personal ID (UPI) will be mandatory. This allows you to link employees with the same UPI within a customer and in the future deliver them to the Visma | Raet applications as one person. To ensure entry of the UPI is as easy as possible, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field can be auto-populated with the employee code. If automatic generation of the employee code is opted for, this code can now also be used as UPI and the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field in the Employees screen can be auto-populated. If employee codes are used that are not automatically generated, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field can be auto-populated with the already available employee code. Refer to Updating Unique Personal ID (UPI) of existing employees How Settings > Recording > Parameters employee code The Parameters employee code screen (where is specified whether the employee code should be generated and assigned automatically when creating a new employee) now includes the Auto-populate UPI  option. When this option is enabled, the system will also populate the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field with the automatically generated employee code. Your action If this new feature is to be used, the data in the Parameters employee code screen must have been specified as described above.  Updating Unique Personal ID (UPI) of existing employees Why When creating a new employee, the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field can be auto-populated with the employee code. To ensure the employee code can be used as UPI with existing employees so it need not be specified manually, an option is now available to auto-populate the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field with the employee code. How Employee > Employee > Employees As of this release the Update UPI  field is included in the Employees screen. This field is used to ensure the system populates the Unique Personal ID (UPI) field with the employee code where an existing employee is concerned. This is done as follows: Set the Update UPI  field to Yes. The Unique Personal ID (UPI) field then becomes read only. Click Save and refresh the screen. The Unique Personal ID (UPI) field now contains the employee code and is no longer read only. The Update UPI  field is cleared as the field has been updated. During the update the system checks if the UPI is unique to the client. Where an equal UPI is concerned, the employee must have the same last name and date of birth. If this is not the case, an error message will be displayed. Note: when the UPI is updated with the employee code through the Update UPI  field and is next overwritten manually, the overwritten value applies.  Your action No action is required. New Integration elements screen Why The specified expense policy is necessary for the link with Mobile Expense in order to indicate which expense policy applies to an employee. No additional feature in HR Core Business is required. As more data is expected to be required in the future for the various links without an additional feature in HR Core Business, a separate screen has been created for registering such employee data. How Settings > Recording > List of values As of 1-1-2020 the Expense policy list of values has been added to the Element field in the List of values screen. It can be used to define expense policies that can be assigned to an employee through the Integration elements screen. Employee > Contract > Integration elements As of 1-1-2020 the Integration elements screen has been added to the Contract menu. Through this screen the correct expense policy for an employee can be specified in the Expense policy field for integration with Mobile Expense. The available values to choose from are registered in the Expense policy list of values as described above. Your action In order to use the new feature, the list of values must be created and the correct value must be assigned to the employees concerned as described above. Solved Message Error message when importing branches of organizational units has been modified (change 1914674) Message When importing branches for organizational units, the error message Specified start date is before the employee’s employment date was displayed. This was due to the fact that the branch was linked to an organizational unit that did not yet exist on the effective date. However, the text of the error message suggested that it concerned employees. Solution The error message is a general message that is displayed when data is linked to an element that does not yet exist on the effective date. As of this release the text has been modified as follows: Specified start date (yyyy/mm/dd) is before the date (yyyy/mm/dd) of the element to be linked. Note: this message is now also included in the Self Service failure report. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 6/18/2020
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18-06-2020 22:20 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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De releases van zaterdag 29 januari zijn afgerond. Alle applicaties zijn weer beschikbaar.
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29-01-2022 17:33
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