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29-01-2021 e-Signing setup - New texts The e-Signing setup functionality remains the same, we updated only the texts and the corresponding tooltips in order to make the options clearer: Activate digital signing: mandatory for enabling e-Signing f...
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20-01-2021 12:40 (Bijgewerkt op 02-02-2022)
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27-08-2021404 error when clicking on a task from My Tasks in Portal (Change 2898415)If you clicked on a task in the menu: “My tasks” in Portal, you could get a 404 error and not open and handle the task. This has now been resolved.25-08...
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06-08-2021 14:02 (Bijgewerkt op 02-02-2022)
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30-03-2021 HRSS link added automatically when sending an email with an empty footer (change 2244213) When the footer - created in an email template - was empty, the system automatically added a link to Youforce. The link to Youforce will n...
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11-03-2021 12:18 (Bijgewerkt op 02-02-2022)
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  Notifications Employees with Employment Start Date in the future from Self Service reversed Why To prepare for future functionality allowing employees with an Employment Start Date in the future to be edited in Self Service, they were imported with a start date equaling the editing date on which the employee was created. Thus, it was possible to edit these employees with this start date in Self Service even before employment commenced. Until the Employment Start Date was reached and the employee transitioned to the associated Employed status, the employment terminated status was forwarded to other parties with an Employment End Date equaling the editing date in Self Service, as retrieved from HR Core. This functionality was reversed because it caused a lot of problems in actual practice. How For customers who experienced problems with this, the data was corrected to the old input date. The employment status is no longer Employment terminated before the employee starts employment. Employees who are entered in Self Service with a future date are transmitted to HR Core the old way once again. Resolved notifications Collective leave 2018 not deducted for new employee (change 1174518) Notification  An employee started employment for the first time in November 2018. It was expected that the collective leave days would be deducted based on his work schedule. However, this did not occur. The relevant employee started employment on November 19, and the collective leave for 2019 was created on that same date. The collective leave days were deducted correctly for another employee whose Employment Start Date was October 15. The collective leave days that were entered last year are no longer in the system, which means they were not allocated to employees starting employment. Solution  The employee started employment after the collective leave for 2019 was created, causing the collective leave days for 2018 to be moved to history. This process for clearing old definitions for collective leave has been modified. As a result, collective leave days are no longer moved to history after one year.  Your action No action is required. Organization structure history unavailable (change 1298321) Notification When opening the organization structure on a specific date in the past, an unexpected error report was displayed: OU with code 60001358 refers to parent OU with code 60001352 as per 10/03/2017. The relevant parent Organization Unit (OU) was not valid until 11/08/2018, however, so the reference pointed to a non-existent OU. Solution The date data for the organization units has been corrected, so the reference to the child organization unit has the same start date as the parent organization unit.  Your action No action is required. Remaining leave not always updated (change 1234723) Notification The remaining leave was not updated automatically for employees who had only registered the statutory leave and/or supplementary leave on December 31, 2018. Solution The remaining leave was not updated automatically if leave was taken on December 31. The remaining leave was corrected after another withdrawal or recalculation. The programming was modified so that the remaining leave is updated correctly immediately when leave is taken on 31 December only. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 4/18/2019
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18-04-2019 16:19 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Notifications Unique Personal ID (UPI) Unique persons must be identifiable in interface applications, including Medical Leave Management and Talent Management. That is why in future the use of a Unique Personal ID (UPI) will be mandatory. By means of this UPI (copied) employees can be linked. Mandatory use of the UPI will be implemented in phases: Phase 1 Checking the UPI’s uniqueness. Refer to the Checking the Unique Personal ID’s uniqueness section in these Release Notes. Phase 2 Option to enable auto-population of the UPI field of new employees with the employee code. Phase 3 The ability to update existing employees with the employee code (individually and through import) when the option to populate the UPI field with the employee code has been enabled. The new Update UPI field will be introduced for this purpose. Phase 4 Final phase for unspecified UPIs and mandatory use of UPIs. We will keep you informed about the progress through the Release Notes. New Request for supplementary childbirth leave when registering the child Why With the introduction of the Dutch Supplementary Childbirth Leave Act (Wet Invoering Extra Geboorteverlof (WIEG)) an employee may opt to take 5x the number of contract hours in supplementary childbirth leave. This request always concerns whole weeks. As of this release the requested number of weeks of childbirth leave can be specified when registering the child. How Settings > General > HR parameters To enable automatic generation of the extra individual leave entitlement to supplementary childbirth leave, the type of leave to be used must be specified in the Verlofsoort aanv. geboorteverlof (Supplementary childbirth leave) field in the HR parameters screen. Employee > Employee > Child data As of July 1, 2020 the Aanvraag aanv. geb.verlof (weken) (Supplementary childbirth leave request (weeks)) field has been added to the Child data screen. Here the number of requested weeks of supplementary childbirth leave must be specified in whole weeks. 5 weeks at most can be requested. The relevant child data of the child for which supplementary childbirth leave is requested can also be specified. Due date of birth in the future: as of this release a due date of birth in the future can be specified. The date must be updated when the actual date of birth differs. The description of the generated supplementary childbirth leave contains the child’s name and date of birth, so it is easy to see to which child the leave applies. GDPR and registration of the child’s name: the GDPR, however, stipulates that the child’s name may only be registered when the parent has given explicit consent to do so. That is why a description instead of the child’s name is registered. Generating extra individual leave entitlement: when the data has been registered and stored, an extra individual leave entitlement is generated automatically. Note: it may take a few minutes before the extra individual leave entitlement has been generated. Employee > Time off > Extra individual entitlement When the child data and the requested number of weeks of supplementary childbirth leave have been specified, the extra individual leave entitlement is generated automatically. This leave entitlement has an entry date that matches the child’s date of birth. The number of hours is the requested number of weeks of leave x contract hours per week. The expiration date is entered automatically and is 6 months after the date of birth. Your action Add the supplementary childbirth leave type to the time off policies and link it to the supplementary childbirth leave through the HR parameters as described above. New function - GDPR - delete employee Why The GDPR stipulates that it must be possible to delete employees after the retention obligation has expired. As of this release a function for removing the personal data of employees has been included in HR Core Business.  How Employee > Employee >AVG Verwijderen medewerker (GDPR - delete employee) As of this release the Employee option in the Employee menu includes the AVG Verwijderen medewerker (GDPR - delete employee) function. When the screen is opened, employees who have left employment more than 7 years ago are displayed. The list can be filtered by employee name. Mark the employees whose personal data should be deleted and click the Delete button. Persons whose data has been deleted only have the GDPR removed, xx. description. Note: employees cannot be undeleted. The data is deleted from the database as well and cannot be retrieved. In the Extended Transaction Report, these removed employees are included with the description AVG removed, x (AVG verwijderd, x) and the Value AVG removed. (Waarde AVG verwijderd) Personal data is no longer available for employees who have been removed via AVG Delete employee, so that it is not possible to trace which employees are involved. It is important to realize that the removal of an employee via the AVG delete employee function is considered a change to the employee data. This ensures that adjacent applications are informed about the removal of the employee, see also the example below. If you request changed data after removal via an interface or reports, it may be that employees who have been out of service for 7 years are again included in a selection, because there has been a change in the employee data, namely that the status of GDPR Deleted is active. This obviously does not apply if the selection only contains active employees. Example Employee J. Janssen, personnel number 100, has been out of service for 7 years. His data has been deleted via GDPR delete employee (AVG verwijderen medewerker). With this delete action, the data element AVG mask data (AVG maskeren gegevens) is created in the background and filled with the value Masked (Gemaskeerd). As a result in the mutation report (Mutatieverslag (uitgebreid)) you will see the employee as AVG Deleted (AVG verwijderd). Suppose a customer uses its own interface, which requests all employees whose data has been changed. Because the data element AVG mask data (AVG maskeren gegevens) has been created and has the value Masked (Gemaskeerd), former employee J. Jansen, personnel number 100, is sent to the interface as employee x. AVG Deleted (x. AVG Verwijderd). Your action If adjacent systems use HR Core data, it may be that the deleted employee, including the deleted data, is sent again to this system. It may therefore be necessary to adjust these systems before using the new functionality for deleting personal data. Modified and Improved Checking the Unique Personal ID’s uniqueness Why In future the use of a Unique Personal ID (UPI) will be mandatory in order to identify persons in interface applications such as Medical Leave Management and Talent Management. Refer to Unique Personal ID (UPI) at the beginning of these Release Notes. As of this release the uniqueness of the Unique Personal ID will be checked. How Employee > Employee > Employees When a new Unique Personal ID is specified in the Employee screen, the uniqueness of the value entered in the field will be checked. When it matches an existing value of the client, an error message will be displayed when the last name and date of birth of the employee do not match. Your action Ensure the UPI is unique to each person, i.e. employee and the same (copied) employee across companies. An employee is considered to be the same single person when the last name and date of birth are identical. Exporting time off requests Why The Time off request screen was modified in 2019 to improve filter options and performance. It was no longer possible to export time off requests. However, clients have indicated they require the export function. That is why as of this release it is possible to export time off requests again.  How Employee > Time off > Time off request The Export button is again available in the Time off request screen (bottom right). When this button is clicked, the file type can be specified at the top of the screen, and whether all pages should be exported. Your action No action is required. Solved Messages Name of organizational unit incorrectly displayed in OrgSight Message When searching for an organizational unit in OrgSight, the name was incorrectly displayed. When the organizational unit was selected, the name sometimes included a strange symbol. This was due to the fact that special characters such as the ampersand (&) were mistakenly interpreted as HTML code. Solution This problem has been resolved: as of this release the names of organizational units are displayed correctly. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 5/25/2020
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25-05-2020 22:48 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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2019-12 Bedrijvenpaneel aangepast naar een zoeklink Terugkoppeling van gebruikers gaf aan dat het bedrijvenpaneel, voor selectie van bedrijven, niet synchroon loopt met de selectie van het bedrijf in het navigatiepad. Met de oplossing die wij kozen, leggen wij de nadruk op de zoekfunctionaliteit. Er is nu een link Zoek bedrijf beschikbaar om bedrijven te selecteren. Raadplegen bestaande referenties van organisatorische eenheden Als je een organisatorische eenheid selecteert, heb je de mogelijkheid via het icoon Referenties, de huidige referenties te raadplegen. Wij presenteren per referentie - bijvoorbeeld een roltoewijzing -, de gegevens van die referentie en de ingangsdatum. 2019-11 Notificatie bij gereed zijn van salarisverwerking en rapportage Door je een notificatie te sturen als een salarisverwerking of rapport gereed is, kan je gewoon verder werken. Je hoeft zodoende niet langer op de pagina's Mijn Rapporten of Salarisverwerking te blijven om de gereedmelding te ontvangen. 2019-10 Feestdagenclusters Via feestdagenclusters kan je nu feestdagenkalenders toepassen, die afwijken van de standaard Nederlandse feestdagenkalender. Hiervoor stel je feestdagenclusters samen met feestdagen die zijn voorgedefinieerd op systeemniveau. Hierna kan je die toepassen op het dienstverband van een medewerker.  2019-07 Verlofaanvragen in dagen Het is nu mogelijk om in een verlofregeling naast uren ook dagen op te nemen. Met deze nieuwe eenheid ondersteunt HR Core Business verlofaanvragen van medewerkers zonder vaste werkuren per dag. Hiermee is opbouw in dagen mogelijk en kunnen afboekingen in hele of halve dagen plaatsvinden. 2019-06 Nieuw scherm Verlofaanvragen Het nieuwe scherm verlofaanvragen is vanaf deze release 'peildatum gestuurd'. Ook zijn er additionele filters toegevoegd om de zoekmogelijkheden te vergroten en de performance te verbeteren. 2019-03 AVG stuurgegevens voor verwijderen van verlof- en verzuimhistorie Door stuurgegevens voor AVG vast te leggen, kunt u aangeven hoe lang gegevens bewaard worden en welke gegevens van verlof of verzuim uiteindelijk worden verwijderd. De bewaartermijn - over het algemeen twee jaar na einde dienstverband - heet in HR Core Business retentieperiode. De retentieperiode en de te verwijderen bijbehorende gegevens kunt u nu dus vastleggen in AVG stuurgegevens.
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19-12-2019 19:52
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Notifications Datacenter move on 1, 2 and 3 October Data regarding employees, salaries, employments etc. that are entered daily are stored in our datacenter. The current location will be closed down and the datacenter will be moved at the beginning of October. When will the move take place? All the data will be moved to another location from Friday 1 October 2021, 06:00 pm until Sunday 3 October 2021, 08:00 pm. During this period the applications in the Youforce portal will not be available. The period has been carefully selected: after the monthly peak of changes, after the summer and after the salary payments. What are the consequences? During this period the Youforce portal and all the Youforce applications are unavailable. All the applications are available again as of Sunday 3 October, 08:00 pm. We will keep you informed and will remind you about this move regularly. We have also posted frequently asked questions. These can be viewed and downloaded using this link Is your question not included? Ask it through 4ME: select the Youforce (Portal) service and use Datacenter as the subject. Activating the Person level When preparing activation of the Person level we recommend taking the following steps: Steps for activating the Person level Create the Proposed UPIs Select Reports > Check > Proposed UPIs. If the Proposed UPIs report contains conflicts based on current data, these should be resolved first. For example, you can correct or modify data of a larger group of employees by importing a file with the correct data.  Conflicts result in failures that have to be corrected manually. Contact the Service Desk or a consultant if you require further information.  Create the Proposed UPIs report again. When there are no more conflicts, the Activating Person level request can be submitted using ITRP/4ME. Add the Proposed UPIs report (that does not contain conflicts).   Note: the Product Development department will not process the request if this report is absent. Specify the number of employees of the client. Specify the desired start date. The request will be discussed within a period of one week and planned in one of the biweekly services. Correct data in case of failures. The Product Development department will inform you and the consultant about any failures and what should be corrected. Note: in case of failures you or the consultant must correct the data. Note: conversion and synchronization of persons to other employees may result in the submittance of large volumes of additional data to Datawarehouse, Management Information and/or third parties of the client. That is why clients must inform all parties involved about activating the Person level. The same applies to the consultant. New Person overview When the Person level is used in the application, an overview can be created as of this release of all the persons that have been created and the employees that have been linked to them. This is the Person overview report.   How  Tenant level - Reports > Check > Person overview As a person is registered directly below the tenant level, persons and linked employees of all companies are included, depending on the specified settings. All the employees that are linked to the persons in the overview are displayed. More information is available in the online Help. Note: in the online Help of Release 2021-09 the name Person layer report is used instead of Person overview. The information in the online Help is available by selecting Screens and fields > Reports > Check > Person layer report. The Help text describes the Person overview.  As of Release 2021-10 the name Person layer report will have been changed to Person overview in the online Help.  Action No action is required. Modified and Improved The Upload external changes file and Process external changes screens have been improved Why  The Upload external changes file and Process external changes screens did not clearly show whether a file was still in the queue, had been processed or was being processed. That is why the Status column has been added to the overview of both screens. The Process external changes screen now also includes the Last processing column. How Management > External changes > Upload external changes file > Process external changes As of this release the Status column in the Upload external changes file and Process external changes screens contain the following information: Ready Ready with errors File not processed The Last processing column in the Process external changes screen shows when the file has been processed. In combination with the Start processing column it is clear if a file is being processed or when it has been processed. More information about the added columns is available in the online Help. Action No action is required.  Selection options in Proposed UPIs report have been modified Why The Only employees with UPI filter option is now available in the Proposed UPIs report to include only employees who already have an UPI. With this option the Proposed UPIs report only contains conflicts and remarks for employees who actually have a UPI. How Reports > Check > Proposed UPIs The Only employees with UPI option has been added to the Proposed UPIs screen. If you do not want to assign a UPI to all employees or do not want to link all of them to the Person layer, this option can be selected in order to not include conflicts or remarks based on the proposed UPI. By selecting this option it becomes clearer which employees actually have a UPI. Note: which employees are included in the report, with or without conflicts and remarks, also depends on the selected employee selection. Action No action is required.  Duplicate sick reports were added when importing consultant’s Excel file Why When an Importing absence file was read in the Import Excel file (Consultant) screen that inadvertently contained duplicate sick reports, the Sick leave screen showed two lines with active sick leave. However, only one sick leave is allowed per contract. In the Sick leave screen it is not possible to enter a new sick leave for an employee with an active sick leave because the system checks for this and an error message will be displayed. When importing sick leave this check was not performed, resulting in duplicate sick reports with the same start date. How Management > Import/Export > Import Excel file (Consultant) Employee > Illness > Sick leave The software has been modified to ensure an Importing absence file with duplicate sick reports no longer results in duplicate active sick reports when it is read using Import Excel file (Consultant). We have also made sure this is not possible through other channels for reporting sick leave, such as API and HR Self Service. Action No action is required. Translations of Nature of illness, Reason for leave and Type of leave list of values Why The registration of translations of the Nature of illness, Reason for leave and Type of leave list of values has been improved. Colleagues using the English or German version will notice this in various screens, such as Request for leave and Sick leave. From now on you can also easily see which translations are applied and you can change these as well. How Settings > Recording > List of values (with inheritance) The Language field has been added to the List of values with inheritance screen. When a value in the list has a description in one language but not in the other, the description is displayed as a technical number, such as #10040506#.   The values in this list at the Dutch level have already been translated by Visma. Action If specific values were added to the list for your organization in the past, this may have been done at the Client or Company level. When you have colleagues who use the application in another language, check the descriptions of the list of values in the desired languages. Use the Edit  button to change any technical numbers into useful descriptions. Solved Messages Dutch (Belgium) language option has been removed  Message It was possible to specify the Dutch (Belgium) language for employees. As a result incorrect descriptions could be included in the payslip and the annual statement. Solution Employee > Employee > Employee (supplementary) Employee > Employee > Employee The Dutch (Belgium) value in the Language field (data element number 10) has been removed from the selection list. Already registered values have automatically been replaced by Dutch. Action The corrected employees can be checked using the Change report using the following filter: Data element = Language Modified by = RPD Technisch beheer Publishing Date : 8/20/2021
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20-08-2021 18:47 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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  This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. Some of these changes have been inspired by messages and reports from customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. Modified and improved Five days of paid paternity leave The regulations on paid paternity leave will change on January 1, 2019. Paternity leave is currently two days. Starting on January 1, 2019, this will be extended to one working week (up to five days). Childbirth leave In the new law that enters into effect in January, maternity leave is now called childbirth leave. The employee must take this leave within four weeks after the birth of her child. This type of leave now falls under special leave, which will continue to exist. Please note: Childbirth leave only works for HR Core Business and not when you purchase Payroll Business Only. Childbirth leave now applies for the entire country. This means that when you open the list of values for leave from 1-1-2019, you will also be able to select Childbirth leave. Your action Maintenance > Repository > Manage Parameters / list of values with inheritance If you have added Maternity leave to the list of values yourself, you will have to change this to Childbirth leave yourself. In Leave request you can also choose Childbirth leave from the list in the field Reason for leave.   Publishing Date : 12/21/2018
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21-12-2018 19:39 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Modified and Improved Citizen Service Number no longer passed on to Portal through V3 link Notification For certain customers, HR Core Business provides a set of staff member data in the Portal through the V3 link, including the Citizen Service Number. The Citizen Service Number is not necessary for processing in the Portal, but is checked for accuracy during processing. When a fictitious Citizen Service Number is provided, the staff member cannot be processed and no username or ping ID can be assigned. Solution As the Citizen Service Number is not necessary for HR Core Business and the Portal, the Citizen Service Number (= ssID in the V3 link) will now be provided as an empty value. This solution was released on 1 February, through additional maintenance on xx-xx-2022. Action No action is required. Solved notifications UoS not visible to backup manager (3027882) Notification We observed that not all underlying organizational units were visible to the backup manager in Self Service Business. How The authorization was processed correctly in HR Core Business but not properly passed on to Self Service Business. This problem has been resolved as of the March release. Action No action is required. 4.  Free field not properly passed on to Management Information (2914529) Notification In some cases, the values of free fields included at company level were visible in HR Core Business but not in the Management Information (MI) reports. The forwarding mechanism in the direction of MI was not operating correctly. How  The software has been modified and free fields registered at company level as of the 2022-03 release will be passed on to MI. Remedial action has been taken to ensure all missing data from free fields is passed on to MI, so that both systems contain the same data again. Action No action is required. Collective leave cannot be planned (3123013) Notification A department can be selected when creating collective leave. When a department was selected and then removed, a processing error occurred and collective leave was not processed. How This has been resolved as of the current release. Collective leave is now processed correctly, even after selecting and removing a department.  Action No action is required. Child data – Gender not specified option not processed (3074719) Notification As of 1 January 2021 the Gender field in the Child data screen includes the Gender not specified option for staff members who specifically choose not to specify their child’s gender. However, if Gender not specified was selected and the staff member was employed before 1 January 2021 or their child was born before 1 January 2021, this change was not processed. How The Gender not specified option is only valid as of 1 January 2021 and was not to be used before that date. The issue has been resolved in this release.  Action No action is required.
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17-02-2022 12:48
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New New Terms of employment for Belgium Why  As of this release, two new terms of employment are available for recording information that companies based in Belgium may need: Terms of employment Belgium and Suspensions Belgium. These terms of employment are only intended for registering this information. The data you record in these screens is not be used for salary processing.  How Settings > General > Term of employment clusters As of this release, you can add the Terms of employment Belgium and Suspensions Belgium terms of employment to a terms of employment cluster by using the Terms of employment cluster function. Enable the Auto selection option if you want these terms of employment to be added by default when assigning the terms of employment cluster to a new employee. Employee > Contract > Terms of employment Use the Terms of employment screen to link the new terms of employment to an employee. Action If you wish to use these new terms of employment, add them to the terms of employment cluster or link them to the relevant employee(s).  Modified and Improved More information on the Leave balance screen Why Customer feedback indicates a need for more information on the Leave balance screen, such as the employee’s date of birth and leave scheme, and the reason for a leave request.  How Employee > Leave > Leave balance As of this release, the following information has been added to the Leave balance screen. At the top of the Leave balance screen, the date of birth and the applicable leave scheme. The Reason column, where you can see why a leave request was submitted. Action No action is required. Improved performance of Leave balance overview per month report and Collective leave report Why In previous release notes we announced that we were working on improving the operational reports, starting with leave reports. Release 2021-01 includes improvements to the final two leave reports: Leave balance overview per month and Collective leave. The functionality of these reports has not changed. How Settings > Leave > Collective leave Settings > Leave > Leave balance overview per month Generating reports is now faster. If you run the Leave balance overview per month report, you will see that Excel is the default value in the Save as field. If necessary, you can change this value to PDF. Action No action is required. Raet HR interfaces > Youforce users extended Why It would be convenient if administrators could arrange for the UPI to be included in the Youforce users extended interface so that the Youforce portal can use it to provide Identity and Access Management (IAM) services based on the unique personal identification (UPI). How Settings> Data exchange> Raet HR interfaces > Youforce users extended interface  The UPI required option has been added to the Youforce users extended interface. If this option is enabled, only those employees will be sent to the portal that have a completed Unique Personal ID (UPI) field. Action If you only want to send employees with a completed UPI field to the Portal, check the UPI required option to enable it. Organizational Unit - Sorting search field to look up manager Why If you had enabled the Search by employee code option at the bottom left of the general screen in User settings , the manager look-up in organizational units feature had not yet been adjusted accordingly and the system still showed the Company field first. We have now made the appropriate software adjustments in this release based on user feedback. How User settings  If you have enabled searching by employee code in the User settings, from now on you will see the employee code as a search parameter instead of the company when searching for the manager in an Organizational unit. Action No action is required. Import sick leave optimized Why It would sometimes take a considerable amount of time to collect all required data when importing sick leave before the entire file was finally processed. This caused an unnecessary interruption in the process when importing multiple files. We have now optimized the import process to resolve this inconvenience.  How We have adjusted the procedures for collecting data during the import to reduce file processing time, meaning imports in HR Core Business are now processed faster. The time savings will be especially noticeable when importing smaller files. Action No action is required. Solved Messages Unlink profile from Profile group Message If you had added a Profile to a profile group and you wanted to remove this profile from this profile group on the same day (e.g. because it was incorrectly linked), the system would not save the change and this profile would remain linked to the profile group after saving. Solution Settings > Recording > Profiles This has been resolved. You can now remove a profile from a profile group on the same day as you added the profile.  Action As of this release, you can remove profile groups that were incorrectly linked from a profile group on the start date. Unknown Organizational unit codes in CSV for employees who were transferred via import (1839613)  Message When exporting the Organizational unit (OU) codes via Export CSV, the file showed strange OU codes instead of the OU codes that were imported and visible in the Employment contract screen.  Solution The strange OU codes only appeared in very specific cases, in which only the code was requested in a report. There was no problem when requesting a report with the OU description. This problem has been resolved as of this release. Now, the Export CSV report displays the correct OU code, which is linked to the employee. Action No action is required. Nationality code table was not up to date (2309997) Message The nationality code table did not match the tax administration’s current codes for 2020. As a result, it was not always possible to record the correct nationality in accordance with the official list.  Solution We have adjusted the nationality code table to reflect the tax administration’s official list for 2021. This means that some nationalities are no longer visible, that the description of a number of nationalities has been changed, and that new nationalities have been added. Action We have informed all customers who have entered these nationalities for employees so that they know what they need to change as of 1-1-2021. This change has no direct impact on other HR Core Business users. Memo field in Pregnancy and maternity leave (WAZO) screen generated an error (2270912) Message Adding text to the memo field when saving an illness report resulted in an error message. You could only add text to the memo field after you had saved the illness report. Solution Employee > Leave > Pregnancy and maternity leave (WAZO) This has been resolved. You can now add a memo in the Pregnancy and maternity leave (WAZO) screen without saving the illness report first. Action No action is required. Publishing Date : 12/23/2020
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23-12-2020 19:33 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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12-05-2021 Improved filtering in Workflow definition overview (change 498602) In Settings/ Workflow definition overview, on the Active, Completed, and Authorisations columns the filtering results will match exactly the filled value. 07-05-2021 Er...
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05-05-2021 15:34 (Bijgewerkt op 02-02-2022)
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Notifications Again - Duplicate sick reports were added when importing consultant’s Excel file The September release notes included this message about incorrect addition of duplicate sick reports as described below. Due to a problem with this modified functionality we have revoked the modification on 30 August 2021. The modification has now been improved and will again be available in the October release. Why When an Importing absence file was read in the Import Excel file (Consultant) screen that inadvertently contained duplicate sick reports, the Sick leave screen showed two lines with active sick leave. However, only one sick leave is allowed per contract. In the Sick leave screen it is not possible to enter a new sick leave for an employee with an active sick leave because the system checks for this and an error message will be displayed. When importing sick leave this check was not performed, resulting in duplicate sick reports with the same start date. How Management > Import/Export > Import Excel file (Consultant) Employee > Illness > Sick leave The software has been modified to ensure an Importing absence file with duplicate sick reports no longer results in duplicate active sick reports when it is read using Import Excel file (Consultant). We have also made sure this is not possible through other channels for reporting sick leave, such as API and HR Self Service. Action No action is required. Person level improved – Identity now processed in the same way as UPI We made the following functionality available on 1 September 2021. Why When an employee is hired, the system can determine whether it concerns a new or a returning employee. With a new employee the system assigns a new UPI or Identity. Identity (7013) is used to identify the user in the portal. Unique Personal ID (UPI) (7014) is used to identify a person and can also be used when the person level is not used. With a returning employee the system used to assign the old UPI but not necessarily the old Identity. This resulted in problems in the portal and other systems. That is why the system now processes the UPI and the Identity in the same way. How To enable the system to process the UPI and the Identity in the same way, the software has been modified as follows.  Settings > Recording > Parameters UPI As of 1 September 2021 the name of the Parameters UPI screen has changed to Parameters UPI/Identity. The Fill Identity with field has been added to specify what the employee’s Identity field should contain. When the employee’s Identity is already known in the system, i.e. a person with an Identity already exists for the UPI, the known Identity is used. Note: the preference specified in the Fill Identity with field for Identity applies when a new Identity has to be created. The Fill Identity with field has the following values: Generate automatically The Identity field is to be specified by the system automatically. With this option the Sequence number field and the Leading zeroes option are displayed.  Enter a sequence number if the Identity that is automatically generated should be based on this sequence number +1, this sequence number +2, etc. If the Leading zeroes option is selected, the Total length field is displayed and the leading zeroes are added to the automatically generated Identity up to the maximum length specified in Total length.  Use employee code The Identity field will automatically be filled with the employee code. Use employee UPI The Identity field will automatically be filled with the UPI. Use Identity preference The Identity field will automatically be filled with a preference value. This field will be made available through Self Service. For example, Email address or a value from the organization’s free fields. This field can be modified through an import. When nothing is entered here, the Identity field will remain blank. When Use Identity preference is selected in the Parameters UPI/Identity screen, the Identity preference field can be changed in HR Core Business, or the value will be entered through Self Service when the 10526800PS category is included in the Self Service workflow/processes. In all other cases the Identity preference field remains blank and cannot be changed in HR Core Business. Inflow/Outflow > Create employee Employee > Employee > Employee (supplementary)  The Identity preference field has also been added to the Employee (supplementary) screen and in the Create employee wizard, so it is assured in all our processes. Note: when an Identity is explicitly specified when creating an employee using Self Service category 7013PS, that value will be adopted in HR Core Business without validation. Validation will take place during processing. When in the Parameters UPI/Identity screen it has been specified that the Identity should be assigned automatically, the Identity field can remain blank. The Identity will then be assigned automatically. Action Specify your option in the Fill Identity with field in the Parameters UPI/Identity screen with the required start date to ensure one method is used for the Identity throughout the organization. Include category 10526800PS in the Self Service processes if the Identity preference field is to be used.  Modified and Improved GDPR – Some data was wrongly synchronized between Person level and Employee level Why Some data was wrongly synchronized between the Person level and the Employee level. Some of the data has to be removed or anonymized to comply with GDPR. How  The data that was wrongly synchronized between the Person level and the Employee level has been removed from the synchronization process. The data that had to be removed or anonymized to comply with GDPR has later been added and will be properly removed or anonymized as of the October release. Action No action is required. Work schedule can now be generated for a period longer than 2 years Why Up till now work schedules could only be generated for a maximum period of 2 years. Where parental leave is concerned, for example, work schedules for a period longer than 2 years are useful, which is why as of this release a work schedule can be generated for a longer period. How Settings > Work pattern > Generate work schedule As of the October 2021 release a work schedule can be generated for a maximum period of 4 years. Action No action is required.  Solved Messages List of values only consisted of 20 pages (2851105) Message  The List of values screen only showed a maximum of 20 pages. When the list of an Element consisted of more than 20 pages it was not possible to view all the values.  Solution This has been resolved and as of this release the List of values screen includes more than 20 pages. Action No action is required.  HRSS parental leave failure (2848055) Message  It was not possible to request parental leave with a start date that equaled the date of employment.  Solution The software has been modified and as of this release it is possible to hire an employee on, for example, 01-10-2021 and request parental leave as of 01-10-2021. Action No action is required. Publishing Date : 9/21/2021
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21-09-2021 20:43 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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On Wednesday September 11th we have put an extra release in production in which we changed the following. Changed and improved Search function Archive extended Why Self Service users usually check for mutations from recent history. Too many items are displayed based on current filters. How It is now possible to search for mutations per effective date. The search function of the Archive has been extended with effect from 11 September 2019 with an effective date (from and including) filter. In addition to the user-friendliness, this screen will retrieve the data faster by using the new filters. This filter shows as default value the mutations with an effective date starting from 3 months ago to today. If desired, you can select a different time period. Your selection will be saved for the duration of the session. If you press the red filter then you clear the period and you can select a new period. If you leave this screen and then return to it, the last used selection will be displayed again. The starting date that can be searched is the starting date that you see in the top right of the forms. Publishing Date : 9/16/2019
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16-09-2019 18:02 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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  This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. Some of these changes have been inspired by messages and reports from customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. Modified and improved 1.  Travel distance calculation parameters – Google Maps to Webservices Why As was specified in the March release notes, we will start using Webservices again instead of Google Maps as of the April release. Below you will find information on the major changes you as a client will experience. What has changed? Calculation of number of kilometers In Google Maps the calculation was always based on the optimum route. In Webservices the calculation is based on the shortest or fastest route. You will have to specify your choice in the set-up once. See Your action. House number and house number suffix When Webservices was used in the past, it was not possible to calculate the distance between the house number of the location and the house number of the employee. This was possible with Google Maps, but house number suffix could not be used. This time Webservices calculates the travel distance using both house number and house number suffix. No house number of location When no house number is specified for a location, the calculation will be based on the central location of the specified postcode. Foreign addresses and Country field The travel distance for foreign addresses can now be calculated as well. When it concerns a location, the field Country must be entered correctly. If no country is specified, the calculation will automatically be based on The Netherlands. When will calculation take place When the transition is made from Google Maps to Webservices, nothing will change in the already calculated data. A distance calculation will take place when: You change the address data of the location. You change the branch of an employee or add a location. You change the employee’s address data. You want to determine the travel distance collectively. You change the field Automatisch berekenen (Calculate automatically) for the employee from No into Yes. Your action Maintenance > Repository > Configurate traveldistance calculation The Route field has been added again to the Send Data for determination of traveling distance screen. With Webservices the route can be calculated based on the fastest or shortest route; the default value is Fastest route. If you want to use the shortest route, you have to modify this field. If the field was already set to Fastest route before Google Maps was used, this value will now also be used. Maintenance > Repository > Determine travel distance collectively (Reisafstand collectief bepalen) The transition from Google Maps to Webservices does not result in automatic recalculations. If you want the travel distance for the entire company to be recalculated to ensure everyone uses the same route calculation, you can have the travel distance determined collectively. Company > Location If there are foreign locations and you want to include these in the automatic travel distance calculation, the Country field must be entered correctly. 2.  Configurate traveldistance calculation – Additional Rounding option (change 530662) Why If you have the commuting distance calculated by Payroll Business automatically, you can now also round the travel distance up to whole kilometers. How Management > Repository > Stuurgegevens reisafstandsbepaling (Travel distance calculation parameters) The Rounding up (whole kilometers) option (Afronden naar boven (hele kilometers) has been added to the Rounding travel expenses commuting km field (Reisk. Afronding km woon-werk) in the Configurate traveldistance calculation screen. Your action Management > Repository > Determine travel distance collectively (Reisafstand collectief bepalen) If you want to use the new option, Payroll Business has to re-determine the commuting distance of all employees. To enable this, you have to specify the required Reference date in the Determine travel distance collectively screen: 1-1-2019 or later. 3.  Travel distance calculation – Block until address changes Why If you had made deviating agreements about the travel distance calculation, or had consciously opted for calculating the one-way trip distance yourself, you could only select No in the Automatisch route berekenen (Calculate route automatically) field in the employee’s Travel expenses screen. As a result, no calculation would ever be made until you changed the field to Yes. As of this release you can have the travel distance calculated automatically when the address of the branch or of the employee changes. How Employee > Terms of employment > Terms of employment > Travel expenses The No, until address change option (Nee, tot adreswijziging) has been added to the Calculate route automatically field (Automatisch Route berekenen) in the employee’s Travel expenses terms of employment screen. When you select this option, the number of kilometers you have specified yourself will be used until the address of the location or of the employee changes. When one of these addresses changes, the No, until address change value in the Calculate route automatically field will be automatically changed to Yes. Your action When you want to use the No, until address change option, you can specify this in the Calculate route automatically field in the employee’s Travel expenses terms of employment screen. 4.  OE code displayed in the organizational structure Why When improvements to the workplace were identified – in lean terminology referred to as the Gemba walk – it was specified that the names of the organizational units were often very similar. This applies in particular to companies with a large organizational tree structure. It is, therefore, preferable to not only display the organizational unit’s description, but also its code. How Management > Repository > Organizational structure > Organizational units When the organizational tree structure opens, you will now see the description of the organizational units followed by a code in between brackets, for example Business Unit Amersfoort (10001).  Your action No action is needed. Resolved notifications 5.  Empty lines in collective leave report (change 431045) Message Company > Leave > Collective leave Sometimes empty lines were included in the report that was generated when entering collective leave. This was due to the fact that a collective day of leave was assigned to employees who were specified as being employed in the future. It was impossible to retrieve the name of such an employee, resulting in an empty line.  Solution The software has been modified. As of this release the names of employees not yet employed are also included in the report for whom a collective leave deduction in the future applies.  Your action No action is needed. 6.  Workflow could not be linked to active notification (change 1289064) Message Management > Active notification When linking a workflow to active notifications, an error message was displayed and linking was no longer possible.  Solution This problem has been solved and the workflow can be linked again as usual. Your action No action is needed. 7.  Leave - Leave date in overview and registration of double hours when not settling (change 1155337)  Message Sometimes double hours were displayed in the Not settled column (Niet verrekend) where leave was concerned that should not be settled. An employee had booked 8 leave hours that should not be settled. However, the overview stated a balance of 16 hours that should not be settled. Solution Employee > Leave > Leave balance  This problem only concerned the Not settled column (Niet verrekend) and has been solved. Your action No action is needed. 8.  Leave requested, other hours than expected are processed (change 1236776) Message Leave request through HR Self Service When leave was requested and a start and end date were specified as well as the hours, half of these hours were booked per day, and 24 hours on the last day of the leave period. This was due to the fact that the work schedule was created twice and the hours were, therefore, divided across both schedules. Because an end date was specified as well as the required leave hours, the remainder of the hours was allocated to the last day of the specified period. (With a maximum of 24 available hours per day.) Solution The software has been modified as of 1 January 2019 and no more double work schedules are created. Your action No action is needed. Publishing Date : 3/22/2019
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22-03-2019 18:40 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Notifications Translated screens Some of the HR Core Business and Payroll Business screens have been available in English and German so far. However, we are receiving more and more requests to make the application fully available in other languages. In the course of this year, we plan to translate more screens: HR professional screens will be translated into English, German and French. Screens for payroll professionals and other users will be translated into English. As of this release, a large part of the screens of the Employees menu has been checked and translated. The other menu options will follow in the coming releases. Once this menu is fully translated, we'll let you know. Note Some fields have a list of values defined at the Client or Company level. In this case, you administer the list and the translations. You can maintain the list at Settings > Recording > List of values  New New field - No Risk Policy applies Why To make the WAO/WIA registration easier, we have added the No Risk Policy applies field to the WAO/WIA registration screen as of 1-1-2021.  How Employee > Illness > WAO/WIA registration. You can enter yes or no in the No Risk Policy applies field. The field is also included in the data integration package for upload to Medical Leave Management. Action No action is required.  Modified and Improved  Employees with the same Start and End date of employment were not sent to Youforce Portal (1631185) Why If an employee was given the same End of employment date as Start of employment date, the End of employment date was not sent to the Youforce Portal. As a result, the End of employment date did not appear in the underlying systems. How As of this release, if you enter an End of employment date for an employee that is the same as the Start of employment date, the End of employment date will be sent to the Youforce Portal and then on to the underlying systems. Action Management > Data exchange > Portal Management Redeliver (employee) To ensure that the data (in this case the End of employment date) is the same in HR Core Business and the Youforce Portal, you can resubmit an employee’s data to the Youforce Portal with the Portal Management Redeliver (employee) function. This will also update the underlying systems such as Management Information. From the June release you can use this link for both the V1 and the V3 link. Digi-ZSM - Report of illness at 42 weeks sometimes not sent to UWV (2594769) Why The report of illness at 42 weeks was not always sent to UWV. How This issue has been resolved. The report is now sent to UWV as usual. Action No action is required. Performance - Occupancy overview in HR Self Service (2705936) Why When requesting the occupancy overview in HR Self Service, it sometimes took an inordinate amount of time before the information was displayed, or it was not displayed at all. How We have implemented improvements in collaboration with HR Self Service so that the information is displayed faster and the screen no longer freezes. Action No action is required. Solved Messages Leave reports in Management Information not aligned with HR Core (2608937) Message  The leave data in the reports in Management Information (MI) occasionally differed from the leave data in HR Core. This was because the leave data was not properly transferred to the MI reports. Solution We provided a solution for this issue on 29 April 2021. See Action what you need to do to ensure that the MI reports show the correct leave data. Action Settings > Grant leave entitlement > select Correct current leave year You must correct the current leave year at company level in HR Core Business to ensure that the MI reports contain the correct leave data. When you correct the current leave year, the data for all previous years will also be corrected. Keep in mind that it may take some time before the current data is available for consultation in the MI reports. It is not possible to grant parental leave in the leave scheme (2695815) Message  Prior to this release it was possible to check the Parental entitlement field for different types of leave within one leave scheme. However, upon saving, the system froze and the change was not saved. Solution From this release, a message will appear if the Parental entitlement field is checked for another type of leave within the scheme.  Action No action is required.  Type of illness in Sick leave screen did not match help text (2713858) Message The list in the field Type of illness did not correspond to the types of illness in the help text on the Sick leave screen. Solution The help text has been adjusted so that the correct values now appear in the explanation of the Type of illness field.  Action No action is required. Leave entitlement cutback - reason not available (2726639) Message It was not possible to record the reason for reducing leave in the Cutback leave rights screen.   Solution This issue has been resolved. You can now indicate the reason in the Reason leave entitlement cutback field in the screen mentioned above.   Action To ensure that the correct reasons appear under Reason leave entitlement cutback, you must choose the value again at Settings > Recording > List of values. After this, you can save the cutback of leave entitlement with the correct reason. Publishing Date : 5/21/2021
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20-05-2021 21:39 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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Notifications Online release sessions The first release session was organized on Tuesday, March 2 as part of a pilot to explain the March release in more detail. The pilot will be continued during the coming months and a one-hour info session will be arranged in the week following the release to further explain the most important changes. We will devote extra attention to what you, as a customer, need to do in order to get the most out of modified or new features. We hope that this will clarify the Release Notes and the Actions listed for some of the changes. The second release session following the April release will take place on Tuesday, March 30, at 14:00 (CET). We will let you know how to sign up for the release session via the Community as soon as possible. You can also contact your Customer Success Manager. New Job information screen - new Job category field Why It may be useful to indicate which jobs have much in common, which is why the April release will include the new Job category field in HR Core Business.  How Settings > Formation and Organization > Job information As of 1 January 2021 the Job information screen includes the Job category field. It can be used to specify the category a specific job belongs to. The possible values can be specified using the List of values function.  Settings > Recording > List of values > Job information The Job category list of values has been added to the Element field list in the Job information screen. Jobs can be clustered more easily through this list of values. Note: there is no interdependency between the Job category and Job values. The new Job category field will also be added to the Recruiting API that is being developed.  Action If you want to use the new feature, you can create a list of values. If you do not want to use this feature, you need not do anything.  Employee (supplementary) screen - new Candidate ID (ATS) field  Why As of this release the new Candidate ID (ATS) field is available for registering details about the recruitment of an employee.ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System, a generic name in recruitment systems. How Employee > Employee > Employee (supplementary) As of 1 January 2021 the Employee (supplementary) screen in the April release includes the Candidate ID (ATS) field. This is a free field for registering how an employee was recruited (max. 50 characters). Action No action is required.  Sick leave screen - new fields in Additional information tab  Why As of this release the Additional information tab includes two new fields for registering information about sick leave. How Employee > Illness > Sick leave The Additional information tab in the Sick leave screen includes two new fields: Action list: The corresponding list of values can be maintained per client. Brief note: An alphanumeric field for the input of text (max. 100 characters). Settings > Recording > Free fields Create the fields by selecting Settings > Recording > Free fields. These fields can then be selected for all screens and added using Settings > Recording > Expand screen. All the added extra fields are included in the Extra information panel. The new fields are included in the MLM domain API. This means that the fields can also be used in Medical Leave Management. Action No action is required.  Solved Messages Updating person fields when creating a new employee Message When creating a new employee where the person layer has been activated and the person has already been created, the following may occur: If a person had been created with, for example, House number suffix and a new employee was created without House number suffix, the House number suffix was sometimes not removed for that person. Solution This has been resolved. The fields are now correctly updated when a new employee is created. Action No action is required. No scrollbar in Expand screen function (change 2511657) Message Settings > Recording > Expand screen When the number of screen elements added through the Expand screen function is so large they cannot all be displayed on the screen, no scroll bar was available to view the remaining added elements. Solution Following this release, a scrollbar is displayed when there are more elements that can be displayed on the screen.  Action No action is required. Leave balance incorrect (change 2591261) Message Sometimes the leave balance was set to 0 following recalculation. Solution This has been resolved as of this release.  Action No action is required. Leave year presentation error (change 2486514) Message Settings > Leave > Grant leave entitlement Sometimes the leave year was presented incorrectly when executing the New leave year action. Solution This has been resolved; as of this release the leave year is presented correctly again.  Action No action is required.
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19-03-2021 19:27 (Bijgewerkt op 21-02-2022)
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This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. Some of these changes have been inspired by messages and reports from customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. Verbeteringen Betrouwbaardere levering van gegevens voor de HR Data Feed Waarom Veel van onze klanten vertrouwen op de HR Data Feed voor de levering van operationele gegevens voor hun ERP-, CRM-, Procurement-, Fleet Management- of Identity and Access Management-oplossingen en hun financiële oplossingen. Het is gebleken dat de hoeveelheid gegevens en het gebruik van de HR Data Feed steeds intensiever wordt en dat dit van invloed is op de verwerking en tijdige levering van bestanden. Dit willen we graag verbeteren. Daarom hebben we een aantal extra stappen ingevoegd om het verwerken van gegevens en het afleverproces te verbeteren en ervoor te zorgen dat gegevens vóór 06.00 uur 's ochtends beschikbaar zijn. Hoe In komende releases worden verbeteringen doorgevoerd om tijdige levering van gegevens in de toekomst te garanderen. Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig. Opgeloste meldingen Rapportmodel en HR Data Feed zijn uitgebreid met meer dan 130 nieuwe velden (change 1023780, 1027135, 1030221, 1030249, 1030391) Waarom We hebben het rapportmodel en het HR Data-model uitgebreid voor een beter gegevensbereik, door meerdere klantaanvragen tegelijk te groeperen.  Hoe Toevoegingen Alle velden voor de entiteit Garantie Loon zijn toegevoegd Er zijn twee velden aan de entiteit Overuren toegevoegd (G) Uren tijd/tijd extra (Overuren) (L) Uren tijd/tijd extra (Overuren) Velden voor Toeslagen Vast Uitgebreid toegevoegd Veld Z5 en verder Er zijn twee velden aan de entiteit Medewerker toegevoegd UPI Contract volgnummer Er is een veld aan de entiteit Rol Toewijzing UM toegevoegd Het veld Incl onderliggende OE’s Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig. Gegevens in standaardrapporten R-AL-10300 en R-AL-10320 komen niet overeen (change 999473) Melding Wettelijk verlof van vorig jaar ontbreekt in rapport R-AL-10300. Wettelijk verlof van vorig jaar wordt weergegeven in het standaardrapport R-AL-10320. Na analyse is gebleken dat Wettelijk verlof van vorig jaar niet wordt weergegeven in rapport R-AL-10300 vanwege een vervaldatum. Oplossing Het rapport is gewijzigd. Vanaf deze release worden in het standaardrapport R-AL-10300 dezelfde gegevens weergegeven als in het rapport R-AL-10320. Uw actie Er is geen actie nodig. Publishing Date : 1/31/2019
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31-01-2019 20:45 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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Notifications Menu adapted - Inflow changed to Inflow/Outflow Why Adding the menu option Proposed transition payment and the wizard Copy employee - Transition payment  means that outflow processes are now supported via the Inflow menu, alongside the inflow processes. With the January 2020 release, the name of the menu item has therefore been changed from Inflow to Inflow/Outflow. How Employee > Inflow/Outflow The name of the menu item has been changed. Your action No action is required. Resolved notifications Incorrect presentation of leave - Leave exceeding the annual limit was booked in the old year (change 1888123) Notification While Leave Year 2019 was still active, leave from 2020 was sometimes taken. These deductions were recorded in the Settled column for 2019. However, when the new year was created, these deductions were also processed in the new year, with the transferred hours also being reduced by this amount. Only after the recalculation of the previous year were these deductions correctly processed and entered in the Settled column for 2020.   Solution The time at which leave is taken determines how the leave is booked and provides the basis on which HR Core Business recalculates the relevant leave years. From now on, leave booked for 2020 while the 2020 leave year has yet to be created will be debited as soon as the leave balance for leave year 2020 becomes available. In other words, it will no longer be initially debited from the 2019 balance. Leave booked in 2019 will be debited from the 2019 leave year. Leave booked in 2019 while the 2020 leave year is already available, will be debited from the balance of the 2019 leave year. Any balance carried forward from 2019 to 2020 will be reduced by this amount. In the event of leave being booked in previous, inactive years, make sure that all previous years are automatically recalculated. Your action We advise you to remove leave year 2020 by using the action Undo current leave year. The actual leave year will be 2019 again. Here you can calculate the leave balance again by using the action Current leave year correction. After finishing this action you can create the leave year 2020. Authorization group - new authorization group not immediately visible (change 1418078 ) Notification When a new authorization group was created, this new group was not immediately visible and could not be assigned. This was because HR Core Business always checked whether an authorization group was available on the first day of the current period and only then displayed it on screen. Solution The checking procedure has been changed. HR Core Business now reviews the entire (current) period to see which authorization groups are available and which should, therefore, be displayed. Your action No action is required. Problem saving email addresses that contain uppercase letters (change 1924212) Notification Saving an email address that contained an uppercase (i.e. capital) letter was not possible because it was not seen as a valid entry. This was due to a new validity check for email addresses. Solution The check has been adapted so that you can simply save email addresses that contain uppercase letters. Your action No action is required.   Publishing Date : 2/21/2020
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21-02-2020 17:39 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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Announcements We have adjusted the june release notes.    Easycruit fields added to the 'Aannemen kandidaat' form On the form 'Aannemen kandidaat' (Accept candidate) there are now 5 fields on the "Aannemen kandidaat" form which are filled in with a (correct) value from Easycruit. However, with the import we are getting a mismatch with Self Service fields because the layout of the self-service fields differ from that of Easycruit. These values on those 5 fields are causing an error message on the form. These error messages are not acceptable. That is why we have decided to remove the automatic filling in of these 5 fields. This will take place in the July release. it's concerning these 5 fields: Gender (Geslacht) Salutation (Aanhef) Nationality (Nationaiteit) Marital Status (Burgerlijke staat) Country (Woonland) New Add attachments in recruitment process All Self Service We have a new functionality available to add attachments from Easycruit. After selecting a candidate, the user can add attachments, with a few clicks, from Easycruit to the Self service process and can now be redirected to the personnel file.  In the July release we will add 2 improvements into this process:  All attachments shall be default selected when entering the form "Kandidaat aannemen" to reduce the step to go back; After clicking on the button "Kandidaat aannemen" you get a message: ""Please note! If you press the" Accept candidate "button, you cannot go back to add attachments from Easycruit." Until the July release these instructions are the way to add the attachements from Easycruit: When a user is in the form 'Aannemen kandidaat', the user can click on the 'paperclip'. A selection screen with all available attachments will now appear. You can select or deselect each attachment on the screen. After clicking on the OK button, the user sees the selected attachments. The user can go back by clicking on the paperclip, to adjust the selection. The selected attachments are processed within the (re)hire process. The user can continue with the (re)hire process by clicking on the button: 'Kandidaat aannemen'. Modified and improved Easycruit fields added to the 'Aannemen kandidaat' form The new fields are placed on the existing 'Aannemen kandidaat' form and are immediately visible and are linked to the corresponding Rubric codes of the HR Core systems. You do not have to take extra steps. We have added the following fields to the 'Aannemen kandidaat' form. The data for these fields is provided by Easycruit: E-mail (E-mail) Telephone (Telefoon) Mobile phone (Mobiele telefoon) Solved changes Rehire: error message when searching for employee (change 1512580) Problem In one specific case, an error message appeared during employee searches. Solution As from this release, the error will not occur anymore. '500' errors in Start menu and no buttons inside a workflow (change 1443182) Problem Clicking the Start menu causes an error message to appear.  Solution As from this release, the error will not occur anymore. Error in rounding totals to exactly zero in spreadsheet (change 1354358) Problem There are some values that are very close to 0 (for instance, 2.2204460492503131E-16 or -2.2204460492503131E-16). Because of the way computers run calculations, the result of 1.1 + 0.6 -1.7 is not exactly zero (0). In this case, the value shown on the spreadsheet could be 0.00000000000000022. The problem is that we are not using twice the value of 0.00000000000000022. Instead, we are changing the value to string (treated as text), which results in 2.22.  Solution Our software will now convert small values like 0.00000000000000022 to valid values, according to the rubric (the decimal property). Note: There is a limit, and values below 0.00000000000000000000000000001 will be converted to 0.00.. Publishing Date : 5/31/2019
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24-05-2019 20:17 (Bijgewerkt op 01-02-2022)
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New Reason for end of employment now also mandatory when importing external changes and using HRSS Why As of January 2020 the reason for end of employment has to be specified within the context of wage tax return and pension return. As of the February release it was already mandatory to provide a reason in the End of employment reason field in the Employee screen. When no reason is specified, the data in the screen cannot be stored. However, if an employee’s end of employment was specified by importing an end of employment date using, for example, Import/export > Import CSV, external links using Batch input or changes through HRSS, the availability of an end of employment reason was not checked. As of this release the system checks whether an end of employment reason has been specified when importing an end of employment date using the above-mentioned files. When no end of employment reason is available, the file will not be processed to prevent incorrect returns. How When a file that is imported contains an end of employment date, the system checks if the end of employment reason is also available for the employee concerned. If no end of employment reason is available, this will be reported and the whole file will be rejected. Your action When changes regarding an employee’s end of employment are not entered using the Employee screen in HR Core Business but through an interface or HRSS, you must modify the interface or HRSS form to be able to continue to use the change flow. Changed and improved New leave year included in overview Why When a new leave year was assigned, it was not included in the overview. The leave year to which the actions Correct current leave year and Undo current leave year applied was displayed. As of this release the leave year to which the New leave year action applies is also displayed. How Settings > Leave > Grant leave entitlement When a leave year is assigned through the New leave year action, the leave year is displayed when the action has been performed. When assigning leave has not been completed yet or has failed, no leave year is displayed. Your action No action is required. Solved Messages User is created in portal for inactive employee (change 1655273) Message When an employee’s end of employment was reported and the organizational unit was unlinked, a new user was created in the portal. The reason was that the change regarding the employee’s organizational unit resulted in new provision of details to the portal. Solution The software has been modified. When the organizational unit of an inactive employee is unlinked or modified, no details are provided to the portal. Your action No action is required. Employee data cannot be changed due to date of birth in the future (change 1834761) Message When entering employee data, a date of birth in the future was specified and stored by mistake. When the screen was reopened, it was blank and the date of birth could not be corrected. Solution The date of birth has been corrected by importing the correct date of birth. As of this release the system checks if a date of birth is in the future. Such dates can no longer be stored. If you enter a date in the future, the following error message will be displayed: Geboortedatum - Een toekomstige datum is niet toegestaan. (Date of birth - A future date is not allowed.) Your action No action is required. Leave balance 2019 could not be exported (change 1924008) Message It was not possible to export all the leave entitlements of 2019 of employees because the Export button was not available when another year was selected. Solution This has been modified and the leave entitlements can be exported again. Your action No action is required. Leave overview of previous years could not be exported (change 1169353) Message It was not always possible to export an already closed leave year from an employee’s leave overview; the opened year was exported instead. Solution We have ensured that when exporting previous leave years the correct data of the correct year is exported. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 3/19/2020
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19-03-2020 22:12 (Bijgewerkt op 31-01-2022)
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